The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 505 - A Forceful Appearance


"When you say begin making preparations, you mean…" Fuhrer muttered while looking towards Apollo in slight disbelief. Although he knew Apollo wished to expedite his actions, he didn't expect him to move at such a hastened rate. After all, there was only one thing Apollo could possibly prepare for.

"Correct, we'll be meeting Asteroth. After receiving a portion of Amdsucias's strength, I'm confident in my ability to at least fight him to a standstill," Apollo said. While he made a vague estimation, this guess didn't include the usage of the Fourth Annihilation. 

In addition to his shoddy mastery over the technique, its drastic consumption made it so Apollo could only unleash the attack once. At the very least, the initiation of the technique consumed at least one hundred thousand units of Demonic Anima. Following this usage, Sin and Aura came next.

Fortunately, the requirements weren't as stringent because the requirements depended on the status of Apollo's current power. The extent of the Annihilation's consumption was based on the purity of Apollo's Sin as well as the degree of his Aura. As long as both of these factors exceeded the baseline of the technique, the technique would exhibit decreased exhaustion. 

Nevertheless, Fuhrer's expression became complex as he found it difficult to agree with Apollo's decision. Unlike the battle involving the Lords and Irzanach, Asteroth was on the hunt for Apollo. Meaning, he wouldn't hold back in the slightest if Apollo were to appear before him.

In other words, Apollo would be walking into a truly dangerous situation, especially since it involved a demon with a firm grasp over the Aura of Destruction.

Be that as it may, Fuhrer also couldn't overlook the fact that this fight could serve as a fundamental fight for when Apollo came in contact with the Kings. Each one of the Kings, while not entirely hostile towards the Monarch's disappearance, possessed knowledge of Apollo's existence. 

So, unlike the other members of the household, they immediately understand the significance of Apollo appearing before. However, what would come of this understanding was the uncertainty that Fuhrer didn't look forward to. Even more so if this took place while they were all in one place. 

"Do you understand the ramifications of taking this battle this early one? At the very least, we could wait until you evolve into an Archdemon," Fuhrer suggested. Truth be told, this was part of the original plan, to claim Asteroth once he ensured his influence spread throughout the Rings without fail.

But, after learning of the convenience attached to summoning as well as reverse summoning his followers, Apollo decided that his presence wasn't needed at every step of the plan. When it came to securing strongholds in the Rings, as long as Apollo could claim a demon of the respective Sin, he could simply send a Duke-level character to accomplish his goals.

For example, when he was unneeded, Apollo could simply station Amduscias within Suprenis to assist Tirasha in any critical ventures. Conversely, should he acquire Asteroth, he could also leave him to monitor Ashiraem alongside some other individuals.

As for his personal movements, Apollo didn't need that many to accompany. As long as his entourage consisted of Typhir, Sapphyr, and Fuhrer, he felt it was more than sufficient to accomplish any of his goals. 

Granted, this only target the relatively small ones as culling worlds that possess shocking strength would require more than just these four. At least, doing so with this small party was impossible until they stepped into a realm of absurd power. 

Admittedly, with the system's assistance, it seemed as if this realm in question wasn't the Daemos State, but could possibly appear earlier. The influence of a strong bloodline and Aura was by no means inconsequential.

Thus, Apollo looked Fuhrer directly in the eye and nodded. "I understand completely. But, it is a risk I'm willing to take. Without taking risks, my progress wouldn't have been as rapid as it was."

While talking, Apollo recounted his early experiences after receiving the system. The number of battles wherein the risks were aplenty numbered more than he could count. However, just as the risks were substantial, so were the rewards. As a result, he who possessed a late start grew at a pace that outclassed his peers.

"Very well. Since you understand the risks, I shall trust your judgment. Do you wish to go now?" Fuhrer asked. Immediately after, space rippled before Fuhrer as the thin indication of a portal opening appeared gradually.

"I have no reason not to," Apollo said. His demeanor was calm as he watched the portal enlarge until it was suitable enough to fit him and Fuhrer. Since everyone had been sent to rest, the only ones aware of Apollo's actions were the ones currently in the room.

Since this ability came as a surprise to Xorgrah, his expression was the most absurd of everyone present. 'He's capable of ripping through the Nihilistic Ring's spatial fabric without exhausting himself?! It's absolutely impossible for a Greater Demon to accomplish this feat.'

