The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 102 - Letting Loose, Coaxing Feeling


Unlike the others, Apollo didn't wait for them to come in contact with the Demonic Beasts. Instead, he dashed ahead of the others turning into a hurtling shadow. Unlike before, now that he was a full-blown Lesser Demon, his body was more suited to this technique. ​​

The Partial Shade Silhouette turned him into a half indiscernible shadow as he moved forward, crossing over 50 meters with each step. More impressively, the strain on his stamina was far less than it used to be. Of course, this had something to do with the way his endurance was now used.

"What the fuck? This dude is fast!" Aaron exclaimed trying his best to catch up. Unfortunately, they existed on two different planes. His Agility eclipsed that of all the youths who cultivated under a Heaven-Grade cultivation method.

Unfortunately, that wasn't something that existed within the family. At most, they possessed a High Tier Earth Ranked cultivation method. Hence, a shred of envy, as well as reverence, entered the eyes of the other youths.

'Hm? Could it be that small breakthrough earlier wasn't only limited to his internal state? No… perhaps because his internal state has elevated, he is able to exert his muscles to a higher degree, becoming even faster,' Kayn mused as he observed Apollo's distancing figure.

Soon enough, Apollo came before the horde of incoming Demonic Beasts. His calm gaze analyzed their movements, the impact their limbs made with the ground, and plenty of other notions.

Taking in all this information, he smiled. 'They're stronger than the prior bunch. Good, I'll just-'

Placing his hand at his waist, once again, he forgot his weapon had broken. Clicking his tongue, he retrieved a set of throwing knives from his spatial pouch. This time, however, he slipped his fingers through the small rings on the end.

His senses were much more intense. Spinning them around his finger, he could perceive every rotation as if time had slowed down. 'My dynamic vision, it's improved. Let's try a new fighting style then.'

He stomped his foot, dashing forward at a breakneck pace. His body turned into a large black wisp as it maneuvered between the horde. Seconds later, fountains of blood ejected in the air. On the throats of numerous Demonic Beasts, were small puncture wounds as well as knives stabbed deep within.

Be that as it may, Apollo still frowned. He found this unacceptable, 'Not fast enough. I wasn't able to complete the movement. Let's try it again but I'll increase the output.'

The umbra of his shadow crept up his leg, ending at his torso as he smirked at the Demonic Beast. He dodged a plethora of attacks effortlessly as he swayed back and forth. With each passing second, he picked up speed.

Waving his arms, 8 throwing knives whizzed through the air at obscene speeds. Following behind it, he dashed at a speed causing an initial sonic boom. Immediately after, it was as if he disappeared with a large vibration.

When he reappeared again, he caught the throwing knife with a single finger. However, if one looked closely, they would have realized the knife had punctured the skull of three Demonic Beasts in a straight line.

In other words, the force he threw the knives with was enough to treat these beast's physiques as paper. Of course, this was due to a small shift in the usage of his own essence. One must remember, he now possessed attributes.

That attack was a simple use of Metal Essence to sharpen its penetrative abilities and Shadow Essence to obscure its presence. In short, the beasts were unable to sense that incoming "bullet" that reaped their lives.

'Fast but...not fast enough. I think I can move even faster!' Apollo thought with a fervent glimmer in his eyes. Shifting his eyes back and forth, he chuckled. Utilizing the stepping technique at maximum capacity, there were no sonic booms.

Instead, his steps turned soundless, like a phantom. His presence was there but it was enveloped in his technique. Blitzing around the battlefield, he reclaimed the throwing knives plunged into the bodies of the dead Demonic Beasts.

At the same time, the other youths caught up with incredulous expressions. The only thing in their eyes was a black blur and Demonic Beast falling one after another. The numbers of the beasts were dwindling continually.

Of course, the Demonic Beast wouldn't take this willingly. They roared, shrieked, and bellowed with glowering expressions, baring their fangs. Their aura spiked causing Apollo to lick his lips. This is what he enjoyed, heated battle; trampling upon their hopes to survive.

