The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 133 - Feigned Gold Standard


From the start of the test, approximately 1 hour elapsed. As of now, only 6 participants remained in the test. Of course, both Apollo and Nadida were present. This was of no surprise to Nivel. 


From between their brows, he sensed the prerequisite unyielding will of a true cultivator. Both of these youths possessed the makings to contract with a Spirit. After all, it wasn't a painless process. It required a lot of engraving and the sacrificing of a portion of the mental space.

Despite being able to continue, Apollo groaned, opening his eyes and releasing the Soul Bar. After doing so, the Soul Bar emitted a gold light symbolizing him having achieved the SS Rank, or in other words, the Gold Standard.

Similarly, within a couple of seconds of each other, all of the other 5 youths relinquished their grasps of the Soul Bar, but unlike Apollo, who was feigning his state, the other youths truly struggled to retain clarity of mind.

Some present even went as far as to bite their tongues. Albeit, a primal technique, in this state, it worked. The pain jolted their minds awake just long enough to sustain the short recovery.

When Nivel caught wind of this, he nodded. "I'm impressed. At most, I thought one or two of you would achieve this level. It seems you all want to claim better futures for yourself. You may even be able to contract with Heroic Spirit, of course, that depends upon your own capabilities. 

"I'll now announce the top results. Needless to say, the lack of an SSS Rank potential is to be expected. To achieve a Paragon's status without training is a miracle in and of itself; not to mention tedious. Nevertheless, the results are satisfactory.

"We have 6 SS Rank Aptitudes, 2 S Rank Aptitudes, 25 A Rank Aptitudes, 74 B Rank Aptitudes, and the rest… well you all know your own results based on your color. As for those half of you who failed to meet the requirements… I'm afraid this marks the end of your exams

"However, don't fret there still remains a spot for you. After all, you all possess potential beyond the typical standard for Body Cultivation. Therefore, I'll allow admittance into the Lower 3 Academies. Albeit incomparable to the rest, it is still better than being trained by your respective families," Nivel announced, providing a way out that usually didn't appear.

Due to this, their previously dejected eyes lit up. What little potential they did possess wouldn't be squandered; this alone enlivened them. Even if they were cast away to odd Academies, this was still a substantial opportunity.

"I'll allow you all some time to recuperate as the tests are far from done," Nivel uttered, his eyes focused on the 6 youths who scored an SS Rank aptitude. Although it didn't show, he was ecstatic. If he played his cards right, he could essentially snag a few for his own legion.

Even if they didn't possess talent with the sword, just the fact they showcased ample Spirit Cultivator potential meant they possessed a large possibility for growth. Similarly, this meant their comprehension should be high as well.

Basically, Nivel saw them all as blank slates. If they possessed no skill, as long as they achieved the demeanor matching his practice, he would instill the technique into their being. That way, there were no worries on his side.

As he pondered, the youths entered a state of recuperation. Moreover, the atmosphere contained Spiritual Essence that flowed into their minds of its own accord. There was a purpose for its existence.

After all, while it seemed to be a wisp of gentle energy at first, that wasn't truly the case. In fact, the Soul Bar was by far a tyrannic item. With each second, the volatility of the energy doubled. Soon enough, it reached a level capable of leaving hidden injuries in the mind.

Thus, this modified Spiritual Essence was needed to rectify this issue before it evolved into something with long term effects. If left untreated, their potentials could suffer irreparable damage upon trying to link with the Spirit Worlds.

Of course, Nivel didn't allow them to dawdle. While they recovered, he was already setting up the next exam. This one, however, was different. He would have to monitor it for himself. It was the Elemental Resonance Stele. 

Only after forming a few hand seals did the stele erect. Across its exterior were numerous inscriptions detailing its respective element. Besides the normal ones, there were even rarer elements such as Space and Time. Of course, there were things going beyond the elements but as they were now, their cultivations were insufficient.

Much like the previous assessments, this one was divided into 9 Levels with Level 1 being the lowest and Level 9 being the greatest. 

By the time Nivel finished his preparations, the youth's countenances all took a turn for the better, regaining a tinge of vibrancy. A small smile appeared on his face when he saw this, punctuality always impressed him, even if it was unconsciously.

Afterward, he woke them all with a resounding clap, "That'll be enough, all your mental wounds should have finished healing, but even if they didn't, that's okay. As you take this test, the environment will continue to heal you. I just had to ensure your minds were steady enough to take this next test.

"Due to past errors, we have learned that a muddled mind interferes with the results even if this tests your innate ability. What we'll be testing for is the comprehension you possess. To do so, we'll have you discern different levels of elements you possess an affinity for," Nivel instructed, gesturing towards the stele before.

Meanwhile, Apollo and Nadida conversed about their potential. Surprisingly, this time, Nivel didn't stop them. It appeared that his stern directions had become much laxer due to the presence of their ample capabilities.

"You didn't let me down, no, no, you were far beyond what I thought! Dude, an Empyrean Root? Do you know what that means? That means your body is both strong and has the potential to become exponentially stronger!" Nadida exclaimed, grabbing Apollo's hand.

However, Apollo was taken aback. Only he knew that something was amiss with his exam, 'I wonder how they would react if they learned this stigmata on my body prohibited the energy from entering me properly. If it went on any longer, perhaps the orb would have cracked completely.'

At a glance, the orb used to test the Natural Root semed to retain its former secure state but that was far from the truth. Located upon the sites Apollo rested his hands, indistinct spider web cracks could be seen inside.

In other words, just as Nivel expected...Apollo was a calamitous child! The very appearance of his talent was an omen. Regrettably, this factor would always be overlooked as these orbs were discarded upon usage. It served no other purpose once a person's signature energy was instilled nor could it be flushed.

"I see. You know what they say, it's always darkest before the dawn," Apollo smiled meaningfully. Laced within his words was a sign of him detaching from his old emotional weights. Additionally, it also foreboded to something else.

"Yeah, oh, look. That guy is another one who had SS Rank Aptitude right? Oh! Look, it seems he has conflicting elements. Fire and Water; what an odd combination," Nadida exclaimed, watching as the other youths approached the stele one by one.

The time each one spent up there varied as some possessed singular elements while others more than one. However, what remained constant was that each person was only given a minute to comprehend the element as deep as they could. This, in turn, would present a general indication of their comprehension skills.

"Hmm, Level 6 Fire and Level 6 Water. That's odd. You're a perfect Dual Attibrute," Nivel uttered with great surprise. To have an equal affinity meant two things. One, your shortcomings with each element could be supplemented with little to no effort, and two, your rate of advancement would be a tinge slower than other due to the requirements. 

When one was deemed to be "perfect" in more than a singular element, it meant it was pertinent to their growth they advanced both sides simultaneously, as well as equally. The best-case scenario was to always evade imbalance.

"What is your name?" Nivel asked the gray hair youth with clear cerulean eyes. 

"Leone," the youth replied, lifting his hand. In his left hand, a clear blue flame with liquid consistency was birthed. Soon enough, the same exact flame appeared in his right. In response, Nivel's eyes widened.

"Elemental Overlap! It's surprising that you possess this technique without proper training. I expect you'll reach Level 7 fairly soon. There is, without a doubt in my mind, a spot for you in the Famed 9 Academies," Nivel praised before moving along to the next examinee.

In the meantime, Apollo glanced at the stele. Unbeknownst to him, a strange black symbol appeared in his right eye but when it did, the breakdown of the inscription became clear as day to him.

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