The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 491 - Immense Possibilities


〈System: Based on the number of simulations while considering the affinities of the individual, there are five possible choices when it comes to strengthening the power of this individual. All of the present options survived a strict elimination process.〉

「List of enhancing opportunities:

1. Bloodline Awakening

2. Unsealing the Duke's Dominion

3. Sin Purification

4. Noble Demon Body

5. Dark Lightning Limit Expansion 」

Apollo grew quiet after reading through the list of available options. After all, each of the present options possessed a certain amount of allure. While some of the choices were focused on long-term benefits, others focused on immediate returns. 

For example, unsealing Amduscias's Dominion produced more benefits now than it did later. Yes, it was already quite strong, but the unsealing wasn't linked to its strength but rather the scope it covered.

In other words, unsealing Amduscias's control over his Dominion would liberate the scope of his Dominion, possibly expanding its coverage to at least five times of what it was prior. Hence, if there were any upcoming brutal battles, this could work well if it enhanced the team's synergy.

Not to mention, there was also the chance that unsealing the Dominion would give it the ability to transfer its power to allies. If that was the case, then it could become one of the household's hidden weapons! Should they ever find themselves in a predicament where the opponent's speed outclasses them on a whole different level, Amduscias's Dominion could be game-changing!

Next, there was also Sin Purification. It was just as it sounded; the system would generate enough resources to purify Amduscias's Sin, virtually catapulting him to the next level of Sin Energy. However, this option was the least alluring of all the possible choices.

For one, Apollo doubted that Amduscias's Sin needed any purifying at this very moment. Even if he wasn't sure, Apollo had a feeling that Amduscias's original power was too far from mastering his sole Sin. Left with enough time, Apollo was confident Amduscias could purify the Sin himself.

As a result, Apollo immediately dismissed that option, leaving four remaining. Despite how simple the unsealing sounded, it still held Apollo's interest. He wasn't willing to overlook that choice just yet. In fact, before making this decision, he intended to consult with Amduscias.

After all, despite the benefits being in the household's best interest, it was ultimately Amduscias's decision since it involved his body. 'I don't want to be that ruler who doesn't take into account the wishes of his subjects. Sure, I can control them, but that isn't the best route in every situation.'

Similar to the Sin Purification, Apollo also looked at the Noble Demon Body option and instantly dismissed it. Like Sin Purification, this was a process that happened when a demon evolved, so it was inevitable. Apollo didn't want to waste the system's strengthening on an option that was bound to happen.

Apollo preferred an option that possessed a next to impossible chance of taking place through natural events. So, in his eyes, there were only the last two that were genuinely intriguing. 

'If we expanded the limit of his dark lightning, then we can essentially expand every other piece of his power, seeing as it all originates from this. Additionally, he'll be able to activate its second state longer while within his Dominion,' Apollo thought to himself.

Gradually, this option sat on the same level as the unsealing in Apollo's mind. However, he'd be lying if he said the Dominion didn't hold more allure to him. Just the thought of having everyone inside the household benefit from one person's advancement excited Apollo.

Lastly, Apollo took a gander at the most enticing option on the list―Bloodline Awakening. Everyone, save for the ancient member who was either next bestowed one or just didn't possess the right physique to accept one, possessed a bloodline within the Dominus Household.

Therefore, Apollo felt it was only fitting that someone like Amduscias possess one as well. Based on what he estimated, it was a possibility that providing Amduscias a bloodline could potentially achieve the effects of all the granted choices simultaneously.

However, Apollo understood that it'd take an exceptionally powerful bloodline to achieve all of the desired effects. It was even possible that the required level fell just shy of his own.

'Would we need a Perfected Bloodline at the very least? I mean, compared to the others, Amduscias's power is much higher. A low-tier bloodline wouldn't increase his power at all. We need one that is guaranteed to amplify his power,' Apollo thought.

After weighing the options, he felt only three were viable, so he posed them to Amduscias. "I have a question for you, Amduscias."