As this was his first time witnessing such an event, it took a while for Xorgrah to return to normal. Even then, his gaze carried apparent apprehension as he looked at Fuhrer and his sword. 'Judging that man by his outward appearance is a dangerous mistake. I think I understand why that gnawing feeling kept me from continuing with my earlier behavior.'

While Fuhrer's body didn't radiate boundless strength, Xorgrah understood there was more to battle than just strength. When it came to experience, it wasn't a stretch to say that Xorgrah didn't even amount to one percent of Fuhrer's combat knowledge and battle experience.

Finally, Apollo and Fuhrer stepped through the portal, leaving Xorgrah, Saehtyn, and Xonnomor with baffled expressions. 

"D-didn't they just get here? Why are they leaving already?" Xonnomor muttered while rubbing his chin in thought. Amongst the household member, Xonnomor's knowledge of Apollo's actions was the worst. Outside of crafting and recovering his strength, he wasn't given any other objective.

Meanwhile, Saehtyn's eyebrows rose in surprise as he felt a subtle tingle. Instinctively, he turned towards the tower while closing his eyes. Although his jurisdiction shrunk with each passing day, the tower was his domain. Therefore, Saehtyn was aware of all newcomers.

And from what he sensed, two new individuals appeared before the base of the tower, causing Saehtyn's curiosity to be piqued. 'What business do they have at the tower-... WAIT!'

Suddenly, Saehtyn's eyes widened as his hand braced his jaw. 'There's no way… Ain't no way. I just managed to schedule repairs for the throne room, the tower doesn't need any more damage!'

After sensing the newcomers, Saehtyn became antsy. From what he understood about these two, they held no qualms with causing destruction. After all, Xonnomor revealed the truth about the extensive damage the stronghold suffered. Of course, only Saehtyn was privy to the truth as Xorgrah remained in the dark about this scuffle.

Outside of Ashiraem's Tower…

Apollo and Fuhrer stepped through the portal while observing the base of the tower. Since the system transmitted Asteroth's location at all times, Apollo knew just where he was. Unsurprisingly, after coming to this tower, Asteroth made zero movements.

Aside from his brief visit to the tower's top floor, Asteroth generally stayed at the base of this tower because it housed the Link to other Towers in neighboring Rings. In Asteroth's opinion, this was a vital tool needed to aid in the travel of his target.

Hence, why he chose this place as his squatting place. Contact would be inevitable if his so-called target needed to venture to another Ring.

"This tower is truly lavish up close," Apollo commented while glancing through the extravagant area. Soon enough, an individual caught his eyes. Even without the system's assistance, Apollo could tell at a glance that this individual had to be Asteroth.

Different from the rest, this demon lazed around on a stone bench while tossing a large weapon into the sky and catching it just before it hit the ground. However, every time the weapon returned a wave of brutal energy surrounded it.

Shockingly, the wave surged into Asteroth's palm upon contact. Not a single drop of this energy leaked from his palm, which intrigued Apollo. 'That control is quite shocking.'

Regardless of the lackadaisical nature of Asteroth's actions, the action he performed was commendable. Because, from what Apollo sensed, the severity of that aura was on par with a Demonic Massacre Wave unleashed at full strength.

Instantly retracting energy of that magnitude was easier said than done, much less doing so without paying it any mind.

Nevertheless, Apollo didn't come here to marvel at Asteroth's control or his power. He came with a purpose, thus it was time to accomplish it. However, almost as if a dog sniffing a similar scent, Asteroth's eyes widened and filled with fury.

"This is the familiar smell I've been looking for!" Asteroth bellowed while stamping his foot.

BOOOOOM! Rmmmmmmmmbleeee! 

The benched he previously laid upon shattered as Asteroth sprung to his feet. However, Apollo moved even faster, wasting no time in unleashing his dual form. At the same time, a huge claw appeared before Asteroth as Apollo gestured towards Fuhrer.

Within moments, a portal opened beside Asteroth's body. Apollo didn't give Asteroth a chance before using the Dominator's Clutch to grab his head and toss him inside the portal. 

Because he was familiar with Asteroth's behavior, Fuhrer closed the portal faster than usual while creating an opening elsewhere simultaneously.


A portal opened within an area of ruins and from within, Asteroth's body was expelled with great force, slamming into the ground repeatedly as Apollo appeared soon after.

"Unfortunately, we can't fight within the Tower as it'll expose my power as well as damage something that is in truth my possession," Apollo said with a slight smirk. "Excuse my heavyhandedness, but I've learned that you're not a very polite individual."

Instead of words, the entire ruins rumbled as a disastrous aura billowed from within a recently formed crater!

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