The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 117 - A New Stage, Initial Grand Scale


After Gabriel urged them all to depart, the doors exiting the hull of the ship opened, extending many large bridges to the ground below. However, before anyone could move, when the doors opened, everyone was stupefied by the density of the Natural Essence in this place. ​​

While a majority stopped and stared at the exit, others scoffed. The one's remaining in awe stood before the others, blocking the exit for the others. Soon enough, clamor broke out.

"Damn! Move your asses! I've been holed up on this ship long enough. Stop acting like backwater dregs who've never experienced dense Natural Essences and move, you're wasting precious time!" scowled a voice in the back. This indignance in his voice grew when he realized no one paid attention to his screams.

"Damn! Are you idiots listening? If just this much is enough to amaze you, you'll never amount to shit!" snarled the voice again. However, this time, his words garnered a response.

"Will you shut up already? What are you in a rush for? I'm willing to bet your offsprings will be amongst the first to be eliminated. Those who are impatient usually are the ones who perish first," chuckled a voice filled with impish intent.

Soon enough, verbose raucous broke out only to be dispelled by Gabriel's loud bellow, "LEAVE!"

Naturally, when he roared, they ran. After all, who would want to face the ire of someone possessing a Zul Lord cultivation base as well as a Spirit Master attainment? Such a combination was dreadful, earning him a position directly under his Family's Patriarch.


When everyone arrived outside, once again, they were shocked. Being inside didn't allow them to see the city in its entirety but now that they were outside, they could. As far as the eye could see, a dome-shaped barrier existed around this entire expansive city.

Furthermore, the city itself was floating, connected to the continents below by chains formed naturally. Not only were they made by condensed Natural Essence, but it consisted of Spiritual Essence of rivaling purity in the same amount. In other words, the chains were the purest form of energy in this world.

Thus, with this being a type of holy land of the humans, this place was heavily guarded. Compared to the guardians beasts over the Zephus Domain, the one here was without contest. An Empyrean Dragon, this was the guardian beast presiding over Pangea Island.

Enthralled by the scene, many people marveled at the sight of the black-gold Dragon in the sky. Its crimson eyes opened from a fleeting moment, sparing them a glance. From that one glance, everyone felt as if their secrets were laid bare; all except Apollo and Ouroboros.

Consequently, the dragon opened its eyes again and silently gazed at Ouroboros. It didn't pay Apollo much attention but when it peered at Ouroboros, it felt a sense of dread, as well as its bloodline cowering. This was a feeling it was never felt before. In this world, even the other guardian beast needed to show it respect.

Hence, it was baffled by this development. Nevertheless, it wasn't something that required its immediate attention as it could sense Ouroboros had yet to even develop power rivaling a Rank 3 Spirit Beast let alone contain the ability to threaten it.

Be that as it may, it wasn't long before Ouroboros and Apollo snapped out of their prolonged daze. With the dragon no longer paying them any mind, they did the same. As such, they shuffled along with the others taking in the towering buildings and majestic layout of the buildings.

Every building located on this island seemed to possess grand origin as they all possessed a sort of imperial formation inscribed on their walls. It served as both a defensive measure and aesthetic appeal. The flawless curvature of the lines left one reveling at their beauty.

"Do you know the history of this island?" Kayn asked, breaking Apollo's ogling gaze.

In response, Apollo shook his head. The book inside the family library didn't mention the history of such an illustrious island. "No, but I get the feeling you want to disclose it to me, so go ahead."

"Heh, with pleasure. First and foremost, this city we're in is the only city on this entire island. It spans across the horizon. There," Kayn paused, pointing to a towering building, threatening to pierce the clouds, "That's the central area. This place is divided into 5 areas, namely: the Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern, and Central Districts. Each of which is broken down further by the standard of essence it houses."

To put it in perspective, Pangea Island was equal in size to the Zephus Domain. On top of that, it housed various mysteries that until this very moment, had yet to be unearthed.

"In this way, I'm guessing these districts have something to do with the orientation of the Academies, right? If I recall what you said properly, all of the War Academies are on this island," Apollo commented, rubbing his chin.

"Correct. This also determines the ranking of the academies. However, for some reason unknown to those outside, entrance into the Central District isn't permitted. Even the Supreme Families are unable to barge into there. Nevertheless, the most important information pertaining to this island is it was unaffected by the Great Shift and the events after." Kayn said with admiration apparent in his eyes.

The Great Shift was the event that happened after the beacon smashed into the planet. The ensuing effect was the continents drifting apart due to the large collision. Yet, throughout all of this, Pangea Island was wholly unaffected.

In fact, those chains held the continents from drifting even further apart and causing further disruptions. Because of this, incomparably pure Natural and Spiritual Essence appeared in this place. Furthermore, it was the only place one could connect with the other world; another reason Spirit Cultivators weren't found roaming all the continents.

Additionally, the essence here was so dense it formed a dense fog. Depending on the area entered, it varied in thickness.

"I see, so even the Terrors were unable to affect this place. If that's so, is that barrier around us natural or manmade?" Apollo inquired, pointing towards the dome encasing them.

"Ah, that. I'm not exactly sure. In some instances, it seems natural while in others, it appears to be man-made. We've come to the conclusion that it is the result of a coalition. It has to be the handiwork of both man and nature. Only then, would you get this abomination we have before us," Kayn uttered with a trace of uncertainty in his tone.

"Hm, an abomination you say," Apollo muttered, his thoughts trailing. 'Maybe this world has secrets that even the inhabitants are unaware of. For Kayn to mention an abomination, this has put a thought in my mind—I'm one as well.'

"That's the only conclusion but that's enough of that. You'll learn more about this place as you climb the rankings in the Academies. In the meantime, we need to find housing. There are only 3 days remaining before registration desks open. Then would mark the start of the trial as well as your most difficult battles yet," Kayn warned solemnly.

In response, Apollo shrugged nonchalantly. As he was now, not much about this world or its youth would surprise him. After all, his mind remained on much more distant places, 'I just want to open my Tainted Temple so I can summon the spirit of a Demon. I wonder, will that be an easy process or will I face bumps in the road as with everything else? Furthermore, how would their power hold up against Spirits?

Unlike Astarat, the world Spirits resided in was an upper world. As such, this raised questions in Apollo's mind. Would their power be similar? What type of ranking did they possess to classify powers and was his grand purpose to defeat them?

All these notions circulated in his mind rapidly, rendering him blank. Fortunately, Ouroboros nipped his neck, jolting him awake, 'It seems I fell too deep into thought.

When he awoke, he realized he was standing before a grandiose inn amongst others. It was specially designed to house those who came in hopes of attempting the Selection Trial with a pavilion-style exterior.

Even if they didn't possess the ability to partake in the trial, just these three days spent in this inn was enough to rectify them journeying afar.

Inside, the amenities were outfitted with state of the art cultivation assisting tools. While there were no resources, as long one possessed their own, this place was a holy ground. The only downside, everything cost Spirit Shards to use.

Thus, it was an unspoken rule to prepare copious amounts of Spirit Shards beforehand. Unfortunately, those of families with lower backgrounds were at a disadvantage. In their situation, they typically funneled all resources to their sole star talent in hopes of making last-minute and game-changing advancements.

Hence, Kayn did just that. "These are the last of the family's Spirit Shards you requested. Rent an Intermediate-Grade Room and make as much of an impact on your cultivation base as possible," he said, holding 3 Spirit Shards before Apollo.

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