The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 110 - Summoning Circle Invocation, Imploring Voice


〈System Alert! The rewards for the completion of your quest is currently being calculated. After the process is done, you will be awarded. Furthermore, additional rewards will be given due to your irregular way of overcoming your Trial.〉 ​​

'Hm? I'll be rewarded for doing that? However, it's still undetermined exactly how I'll be renumerated. There still exists the possibility of the reward being rather underwhelming. Nevertheless, any item served as a bonus will be an additional help.' Apollo thought as he looked at the fading message before him.

It wasn't long after that Azridan urged him to continue forward with other matters.

[Lad, I'm not sure if your body will return to its prime state before the selection trial. Therefore, I think it's time we act upon that item in your possession. Luckily, now that you've become a full-fledged Lesser Demon, your worries should have lessened a great deal.]

"What do you mean? Does becoming a Lesser Demon also give me other benefits I'm unaware of?" Apollo questioned, withdrawing the Soulbound Demonic Companion Summoning Inscription. As he gazed at it, he felt a faint aura emanating from it. If it was before, he would have been unable to do so.

'Is this the aura of Sin leaking from this item but what type is this?' Apollo thought to himself, thoroughly examining the inscription badge. Faint black wisps of energy wreathed the item in his hand. It even went as far as to seep in his hand without his consent. It found the power in his body to be appetizing.

[Precisely. Now that you're a Lesser Demon, your repertoire of possible Demonic Companions should have expanded. In comparison, it's similar to someone likening a pond to an ocean. More importantly, seldom would you find a being less than a Lesser Demon in the Demon World. If so, they'd be a demon in the process of creation. Of course, there remain some anomalies.]

"I see. So then, I don't have to worry about failing to pick a suitable companion?" Apollo asked, holding back a sigh of relief. He didn't want to get his hopes up before receiving confirmation.

[Precisely. There's bound to be a companion that fulfills your needs. Unfortunately, I must forewarn you. Using that inscription is taxing on your soul, if you don't choose a companion within a certain time period then the inscription will be rendered null. I estimate you'll have no more than one minute.

[Moreover, there is a period of inactivity for this specific inscription. Failure to choose will bar you from entering for another 3 years. Hence, it is always recommended to take losses on a companion rather than possessing stringent requirements. After all, a lacking companion that you can attempt to cultivate is better than possessing no companion at all.]

"I understand what you mean. If it comes down to it, I won't hesitate to make an impromptu decision. However, I have a question, I thought I was unable to select my companion? Also, will these summonings only come from the Demon World?"

[Yes and no. While you are unable to choose, you're able to reject. Based on the feeling of temptation, you'll understand a companion's general strength. That way, you retain the ability to indirectly choose your companion.]

[As for what I call the Demon World, it is in fact a chain of worlds. In total, there are nine worlds harboring a multitude of demons, however, one of them is uninhabited and has been that way for eons. After the first demon monarch, there has never been another.

[As for the other 7, they are ruled over by the Lords whereas the remaining one is where we competed.]

"Who are we?" Apollo asked, embers of curiosity apparent in his eyes.

[That's a tale for another time. It's not time for you to know. Knowing will just make you more curious. When you achieve sufficient strength, I will personally guide you there. For now, we need to invoke that inscription. Use your blood to draw the symbol on the ground. It needs to be rather large as you'll have to sit within.]

Apollo shifted his gaze from the array underneath him to the inscription in his hand. They shared similarities in that they were both forms of "magic circles." The only difference was the origin of the symbols and the intricacies of each circle. In comparison, the inscription was many times more detailed.

" do you expect me to draw this? I don't understand the essence behind this," Apollo muttered, finding himself incompetent as to how he should continue. Even though Azridan made it sound simple, it felt far from it.

[That's the beauty of the item. You don't need to understand the essence, just replicate the orientations. As long as the major parts are intact, then the inscription will activate.]

