The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 46 - Excruciating Pain, Determined Path


Albeit not taking Azridan's words lightly, Apollo was still slightly unprepared for the spectacle that was about to reveal itself. An overbearing sensation washed over his mind. The immensity of the information being imparted was mind-numbing, literally. ​​

Gripping his head, Apollo fell to his knees. The pain which followed the transference of information was overbearing. His eyes widened and reddened as the veins on his neck and forehead protruded.

Writhing in pain, his screams were stuck in his throat. "T-too much! So much information-..." Apollo struggled to continue grasping the threads of his consciousness. Furthermore, there was a problem! The information flowing into his mind became increasingly cryptic. Soon enough, giving in to the pain, Apollo fell unconscious for a notable amount of time.

When he awoke, a ray of sunlight shined on his face.


Moving with a small groan, Apollo was confronted with a sluggish, haze-inducing amount of information in his mind. It was so much so, even moving caused the remnants of the prior experience to appear causing a brief mind-numbing headache.

"This hurts...I know I said I can bear it, but that was horrible!" exclaimed Apollo as he stood up holding his head. However, as he calmed down and regained clarity he realized there were two ridiculous tablet-like walls of words within his mind.

One was archaic and completely obsidian with crimson writing with a large majority of it made obscure whereas the other was a crimson hue with silver writing. However, each stroke seemed to contain some type of energy that incited terrible emotions.

'What is all this?' inwardly muttered Apollo awestruck by the substantial size of these things. with a [Monarch's War Path Record]? Is this a training method?'

[No, that is not a training method. It is a technique. More precisely, it is a set of techniques for you to practice. However, to do so you will mostly need a weapon. Seldom will you find a technique in there that does require a weapon as a medium; well, for now at least.]

Focusing on the information, Apollo realized it was as Azridan said. The [Record of the Monarch's War Path] was a compilation of weapon techniques. But strangely enough, they seemed to all belong to long weapons.

'Azridan, is there a reason that almost everything I learn has to do with long weapons?'

[Oh yes, there is indeed a reason. The inheritance weapon you will receive is reminiscent of their dimensions. As such, you will need to be familiar with wielding one.]

'Oh, what type of weapon will it be?'

[A surprise, heh. Now focus on that other method in your mind. It is what you truly need to understand.]

Nodding, Apollo closed his eyes and focused on the other information. Compared to this massive amount of information he tried to decrypt; the Way of the War Demon Record was a drop in the ocean.

"Huh?! What does all this say?" blurted Apollo as his face contorted in confusion.

There was simply too much information in his mind. Not to mention, 6 portions of the information was blurred and indecipherable.

'Azridan, I can't understand anything!'

[No, that is because you're focusing on the wrong thing. Focus on the absolute top of the information.]

Following his instruction, Apollo focused his thoughts on the top of the pillar of information. To his surprise, at the top were a couple of crystal clear words.

'Wrath is a sin of unimaginable power. Above all, it can consume you, however, strength is drawn when one harnesses it. To withstand wrath is to understand one's self. When one realizes their sin, the Hellfire shall cleanse the body and give birth to the first stigmata; the Infernal Ira Seal...'

"U-uh...what...does this mean Azridan?"

[Well first and foremost, this is your training method. Seeing as you are my successor, we'll need to prepare you to walk the path of sin wholeheartedly. Hence, I have given you my cultivation method.]

The information pertaining to the cultivation method appeared before Apollo's eyes as he remained stuck in thought:

Skill Name: Supreme Demon Body: 7 Sinful Stigmata

Rank: Demonic (Supreme)

Type: Cultivation Method

Level: 1/7

Information: The Supreme Art perfected by the illustrious Azridan T'hkrain who walked the path of a Monarch. In the world of the demons, there can only be one Monarch; he who is the culmination of all. Like any other race, demons train themselves—only they harness the power of the sins. To reach the pinnacle, one's must reach supremacy of themselves.

[«Unlocked Segments»]-

«Infernal Ira Stigmata»: Following the correct pathways, one conjures the Nether Hell Flames of the abyss to instigate Wrath. Minimum requirements to engrave the stigmata listed below:

Minimum Stat Requirement: Strength: 50.0, Vitality: 45.0, Intelligence: 45.0

Minimum Cultivation Requirement: Zul Warrior

Inner Physique Requirement: Spirit Grade.

Note: One is allowed to prime themselves with this cultivation method without engraving the stigmata in preparation for the actual feat.

〈Mantra: Wrath is power; I don't seek it, however, I fall within its embrace. Burning all, wrath ignites. The flames of my Ira are boundless!〉

Abilities: ???





"Azridan these requirements… Although they're not too far off. I was expecting to be able to immediately cultivate this," stated Apollo with a slight frown. Not only did he need to increase his inner physique a grade, but he also lacked the necessary attributes and cultivation at the moment.

[Don't be impatient, you haven't even opened your Dantian yet. Even if you cultivate this now, you would run into a bottleneck. After all, the Dantian is vital! Otherwise, I would have immediately given this to you. Instead, let us prime your body. Even though you can't activate the stigmata. We can use the auxiliary effect of this method for its intended purposes—to cultivate.]

"Hmm, Dantian? If I recall properly, then that's the special organ that is awakened during the process of becoming a Zul Warrior. Then, you mean to say I'll achieve the power I seek in one step at that point?" questioned Apollo as he entered deep thought.

[Not quite, what you will meet is PAIN! You must fail to understand exactly what Hellfire is. It is something birthed from the smoldering abyss. If you look forward to its embrace, I question your sanity.]

Widening his eyes, Apollo then frowned, "What?! No, I question you! Why does everything that leaves your mouth have to do with pain? Is the demonic race some type of gathering of masochists?" exclaimed Apollo. At this point, he was becoming infuriated by the fact that he was experiencing more pain than power these days.

[No… Well… Yes, in a sense. I guess you can say that. After all, utilizing the harnessed sins is a type of self-mutilating practice.]

"Oh, thank go-... What? You just admitted to it? Ugh…" groaned Apollo as he clutched his head beginning to dread his future.

[It'll be even worse. Therefore, brace yourself. You haven't even taken a look at the techniques you need to train in. The only thing I can recommend is to keep your goal in mind at all times. You'd be surprised what a singular goal can help you achieve.]

"There go my hopes and dreams," wryly chuckled Apollo.

[Stop that useless sulking. Instead, it is time to cultivate properly. Since you have them, retrieve those Essence Cores from your pouch. Emulate the set of circulation pathways and hand seals to begin familiarizing yourself with Natural Essence.]

"The set of circulation pathways? Oh, you mean this vague shadow in my head of a person sitting with one hand over the other palm using strange hand seals. Not to mention, the large vacancy between them?"

[Yes, precisely so. If you focus your conscience on the shadow and decipher the diagram, it will teach you the proper ways to circulate and the location of the meridians.]

Sitting down on the ground, Apollo crossed his legs sitting in a lotus position while closing his eyes. Retiring his complete attention to the vague shadow's action, Apollo tried to copy them.

Lifting this left hand, he pointed his left palm downward as his right palm slid under facing upward. The Natural Essence which existed in the atmosphere began to slowly migrate towards him. Initially, it was slow, however, it progressively gained speed. In about a minute, the Natural Essence soon pressed against his skin.

However, as it did so, Apollo slammed opened his eyes and coughed up a mouthful of blackened blood! Furthermore, his face contorted.

[As I said, you were eager. Now you understand by what I mean; cultivation is full of pain. Unfortunately, you have yet to even begin. You must understand your path varies greatly from the rest.]

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