The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 93 - Five Against One


"Attention all within the Kaiser Estate, today marks a string of inevitable events. Those of which were brought upon the participants through their own actions. As a result, they'll have to face their own tribulations." ​​

Kayn's aged voice projected throughout the Kaiser Estate. His brooding tone offering a foreboding feeling that made a few grow weary with trepidation. His continued words added to the somber atmosphere.

"Today, there will be two large events. First and foremost, we will be distributing 8 Natural Blessings to the Top 8 of the youths, however, this excludes Lily. It's a shame but it'll offer no benefit to her. Secondly...we'll be invoking an ancient way not used for many years."

Hearing his second set of words, more specifically, the last one, clamor filled the Kaiser Estate. What did the Grand Elder mean by ancient practice? If his tone weren't so heavy, they would have thought it was the prelude to some inheritance trial.

After all, that wasn't something unheard of in this world.

"Apollo Kaiser, the issuer of the Death Challenge seeks out mortal battle with the following named individuals: Axel Kaiser, Brendel Kaiser, Dylon Kaiser, Klyde Kaiser, and Ymir Kaiser."

A string of continuous gasps sounded from the youths of the Kaiser Estate. This was the first time they had heard of such a practice. Of course, if one delved deeper into the books located within the library they would have become privy to this. While it had yet to be enacted in recent years, throughout history this was a norm amongst mortal enemies.

The reason behind this rite being—to settle differences deemed unforgivable and enmity labeled as irreconcilable. Needless to say, that standard existed at different levels for different people. Everyone held their own beliefs as well as bottom lines. Hence, the creation of this practice.

For Apollo, it was the fact he had "died" once before. Therefore, it was time to appease the partial soul ridden with angst. These words which sounded like the hymn of an angel to him was akin to a death sentence for his victims.

"It is time to repay enmity. One may argue we were mere children back then, however, a lost soul can never be reclaimed. Therefore, they'll have to reap what they have sown. I promise to you Apollo, on this day… your soul will find peace," Apollo looked into the distance with a cold gleam.

At the same time, a wave of despair flooded into the minds of the mentioned youths'. Thoughts like "Why is Apollo here?", "I've heard he's become some type of monster…", "Is today the day I die?" circulated through their distraught adolescent minds.

Once again, Kayn's voice reverberated throughout the entirety of the Kaiser estate, "All parties in mention convene at the family training grounds now!"

As these words entered Apollo's ears, his body disappeared. It seemed as if his shadow was more potent than usual in line with the slew of dark thoughts present in his mind, 'You will come to know with true darkness feels like.'


Apollo appeared standing face to face with Kayn. One by one, Axel and the others appeared. However, the color in their countenances had long since vanished. After all, how could one remain calm when their name was mentioned with "death." It was an unsettling situation to be faced with.

"G-Grand Elder we have to go through with this? What about our desires? What if we don't agree to partake in this battle?" Both Axel's body and voice trembled with consternation. Looking into Apollo's cold eyes, he could taste a dreadful flavor in his throat.

In that short moment, he began to regret his past transgressions. Unfortunately for him, the past couldn't be changed. One would have to live with the decisions they made and face the consequences no matter how extreme. This notion was further cemented by Kayn's following words.

"Sadly, my young one, that decision isn't up to either you or me. This practice is for the sole purpose of venting enmity. It is the law of the cultivation world. Once invoked, only two things can quell this situation.

"Only if the issuer agrees to rescind their decision to issue this challenge or either side experiences death will the outcome be determined. Unfortunately, and it pains me to say, but I don't think the former is a possibility. This, I'm afraid, is out of my hands." Kayn shook his head whilst taking a step back. Forming hand seals followed by him waving his hands, a large barrier erected around Apollo and the other five.

"Wait! WAIITTT!" Axel roared as his mind was filled with unpleasant thoughts of his demise, "Apollo! Do we really need to come to this? It shouldn't be like this! Kids our age shouldn't welcome murder," Axel's voice carried tints of pleading whereas his expression showed signs of hysteria.

Instead of responding, Apollo clenched his hands into fists. Step by step he approached Axel and the others with unabated steps. Moreover, his eyes didn't seem to register his pleas in the slightest.

"Axel. What do we do…" Brendel turned towards Axel, his legs trembling in fear. Looking at Apollo was like looking at the reaper himself. With each passing moment, his dismay grew further.

"Grand Elder Kayn! What about my talent? Is this all I'm worth to you..?"

Kayn didn't answer immediately. Instead, his gaze shifted between Apollo and the rest. Only then did he utter his answer, "If you're to speak about talent; why don't you all defeat him and show your worth?"

In response, Axel trembled. From the start of his cultivation to now, he was doted upon by a majority of the Elders being bestowed the best of cultivation resources in the family. Yet, why did things take such a turn of events? Unbridled hatred appeared in his eyes as he looked at Kayn.

That hate was then directed towards Apollo who stood face to face with him, silent, like the last moments of death when your body ceased to fall under your control. "It's because of you! What qualities do you have that I don't? What can you offer the family that I can't?"

"This doesn't make any sense! I refuse to believe we have to sit here simply awaiting our deaths. No… you'll go to the same place that your parents went," ending his words here, he threw an explosive punch at Apollo's face. Although seemed as if Apollo didn't react that wasn't the case.

Before the punch landed, Apollo blinked, executing a move of his own. Axel's expression filled with shock, his widened eyes staring into Apollo. A pungent shade of trepidation welled in his eyes.

His fist stopped right before Apollo's face. His movements were sealed by the vice grip holding his neck.

"You talk too much. The smallest dogs usually have the loudest bark."


No usage of Natural Essence, no special techniques, not even a flashy move. The way in which Apollo dealt with Axel was simplicity as its finest—he smashed him into the ground!

In light of this, Axel's expression blanked. He, a Zul Warrior, was forced to the ground in a helpless state without the use of Natural Essence? What madness was he living through right now?

Rather than continuing with his actions, Apollo released his grip, "I guess you all don't want the chance at living. If I kill him, you 4 will become easy pickings." A playful chuckle escaped Apollo's lips causing the others to scowl.

The roles had been reversed! The way they looked down upon and antagonized him in the past was the exact way he treated them now. This fact didn't sit well with them in the slightest.

"Oi! Oi! Where the fuck do you get off acting all haughty? If we were to team up, your death will be certain!" Ymir sneered, deep hatred followed by unconcealed fury flashed in his eyes. "Axel, get up! Will you continue to let him trample upon us?"

"Axel, get the fuck up!" Brendel roared, locking eyes with the thin and vindictive looking Ymir. Nefarious smirks were passed between them before shifting their position to Apollo's sides.

At the same time, Axel's mind recovered clarity. He made his decision, roaring his orders at the top of his lungs, "KILL! Everyone, kill him. It's either him or us."

In response, Apollo shook his head with blatant disdain. However, within his eyes appeared excitement. Nothing would be more pleasurable than to destroy their futures while their hopes had been reignited.

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