The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 147 - Forming A Plan


As he walked closer, the team backed up. For some odd reason, the feeling Apollo was emanating felt as if he meant harm towards them. Additionally, with each step, the Hellfire in his hand grew in size. From a small pea size, it grew until it enveloped his entire arm encasing it in what seemed like the shape of a sword. 


"W-wait… Apollo, what's the meaning of this? We're teammates. If you kill us, our points will tank!" Klaus uttered, taking a trembling step backward. However, they soon realized they were unable to retreat any further. It seemed as if some invisible wall blocked them from doing so.

"Eh? What is this?!" Leone exclaimed. After bumping into whatever was behind him, he began to feel around. Despite there being nothing there visible to his naked eyes, his hand pressed against a solid wall.

"I think Apollo's assumptions are correct. We have definitely been trapped inside some type of illusion. Our paths of retreat have been cut off. Still, I don't understand why Apollo is coming after us. Has he been possessed?" Leone asked, turning towards Nadida. But, as he did so, his eyes widened in shock.

Unlike the others, Nadida didn't retreat. From the moment her eyes made contact with Apollo's, she had frozen. In the eyes of those around them, her eyes seemed to be lifeless. It was as if the connection to her mind was forcefully severed.

Meanwhile, Apollo nodded his head at this discovery. According to the situation at hand, he had grasped the feeling from before. However, he also noticed some differences. This time, it didn't seem as if he was capable of peering into things unnoticed by the naked eye.

On the contrary, it appeared as if he was capable of "swallowing" people's minds. 'Is this connected to another Sin's ability? It's a shame Azridan isn't here to give me pointers on what is taking place. Nonetheless, based on what is known about Sin, I can assume this is related to either Gluttony or Greed.' 

As Apollo's mind came to this assumption, his expression grew solemn, "Don't move. This goes for all of you. I will try to remedy this situation but it will require you to work along with me. Anyone who resists runs the risk of damaging their minds. Since we lacked familiarity with illusions, there is only one remaining way to deal with it—overpower it," 

When the rest heard this, they couldn't help but tremble. These words sounded like the most reckless plan thus far! The mind was a fragile thing and all of them were inept in the ways of it. Even though Apollo tried to reassure them, it proved to be futile.

"I...don't think I can do that," Leone muttered, defiantly shaking his head. In his case, his spirit aptitude was far too great to leave this situation up to chance. Unbeknownst to them all, this dilemma they now stood in was the objective of this illusion they were under.

It reinforced the doubts they held towards certain matters. Furthermore, it made it so that if the slightest sign of doubt entered their mind, it would be enhanced instantly. Hence, why everyone so adamantly rejected Apollo's idea.

Upon witnessing Apollo frowned, 'Just as I expected, the illusion makes them innately inclined to reject my suggestions to break free of this place. Unfortunately, if I do so'll without doubt damage all of our minds. If I'm not mistaken, whoever has made this illusion has weaved our consciousness together.'

Just as he fell into contemplation, Nadida awoke, her eyes regaining light. However, there was also panic within her eyes, "A-Apollo! There's someone standing before our bodies!" 

"What? How do you know that?" Apollo questioned, interested in this new piece of information.

"Well, when I looked into your eyes. Not only did I feel my mind being swallowed, it felt as if you devoured some veil that was covering my eyes. For a brief moment, my awareness returned to my body. When it did, I saw the silhouette of some person.'

"Hm, I see. Perhaps, we need to experiment with this matter more. Sadly, it'll prove to be quite the task. These ones here rejected my suggestions. Even if we find a way, if they doubt us, we won't be able to escape unharmed."

"Wait, there's more," Nadida added, before taking a deep breath, "The figure seems to be a woman but she was cloaked. Additionally, when they realized I had broken away from their illusion, they reinforced the potency of the spell at least 5 times over!"

Once he heard this, Apollo fell into a silent pensive state, 'To immediately reinforce the illusion, the person would need to siphon strength from the veil over our minds as well. That should be the weakness in this scenario.'

