The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 158 - Wrath Sundering The Skies (II)


As soon as the foreboding feeling encompassing Apollo grew to unprecedented heights, he threw all caution to the wind. Something told him to get to the area in question and to get there with haste. As such, once again, he resorted to exhausting egregious amounts of Demonic Anima to bolster his speed to new heights.


Due to this action, he reached that area very shortly. However, when he did, the sight that greeted his eyes was one which invoked a new type of madness in him. For the first time, his mind gravitated towards committing a massacre. 

The people standing before him retained their lax expressions as they looked at both him and Typhir appear. Not only did they not make any movements, they even had smiles on their face. In actuality, this was all part of their plan.

"Ah, Typhir, you have led the fool right to us. Exemplary deed you muscle brained buffoon. We didn't even need to ask you to do it yet here you are, committing such helpful acts. I applaud oh dumb one," Lazaro chuckled, giving Typhir a condescending and slow round of applause.

In return, each clap stimulated a fury in Typhir; once again, he was being looked down upon. Because of his family's orientation, this type of mocking was a normal happenstance for him. But, that didn't mean he was numb to the fact.

"Tch, your words have no effect on me. Whether this was your intention or not; it doesn't take away from the fact your behavior is distasteful. You behave like a child throwing a tantrum when their toys are taken away. It's really disappointing to be from the same circle as you miscreants," Typhir spat.

Thus, Lazaro's expression darkened. Just because he was aware of his personality didn't mean he gave someone the right to voice their opinion of it, "Watch your words, before I show you why I'm the First Glory of the Great Families," Lazaro threatened whilst narrowing his eyes.

Of course, this threat didn't intimidate Typhir in the slightest. What did bother him, however, was the youth standing next to him. On top of the fact he disregarded the presence of the Glories, he took unhurried steps toward the hole-ridden and faintly conscious Aaron. The closer he got, the harder it grew to hold in his rage.

Even while trying to do so, markings stretched down his arm, all the way to his fingertips. When he came close enough to Aaron, Apollo bent down and placed his fingers before his lips to check for breathing.

Upon noticing a face breath, he turned towards Typhir, "Give me a few of your healing pellets." Unlike before, his tone didn't seem like a pleading one. No, it sounded like an irrevocable command coming from a superior. 

"Hm? Do you believe we'll allow you to heal the boy? The whole reason we left him this way was to draw you in. I'm sure with your sharp senses you were able to perceive a feeling of danger," Lazaro commented, approaching Apollo.

However, before he could get close enough, he halted his steps. An unsettling presence assaulted his body prompting him to examine the situation closely. Then he saw it—an enigmatic, yet extremely dark aura seeped from the body of Apollo before him.

"Take another step, I dare you," Apollo stated, turning his head back at an odd angle with a deranged look in his eyes. Any traces of sanity within appeared to be gone. In its place, there only remained one thing—immeasurable wrath. 

Meanwhile, Typhir acted quickly. He handed Apollo numerous pills who then crushed them to dust and use energy to guide them down Aaron's channel. As he wasn't completely conscious, there was no way for him to perform this action himself. 

Only after the hole showed signs of healing did Apollo leave the matter to Typhir. Afterward, he rose to his feet. He turned slowly, looking at the youth before him. Inside his mind, one word repeated—'Murder, murder, murder, murder…'

At the same time, he took unhurried steps toward them. However, with each step, a suffocating pressure billowed from his body. While it didn't affect the Glories all that much, that could only be said to a certain extent. Surprisingly, once it started, it continued to accentuate without end.

Unconsciously, Apollo was tapping into the Ira sealed within the suppression imprint. Needless to say, his mind didn't factor in or pay heed to any of the consequences that could or rather would follow. Regardless of what happened, vengeance needed to be administered.

"Which one you did it?" Apollo questioned, staring at them. There were no signs of inferiority on him. Typically, one was one to bow their heads when in the presence of all Glories. After all, not only were they strong, their backgrounds were of a pristine standard.

"I don't see how that matters. We're all here for a reason, now aren't we?" Lazaro countered, taking a step forward. He too began releasing a monumental aura of his own. When the two met, it was like a collision of titans. Unlike the other auras Apollo came in contact with, there was something different about Lazaro's.

In fact, as the other released their aurae as well, they all contained the same tempestuous energy. On top of Natural Essence, their aurae were ridden with copious amounts of Spiritual Energy propelling them to new heights.

As a result, the scene that usually happened didn't. Apollo's aura was unable to hamper the flow of their aura in the slightest. This was a first; even after tapping into Ira, he was unable to best the heathens that stood before him.

 Nevertheless, this matter didn't dampen his desire for vengeance in the slightest. On the contrary, under the shade of bloody intent, a glimpse of excitement appeared. But, it wasn't the excitement that came along with undergoing battle, it was the one that appeared when he wanted to break his opponents. A sadistic string of thoughts circulated in his mind but he couldn't settle upon which to choose.

Unfortunately, it was soon brought to his attention that his actions couldn't be sustained for long. Just this simple activation of Ira was once again tormenting his physique.

〈System Alert! An Infernal Ira Stigmata above your means of handling is being utilized. As a result, every 10 seconds that pass .5 Vitality will be sacrificed to remedy the damage done to your body. Additionally, this sacrifice will be permanent. To counteract it, one will need to find new sources to obtain Vitality.〉

After hearing this message, Apollo tightened his fist. Concurrently, Typhir appeared by his side, "If we don't defeat them, or at the very least injure them, we won't make it to the end of the trial. I know we have unquestioned spots in the trial, but I find myself unable to hold back my detest anymore."

Much like the others, a raging storm birthed around Typhir as he grasped the hilt of his greatsword. Subsequently, the intent from earlier appeared once again whilst brandishing the sword. In accordance, the veins on his arm swelled whereas his body shimmered with a bronze light.

"Hoh? Is this fool activating the Heavenly Bronze Body? Interesting, so you're taking this matter seriously. Are you really going against your peers for this imp?" Lazaro questioned, vexation appearing in his eyes.

In contrast to his thoughts, neither Typhir nor Apollo answered with words. Differently, they replied with actions!


Each of them took a side with Apollo going left and Typhir going right. On Apollo's path, there was Aeon, Claire, and surprisingly Vellaria. However, different from the rest, Vellaria didn't seem to want to take part in this. Her eyes kept shifting between all the Glories with a frown. It was odd, but something told her a bad result was to come from this clash. Just, she didn't know what it was.

No words escaped from Apollo's lips, just the weaponizing of his Hellfire. Upon making his weapon, a relentless barrage of slashes fell upon the Glories. Naturally, they drew their own Weapon Artifacts; each of them being at least Rank 5.

When Apollo's weapon clashed with them, a vibration was sent through his arm. The Glories didn't attack one by one but all at once. But, they were shocked to find that something was amiss. With each of them attacking concurrently, they believed he should've been repelled with ease.

Then, why was it he only took 5 steps in retreat? There was a disconnect between the power they sensed earlier and now. After exchanging numerous strikes, they realized something.

"T-this kid is growing stronger throughout the fight! But that's not all, his aura is becoming more depraved. Do we—do we that?" Claire uttered, looking in Aeon's direction. She was unsure how they should advance, hence, she looked to him for guidance.

Aeon gave a solemn nod. He didn't like the aura emanating from the youth before him. If need be, they needed to extinguish his existence as soon as possible.

 On the other hand, a string of information flowed into Apollo's mind now that he had utilized the empowered stigmata for more than 60 seconds.

"Sin Shroud: Wrath's Blanket!" Apollo uttered.

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