The Demon's Soul

Chapter 14 Feelings- Part 1

She huffed for air as she jogged in the deserted ground, her feet touching the ground to lift the dirt under it. With her earphones plugged into her ear which was playing the song a light that never comes from Linkin Park. She had woken up earlier than usual today and unable to sleep, she had worn her tracksuit and picked her sports shoes to run in a ground which was nearby her place. Completing her sixth round, she stopped. Placing both her hands on her knees, inhaling and exhaling for air. Her wet shirt stuck to her back. Walking towards the bench, she sat down, leaning her back against it while looking at the sky which slowly brightening up so beautifully.

Having a weeks holiday from schools, she was going to Spain along with her parents tomorrow. She was in much need of a good vacation and this was the right moment. She was more than excited to be traveling there so that she could meet her cousins. Demons cousins to be specific.

Lilly now stood in front of her locker, stuffing her books inside it knowing she wouldn’t be using it in a weeks time. Seeing Gwen talking to a boy who had come looking for her and she waited for them to finish talking.

"What was that about?" she asked Gwen who was in deep thought.

"There’s a skating competition this season and our sports department would like to have me represent the school for the competition. I couldn’t resist saying yes!" she raised her hand in happiness.

"Well, that’s awesome news," she smiled at her friend’s unconstrained excitement.

"I know right. Sam and Rick already left for the day," Gwen informed her when Lilly looked around for them in the corridor.

"Already?" she asked surprised.

"Ah-huh. And Marc is taking extra classes which he’s been lagging in so come on," she said passing through the entrance of their school, "Cole said they are waiting."

"I feel like a third wheel," she groaned, "Don’t you want alone time? Isn’t that what couples do?"

"I am selfish and want Lilly time. I won’t be seeing you for a week," she pouted, "Ace is going to be there too. You have a company," she winked.

"Hmm. So where are we headed today?" Lilly asked, adjusting her bag on her shoulder which kept sliding off her shoulder.

"He said to come at his address," Gwen passed on her phone to her to see it, "It’s one of his friend’s house. He said he would like to introduce us, so don’t over think," Gwen narrowed her eyes at her, seeing the gears in Lilly’s head already turning with not liking the idea of it.

"Ah! I forgot his jacket," she face-palmed herself for being forgetful. But then, she didn’t know they were going to meet them today.

After taking a bus and walking around few blocks as they got lost in the area, they finally found the house which they had walked by previously. It didn’t seem like a popular area as she found no one walking on the street. It was pretty much empty and shady in her opinion. The house was old and could have the permission to be placed as an antique due to the dark, faded paint on it. When they went across the porch, music could be heard coming from inside.

Knocking the door, they waited for a few seconds to hear, "Wait up!" from an unfamiliar male. The door opened to reveal a person who looked no less than a corpse. He had a lean and tall built, eyes that were covered with long bangs on his forehead. In some sort, it reminded Lilly of a cartoon she used to watch when she was a child. Standing at the door the person tilted his head in question.

"We are Cole’s friends," Gwen spoke up to see him nod. He opened the door wide, letting them inside.

The inside of the house didn’t look as bad as it did from outside. It was a normal sized house with white marble flooring. There were paintings and a wide mirror placed at the entrance when they continued to walk. Ace and Cole were in the hall with two other people named Ryan and April who were Cole’s childhood friends. She found out that the person who let them in was Peter, a friend of Ace, making her smile internally. To spend time, they played cards and once they had finished the game. April began getting acquainted with them before going up to use the restroom. Ace who had taken a seat next to her even though there was a lot of space on the other side, hadn’t spoken much except for few glances he spared at her. Instead, Ryan had begun making small talks with her,

"So Lilly. What’s your favorite flower?" he asked trying to get her to know.

"Orchids," was the simple answer she gave back.

"Ah. I thought it would be Lilly," he grinned making her smile.

"You’re a cheesy person," she stated and he nodded in agreement.

"That I have been told and you, are a beautiful girl."

"I have been told," she retorted back like a child. Excusing herself, she got up from the couch to go to the kitchen to fetch water. She wondered when summer would end. The heat was hardly bearable. Filling the glass of water, she turned around to only bump against someone there, "I am sorry," she apologized. It was Ace.

"Are you comfortable here? With April’s intrusive questions and Ryan’s flirting I mean," he asked with his black eyes boring into hers.

"Yeah," why was he asking her that? Wasn’t it normal for people to ask questions? Wanting to ask about the locality where they were, she opened her mouth to be interrupted by Ryan.

"Ace! I thought you guys were fixing the water filter," the man said happily like nothing could affect his mood.

"Don’t you have work to do," Ace asked him and Ryan shook his head giving a thumbs up, "All done."

"Lilly, are you free tomorrow? I heard you guys are leaving in few minutes and would like to know you better," he added with a wink.

"Sorry, I’m going to Spain tomorrow," she politely refused.

"What about-"

"She’s off limits, Ryan," Ace said icily standing next to her.

"It’s not like you claimed her. I can ask you outright, Lilly," he said playfully.

"Ryan," Ace warned him and Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Fine fine," he muttered, walking out of the kitchen.

With the awkward silence filling between them, Lilly said, "I forgot to return your jacket."

"That’s alright. I’ll take it another time. What time is your flight? Morning?" she nodded, "I see. Miss me," he said making her eyes widen.

His eyes continued to look at her, holding her gaze in place. She wasn’t sure but is words made her heart beat with all the signals that were flying around them. Hearing Gwen call her, she tried walking past him to only be pulled to his side as he pressed his lips on her cheek.

"Have a safe trip, Lillian," his eyes carried a mischievous glint, pulling back he left her standing alone like an idiot.

It took her a couple of seconds to register what just happened. With the blood that rushed up to her neck, she felt her skin tingle. He kissed her. But why? Did he like her? What if he was only teasing her. Slapping both her hands over her cheek to get rid of the dazed state she was getting into, she went to find Gwen. When they were about to leave, wishing everyone with pleasantries while she wanted to only go home and hide under her blanket, she caught sight of Gwen and her reflection on the mirror that hung on the wall. Her hair was a mess.

Something hit her though at that time. The mirror wasn’t reflecting all of them. Lilly tried closing her eyes and opening it thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her but it wasn’t. Ace and his friend Peter had no reflection of themselves in the mirror. She found it to be rather strange. Did that mean they weren’t whom they claimed to be?

The next day as Lilly’s luggage was put into the back of the car, she decided to ask her father who was making sure they didn’t miss anything.


"Yes, Lilly. Did you forget something? We still have time," he asked her but she shook her head.

"No, it’s not that. I was wondering...what does it mean if a person doesn’t have a reflection in the mirror? Or are there any mirrors that don’t show a person’s reflection?"

"I don’t think anyone has ever invented such a thing. However, there are mirrors that can capture one’s soul, but not reflecting a person is impossible. It would be like telling a person does not have a shadow. Why do you ask?"

"Just curiosity."

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