The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 3 - Eventual Meeting Of The Fated Ones


"U-ugh..." A low, pained groan passed through the stifling atmosphere. After opening his eyes, Apollo realized darkness still surrounded him!


However, it felt different and caused him to fall into a slight panic. Amid his panicking, an itchy sensation crossed his chest. Seconds later, that itch became a burning sensation.

' hurts!'

Wherever he was, the lack of air made it a monumental task to breathe.

Not only was it difficult to breathe, it felt like he was being crushed. For a moment, no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't move. The fear of the unknown and the weight pressing on his body paralyzed him.

After closing his eyes, Apollo calmed down eventually, which returned a bit of sensation. He twitched his arm and was thankful once he continued to regain more control as time passed.

Soon enough, Apollo began tapping his hand against what felt like a stony surface. He tried with all his might to move whatever was restricting him from seeing light.

Only after countless attempts did his movements yield slight progress. His actions shifted a few stones allowing a modicum of light to enter.

However, the light acted as a makeshift trigger. The moment the ray of light met his pupils, his body stiffened once again, but this time was different. A flood of memories similar to a panoramic movie scene deluged his mind, causing a faint headache.

Yet that wasn't the most mystifying development; half of them felt obscured in a misty haze!

"This is eerie. These aren't my memories. Are they? Where in the hell am I?! Furthermore, these scenes..." Apollo continued to murmur amid a marvel taking place in his mind.

Numerous harrowing scenes repeated in his mind. The prior owner of this body would be beaten senselessly and tormented by the younger family members of his generation.

Disturbingly, the older members would turn a blind eye to it, although they were aware of the events taking place.

"How sad; this boy was thrown away as well. Is asking for a good life despite being weak too much to ask for? Does everything need to revolve around strength? It is all just too unfair..."

As he spoke to himself, the frail Apollo's eyes filled with warm tears. Although the tears agitated his eyes, surprisingly, he didn't acknowledge it. Not only did his current situation not allow for him to remedy that itch, but his mind also wasn't focused on that.

When looking through the scenes, there were several reminders of the former Apollo being buried alive by his peers and left to struggle and ultimately find his way out.

Unfortunately, this time was different. This particular beating was too severe, causing him to fall unconscious under the rubble. While unconscious, being buried alive ultimately led to his doom.

However, the timing of these deaths was too odd and aligned. Yet, Apollo didn't realize this.

"P-people are disgusting! Even though we were harmless, they still abused us. And everyone permits this because we are found to be useless," Apollo muttered while hammering the stones above him.

The vehement pounding caused small pieces of rubble to fall into his eyes, yet unbridled anger clouded his perception of pain. In comparison to the years of torture, the burning in his eyes meant nothing to him.

'Despicable people!' Apollo seethed internally.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice spoke to him. Moreover, their words resonated deeply with Apollo.

[Have you now realized the world despises weak people? It is a hypocritical state of affairs. Consequently, these teachings foster individuals who prey on each other instead of ridding the world of that plague. What you need to do is understand people for what they are—deceitful!]

"I agree! You are right. Absolutely despicable. But, I have to ask, will I suffer death again?"

[Incorrect. I won't allow that. What you shall do is take your fate into your own hands and reclaim the glory! Even I am unfair, but it is my orders. So, will you ascend to a mantle achieved only once before? If so, the Demon Monarch System awaits your union.]

"Demon...Monarch System?" Apollo muttered in awe before pausing his pounds. "It awaits me?"

[Yes, it is your path to undeniable strength, but it alone cannot make you strong. You must be ready to face pain and tribulation to become strong.]

"O-okay, but you have to promise that I will never have to experience death again," Apollo requested.

[Heh, obviously so. How can you reclaim that glory then? I will assist your journey as best as possible. Now, begin the union with the system. It relies upon you because it is far from its greatest strength. Activate...Demon Monarch System!]

A shockwave emanated from the body of Apollo, which caused the rubble covering him to turn to dust. A moment later, Apollo climbed out of a crudely made grave whilst coughed continuously.

Although his throat still stung, the fresh air entering his lungs generated a wondrous feeling. Moreover, light from the two suns above shone down on him, highlighting his dark grey eyes filled with hatred.

At the same time, a small screen appeared before Apollo's face. It was the system the voice talked about earlier.


(Demon Monarch System) Lv.1

Name: Apollo Kaiser

Race: Human

Age: 10

Level: 1

Experience: 0/100

Health: 2/10 (20%)

Stamina: 10 (100%)

Strength: 1.0

Agility: 1.0

Intelligence: 8.0

Vitality: 1.0

Stat Points: 0.0


The screen only displayed his stats and nothing else. There were no skills or the like. Nothing that told him of the background information related to this world, how these attributes compared.

[These are your current stats. However, what you need to aim for is the system's 3rd level. I will give you, let's say approximately 5 years to do so. Of course, it's just a general estimation as this world seems to be rather... awkward.]

〈System Alert: A Main Mission has been given by the system's warden.〉

「Quest Name: Journey to Sovereignty Part One

Quest Information: The road to power is tiresome—one filled with both pain and strife. However, pain is needed to mold the strongest vessels. As such, it is time to step upon your road to Monarchhood—beginning the journey of the monarch of the demons.


-Achieve Demon Monarch System's 3rd Level. (0/1)

-Reach Level 100. (0/1)



Time Limit: 5 years

Rewards: ????, ????, ????  」


"5 years, such a long time. Also, do you have any relevant information about this world?" Apollo asked, because whenever he tried searching through the memories, only flashes of bullying and apparent shunning surfaced.

The knowledge of this world and its history was vague—nearly nonexistent. Sure enough, the boy's knowledge was insufficient.

[I do, but why would I simply give it to you? You need to learn that what you desire must be taken and not given. Thus, go retrieve with your own abilities.]

"Oh, come on!" Apollo's groaned with a thin frown. In addition to being confused, hearing those last words left a sour taste in his mount. After all, based on what he saw, he was still weak!

Nevertheless, to assist, the warden issued another sub-objective.

〈System Alert: First supplemental mission given!»

「Quest Name: Knowledge of the New World

Quest Information: Although you have become an outcast in your family, that does not stop you from seeking knowledge. Return to your family and obtain information about this world.


-Receive imparted knowledge. (0/1)


- 100 Experience

- .5 Intelligence Points. 」

"I guess that helps," Apollo nodded but then stopped as a question crossed his mind. "Just what should I call you? This thing only addresses you as warden."

[Of course, it does. As for what to call me, Azridan will suffice. I am the warden of your system, thus it addresses me as so. But, for convenience...]


〈System Change: The warden will now be addressed as Azridan.〉

'Azridan, huh? That's a pretty cool name,' Apollo thought to himself, rubbing his chin in approval.

[While your subtle praise is welcome, I suggest you leave this place.]

"Yes, yes! I will go," Apollo froze and narrowed his gaze before continuing, "Home."

Regrettably, he could travel too far because of a large gash on his left leg, along with multiple bruises surrounding it.

Despite the pain, Apollo trudged on, which eventually brought him to the gates of the aforementioned "home". However, Apollo merely gazed at the gates in a temporary daze.

"Yeah, memories of this place is surfacing," Apollo muttered.

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