The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 541: Geneva's Training Ends

Chapter 541: Geneva's Training Ends

Geneva's Training Ends

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Within Luxulania, deep inside a colossal stone mountain…

Geneva, who was currently surrounded by a gathering of pink feathers with sharpened tips, heaved endlessly. Although her training was far from easy, the result more than justified the unusual amount of pain and torture she had to endure to reach this level.

Although each of the feathers seemed as if they had fallen off her wings, that wasn't the case at all. On the contrary, each feather was created from a small yet remarkably pure cluster of Luxuria and they were almost just as durable as her real wings.

These feathers were the fruits of her labor that spanned over the course of a few weeks, at the very least. The only leeway she was given was when she needed to rest on the brink of collapse.

Once that happened, Forcalor took the time to assess the strength of her technique. He didn't just factor in how strong it was; he also evaluated the speed of accumulation, how long it took for the technique to fall apart, and just how much of her mental focus was commandeered to give shape to these feathers of lust.

After considering all of these factors, Forcalor judged that Geneva had made ample progress in a few days. It was truthfully faster than he had expected since he had never dealt with a demon who was the byproduct of the system's interference.

"You've done well. You're continually gathering Luxuria at a faster rate, and it's becoming more compact with each successive use. The only issue is your focus. It takes far too much of your focus to maintain this technique," Forcalor said while appearing by Geneva's side.

A look of intrigue surfaced in his eyes as he tapped his fingers against one of the feather's tips, which gave him a general idea of their sharpness. 'If I had to judge, I'd say that these could puncture even the strongest of Greater Demon Bodies; however, things change when we mention Mature Demon Bodies.'

Since Luxuria wasn't a Sin blessed with impressive attack capabilities, to begin with, Forcalor didn't have high expectations for these feathers. At least, not in their current state. If she wanted to elevate them to the next level, it'd require the injection of another Sin or combining another dimension to their effect.

Sadly, infusing a single technique with two Sin signatures without a proper medium was next to impossible. Even Fuhrer had to wield his Tenebrous abilities to restrain the complete fusion of his two Sins while employing his techniques.

Only one individual could fuse Sins with no medium, and that was only because his purity escaped the realm of standard classification. If the system were to categorize Aztraval's Sin Purity while in his peak, it would either read "???" or "N/A".

As the first wielder of the Primal Sources, you could say that Aztraval was somehow linked to every Demon through their threads of Sin. If he willed it, it was even possible for him to strip demons of their Sin and claim it as his own in times of need.

However, although he possessed the ability to do so, he never used it as his reserves were next to inexhaustible while merged with the Primal Sources of Sin. Sadly, he understood that he couldn't maintain their possession since it would forsake his race if he were forced to disappear.

If the Sources were to disappear from the Rings, they would lose all ability to manipulate Sin, which in short, granted their identity as Demons, one of the Upper Races famed for their conquest and brutality.

"I know," Geneva said in a hoarse tone as she tried to catch her breath. Similar to her currently exhausted state, the feathers started to vibrate and soon after dissipated since Geneva's Sin Reserves had been thoroughly depleted.

Unlike before when this happened, Forcalor didn't berate Geneva for her incompetence. After all, he soon discovered that her body wasn't primed to absorb Sin while expending it, which was understandable since he had only learned this technique from Fuhrer after evolving into a Noblesse.

'Should I teach her that technique? But, I'm also not the best teacher as I'm not entirely sure how to guide her through the process. I'm almost certain that her body is different from mine, based on the number of Stigmata alone,' Forcalor thought.

Before she could fall over, Forcalor waved his arm gently, directly a soft wave of Luxuria which soon guided her towards his body. "Let's wait for a full recovery unlike the other training days. I feel as if today is different from the rest; we can even move to dual utilization if you feel you're ready."

In this case, dual utilization meant her technique would attach on two fronts―physical and mental. While the physical feather would deal damage to one's body, the Luxuria laced within was meant to take hold of one's mind and permit Geneva to manipulate it as she pleased.

In other words, her technique could serve as both an attack with extensive coverage as well as a crowd control ability. Sadly, this almost meant the strain on Geneva would be much higher, a pressure that Forcalor remained unsure about.

Thus, he felt it was up to Geneva to ultimately determine if she was ready to face that level of bodily burden.

"Dual utilization? That sounds hard but also rewarding. Will it help me earn a stable position in my Lord's eyes?" Geneva questioned as the gentle cloud of Luxuria disappeared from around her. However, although it was gone, Geneva remained fine as Forcalor placed her on a flat rock to recuperate.

"It's possible. But, if I'm being frank, your Lord should already feel you are valuable. Your potential is immense, and so is your arsenal. You'll become an indispensable presence if you continue to refine them," Forcalor answered.

However, he was shocked to find that Geneva presented a wry smile. Unbeknownst to Forcalor, the household was filled with individuals rivaling Geneva. Thus, she felt she was nothing special regarding Forcalor's praise.

"I'm sure your view would change if you understood the setting of my household. But enough of that, it appears that I won't be able to stay much longer. I can feel that my return is soon needed."

"Understood," Forcalor said. "Then, if that's the case, how about I follow you to where you must go? Think of me as a guide to ensure your safety so that a situation like before doesn't recur."

At first, Geneva's eyebrows rose in surprise. But, after recalling the similarities in their insignia and Forcalor's unusual offer to train her, Geneva finally understood that he must have intentions of meeting her ruler. Of course, she didn't sense any animosity, so she wasn't against the idea.

Not to mention, she doubted that anyone was foolish enough to want to harm Apollo while in the presence of Fuhrer. That was simply seeking their death, like entering a dangerous area marked with many indicators yet ignoring them.

"I'd like that," Geneva answered with an alluring smile. Despite the enrapturing scene, Forcalor was completely unaffected by Geneva's beauty since he was an avid controller of Luxuria.

Besides, he grew up alongside the 9 Kings, so he had witnessed truly overwhelming beauties as well as devilishly handsome demons capable of swooning any mate of their choosing.

"How long do we have before we must leave?"

"Judging by the level of alarm, I'd say a day or two at most," Geneva estimated.

Subsequently, a grin appeared across Forcalor's face. "Then we have more than enough time to polish some of the things we addressed during training."

Geneva didn't complain, but there was a visible frown on her face as she listened to Forcalor suggest more training. Luckily, their current setting supported her speedy recovery. So, she was refreshed and ready to continue within the hour.

Granted, she couldn't overlook the tenderness deep within her body that would only be solved after sublime rest, something that she found difficult to obtain. She wasn't sure when the opportunity to have a good rest would arise.

Just as Geneva suspected, two days passed before she received Apollo's order to return from Luxulania and meet back in Ashiraem. And as he promised, Forcalor accompanied Geneva to the Link Portal and watched over her.

The aura released by his Noble Demon Body alone was enough to deter anyone from within one hundred meters since it had long since reached the peak of that level. So, the duo reached the Link Portal underneath Luxulania's Tower without any mishaps and stood before it.

"After you," Forcalor said while gesturing towards the portal. Basic manners were something that members of a household needed towards one another, especially since it stressed the importance of hierarchy.

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