Glancing at his side, Apollo beckoned to the others, "Don't just stand there. They're in the optimal state, come and take advantage."

After riling them up, Apollo retreated, winking at the others. If they had faced these beasts in their previous states, it would have taken a longer period for the monsters to reach this condition.

Regrettably for them, Apollo didn't want to waste any time. As such, he incited their ire. To put it differently, he provoked the beasts so that the battle would be much harder for the others. Needless to say, he had his reasons for this.

"A-Apollo! What did you do? Look at the damned beast. It was bad enough they were in a frenzy before but look at this mess," Aaron shrieked, drawing his sword and slashing down abruptly. A tusk of a Demonic Boar was cleaved off.

However, that didn't stop its maddened rush ramming right into Aaron's chest. Skidding back, Aaron raised his head with anger apparent in his eyes. Tightening his grip on his sword, he rushed forward, silver tendrils flowing in the air.

'Hoh? This lad. He's a funny one. He's made the encounter much harder for the others. I can't tell if he has them in his best interest or he's just impatient. Nevertheless, whatever reason it may be, it works.' Kayn thought as a profound light shone in his eyes.

"Hurry up, you call this battling? Kill faster, be more ferocious!" Apollo bellowed, a crimson glint growing in his eyes as he looked at the others. Truthfully, his eyes honed in on Aaron's battle.

Crossing his arms, he inspected the skirmish unfold from a short distance away. In fact, if he wanted to be could join in with a step.

Because there were only 9 other youths, a few Demonic Beast managed to break through their ranks. However, when Apollo noticed this, he took action but not in the way one would think. He didn't slay them but instead pushed them back.

He either gripped their limbs tossing them back in the horde or simply punched them catapulting them back in.

Either way, his actions further incensed the beasts. Some even threw caution to the wind and attacked their allies in their mania. At this, Apollo chuckled. Their behavior was laughable. In a rage, they attacked any and everything.

Soon enough, the countenances of the youths once again became pale. However, more than half of the beast still remained.

"You may all retreat. You've reached your limits, any further and you'll possibly endanger yourselves. Granted, if you desire to go further, show me. Prove to me that you think this isn't enough," Apollo commented, glancing at the bated breaths of the others.

"I-...I can still go on! I won't give up yet," Aaron exclaimed, stabbing his sword in the ground using it as a brace to stand. Midway through, Apollo pulled him up to his feet, looking him directly in the eyes.

"That's what I like to hear. Only you can defeat yourself, no one else will care for you. Therefore, even when you can't stand, YOU STAND!" At the end of his remark, a blackened crimson aura coated Apollo's entire arm.

Turning around, he swiped his arm horizontally. A colossal wave billowed forward massacring the rest of the Demonic Beast. A mass of mutilated corpses strewn across the floor. Witnessing this scene, even Kayn's eyes widened.

"Have you seen this technique before?" Kayn inquired when he noticed Cynthia's natural expression. It was as if she was unfazed by this happening.

"Of course. How do you think we truly slew that Wyvern?" Cynthia chuckled in return. However, she also looked at the scene, pensive, 'I think that technique he just used was the first one. It also seems to be stronger. That means…'

Nodding her head, she made her own deductions. At the same time, Apollo approached the corpses. He was confused, why didn't these beast contain any Essence Core?

[They can't. Think back to your body. Remember the story your aunt told you? The force corrupting their body is in direct opposition to the Natural Essence. As a result, they are incapable of fostering an Essence Core.]

'Ah, that's true. How could I have overlooked that fact? But even then, I feel like I should ingest their meat, what do you think?' Apollo examined the state of the beast's bodies. While others couldn't ingest this, his body seemed to be craving these beasts.

[You may. I sense something useful in their bodies. You should be able to benefit from them.]

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