The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 503 - Resentful Emotions


The blood-red sword that Xonnomor kneeled before was a special prototype made during his first attempts of emulating his grandfather's forging style. It used Gram's mold as well as high-quality materials, giving it the ability to rise to the standard of those weapons.

However, the weapon was ladened by Xonnomor's countless mistakes, which prohibited the sword from reaching that standard. Nevertheless, the sentimental value of the weapon was off the charts since his grandfather personally guided his actions.

While he didn't deliver physical assistance, Xonnomor's grandfather orated the process. Otherwise, the chances of the weapon achieving even its current faulty state was an abysmal likelihood.

Thus, the meaning behind this weapon shattering resonated with Xonnomor more than any other item in his possession.

'Mm? When was the last time I've seen my boy so passionate about an item? There was only one moment when this happened… Perhaps… is this sword that item?' Xorgrah wondered as he watched his son cradle the shattered pieces in his hands.

Following the creation of this blood-red sword, Xorgrah watched as Xonnomor exhibited a reignited passion. Although his potential was ample, Xonoomor was always lax when it came to training. Unlike most demon's he didn't seek power because he found no use for it.

After all, Xonnomor spent his adolescence witnessing the passivity of the Council firsthand. Despite comprising more than eighty percent of the Demon Race's power, it played a passive role in resolving any conflict that arose. 

Therefore, Xonnomor felt it wasn't worth it if that was the cost of having power―living in fear of losing grasp of that power. In his eyes, it wasn't just the weak that possessed many fears, but those at the top did as well. The only difference was the source of their fears was in direct opposition.

One feared losing their lives at every turn whereas the other feared losing their power. The internal struggles of the weak and strong didn't vary as much as one would assume. 

Meanwhile, Xorgrah rubbed his chin in thought as he shifted his gaze between the weapon and his son. Xonnomor's touch was delicate as if he were frightened to inflict any more damage upon the already destroyed item. 

"Is this the creation from that time?" Xorgrah asked while stepping towards Xonnomor. Until now, he didn't pay much attention to Xoonnomor because of his lack of desire towards evolving to become stronger.

However, when it came to creation, Xorgrah always kept a keen eyes on Xonnomor's progress. Because the special method of his father didn't mandate the forger to possess boundless strength, it could be borrowed from others.

For example, Saehtyn fueled the process while Xonnomor carried out the refinement and molding process. By utilizing Saehtyn's strength, Xonnomor created items at the peak of his expertise. Such results were only possible through the special style employed by these two individuals.

Granted, the style Xonnomor's grandfather used wasn't unique. It originated from an ancient technique in which Asteroth, the head forger of the Dominus Household, mastered. It wouldn't be surprising if these molds were the fruits of Asteroth's labor.

Then again, Asteroth displayed zero reaction towards the colossal axe Saehtyn wielded, so it was difficult to ascertain whether he was truly the origin.

Eventually, Xonnomor managed to pull himself together while continuing to hold the weapon. "Yes… this was my first true attempt at becoming a master forger. It was grandfather who guided me and not a day goes by that I don't reminiscence about those times."

"I understand," Xorgrah replied before placing his hand on Xonnomor's shoulder. His expression was remorseful as he felt responsible for his son's current. No matter what disposition he displayed on the surface, Xorgrah's main focus was his family. 

If it weren't, he wouldn't have decided to remain outside of the Council's quarters. Severing all contact with his family was something Xorgrah couldn't do. Furthermore, he felt it wasn't worth it. Being confined to the insides of the Council's headquarters would grow stale.

"If you understand then why couldn't you set aside your pride and not challenge them?" Xonnomor shouted in response. Although he calmed down, he couldn't let go of the fact that the sword was no longer in one piece. Not to mention, his repressed displeasure with his father's attitude was seeping through.

Because the floodgates to his emotions had been damaged, there was no way for Xonnomor to contain. While Apollo could do so with his absolute control over his subordinates, he felt interfering in family squabbles was something he should refrain from doing.

