The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 518 - Deepening Curiosity


After learning of Asmidia's so-called official business, Saehtyn's eyes narrowed, whereas Apollo displayed a look of surprise. Until now, Apollo was under the impression that the Lord rarely appeared in the other Rings due to the unfavorable environment and the strife between the parties.

However, if it was true that Asmidia p[ossessed official business within Ashiraem, then perhaps the relationship wasn't as far gone as Apollo presumed. Granted, Apollo also realized that Asmidia's personality was by far one of the most unusual he experienced. Thus, Apollo also had to decide whether to accept or ignore some of the things Asmidia mentions.

Be that as it may, Apollo couldn't help but wonder about the alleged official that she was called here for. Fortunately, Saehtryn's expression delivered some of the answered Apollo needed. 'I suppose her claim of official business must be true then. If it weren't I doubt Saehtyn's expression would be this sour.'

Meanwhile, Asmidia noticed Apollo's pensive expression and Saehtyn's disgruntled frown, causing her to giggle playfully. "Boys, boys~ Why so serious~? We get to spend time together! This handsome boy gets the chance at sniping my heart and you get some eye candy Mr.Saehtyn~ How is this deal not in your favor?"

"Damned wench. No one outside of Belphegor enjoys your presence. In fact, why don't you pay him a visit? I'm sure he'd be more than happy to entertain your company," Saehtyn grumbled before turning his gaze towards the empty forge.

'Tch… A small part of me regrets the ample success this boy has had with his forging process. I'm willing to bet that this matter is closely linked to Asmidia's presence. After all, only a single faction with the Council has been supplied with items. It was only a matter of time before the other factions pressured Xorgrah to deliver the other weapon types,' Saehtyn thought to himself before releasing a deep sigh. 

The realization of the inevitable facts hit Saehtyn simultaneously. There was no avoiding Asmidia's presence seeing as there was no other demon with a Sin Signature as pure as hers, especially when it came to items capable of increasing one's mental influence.

Aside from Invidia, which possessed some similar abilities under unique circumstances, Luxuria was the only Sin with the main ability to control one's mind by empowering their lust to the power that it because the corrupted individuals' sovereign emotion. 

In a battle against individuals of similar strength, the ability to influence the mind was a treasured ability because it could provide the needed windows to gain an upper hand in any long battle of attritions. What's more, when brought to the extreme, it could end a battle before it had even begun!

This possibility enticed the Council enough to have Xorgrah seek out the Lord of Luxuria before any of the more combat-oriented Lords. Given the usual behavior of the Council, it was understandable that the notion of influence and control was more alluring than physical might.

"Let me guess, Xorgrah, the Council's Envoy has reached out to you to participate in the ongoing forging process. However, I'm guessing it's not weapons that they're after this time. At least, not weapons that take on a typical form," Saehtyn said before locking sights with Asmidia.

For a moment, Asmidia was partially shocked as her left eyebrow jumped before returning to normal quickly after. Saehtyn's guess was correct, but that wasn't the reason for her surprise. 

At first, she overlooked their presence, but Asmidia was forced to perform another scan of the room as her eyes fell on Fuhrer. 'That's strange… I scanned this place before entering, why didn't he appear within the initial screening? What's more, he's still not appearing despite me looking at him. Just who is this old man?'

Eventually, Asmidia took a step forward while slowly rubbing her lip in thought. She continued to examine Fuhrer until her questions became uncontainable. "Excuse me, but who do I have the pleasure of meeting~? Could you be someone from Saehtyn's side that I don't know about?"

Instead of a straightforward answer, Fuhrer spared Asmidia a hostile gaze while rhythmically tapping his finger against the side of his forearm. While it didn't seem like it on the surface, Fuhrer was more than familiar with some of the perverse abilities related to Luxuria.

Therefore, Fuhrer decided to thwart all attempts before they progressed any further. "Listen, little girl. I've been alive much longer than you have and I've witnessed all there is to see when it comes to us demons. So, it will do you no justice to attempt to influence my mind. Not only will it be fruitless, but you'll soon come to realize that it could be dangerous as well."

Afterward, a thin beam fired from Fuhrer's fingertip as he flicked it, landing on Asmidia's forehead. Although the action seemed insignificant, Asmidia's focus disappeared for an instant as her eyes blanked. 

