The Demon's Soul

Chapter 46 Dark creatures- Part 2

I went to visit my ex-school once I got up and was standing outside waiting for the three boys I had grown up with. I had texted them that I would be visiting them today and after an hour I saw the boys coming out of the building, Rick and Marc were talking about something while Sam was the first one to catch sight of me. He waved me with a smile as they walked towards the gate.

"Lilly," Rick said engulfing me in a hug, "How have you been? Gwen told us what happened," he informed me pulling back.

"I’m better," was my truthful reply and he stared at me, making sure I wasn’t lying. Marc gave me a quick with a grin on his face.

"We weren’t sure if we would ever get to see you again after all that happened," Marc said pulling me with his hand towards the parking lot, "She said supernaturals had different dimensions and it wasn’t possible for us to come to meet you."

"Yeah, only supernaturals are allowed to enter the place but with higher authorized permission you might be able to step in," I said thoughtfully. I was sure not every supernatural stepped into the human world because if they did, vampires would have killed most of the humans here by drinking blood out of them. Moreover, I did see few humans in the party I had attended with Luke.

"How have you guys been?" I asked them.

"We’ve been doing good, Lilly. We won the semi-finals in soccer and have entered the finals which is going to take place next week. Marc got suspended for four days," Rick answered me.

"Suspended for what?" I asked turning to Marc who laughed as though he was recollecting the memory. We came to Rick’s truck and I scrambled to the back seat.

"He broke Mr. Walter’s nose," Sam sighed.

"Really?" I asked Marc and grinned at him, "I’m sure he deserved it," I said making Marc grin and we did a high-five.

"I don’t know why Marc and you are behind the poor teacher," Sam said sitting next to Rick who was driving now.

"You have no idea," Marc said rolling his eyes at Sam and changed the topic, "Did your parents come too?"

"No," I shook my head, "Mom is in the process of completely recovering from the injury while dad is there with her. I came with Luke here. He had business here."

"Hmm, I see," Marc replied.

"I’ll be getting married in less than a month," I said out of nowhere and Rick stopped the car suddenly to a halt due to the surprise bomb I dropped.

"What?!" all of them reacted.

"How did that happen?" Marc asked, "When? Where? How? More importantly to whom?" he shot questions.

"To Luke?" Sam asked me and I nodded my head. Rick and Marc were staring at me with their mouth hanging wide open.

"I know," I answered to their unspoken questions.

"Let’s go to some place and talk," Rick suggested.

We went to a local restaurant and had something to eat, sitting there for three hours, talking about my life in the vampire kingdom and various other things. Moving out of the place, a cold gush of wind blew right in our direction and I shivered as goosebumps formed on my skin. Now that I thought about it, the boys could come and attend the wedding. I just had to make sure Luke approved of it.

Apart from my reincarnation story, I told them everything that happened up till now. The sky was peach orange and pink in color, evening turning to night. We had gone to my home later so that I could ask Mrs. Bank to take care of the garden mom had brought up with so much love and care. We all knew how much my mother loved plants and flowers. They were dropping me back to the hotel now and we were on our way talking and laughing as we remembered old memories.

While the car passed a certain block, I looked at one of the building. My eyes not able move away from it.

"Rick, can you stop the car here," I asked without taking my eyes away from the haunted building I had been to long back.

"What’s the matter?" he asked, as he got the car to a halt, turning back from his seat.

"I want to check something in that house. Give me ten minutes," I said opening the door and walking towards the rampaged house.

"Isn’t that a haunted house?" I heard Sam’s voice behind me.

When I entered the house, it looked the same except for the extra amount of dust that was collected everywhere. As I went up the stairs that creaked with every step I took, I heard Marc and others voice resonate in the hall. I had come here for some answers but I didn’t know if I would get it. I wondered if Glacia the ghost women still resided here.

The place was getting darker as the sky had turned to deep blue in color and no electricity. Pushing the door to the room I looked everywhere but there was no movement or sound to indicate anyone’s presence. Maybe I should wait until midnight for her but what if she wasn’t here anymore.

"Glacia?" I called out her name but to receive no response. Going to the other rooms I called her name again, sighing I turned back to step outside the room before a mind chilling voice spoke.

"Who’s it that disturbs my sleep?" it asked me, making me stop in my tracks.

My head snapped back to see who had spoken but there was no one I could see through my naked eyes. Something moved at the corner of my eye and I caught sight of something black like smoke.

"Girl," it whispered, "What are you doing here? Don’t you know this place is haunted?"

"Eh, hello," I said unsure and heard a grumbling sound from the smoke like thing, "Are you a friend of Glacia?" I said.

"I don’t know anyone with that name," it whispered eerily, "Go away," it said.

"I’m sorry but to my knowledge she lives here. The last time I came here I met her. I really need to talk to her," I said.

"Should have talked then," the creature in the dark retorted smartly.

"You aren’t a human, are you...hmm demon...but I smell something else in the scent which I can’t pinpoint," it said murmuring to itself but enough for me to hear, "I know not of the person you are talking about," it said now a little polite making me raise my brows. It continued to talk,

"There are things and creatures that can deceive one miss. Creating an illusion which you won’t even realize," it said.

"How long have you been here in this place?" I asked it.

"Centuries, Ms," it answered me, "I had been away for few months but to my memory no women with that name has ever lived here. Even if its a ghost, we always leave a trail of our presence."

Was it telling the truth? But what if it was. What if Glacia was just an illusion? I didn’t understand any of it.

"Why are you hiding?" I asked it curiously.

"We prefer not to come in contact with other beings," it answered, "We are the creatures of the dark." It did make the last part obvious.

"I thought vampires were the creature of the dark," I muttered.

"Vampires are our masters, Ms," it replied, "We can see you without the need of light," it replied in its low voice.

"Why do you keep referring yourself as we?" I asked perplexed. The next thing is said made me freeze.

"I am not the only one in this room or house apart from your companions. I’m sorry miss but we are part of the vampire family," it said and it took me two seconds to process its words.

I heard something fall to my right and turned my head to see something creeping towards me. Shit! I thought. Turning quickly, I ran down the stairs to see the main door closed. Why the heck is it closed?!

Going down I saw Rick, Sam and Marc holding sticks or chairs in their hand. Before I could ask about the door, Sam said,

"The door got locked and won’t open," he said and I looked around to see the dark creatures crawling like smoke on the ground. Suddenly we heard the breaking of wood behind us, giving me nearly a heart attack.

Marc had a broken chair in his hand, "I was just testing," he defended.

"Lilly any idea to what these are?" Rick asked me as we heard something fall and break.

"They are called dark creatures," I replied. That was what the one above I met had told me.

As the creatures closed in on us we stood there in stance, ready to beat it but then I doubt if it could get hurt. Before anything more could happen the main door flew open, the door literally crashing on the wall opposite to it. There stood Luke with one of his leg raised towards the entrance, meaning he had kicked the door open. Getting his leg in contact with the ground again he walked in, dusting both his hands.

While he made his grand entrance, all of us stood there rooted in our place that included the creatures too. Luke took in the sight lazily with his dark green eyes but they were slowly turning bloody red when his eyes fell on me.

"What’s going on here?" he asked coldly.

"Master," there was murmuring in the room from the creatures as they moved into corners and away from us, making my eyes go wide.


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