The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 15 - Punishment

Apollo stopped tumbling when he arrived next to Aaron's. He staggered to his feet as he wiped the trail of blood flowing down the corner of his mouth. However, as he looked at the notification before him, he truly wanted to murder this boy Axel.


«Damage received. -4 Health. 11/18 Health remaining.»

[Control your rage and channel it into power for your next move. Use your surroundings to your advantage and team up with your partner. Remember, this is a fight, anything goes.]

'That's right, this is a fight. I can do anything I please. I will make him feel the same way this body felt,' Apollo inwardly thought as he gnashed his teeth.

With his mind made up, Apollo leaned over to whisper into Aaron's ear, "Aaron, we need to take him by surprise. I think you should catch him by surprise! Use your shoulder to bash him when he's unaware."

"That sounds like a good idea. If this works, you can pummel him afterward!" Aaron agreed. Without delay, the two came to an agreement and Aaron made his move. 

Once he arrived before Axel, they exchanged blows. Aaron continued to hold his ground until Apollo caught up. As he noticed him in position, Aaron acted upon their agreement. He changed his stance and rammed his shoulder into Axel's chest.

Due to this hit, Axel was both winded and disoriented for a moment. In response, Apollo capitalized on the moment. He grabbed a handful of dirt and tossed it in Axel's widened eyes.

"A-aghh!!" Axel screamed in pain from the burning sensation of his eyes. He covered and tried to wipe them, but he made a mistake.

[Now! Use this opportunity to focus on his weak spots. Aim for his head, if you cause enough damage there, it will most often spell the end for your opponent.]

'Right!' Apollo listened. He grabbed the two pieces of the broken staff and unleashed fury upon Axel. When Axel was about to regain sight, Aaron ran up and kicked him in the chest once again.

Amid his strike, Apollo was overcome by rage. He tossed away the pieces of the staff and started stomping on the howling Axel. His eye continued to burn with rage, but he soon found himself airborne.

A seething shout was heard from where he once stood. Ashur stood before Axel with an upset face, "Such filthy tactics! Enough!" he roared thunderously. 

With a loud thud, Apollo landed harshly. Even after landing, he continued to tumble for a while to come. When he stopped, he blinked incredulously. His body was in so much pain! Needless to say, Ashur didn't hold back too well with his throw.

«Critical Damage received! -10 Health. 1/18 Health remaining.»

After he saw the message, Apollo tried to stand. By the time he did, Danyul appeared. However, most of his anger seemed directed at Ashur rather than Apollo. He placed his hand on Apollo to monitor him.

Once he was certain none of Apollo's internals suffered fatal damage, he barked at Ashur, "Are you insane?! You're a friggin Rank 8 Zul Warrior and you throw him like that?!" 

"Tch, that's his fault. There is no reason for him to fight in such a dirty way. The fight was already two against one. Not to mention, look at Axel. He is defenseless and they were ganging up on him. So, I acted quickly," Ashur retorted, ending with a scoff.

"Idiot, you should've stopped it when Cynthia voiced her opinion! This matter will be taken to the Grand Elder," Danyul seethed. He knew they should've acted when he gut told him to.

However, Ashur merely glared back which soon turned into a conniving smirk. He thought of something and answered in kind, "Indeed, let's do just that."

Danyul didn't read into his expression to notice something amiss. He placed his fingers in his mouth and person a strange whistle.

In a matter of moments, the Grand Elder appeared before everyone.

"What is it?" Kayn inquired as he gazed around at everyone.

Without fail, both Danyul and Ashur relayed the events they watched unfold. However, in response, Kayn's attention fell on the 3 in mention. 

"Apollo, Aaron, Axel, do you care to explain yourselves? A little bit of strife is not the end of the world, but you seem to be excessively antagonizing each other."

"I-it's Aaron's fault! He didn't follow the rules. Apollo forgot his identity card for dinner and Aaron used his card to get him food. I told him that he was stopping the others from being properly fed! After that, Apollo asked me to fight," Axel blurted as he wiped his tearing eyes.

Kayn responded with a nod. He then turned towards Aaron and shortly after Apollo, "Aaron, Apollo? What is your side?"

"It is true. But, Axel also didn't use his identity card either. It was unfair that Apollo wasn't being fed," Aaron answered truthfully. In his eyes, he did no wrong and would support this idea to the very end.

"While what you did isn't necessarily bad, this world possesses rules. To survive, you must learn to conform to those rules. Young one, this world we live in isn't a fair one. It is one where the strong thrive and the weak remain silent.

"But-" Aaron responded, only to be stopped by Kayn.

"No buts, this matter will be settled. From now on, do away with the trivial clashing. Apollo, Aaron, you were in the wrong first. So apologize to Axel.

"As for you Aaron and Axel, you two need to focus on your cultivation. I expect greats things from you two. You need to prepare yourselves!"

On the other hand, Apollo was incensed by this. In contrast, all Axel got was a slap on the wrist. He looked at Axel's teasing expression and clenched his fist. His small body trembled uncontrollably.

Both he and Aaron didn't like this. As such his mutter came, "No..."

In response, Kayn's expression turned stern, "Are you defying me?"

"It isn't my fault. You.. you guys allowed them to bully me. But I can't fight back?" Apollo retorted as his tremble became more apparent. 

Kayn folded his arms and showed his authority, "I will tell you once again, apologize for your actions. If your position doesn't allow it, you must know when to lower your head."

Unfortunately, Apollo was far past his breaking point. He was reminded of his last moments in his world. His fighting back is what brought his death, but something inside him told him to rebel, and rebel he did.

"NO! You didn't help when Axel, Dylon, Brendel, Klyde, and Ymir bullied me! No one said anything. Everyone knew I was being mistreated but no one did anything! Just leave me alone. You, this world, everything is so stupid-..."


"While you are allowed to be angry, it is advised you watch your tone and words. I will not tolerate disrespect," Kayn reprimanded after delivering a prompt slap. 

In turn, Apollo glared before walking away. However, he was stopped in place as Kayn's aged hand fell upon his shoulders.

"I believe I told you to apologize to Axel. Are you adamant in disobeying to the very end?" Kayn asked in a solemn tone.

As an answer, Apollo shook his head defiantly, "No, I won't. He doesn't deserve an apology."

"Tread carefully, if you insist on being disobedient, you will lose everything."

Once again, Apollo shook his head,  "Then take it away. I don't care. When compared to what everyone else receives, my pills are worth nothing. You guys will never help me, so let go."

[Your words are correct, they won't help you; I will. Forget these mercurial beings and place your faith in my training. I promise you, you will gain strength surpassing this world.]

"Very well. From here on forward, Apollo Kaiser will be stripped of any and all familial benefits. None of you are allowed to render aid. If you do, I will punish you myself. Now, disperse," Kayn commanded as he left with steady steps.

The crowd followed his orders without delay. However, Aaron empathetically looked at Apollo who had a blank look on his face.

Cynthia dragged Aaron away, while also frowning towards Apollo. 'Is this situation even right? They're just making excuses. Why do they make it so hard for him to stand on his own two feet? It's impossible that they have overlooked the change in him."

She felt this wasn't right. Sadly, with the current state of the family, Kayn was the only present Zul General. Although this realm was not extremely strong in this world, in his family until another Patriarch appeared, his word was final.

Once everyone left, Apollo also departed from the area. While walking towards his small courtyard, he understood what he needed to do.

After arriving in his room, he took a seat on the bed. "I'm going to leave. Azridan, teach me the ways of a demon!"

[As you wish! I am glad you accept so early on.]

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