The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 90 - Overture To One's Demise (I)


"How could you allow him to follow through with those abominable desires?" Sallaya screeched in the conference room. After Apollo exited the conference room, emotions seethed. After all, this was her son they were talking about! Although this was the law of the world, wrapping her mind around potentially losing her progeny was a hard pill to swallow. ​ ​

Staring at her silently, Kayn sighed in lament, shaking his head without end. A peculiar glint appearing, "You know the price of being born into this world. It is the land of the wolves. He'll simply have to fend for himself; if he truly wants to survive that is. My hands are tied in this matter."

Kayn vanished from the room as well leaving hateful elders aplenty. On the contrary, Cynthia and Danyul excused themselves as they wanted no parts in this somber atmosphere. Danyul was without a child whereas Cynthia's child had possessed a brotherly relationship from the beginning.

Therefore, they weren't affected in the slightest. Rhyne, on the other hand, remained petrified before shooting his brother a meaningful glare, "I delegated that child's future to you in light of me focusing on cultivating. Therefore, I blame these events on you. Should Axel perish, it'll be on your shoulders."

Rising to his feet, he exited the room as well leaving a distraught Ashur, 'W-what...he won't seek revenge? What the fuck? Does he not possess any parental angst from this situation? What kind of father is this... Sure, his personality is partly my fault but you're the second strongest in the family dammit… DO SOMETHING!'

Ashur clutched his head in madness, left in the room alone save one person. Before leaving, Sallaya spared him a departing glance, "Tch… I don't know what I saw in you in the past. If only Axel was truly Rhyne's…"

For a moment, Ashur froze. After some time, those words hit him, except he couldn't believe his ears. 'W-wait...what did she just say? Could that be why Rhyne doesn't spare Axel such tender feelings? Then does that mean..." Ashur began biting his nails in panic, her words reminded him of that momentary weakness he experienced in the past.

Truthfully speaking, the only difference between Ashur and Rhyne were the color of their eyes—Ahsur's being black and Rhyne's being a faint cerulean color and their talent. Whereas Ashur possessed a Top Tier Earth-Grade inner physique, Rhyne possessed a MiddleTier Spirit-Grade one. Nevertheless, with everyone parting ways they could only prepare themselves for what was to come.


Standing before Aaron's room, Apollo knocked before entering inside, "Aaron, let's spar. We need to correct the deficiencies in your style."

Aaron sprang to his feet with vibrant eyes, expectancy running rampant within, "You betcha! Where do you want to do it? In the training area?"

"That'll do," Apollo replied before walking side by side with Aaron.

"So… where did you go?" Aaron looked towards Apollo, curious to know where he had disappeared to for that short while. While it wasn't too long, it was enough to warrant Aaron's curiosity.

"Nowhere special, just the Council Hall. You didn't sense Kayn outside of the residence?" Apollo inspected Aaron's skeptical eyes, 'It seems their senses aren't as sharp as mine. Perhaps...does this have something to do with the Intelligence stat? It's possible. Speaking of which, I should be focusing more on that like Azridan insisted I do.'

After a short while, the two appeared on the family training ground. Due to the darkening sky, it was rather vacant. Apollo loosened his body, tilting his neck to the side crackling with power.

"Ready?" Apollo asked Aaron as he widened his feet taking a preparatory stance. However, Aaron was surprised. He was barehanded! Due to Aaron training in the sword, he thought Apollo would use a weapon but that didn't seem to be the case.

"No weapon?"

"I don't train in any weapons aside from long weapons and fists. So there is no need to worry, come at me with full intent. Besides, this is more so for you than me," Apollo replied with a sharpening glint in his eyes. In response, Aaron's sharpened as well.

"Ready!" Aaron kicked off his feet stabbing forward at Apollo. However, it seemed a the end of his strike he altered the path in fear of him damaging Apollo. Noticing this fact, Apollo frowned.

'This is what I meant earlier. They aren't trained to damage those they are familiar with. It'd be a horrible sight if they were ever betrayed they'd barely be able to defend themselves.'

Apollo's expression turned grim, "What are you doing?" Shifted his forearm, he knocked away Aaron's wooden sword strike. Furthermore, a faint murderous intent escaped his body.

"This is a battle! Never withdraw your sword. That's how you lose your life," Apollo reprimanded Aaron. Bringing his fingers together, Apollo used it as if it were a sword, stabbing forward.

"This is just a spar, right? Why is there a need to be so seri-" Aaron's expression grew solemn as he raised his sword in defense. A soreness spread through his arms as he did so. Right before his chest, he blocked Apollo's attack aimed at his heart! In other words, Apollo was treating this as a real battle—he was attacking vitals!

"That mindset needs to be discarded. Didn't you hear Kayn's words years ago? This world will trample over us. Hence, become ruthless," Apollo's gaze grew cold but contained a hint of desire within. It seemed he wished for Aaron's true growth.

"That is my blunder! I won't be doing it again," Aaron gave a resolute nod. This time, his sword gleamed with a sliver glow emitting a sharp and dangerous feeling. In light of this Apollo smiled.

A dark Natural Essence coated his hands up to his wrist. His control over Natural Essence became better and better. The repeated use of the Partial Shade Silhouette and Demonic Massacre Wave played a large role in this. Furthermore, one must remember, he wasn't in peak condition.

"Hyah!" Aaron slashed his sword three times all aimed at Apollo's vital areas—eyes, throat, and heart. Apollo reacted quickly, shattering the sword waves. A piercing screech was birthed from the collision the essences.

Retreating, Apollo flicked his finger firing a small Demonic Massacre Wave, not even one-tenth of what he usually used. In truth, he didn't seek to hurt Aaron. Rather, he sought to used the murderous feeling all his skills possessed to give him a sense of dread. In turn, this should stimulate his dulled survival instincts.

As that wave hurtled towards him, a silver glint appeared in Aaron's eyes. "Break! Quicksilver Second Sword Form: Metal Threads!"

From the tip of his sword, numerous threads fire toward the incoming wave as his appearance paled. It seemed the consumption of this technique was by no means small. Even though it took a lot, he thwarted Apollo's attack.

Unfortunately, there was no time for celebration as Apollo followed up with his movement technique appearing right before him, "In battle, your opponent will not spare you a breather. Always remain prepared for a counterattack."


Apollo's fist slammed into the wooden sword sending Aaron flying. A confrontational gleam appeared in Aaron's eyes as he rebounded coming to a sliding halt.

"Again!" Aaron roared, the aura around him sharpening.

[I feel an intent albeit in its infancy stages.]

"With pleasure!" Apollo chuckled, dashing in once again. He had taken note of a small change within his body. With each exchange, it seemed the black wisp assimilated with him more thoroughly. Hence, he would surely continue these actions.

Within a short period of time, numerous exchanges took place. Unbeknownst to them, Kayn stood above the room of the Main House, gazing at their battle with a profound luster in his eyes. 'It appears I have underestimated this boy. He shows no pressure in a fight and he is tempering Aaron's mindstate. In fact, he seems to be developing an intent because of this…'

Praise appeared on Kayn's expression before his body began fading, 'If he can awaken'll be helpful in his trial.'

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