On the other hand, Xorgrah was taken aback by Xonnomor's shout. Despite it being true that he was to blame in this matter, he wasn't the only one who indulged in the behavior.

Xorgrah's gaze shifted towards Apollo and Fuhrer for a moment before gradually returning to Xonnomor's with a curious expression. "Why am I receiving all of your anger? Why don't you direct some of it towards that duo as well?"

"Because it is you who initiated the conflict! Everything said by them was the truth. You never introduced yourself yet demanded an introduction from others. That type of attitude is the reason I despise those who make up the Council. Self-indulgent fools with no essence," Xonnomor spat.

His view of the Council wasn't the greatest, especially after he learned about the Council's conduct following the announcement of his grandfather's status. Everyone in a seat of power pushed the situation aside and decided to settle upon locating a new figurehead to put as their leader.

It wasn't the fact that they wished to replace his grandfather that incensed Xonnomor. After all, it was an inevitable outcome. The top spot was a temporary title as none of these demons were capable of eternal life. At some point, they would perish.

The reason for Xonnomor's irritation was the blatant dismissal of his grandfather's safety. Above all else, Xonnomor felt the Council should manage themselves better.

"There is some truth to your words, but understand that I am your father. Some tones are better for you not to take," Xorgrah responded. Although he was remorseful at first, his expression grew stern as he spoke. 

He couldn't accept his son's animated response. Sometimes the truth could be viewed as being disrespectful, which was understandable. Unfortunately, Xonnomor didn't see it this way. His father's response only added fuel to the fire as Xonnomor narrowed his gaze.

"No. I think you need to learn to abandon that false notion of requiring respect wherever you go. The Council isn't as luxurious as everyone believes it to be. There are some who possessed an inherent aura of authority. Those inhabiting the Council do NOT fall into this category," Xonnomor said in return.

After listening to these words, Xorgrah's eyes immediately widened. It wasn't until now that Xorgrah learned just how much Xonnomor despised the Council. What's more, it appeared that Xonnomor was referring to someone or something when he uttered his last few words.

'Based on his words, it's clear that this boy follows someone else. His opinion of them is much greater than his opinion of the Council. While I admit they are often flawed in their decisions, every member of the Council possess an undeniable ability. They've just grown inactive over the years,' Xorgrah thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Apollo's expression became complex as he made eye contact with Xonnomor. He shook his head subtly to give Xonnomor the message that they shouldn't reveal their connection just yet.

Although Fuhrer was confident in battling against Xonnomor, a true battle would result in too many sacrifices being made. Therefore, Apollo decided that until he could conquer Xorgrah without question, then it was best that their connection remain a secret.

With that being said, Apollo also realized he needed to devise a plan to conceal Tirasha's sudden transformation. After all, her transformation was unique. Xorgrah would have to be blind in order to not notice the blatant differences.

Chasing the Forgotten Sin was a path that not even Fuhrer had heard about. So there was bound to be some changes down the line that Apollo needed to prepare for. Nevertheless, Apollo wasn't scared. At most, it'd just become a tedious endeavor.

It wasn't long before Xorgrah sighed and looked towards Xonnomor once more. After revealing his feelings, Xonnomor's expression lightened greatly. Be that as it may, Xorgrah was left with a heavy heart.

"I guess your impression of the Council has truly deteriorated over the years, and I understand why. It is my fault. My absence has fostered feelings of resentment in you, so I won't press your heated word," Xorgrah said.

After a short pause, he then continued. "I, too, feel that the Council isn't what it once was. When it was founded, we all possessed drive. Now, they all live with the looming fear of becoming meaningless. In light of that fear, they've driven a wedge with all that truly matters. I just hope that you choose the right people to follow."

"I'm confident in my judgment. When I find those to follow, they'll be ones that have thoroughly earned my respect," Xonnomor responded. 

In response, Xorgrah nodded. At the same time, he also felt that his assumptions were wrong.. 'Perhaps I was wrong about him joining a side."

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