"Very well then," Apollo nodded. He got to work inscribing the large magic circle to the best of his abilities. He didn't possess any inscription tools but Demons didn't use those. Instead, they used the best material they would muster—their blood. Apollo pricked his finger to draw the circle.

Unfortunately, the immensity of the circle required copious amounts of blood. It wasn't long before his countenance paled but on the bright side, it was nearly done. By the time he finished it, he seemed like a ghost.

[That's good enough. Don't replenish yourself. It's best to enter that plane in this state. The closer to "death" you are, the more demonic one will feel in that realm. Furthermore, the residual Ira afflicting your soul will also work in your favor. You should be tap into powers otherwise unattainable. However, exercise caution and do not utilize it to an extent that injures your soul.]

"So, try to stimulate Ira in my mind but don't allow it to overtake me?" Apollo surmised, taking a seat within the middle of the inscription circle.

[That is correct. Press the inscription on your forehead and allow it to activate.]

Doing exactly so, Apollo's eyes shuddered before closing. An ethereal feeling washed over him, robbing control over his body. In exchange, his soul traveled elsewhere. He found himself within a stifling and murky atmosphere. The grayish cloud seemed both endless and dense.

Furthermore, with that endless expanse, numerous voices called out to him, lulling him in their directions. Luckily, through willpower alone, Apollo barely managed to retain a clear conscience. 'Such strong seems like they want to corrupt me rather than form a contract. It's as if they treat me as prey. Very well, if that's how they see me…'

In alignment with his thoughts, Apollo's soul aura flared containing bits of pure Ira. Despite that, the numerous voices only grew far more intense. The aroma of his soul was a delicacy to them!

"A fresh Demon with such a pure source of Sin. Become my slave," uttered a malevolent voice.

"Become my power," uttered another.

"Hehehe, you won't go far without me. Come, come join with me and we'll taste the most delicious of power," culled a salacious voice. That last voice carried with it an intent nearly capable of threatening Apollo's state.

Thus, he tried his best to distance himself from it. Be that as it may, the longer he stayed in the obscure realm, the more he felt tempted to form a contract with the ever-present mesmerizing voices. This was a trait of the demons—Unforeseen Temptations. There existed no other being more adept in temptations than a demon.

"Silence, all of you," spoke an archaic voice. Surprisingly, after that voice sounded, the voices of the realm quieted instantly. On the other hand, Apollo felt a pang of trepidation. To be able to quell those demons with such ease, what type of existence was this? If it possessed any malicious intent, Apollo felt he would be powerless to resist.

"Young one, ease your nerves. I don't come bearing malicious intent. Instead, I beseech your help. I can tell from the origin of your soul, you have yet to enter the Demonic World and be corrupted by their treacherous environment. As such, you're the only candidate I can look to," spoke the voice in an oddly gentle tone. It sounded almost motherly.

" are you?" Apollo questioned.

"Me? I am a demon of the highest order. Unfortunately, I possess a special identity so I'm unable to disclose that to you. Just know, I am being hunted for the aspects of my abilities. It seems people covet us now. Hard times are among us, we must become a collective. Will you accept this task that I'm willing to delegate to you?" the voice spoke again.

"I…" Apollo paused for a moment, contemplating. Now that he was a demon, he was sensitive to negative intents to a certain extent, yet he sensed none emanating from the voice. This meant only one thing—this voice was genuine.

"I will accept but what is it you need me to do?"

"I implore you to form a contract with my offspring. Grow with them and cultivate them into something capable of changing this world with you. I sense your soul is one capable of great things. Thus, I have no qualms delegating this to you," the voice responded, a tendril drilling into Apollo's mind.

"Your offspring? You want them to become my companion? But what type of demon are you? I need one that compliments me," Apollo responded hastily.

"We are a species beneficial to all. There is no time for me to go into detail. Your soul is crumbling as we speak. Your time is nearly over. What is your answer?"

"I accept!" Apollo's soul bellowed, noticing the murky clouds around growing faint.

"I place my hopes in you then."

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