Amduscias turned towards him with a raised eyebrow in response to Apollo's statement, "That would be?"

"If you had a choice between unsealing your Dominion's original power, receiving a Bloodline Awakening, or expanding the limits of your dark lightning, which would you choose?" Apollo asked.

The question came as a huge shock, so Amduscias was shocked for a moment. Before answering, he turned towards the others and analyzed their bodies. Except for Valac, everyone seemed unaffected by Apollo's question, which indicated this was something that had happened before.

"Then… my Lord, are you hinting that you're able to give us bloodlines? Is that why the others are the way they are now?" Amduscias questioned in return. His curiosity was piqued, so he needed confirmation before making a drastic decision. After all, he was sure a weighty decision like this was something that couldn't be reversed.

"Correct. I am the reason behind this household's abundance of demons with bloodlines, and you can join the ranks as well. This is one of the reasons the race fell. If our members possessed this power in the past, then we could have stood our ground by letting the power of the bloodlines flow through us," Apollo answered with a passionate gaze.

This reaction came from the fact that more unfamiliar and daunting memories awakened each time his strength advanced. While the system never mentioned the original owner of these memories, Apollo could gleam from the point of view that memories belonged to his father.

However, watching these memories merely made Apollo question the events even more. 'If it's true that father couldn't bestow bloodlines despite the unfavorable circumstances, how am I able to do so? More importantly, could father really be the creator of this so-called system if the scope of his power surpasses that of his own as well?'

This question boggled Apollo's mind for quite some time because no one was present to give him the answers. Thus, after a while, he pushed his curiosity to the back of his mind. Once ready and sufficiently powerful, Apollo determined he would seek out the answer then.

Meanwhile, Amduscias finally answered. "In my opinion, it'd be most worthwhile for me to receive a rewritten bloodline. My current bloodline is unusable," Amduscias said before performing an action that shocked everyone present.

A spear created from a block of crystalline black ice appeared above Amduscias' palm, levitating and twisting as he focused his attention on the creation. 

"So, your bloodline is centered around this type of ice? Why do you find it unusable?" Apollo questioned as he approached the spear, injecting a gentle stream of energy within the spear.

Unfortunately, the moment Apollo introduced this energy, the spear Amduscias created shattered, leaving Apollo at a loss for words. 'It's that delicate?'

"This is why it is unusable. It can't withstand that slightest bit of energy, and attacking is also impossible. While it lethal against Lesser Demons and some Greater Demons, it's far too brittle to be of any use at my level," Amduscias said with a defeated sigh. He didn't understand why he possessed a lowly bloodline despite his immense potential.

It felt unfair. Luckily, Apollo posed his earlier question, which ignited hope within Amduscias―the yearning to grow stronger with the help of a power that was previously fabled not to exist.

"I understand," Apollo nodded. Afterward, he continued, "I suppose this is the best choice. A weak bloodline could turn into an issue later on if we don't erase it right now."

Though he said this, Apollo was also concerned as well. 'Is it possible for the system to cleanse bloodlines? I've only heard of it bestowing bloodlines, not cleansing them. That means we'll be leaving this up to chance. However, we can't be scared because we miss all of the opportunities we don't address.'

After building his courage, Apollo lifted his hand towards Amduscias's forehead once again. This time, he uttered Bloodline Awakening while doing so. As a result, a new list appeared before Apollo, except there were only three options with brief descriptions.

「Possible Bloodline Awakenings:

1. Black Phantasm Bloodline - Increases the darkness present in the individual. Helpful in strengthening the concealment and fear properties found within the dark lightning.

2. Lightning Fiend Bloodline - Increases the effects and limits of any wielder of lightning. The destructive force and snap acceleration of lighting is increased dramatically.

3. Lightning Tundra Bloodline - Allows the user to wield supercharged conductive ice. Increases the effects of all lightning-based attacks in addition to doubling the impact of fused attacks.」

Reading through the options, only one thought came to Apollo's mind: "Whoa."

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