The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 529: The Assistance's Unexpected Link

Chapter 529: The Assistance's Unexpected Link

The Assistance's Unexpected Link

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Immediately, both Geneva and her opponent's attention was drawn up above, where an individual floated in the sky. At a glance, Geneva could tell it was someone unfamiliar as they lacked any familiar aura. Not to mention, the voice didn't belong to the likes of Apollo or Fuhrer, or any of the known Dominus Household members, for that matter.

Furthermore, it was hard to discern their features since the Ring's brightest star cast a gleaming light over the individual. It was difficult to judge their stance based on their expression, but based on the changes in the opponent before her, Geneva sensed animosity between the two.

'Although they may now be an ally, an enemy of an enemy is bound to be a helpful party in this situation,' Geneva thought before taking a step back to create room before her and the supposed wyrm before her.

However, her opponent's attention quickly returned to her as she made that move.

"Where do you think you're going? Don't even dream of escaping just because a newcomer has arrived. I, Azrin, have no reason to fear this person despite their scornful words," Geneva's opponent said before expanding the tentacle to create a vast mouth.

But, before it could swallow Geneva, another chuckle came from above.

"Confident? It would be best if you had been born in Suprenis with that unsightly confidence. Sadly, it is wasted on you as your birthright doesn't align with this trait. Now, vanish from my sight, vermin."

Following their words, the individual swiped their hand down, creating a pink tempest of Sin Energy followed by a massive flood, which combined to create an even more frightening attack. Even Geneva was left in awe as she sensed the impending devastation that would arise from this attack's aftermath.

'Another Noblesse? Or could it be something or someone even stronger?' Geneva wondered while cradling her torso. Even though she used a light touch, she winced since the fresh wound left her ribs tender. Fortunately, it seemed she wouldn't need to suffer another similar blow.

Meanwhile, Azrin dodged the incoming flood, which destroyed the alleyway and buildings when it contacted the ground. In terms of destruction, it was even more frightening of the combined power of Azrin's irregular tentacles.

Of course, Azrin didn't appreciate the fact that this newcomer's effortless attack outclassed one that required a considerable portion of his focus. Be that as it may, Azrin didn't immediately align this outcome with the opponent being many times stronger than him. Instead, Azrin believed that this newcomer had made the necessary preparations since his appearance to launch the attack.

Thus, Azrin chose to retaliate by immediately launching an attack at this newcomer. The tentacle, which previously targeted Geneva, switched directions and hurtled towards the newcomer while also piercing through the tide of Luxuria Sin Energy.

At a glance, the incoming attack seemed frightening, but the individual merely shifted their down towards the injured Geneva with an obscure look. Now that they were closer, he could sense that his interference wasn't a mere coincidence. He felt a subtle attraction towards this demon but didn't understand the extent of the appeal or the reason for this situation.

Quietly, the demon rubbed their chin in thought before shifting his attention back towards Azrin as well as his incoming attack. 'I'll have to get rid of this nuisance before getting to the bottom of the bizarre connection.'

Seconds later, the newcomer extended their forefinger and pointed to the center of the large approaching tentacle. A pink marble appeared suddenly, followed by a rapidly growing presence as pink spark appeared around the marble along with turbulent winds.

Once the winds reached their peak, the demon grinned. "Fire."


The minor attack sped forth with an unassuming presence, which caused Azrin to ignore the existence of the attack. In fact, Azrin even focused the tentacle's opening on absorbing the small orb.

Witnessing this decision, the demon released a slight chuckle. "Well, well, well. As I expected, what a simple wyrm you arm."

Finally, the overly carefree attitude of this newcomer alarmed Azrin, but it was already too late. The tentacle absorbing the small orb was irreversible as it didn't possess the ability to regurgitate ingested Luxuria unless it was in the form of Azrin performing another attack.

At that moment, the tentacle expanded continuously right before everyone's eyes, until finally, it exploded. What was left was a misty haze of unsettling Luxuria that the tentacle could not absorb. However, this newcomer's attack didn't stop there.

