The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 40 - Poisonous Threads, Venomous Rain



A loud and terrifying screech sounded from the largest spider beast as the spiders all ceased actions and scurried into various positions. It didn't seem orderly, however, there were traces of properly planned actions.

Firstly, the spiders were situated in areas that Apollo would frequently dodge to, effectively cutting off his route of retreat. Secondly, there was something like a placement system. Those who were stronger were closer to Apollo than their weaker counterparts. Taking note of all this, Apollo frowned.

Gripping the second leg in his hand, Apollo's eyes shifted back and forth as he calculated multiple things at once. He took note of their positioning from him and the look in their eyes. They carried a shred of intelligence.

'These aren't mindless beasts. They're operating intelligently almost as if they've fostered an understanding of each other. It seems that spider has more control over them than I thought,' thought Apollo before making a small backstep to test the reactions.

[That's to be expected. Spirit Beasts are no longer mindless creatures surviving by pure instinct. Instead, their Essence Cores allow them to cultivate sentience. Even more so the higher the rank they achieve. It isn't far fetched to claim they would even soon be capable of speech. Of course, that'll require a monstrous cultivation realm beyond what they've currently achieved.]

Listening to Azridan's words, Apollo shifted to the side. The instant he moved, the spiders did as well. However, unlike before they utilized their webs! They had comprehended that they were unable to keep up with his speed. Hence, they would have to stifle it.

Dodging the jetstreams of threads, Apollo frowned as he glanced at his dwindling stamina. He was making too many movements! If it continued like this, he wouldn't last and it could virtually spell his doom.

'I'll have to move in,' he thought while thunderously kicking off his back foot, splintering the ground. Stabbing his weapons, he barely dodged the shot of another web. Leaning back, he kicked the jaw of one of the spiders as turned stabbing another. Unfortunately, he gasped at a searing pain on his back.

"G-geugh…" a web made contact with his back. Unsurprisingly, it carried small amounts of their venom within. Rather than dealing large amounts of damage, he felt his limbs suffering damage instead.

[A corrosive type… this venom won't kill you but rather wear down your defenses and stats. Don't get hit by this anymore. If you're able to, I suggest you fight passive-aggressively.]

"Example?" uttered Apollo swinging the Vantablack Knife behind him, promptly cutting the web string. He didn't touch it as it would only damage his hands. He let the aura of the Resplendent Jadeite Pendant take care of healing his seared back.

[It's simple. Do you not see the large number of corpses? Take advantage of them. Have I not taught you enough survival tactics? There is no such thing as fighting dirty, everything at your current disposal is usable as your arsenal of tactics!]

"Right!" nodded Apollo before sprinted forward then performing an arc step. Kicking his foot, Apollo sent one of the corpses flying at his intended target. Following up, he dashed hiding from their line of sight.


Spinning around he slashed all the eyes of his target before moving to another target doing the same. Instead of focusing on killing them in one stroke. He dealt with their ability to see him altogether.

Breaking through their exoskeletons repeatedly, Apollo's breaths became heavy. The strain on his body was accumulating faster than it was being alleviated. However, his experience bar was continuously rising. It wouldn't be long before he reached Level 70!

Nevertheless, he needed to get this situation under control first. But, that was easier said than done. Although he was embroiled in battle for so long, he had only dealt with less than ⅕ of their total numbers!

'2 more kills… that's all I need. It's a shame that the system only rewards me on the first commitment of the feat. After achieving it again, there hasn't been another indication,' thought Apollo as he glanced at his experience bar.

Over 60 kills! That's how many Spirit Beasts he had defeated. Yet he didn't level up. It had to be known that all experience didn't remain the same. As he leveled up, the experience gained from the same level beasts slowly dwindled. Hence, it took longer to enter the threshold of Level 70.

Regrettably, it seemed the lead spider didn't appreciate Apollo's continuous slaying of its beasts. If it continued like this, the purpose of its breeding ground would be overturned. If its efforts to procreate and advance were made useless, then someone would have to pay!

'Sccreeeech!' 'Screeeeeeccch!' 'Krrrrrrrk!'

2 extremely unsettling screeches and the ear-piercing ringing of its grinding legs sounded as once again the mass of spider made large movements. Only, this time their actions were different in purpose.

Appalled by the change, Apollo quickly attempted to slay two extra spider beasts before whatever they sought to do was complete. Yet, his attempts were thwarted.

[I sense fluctuations of Natural Essence! But this is coming from each beast, they're using their essence. Be on guard. Whatever is to take place, it can't be good.]

Heeding Azridan's warning, Apollo's frown deepened as he approached the beast. Sticking close, he avoided their venom. Be that as it may, it seemed they were willing to sacrifice a small number of them for the greater good.

Lifting their head, they fired small orbs of greenish venom into the air in order of their cultivations. However, instead of falling, it remained suspended as they all coagulated until it formed a large sphere whose toxicity was off the charts.

Opening its pincers, the leader spider launched a large sphere of its own. As they collided, it exploded and caused a large rain of venom within Apollo's general area. Reacting quickly, Apollo hissed in pain as splatters landing on his robes and skin burrowing holes through it.

Hiding under the carcasses, Apollo guarded against large amounts of damage to himself. Even then, the potent poison of the leading spider burrowed through the bodies at a rate that almost seemed impossible.

Luckily, the duration of the spectacle was over and Apollo dashed from under the mutilated carcasses. There was a large addition to the bodies littering the floor. Sadly, the system didn't interpret this as Apollo's kills causing him to click his tongue.

'My kills were wasted,' he thought. Instead of his well being, the first thing that came to mind was the fact that his efforts seemed to be wasted. On the other hand, seeing him still alive the lead spider screeched angrily. It was incensed by the fact this little being was so hard to kill.

Its fangs dripped with potent venom as its eyes remained locked on Apollo. It needed him dead and it wanted that now. Meanwhile, Apollo received word from Azridan.

[Do that now!]

"With pleasure, it'll be a shortcut to leveling up," chuckled Apollo before wiggling out of his top robe. It was nearly corroded by all the acid and was simply rags at this point. Lowering his stance, he dashed towards the moss-layered wall.

Noticing his intent, the spider made its move screeching. Surprisingly, it moved like the wind!

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