"I may have a way to resolve this predicament, however, it'll require at least 4 of us. Do you think it is possible to get the others to follow our plans accordingly?" Apollo questioned, glancing at Nadida.

"Maybe. In all honesty, I'm not certain. When I looked into that person's eyes, it made me feel as if breaking free was an impossibility," Nadida answered, her expression gradually showing signs of becoming crestfallen.

Fortunately, before she could sink deeper, Apollo imbued his fingers with Demonic Anima and snapped. A strong shockwave sounded next to her ears, jolting her away.

 "E-eek! My ears!" Nadida exclaimed, clutching her head. 

"We can't allow doubt to enter your mind as well. It's already bad enough that we are the only two of sound mind right now," Apollo stated. After doing so, he walked over to Klaus and Leone as well.

Since there was no other choice, Apollo would have to take more primitive actions.

Although they tried to retreat once again, there was nowhere to go. Thus, as Apollo repeated his actions, their bodies trembled. If one looked closely, they'd see thin trickles of blood flowing from their ears.

"A-aaaacgh!" they screamed in pain together. However, unlike before, their eyes were clear, the shroud of uncertainty dissipating from within.

"M-my ears… they hurt so bad! Oh, it's so damn bad," Klaus screamed. Due to one ruptured eardrum, he was unaware of just how loud he was yelling. 

"Damn! Shut up!" Leone scowled, punching him square in the face. In light of this odd development, both Apollo and Nadida became surprised. Although, Apollo had a semblance of an idea about what was taking place.

'I'm pretty sure the traces of Wrath in my energy has incited their anger. Nevertheless, this is better than them having doubts about proceeding forward.'

"Are you two proper now? If so, let's discuss the plan to overcome this illusion. Even if we can't use the other 6. I believe the strength of our 4 combined consciousness should be enough," Apollo stated, crossing his arms while awaiting the other's responses.

"W-...what do you have planned?" Leone asked, holding his ear. Despite wanting to, he didn't heal his ear. If this place wasn't real, then the pain should uphold the clarity of his mind.

"The same thing I did with Nadida. All three of you need to look at my eyes simultaneously. When that happens, all three of you should momentarily break free. At the same time, the illusion upon the rest of us should weaken. It is then I will try to forcefully break," Apollo disclosed.

"I see but what about those 6?" Leone pointed at the ones still covering against the invisible wall.

"Once the illusion is weakened, it shouldn't have too much of an effect on their minds, if any at all. Because, when you break free, the issuer of this illusion will shift their attention to you. Therefore, our worries should vanish," Apollo responded.

In response, the three nodded. They had come to terms with the fact those 6 would have to become experimental sacrifices. Whether or not they triumphed over this matter was their own concern.

Soon after, Apollo closed his eyes once again. This time, the feeling he was searching for was much deeper. 'I must devour all, so, supply me with stronger greed. If I'm to become to Monarch, I must covet all!'

Upon finding the right mindset, Apollo opened his eyes. Surprisingly, inside his eyes seemed to be a kind of void. In place of the previous amethyst color, an enrapturing deep-black whirlpool appeared in his right eye. 

Concurrently, Nadida, Leone, and Klaus looked into his eyes. Much like before, they fell into the state Nadida did earlier. 


Back inside the true Dark Ruin Labyrinth, 

With strong gasps, Nadida and the two others awakened. As she described, the silhouette belonging to a female appeared before them. However, upon closer inspection, it didn't seem to be an actual person.

"T-that's an Illusion Wraith Fox!" Leone exclaimed.

A grey light shined under the hood of the figure as it noticed those who broke free of its control.

"You little vermin, return to my mindscape and forever be trapped. You shall know what it feels like to be trapped. We are not mindless beasts to be trapped in a cage and used for slaughter at the whims of you vile humans!" the silhouette erupted, taking on the form of a 6-meter long fox.

However, its eyes soon rattled with trepidation when it noticed something else taking place.

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