The misty haze condensed into a razor-sharp sword, which the demon then controlled telepathically to bisect its target. Fortunately for Azrin, he managed to evade the attack for the most part, but not without suffering a gruesome injury in the process.

The right side of his body, limited to his arm and leg, was a step away from being severed from the rest of his boy. As a result, he was forced to withdraw from battle with a sour expression.

'Recycling the same Luxuria to form an even stronger attack? How exactly is that possible? No, the better question would be to ask just how strong this person is! If he's protecting her, then it's not worth it to intrude even,' Azrin thought to himself before narrowing his gaze.

"This is far from over. I'm simply making a tactful withdrawal because of your surprise attacks," Azrin snarled before scurrying away.

Meanwhile, the individual shrugged off Azrin's empty threat before descending next to Geneva, who bore a surprised expression.

"Are you not going to chase him down and finish him off?" Geneva questioned while maintaining her shocked look.

"Why would I do that? It serves no purpose. It's already rare for a Demon at the Noblesse level to appear; there's no reason for me to reduce the number further. Besides, I'm much more interested in you; may I have a moment of your time?"

Geneva didn't immediately answer and instead remained silent as she examined the individual before. Surprisingly, this individual didn't possess the androgynous appearance that most male demon wielding lust did; their facial features exhibited an air of bestial masculinity, as did the dark feathered wings attached to his body. The wings appeared to belong to that of a dark hawk at a glance.

Nevertheless, Geneva remained conflicted. Although it was true that he had indeed saved her, she also couldn't overlook the fact this person was an unfamiliar existence. Not to mention, she also understood that she wasn't in the position to decline.

After all, this person had already displayed their ability to overpower a Demon at the Noblesse level while simultaneously concealing a great deal of their arsenal. As a result, Geneva gave a faint nod.

"Delightful. I'm known as Forcalor, a wandering demon as of now. However, I was drawn to you while passing by," Forcalor said, revealing the truth of his identity. But, Geneva didn't understand the significance of the person before her.

After all, he was one of the Dukes of the previous Dominus Household! In other words, he was a character who was on par with both Asteroth and Amduscias. However, unlike those two, he didn't possess a disagreeable attitude.

"You were drawn to me?" Geneva muttered while immediately raising her guard. While Apollo sent her to this Ring to acquire information, amongst other matters, she wasn't looking to bond with any demon aside from Apollo. As her Master, Geneva felt an embedded obligation towards Apollo.

Hence, Geneva gave a wry smile. "I don't feel the same attraction, nor am I looking for one."

Forcalor sensed the change in the atmosphere before sheepishly scratching his head after realizing that Geneva misconstrued his words. "Pardon my inability; I'm not usually one to approach others. I'm not attracted to you, but something within you. Specifically…"

Suddenly, Forcalor waved his hand, causing a floral scent to waft into Geneva's nose. An immediate reaction took place as the Dominus Household's insignia appeared on her body, informing Forcalor of the situation at hand.

"So, it is true. Our home has appeared once again. May I ask you an invasive question―who is the ruler of this household? While there are some similarities, the power embedded in your insignia is…irregular," Forcalor commented.

"Apollo," Geneva answered in a dazed state. Shockingly, Forcalor's Luxuria influenced Geneva's mind without a hitch.

"Apollo? What's an Apollo? That doesn't sound like a name belonging to a demon at all. Are you sure that is correct?" Forcalor questioned further while taking a step closer. Afterward, he pressed his forefinger against Geneva's forehead.

Correspondingly, the influence became greater.

"He… has another name… but, how can I trust you with this information? We were warned not to reveal anything pertaining to our Lord to unrelated parties," Geneva muttered while attempting to resist Forcalor's power.

However, instead of becoming more forceful, Forcalor smiled approvingly. 'Even under the influence of my mental contortion, she refused to divulge any information. This ruler must be quite capable at instilling unwavering loyalty.'

A moment later, Forcalor presented the back of his palm, in which a nearly identical insignia appeared, except the energy was much more domineering than Geneva's since it had yet to be rewritten.

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