The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 67 - Into The Central Area (I)


As they ventured deeper into the Shadowy Forest, Apollo trailed behind everyone with Aaron next to him. Throughout this whole situation, he kept a watchful eye. However, often he would blank as he contemplated the process of the Supreme Demon Body. ​​

'2 years have passed, yet there isn't any sign of me creating the First Stigmata—Infernal Ira. It seems I'm unable to bypass the minimum cultivation requirement. Could this cultivation method truly be that overbearing? No matter how much I ponder it, I can't see it as being so.'

[Oh my young lad, don't worry you will come to see just how nonsensical this can be. In the meantime, just continue to let the circulation method of the Infernal Ira Stigmata damage and cleanse your physique. Once that process is complete, it should align with proper timing.]

'Did you say damage?'

[Correct. The fact the Infernal Ira Stigmata will do damage is undeniable. You must realize wrath is not an emotion to be taken lightly. Of course, that's not all it will do…]

At the end of his words, Azridan released an amused chuckle as he recounted the effects of the Infernal Ira Stigmata. Even he was surprised in the past by the events that unfolded. From that moment forward, he understood the saying that existed amongst the demons.

'Errr, is there really no other way to perform it other than waiting until I reach that state?' asked Apollo slightly disgruntled by the fact this torturous period would extend even further. Impatience was plastered across his expression.

[No, and even if I tell you such a way; it's not really a bypass as you would still experience the same sensation, however, it would be intensified many times over.]

'Mmn...okay then,' nodded Apollo as he quietly circulated his Natural Essence drawing in more from the atmosphere. Noticing this, Danyul turned back. Inspecting Apollo, he squinted his eyes.

'Hmm, the amount of Natural Essence he's resonating with is beyond the others with a Middle Tier Earth-grade inner physique in the family. Not to mention, the amount he is absorbing is also higher by a large degree. Is his talent really stuck at the Earth-grade his body just craving Essence due to the absence of it during his earlier years.'

Lifting his head, Apollo's glance met Danyul's gaze silently. He noticed his gaze carried a tint of curiosity, 'Hm, he must be inspecting the amount of Natural Essence interacting with me.'

At the same time, Axel stepped on the branch causing a loud snapping noise. Stopping in his track, Axel paused in slight terror. Before them, the multiple trees cleared and in place of them were 3-meter tall Apes with brown and red fur and golden yellow eyes blazing with faint sparks. Not to mention, a smoldering heat exuded from their fur.

The earlier noise Axel made caused the Apes to turn toward them. As a result, Axel tensed. There was a gathering of over 30 Apes.

"Hm, those Apes are too close. Did we encroach on their settlement? If so, be on guard. I don't think the Alpha Ape is here," warned Danyul.

However, Apollo was as relaxed as he always was. Instead, turning towards the Apes he viewed them as one thing—Essence Cores! Stepping forward, Apollo glanced between Ashur, Danyul, and Cynthia.

"Does anyone have a long weapon? Preferably a staff or something of the sort," inquired Apollo. The makeshift terrible staff he had wouldn't suffice based on the information the system gave him.

Monster Name: Infernal Earth Ape

Cultivation: Late Stage Rank 2 Spirit Beast

Health: 3,900/3,900

Chance of Defeat: 75%

"I have a Coldiron Staff," muttered Danyul as he glanced at Apollo who turned toward him gazing at him silently before holding out his hand.

"Lend me your staff," straightforwardly requested Apollo. It sounded more like a command at this point due to the lack of emotion.

"Err...I can just kill them and b-" as Danyul spoke he was interrupted by Cynthia offering her own opinion.

"The whole reason for this journey is to give the kids actual combat experience. Lend him your staff; it's not like he'll steal it," scoffed Cynthia before shooting a smile toward Apollo who nodded slightly.

"Thank you," replied Apollo as he gripped the Coldiron Staff looking at its properties.

Item Name: Coldiron Staff

Tier: Rank 3 Weapon Artifact

Grade: Decent

Effect: +10% increase in Zuls. Attacks carry a trace of Ice-attribute Natural Essence.

Sub-effect: Attacking open wounds with this staff will begin to slow the movements of your target. -1% Movement Speed per hit.

Information: Made by a Grade III Bronze Rank Forger. The ore material it is forged from is conducive to circulating Natural Essence, especially true for Water/Ice Attributes. This is the case from its fragments being soaked in a solution potent with such elements.

As Apollo's hand touched the staff, a cool feeling spread throughout his body causing him to raise his eyebrows in surprise. This was the first time he came in contact with a weapon that possesses an element albeit slightly weak, 'Interesting, this isn't bad. The cooling sensation is rather comfortable.'

Spinning the staff around his body in a dextrous manner, everyone was surprised by the handling of the staff. In fact, Danyul squinted, 'His skill surpasses that of the Zul Warrior early stages. Moreover, his speed is also ridiculous… Just how much time a day did he dedicate to training?'

Kicking off his back foot, Apollo sprang into action whilst Lily, Axel and Aaron followed. Glancing over at them, Apollo held his staff out with half of it braced behind his arm. Confronting the closest Infernal Ape, Apollo performed a sweep in which the Infernal Ape agilely dodge.

However, expecting this, Apollo stabbed the Coldiron Staff into the ground executing a dropkick with the staff as his balance. Landing on the Infernal Apes torso, Apollo rotated midair smashing the staff into the Ape's skull.

'Fluid movements. Ample combat awareness and successive adaptations,' mentally noted Danyul as he continuously nodded his head. On the other hand, Cynthia remained with a gentle smile.

Making quick work of the first Infernal Ape in about 1 minute or so, Apollo moved onto the next taking note of his stamina. "Stamina: "4,495/4,500"

'Theoretically, in this manner, I can handle an endless number of Infernal Earth Apes or even Rank 2 Spirit Beasts for that matter. The increase in my body parameters goes without saying. Of course, I have to remember I've used none of my techniques. Basic movements aren't exhausting for me,' thought Apollo while contemplating a small notion.

Weaving throughout the bout, Apollo was surprised by the fact that these apes were able to coat their long fingers in thick flames; it was a rather dextrous use for a simple Rank 2. Nevertheless, there was a telltale sign of this happening as their fur deepened a vibrant red color.

Finding dodging to be too tedious, he confronted the technique head-on. After all, if there was one thing he wasn't afraid of, it was fire! Suffering negligible damage, Apollo was healed by his pendant that hung around his neck. With the addition of this ability, the small fight could extend longer than Apollo hoped. Hence, Apollo absorbed the damage and killed the next beast.

On the other hand, the loud noises of battle attracted the Ape Leader from wherever it was. The floor rumbled as its heavy steps approached the battle scene. When in proximity, a loud roar was heard causing Apollo to shift his glance. However, his expression didn't change much besides the gleam in his eyes.

'That roar should be at least a Rank 3. Just what I was seeking, a well-developed Essence Core…'

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