The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 31 - Mysterious Scene


Kicking off the branches of a colossal tree repeatedly, Apollo worked his way up towards a position relatively hidden from sight. The tree's branches were strong enough to support his weight while one of the largest branches amongst the top was suitable for him to lay on. ​​

[Hmm, a fine choice. I have yet to perceive an aerial beast inhabiting this place. Hence, this will do just fine. Just keep note, there are beasts who utilize this for travel. Though I must say, whether or not they do so at such a height is beyond my knowledge. You'll have to find out for yourself.]

"I think it's a good spot as well. It's hidden from view and vision is obstruction by the thick foliage. Not to mention, the shade and the thickness of the leaves are rather comfortable. If we do run into those beasts, then my earlier training should allow me to react in a suitable manner," commented Apollo while leaning his back against the height of the sturdy tree.

With each passing moment, the feeling of exhaustion continuously washed over him. However, it wasn't to the extent of garnering his immediate sleep. Instead, he followed through with his curious nature asking Azridan the questions on his mind earlier.

"I would like to understand more about beasts. I want to understand their hierarchy as well as relevance to daily life. Beyond eating, are they useful for anything else?" inquired Apollo while gazing at the sky. It had been over 8 months since he came here but the sky always felt foreign. It wasn't the same.

[Ah, well let's tackle this issue from the broad perspectives. Beast can be categorized into 3 archetypes. You have the normal beasts which as it sounds from the orthodox way of advancement. Either through natural ingestion or cannibalizing their one. Next, you have Variants. This is where things go on a tangent. Such beasts can have a plethora of origins.]

[Their benefits range from early elemental awakening, heightening physical aspects or in the rarest cases, awakening a soul. However, to do the last one this brings us to the third type—Bloodline Beasts. These beasts possess powerful ancestors and memories of their lineage is passed down through the memories of their soul. In other words, they possess advantages beyond others.]

"If that's the case and everything is so strong. Then what are these Terrors and why haven't they been dealt with? I don't understand that issue," uttered Apollo in a curious tone. He was unable to wrap his mind around the fact.

[Ah, those… I'm not necessarily aware of their state. As I said before, I'm not privy to everything. Perhaps there's some underlying reason for that but I'm unable to say. You'll have to unearth the answer to that question through your own efforts.]

"Ah, then tell me more about Natural Essence. Were what those elements you mentioned earlier?" asked Apollo while retrieving a piece of the Violet Stone Bear's flesh. Surprisingly, today he didn't mind eating it raw and simply tore into it.

[Well as you know, nothing can exist on its own. It needs components; it is the same with Natural Essence. It contains a myriad of elements inside it and it is up to your talent to distinguish which of those are you're capable of resonating with. Naturally, there are limitations to everything. Usually, everyone only awakens a singular element for each cultivation type.]

[In other words, you could possess an affinity with fire with Natural Essence but when you cultivate the Soul it could be wind or any other. Needless to say, there are rare instances where one awakens a dual or triple element and beyond but that's dependent on talent. That just means they'll possess many variations when it comes to combat.]

"Hmm, I see. So when will I be able to sense the elements?"

[Typically, that happens within a range which is facilitated by talent. It can happen anywhere from Rank 5 Mortal to becoming a Zul Warrior. The quicker it happens, the stronger your affinity with that element. Of course, that's only when it comes to Natural Essence. You'll come in contact with another Essence soon enough.]

"Is it Spiritual Essence?" asked Apollo while remaining unsure. He had a feeling it was the case due to the item in his possession.

[That's correct. How did you come to that conclusion?]

"Because of this," said Apollo as he retrieved a small shard. It was the size of two fingernails possessing a slender yet rough rhomboid shape. However, it shimmered with a mystical glow as Apollo glanced at it.

[Ah, that's a Spirit Shard. I see.]

Item Name: Spirit Shard

Rank: Inferior

Information: One of the 4 types of crystallization of Spiritual Essence. However, it is also the most inferior containing small amounts of it. When used for cultivation, it can only benefit those under the Soul Warrior Realm due to its lack of abundance and purity.

Usage: Allows a Spirit Cultivator who utilizes the Soul to increase their Oz by 1 unit. In your case, it rewards 100 Spiritual Experience.

"Hmm… Spirit Cultivation is the counterpart to Body Cultivation right. Then what exactly is Spiritual Experience then?"

[It's unlocked during the 3rd level of the Demon Monarch System. Right now, it doesn't exist so it doesn't warrant me expanding on that matter. Just know that in your hands is a useful cultivation tool.]

"Ah, I see," nodded Apollo. However, as he spoke the dreary sensations increased. Hence, closing his eyes he finally fell asleep. Only, as he did so his mind was full of questions. Cultivation intrigued him as did the very existence of the system.

Unbeknownst to him, while he slept. A purple aura radiated from him. While faint in the beginning it continued to grow in density. It wasn't long before it blanketed his body. At the same time, a few beings caught wind of an ominous stench.


'Thud!' 'Bang!' 'Booom!'

Abruptly slamming his eyes open, Apollo jumped to his feet. The sounds of battle alerted him instantly. Even though it was distant, the sounds and vibrations were powerful enough to vibrate the tree he rested upon.

It was unknown how long he slept but he felt refreshed. All signs of his earlier exhaustion disappeared. In fact, in place of that was an exuberant feeling coursing through him.

'Why do I feel...different? It isn't extreme but I feel it. Something is changing,' thought Apollo while turning his head towards the origin of the sounds. He felt the urge to unearth the cause of such large tremors.

Shifting his position slightly, a bright ray of light shone through a crack in the trees. In turn, his eyes emanated a violet luster before narrowing his sights. Oddly enough, he could see further than ever before! "Azridan, is it safe to check those noises?"

[It should be. Stick to the treetops. From the vibrations, this is without a doubt a ground battle. Unfortunately, you're entirely too far for me to gauge the strength of the essence fluctuations.]

"That's fine, you'll be able to do so as I get closer!" responded Apollo while shooting off into the distance utilizing the branches as footholds. Like a phantom, he traveled quickly through the branches causing the scenery to flash rapidly.

Soon enough, the brutal fight came into view as Apollo paused his steps and frowned slightly, "Shouldn't something like that belong in the central region…."

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