The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 65 - Distant Mind


Unable to control it, Aaron reverted to his usual self. "Holy crap Apollo! That was insane, where did you learn to fight like that?" Aaron asked as he approached Apollo who was currently dissecting the corpse of the Spirit Beast. ​​

"Survival brings out your instincts. I had to rely on mine for 4 years," nonchalantly answered Apollo as he retrieved a small Essence Core from the sternum of the Spirit Beast. Needless to say, it didn't amount to much as this was a simple Rank 2 Spirit Beast.

Stowing the Essence Core in a small pouch, Apollo continued to partition the ape's body. Within moments, the flesh was separated from the skin. Stepping up Ashur interrupted him.

"Ahem, I hope you aren't thinking of taking this beast's flesh? Since you killed it you can keep its core, however, the flesh is part of the reason we ventured out here."

Glancing at Ashur from the corner of his eye, Apollo looked at him yet remained blank, "I don't need it all, but if you try to stop me from taking some...I don't mind causing some damage," retorted Apollo with a thin, cold smile.

"Y-you! Disrespectful!" snarled Ashur as he trembled with indignance. This youth showed his elder not a shred of respect!

"And who are you? I don't recall us having any relations," questioned Apollo as he tilted his head. Throughout speaking, his tone remained plain and unmoving.

"Ahem, Apollo, I know he has wronged you and is rough around the edges. But, Ashur is your family and you shouldn't treat him in such a way, no?" interjected Danyul looking to mediate the tension.

Shifting his emotionless gaze to Danyul, Apollo shrugged, "Family? I'm sorry but that Apollo has died. Nor am I looking for this word you call family. I simply want the spoils of my battle and I'll be on my way."

"Hey! That's not the way to talk to your Elder," exclaimed Axel as he widened his eyes at Apollo's attitude. Although he was a troublemaker, he never disrespected his Elder. But Apollo here was simply too cold.

"Oh," turning his head toward Axel, a cold murderous expression became present on his face.


Before anyone could respond, Apollo used the Partial Shade Silhouette to appear right next to Axel in an instant. The cold obsidian blade rested against his neck as Apollo's cold voice was heard, "I suggest you shut up because I've been itching to exact my revenge upon you. I don't want to waste my time. But if you open your mouth, I don't mind killing you."

As he spoke these words, Apollo's fingers made a faint movement causing the Vantablack Knife to dance against his skin. An audible gulp was heard from Axel. Oddly enough, he couldn't rebut this callous youth, he gave him a sense of dread. He felt he meant his words.

'Wow...Apollo has really changed. He's no pushover. He doesn't even place the Elders in his eyes anymore. No that isn't right, he doesn't see them as family.'

Glancing toward Cynthia, Apollo spoke again, "Aunty, do you agree with their words?"

Surprised by his familial tone, Cynthia responded with a warm smile, 'He's becoming more like him. His father was the same way; he didn't take any nonsense from anyone.' It wasn't long before she found her answer, "Take what you need sweetheart, you also need to cultivate."

Nodding, Apollo didn't hesitate. Releasing Axel, he tossed him aside and approached the beast carcass, "Thank you, Aunty."

"Y-y...Cynthia! We'll get in trouble. Don't you remember the Grand Elder's words? Not to mention, look at his actions! He's an insufferable beast!" grumbled Ashur.

"While I am aware of my uncle's words...I will have to respectfully disregard them. Not only is my poor nephew in the wild surviving on his own, but I also don't recall anyone once sending someone to check upon him. Hence, I don't care what you have to say...he will be taking what he needs," Cynthia replied with a frigid gaze directed at Ashur.

'Whoa... Mom's a badass!' thought Aaron in surprise.

Taking a step back, Ashur scoffed. By no means would he confront Cynthia. The reason was simple while he advanced to the 9th level of the Zul Warrior Realm, Cynthia had stepped into the Zul Knight Realm! Their talents remained on different levels.

Taking ⅓ of the Violet Sonic Ape's flesh, Apollo began sitting down and roasting it after starting a fire. Because he ran out of Spirit Beast prior to this he felt rather famished.

Smelling the fragrant smell of the Spirit Beast meat, Aaron began salivating as he took a seat next to Apollo. "Smells delicious, I thought the chefs at home made it taste good but I guess it just inherently tastes like this. So Apollo, tell me more about your experiences. I've missed you… I've put myself through hellish training in the event that we meet again so I'd be strong enough."

Glancing toward Aaron, Apollo nodded, "Mn, well at first it was hard to survive but as time went on it became easier to cope with. I've honed my skills through battle as you saw and have comfortably achieved a Rank 8 Mortal cultivation."

"D-does that mean your body is better?" blurted Aaron with eyes full of curiosity which soon fell upon the scar on his shoulder, "Also, how did you acquire that?"

"Yes. I believe it's getting there. As for this scar, it came from a perilous battle. Don't be like me and attempt to fight Rank 3 Spirit Beast early. How about you, what is your talent like these days?" asked Apollo as he tore into a piece of Spirit Beast meat.

"It's stronger than before for sure, I think it's possibly well into the Spirit-Gra-... Did you just say a Rank 3 Spirit Beast?! Aren't those equal to at least peak Zul Warriors? How did you survive?" Aaron's mouth dropped in shock as everyone's widened. Just what had this child experience?!

"Meh, probably luck. But enough of that, I survived and live to see another day. By the way, you're welcome to help yourself," offered Apollo as he sidestepped Aaron's curiosity.

Taking him up on the offer, Aaron also began chewing on some of the meat. Behind them, Cynthia stood with a gentle smile leaning against the tree, 'For the first time in 4 years, Aaron seems like himself again.'

She didn't enjoy the change in her son after Apollo's departure, much like the current Apollo; he felt too detached. Although his initial talent was slightly weaker than both Lily and Axel; his dedication to training was many times stronger. As a result, his cultivation was always relatively close to theirs.

Turning back toward Cynthia, Aaron asked a question with a pleading expression, "Mom, if Apollo's staying here after we complete the task, can I as well?"

Falling victim to his stares, Cynthia ultimately gave in, "Yes, if that happens you can stay. However, you must return to partake in the Quinquennial War Preparation Trial in a little over 8 months! It isn't something you can miss as it determines your future."

Nodding, Aaron promised his mother this. Turning toward Apollo, he asked, "Do you mind me staying?"

"Not at all but I'm not sure if I'll be staying here much longer," replied Apollo as he focused on the meat in his hand. As such, Apollo received a potential plus one to everyday boring cycles. On the other hand, Lily walked next to Aaron pulling on his sleeve while remaining quiet. Meanwhile, with each successive bite, Apollo's experience was increasing by a small degree. Regrettably, it barely made a dent in his vast experience pool.

'Hmm, it seems the 90s will be tiresome to complete, with this my tread to the Zul Warrior Realm lengthens. However, I have faith in the benefits I'll receive after.'

"Yes, Lily?" asked Aaron as he looked towards her. At his side, Apollo glanced between the two before returning to his meal.

"You're...not returning home?" quietly asked Lily as a tinge of sadness was apparent in her gaze.

Turning towards her, Aaron had a slightly apologetic look on his face. He knew that he was the only person besides Elders that Lily really interacted with. However, he didn't want to leave Apollo alone again; at least for the time being.

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