The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 156 - Insignificant In The Eyes Of Others


Repeated clashes were heard, however, one could be found kneeling as he held his own against the continuous blows of his foe. Surprisingly, his adversary didn't appear to target him for his identification at all. No, it appeared to be much deeper, as if there was unmentioned animosity between the two.


"W-who are you? I don't know you and have already offered to give up my points to you, yet you don't answer. So, tell me, why do you target me alone? What about the others in the party," Aaron questioned while lifting his sword to parry an incoming blow.

Shockingly, rather than a successful block, he was blown into the wall, gasping for breath. Yet, while his body looked to be in shambles, his grasp around his weapon didn't loosen in the slightest. In fact, it tightened as a focused expression appeared on his face.

'This entire time this person has yet to utter a word. But, even then, I get this feeling of familiarity when I look at him despite never having come in contact with him. What is this feeling then?' Aaron thought while extricating himself from the wall. Luckily, prior to slamming into the wall, he took precautions.

Before impact, he turned his body in a way that allowed him to avoid the growing moss. While he didn't possess superior senses to find out what they were, a sixth sense gave him a feeling that it was dangerous to make contact with it.

In light of this, his moves grew even more meticulous. Essentially, after he took a combat stance, he didn't make another move.

"You use the sword, it is a shameful weapon. With your origins, the proper weapon is a spear," finally uttered the adversary. Upon mentioning this, golden runes illuminated the shaft of his majestic yet seemingly incomplete spear.

In response, Aaron tried to gather the minimal Natural Essence needed to defend. But, even then, something told him not to defend. Due to this thought, he acted quickly by shifting his feet and performing a half-circle step.

Fortunately, it was enough to dodge a relentless beam of spear intent. However, this wasn't a one and done confrontation. The spear wielder immediately followed up with a precise thrust.

At this point, the only thing on Aaron's mind was retaliation. Thus, he stabbed his sword to meet the tip of the spear. When they collided, whereas Aaron was forced back over 10 meters, his opponent remained standing with zero signs of contact.

"The bloodline runs through you, yet you're a disappointment. Who are you? This impurity flowing through your veins is repugnant. If your bloodline was of a Great Family, it would be acceptable, but you smell of inferiority. So, whose offspring are you? Shall I take matters into my hands and extinguish all traces of the Dongguang from you."

"I'm unable to answer you. The only thing I know is that I'm a Kaiser. Furthermore, I'm unfamiliar with what a Dongguang is. How about you introduce yourself," Aaron muttered, placing a second hand on his word.

Normally, he would wield his sword with one hand. However, this person before him was someone he couldn't afford to take lightly. Let alone two hands, Aaron felt even six would be far from enough. Not to mention, throughout this whole ordeal, he felt this foe was holding back.

"The fact you are unaware of my identity goes to show you lack upbringing as well as background; Kaisers? This name feels oddly familiar but I'm unable to recall where I've heard it. Nevertheless, I am Aran Dongguang, the First Scion—the Scion of the Spear," Aran responded with a plain tone.

Meanwhile, Aaron fell into contemplation. He thought about the words the old man said to them before opening the gates. 'The Scions have entered the mix but that doesn't explain why I've been targeted. Not to mention, he keeps mentioning bloodline. Is there something I'm overlooking here?'

"Dongguang, is of the 3 Supreme Families?" Aaron questioned. Unintentionally, his eyes continued to fall on the spear. For some odd reason, he felt a small resonance within him. Furthermore, it was stronger than when he used the sword. 

Unbeknownst to him, the Dongguangs only wielded spears. Due to this fact, they were lauded as the children blessed by the spear. With it in tow, their advance was nigh unstoppable; only moving forward, never to retreat.

"Correct, it is good to know you're brain isn't completely useless. We are part of the Dongguang Family. Now, I'll ask you again; whose offspring are you and why do you carry our bloodline?" Aran questioned in a more forceful tone. Additionally, a formless pressure released from his body, baring down on Aaron.

When he felt this, Aaron gauged even Kayn's pressure when riled up paled in comparison. This spoke volumes of the young man's power before him. It had to be known, Kayn was a glorified Zul General. At that level, one was capable of doing extraordinary things.

Yet, albeit not reaching that level, the pressure Aran exuded felt on par with such an expert. To witness this was a mind-boggling development. Nevertheless, just because the opponent seemed insurmountable, it didn't deter Aaron. On the contrary, this pressure made him desire to reach that level.

"Hoh? The indomitable spirit of the Dongguang is present and it is pure. Interesting. Now I would like to know your predecessor even more. Such a pure indomitable spirit isn't something that is learned; it must be possessed innately," Aran praised but disappeared soon after.

Unable to track his movements, Aaron tensed. At the same time, he felt for the change in air direction to hint at the position of Aran. Sadly, such a thing didn't happen. The aura Aran encased himself in was like a spear.

In other shifts, he didn't displace air upon moving, he pierced it! Using a linear path, he appeared before Aaron's eyes at an incredible speed. With a sharp thrust, he pierced Apollo's shoulder pinning him to the wall.

"Utilization of senses, Natural Essence, and beyond is all garbage. You need to do better if you wish to become one of us. There is a large potential in you, yet it is untapped. Even you, the owner of this body, are unaware of it. Should I perhaps put you through a hellish experience to draw it out? However, I wonder, what would happen faster; you tapping into that potential or your death?" Aran stated in a tone that came off as rhetorical.

"You keep mentioning the Dongguang. Are you insinuating that I'm one of them?" Aaron asked, gripping the shaft of the spear. Shockingly, when he did so, a searing pain appeared on his palm. The spear rejected his touch!

Aran shook his head with disdain apparent in his eyes, "I wouldn't advise you to do that. This isn't the typical weapon—it chooses its wielder. Those unworthy will incite the ire of this spear that even I am unable to control. After all, Baldur is a Spirit passed down in the family. Only the successor can wield it."

Upon hearing this, Aaron's eyes widened. He had never heard of a Spirit that could be passed down much less a weapon spirit. "Are you saying that's your Spirit?"

"No, this is not my true Spirit; it's the family's spirit. My Spirit has yet to require me to summon it. Although, they are connected since they share the same name," Aran answered but shrugged soon after, "Now, let's quell my curiosity and find out the answer to my thoughts."

An instant later, his spear retracted and stabbed into Aaron's other shoulder. Naturally, an expression of pain appeared. As he sucked in a sharp breath, another strike found his way on his body.

"U-ugh...why do you do this? Simple curiosity? Are you that bored that you'll go to such lengths to antagonize me?" Aaron muttered through clenched teeth.

"I have told you before, the offspring of the Dongguang can't be weak. You haven't even reached the level of a Glory; how unsightly you are. So, in accordance, I must awaken our traits in you to make you stronger. If you are to die in the process then you are not worthy," Aran said.

To an outsider, his logic might sound nonsensical. However, this sight was in fact how many of the youths of a Supreme Family was trained and/or awakened. An older member inflicted damage upon to the point of madness. 

Despite being extreme, it's success need not be mentioned. After all, the Supremes are who remained in power.

Thus, this repeated over and over. In the meantime, Lazaro, Claire, and Aeon stood back watching this matter take place. Not only would they not dare confront a Scion, but this was also what they were going to do anyway. It was like watching a parent complete your homework without lifting a finger.

Regrettably, they were unaware of the unstable storm fast approaching.

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