Fortunately for her, Fuhrer didn't intend any harm. He just understood that when it came to demons of this caliber, a demonstration proved more effective than empty words. Hence, Fuhrer displayed his ability to affect the Lords as he saw fit.

Granted, the duration of these effects was unknown, but in this type of situation where neither side showed signs of inconsolable hostility, it was more than enough to suffice.

Approximately three seconds later, Asmidia's gaze regained focus as her body trembled visibly. Apprehension appeared in her eyes as she observed Fuhrer with high alert. 'That's not an ability available to Saehtyn. The oppressive power to affect one's mind? Saehtyn doesn't wield that ability. Then, if not him, it must be….'

Gradually, Asmidia's defensive gaze fell upon Apollo. If her speculations were true, then she wondered if the feelings of the Succubus she met earlier were genuine or if it was the result of the boy tampering with their mind. Either way, she was on guard with this boy now.

Even her earlier coy demeanor diminished greatly as he was unsure if displaying that much vulnerability was safe around this unknown duo. Nevertheless, despite reeling in most of her coy actions, there were certain behaviors that Asmidia couldn't cease. They had become a fundamental part of her daily life.

Seeing as the atmosphere had become quite tense following Fuhrer's display, Apollo took it upon himself to lighten the mood. After all, one of his main goals were to either gain the trust of the Lords or become strong enough to force them to his side.

However, seeing as he allowed Fuhrer to deliver advice, it appeared Apollo opted for the former over the latter. Although he doubted any of them had a will on par with Asteroth, enabling them to go against some directives, Apollo couldn't overlook the fact that these beings were the result of Estran's actions―an individual whose power resided directly under the Old Monarch.


Apollo cleared his throat, gathering the attention of everyone present. "There's no need to be on such heavy guard. My friend here just dislikes anyone trying to tamper either of our minds. Granted, you'd be hard-pressed to accomplish that effort. In the meantime, Asmidia was it? Can you tell me more about this Succubus? What was your impression?"

Apart from sending Geneva to the All-seeing Nautilus to gather information on that Ring, he also had her lull many leaders of strongholds into becoming subservient. Because he was only one individual, he couldn't waste time trying to conquer small powers when he could utilize the tools at his disposal to make matters easier. 

In this case, one such tool was Geneva's gorgeous appearance coupled with the alluring of a ravishing Succubus. Not many would be able to withstand the intoxication of her words laced with the presence of Luxuria. Once it penetrated deep into their mind, the unfortunate soul unlucky to experience Geneva's temptation would be reduced to a mindless follower―a moderately powerful being robbed of their free will when Geneva felt it was befitting.

"My impression?" Asmidia muttered before falling into deep thought. After a while, she gathered her thoughts and spoke truthfully. "If I were to ever lose my power and title as the Lord of Luxuria, she'd be a befitting replacement. The rate at which her  Luxuria grew before and her beauty already fulfills the prerequisites to take this action. Of course, I won't just amicably abdicate my throne."

In response to her last comment, Apollo chuckled playfully. "Be at ease. She has no intention of taking up that title because she is destined for something much greater. After all, she is one of my people. I can't allow her to take a role with unknown continuity."

Suddenly, Asmidia harrumphed while crossing her arms under her chest with a hostile glare. "What do you mean unknown continuity? I have held this title for thousands of years. Is that not enough continuity for you?!"

"That was then, this is now. There were no looming threats during the time of your reign. Now, there are an unknown number of threats. For example, the loss of your powers and the obscure state of each Ring. These are threats we must all deal with in the foreseeable future―if we are to preserve our life that is," Apollo countered.

As a result, Asmidia's jaw dropped while she turned towards Saehtyn. "You told him about the state of the Nihilistic Rings!? Are you insane? Who's to say that this little handsome fellow doesn't have loose lips? The entire race could learn about the dangers that plague us."

However, Saehtyn shocked his head with a defeated expression as he looked at Asmidia. Although he mentioned it once before, based on Apollo's reactions at the time, it was clear he was already privy to this information.

"It's unusual to admit, but this boy knew about the matter long before us," Saehtyn admitted.. Again, Asmidia gave Apollo another look, except this time her curiosity deepened.

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