The Demon's Soul

Chapter 58 Waste of time- Part 2

The passage opened to a wide rock made room that held swords adoring the walls but that wasn’t the surprising thing here. There was a pile of bodies lying at one corner of the room, I covered my nose feeling the rotting blood stench assault my nose.

Going near the bodies I saw they were all having long nails, "Crossbreeds?" he asked looking at them and I nodded.

"This must be the physician’s work. The secret passage which isn’t used. Making sure I turned to crossbreed. He’s experimenting without anyone’s knowledge. It all fits in," I heard him say as he looked around the room.

It did. I didn’t even want to know what he would do with Marc if Emma didn’t go missing today and if we weren’t planning to leave. The king obviously wasn’t aware of having experiments going on right under his nose. And using an unused passage in the palace with his own guards was very convenient.

We didn’t realize we had company until I heard that eerie whispering again, this time much clearer. My head whipped behind to see crossbreeds standing at the entrance but these were different. There was only half flesh here and there in the body while others bared the skeleton system of it.

"Don’t they resemble mummy’s?" Marc asked me in a whisper as he stood next to me. There were four of them, four against two.

"More like your far relatives," I answered looking at the creatures. Hopefully Luke would understand the meaning of the blank message I sent him.

The set of teeth they had looked like human teeth, therefore, they must be humans. Nothing to worry about, I thought but once the thought crossed my mind their teeth grew long and their nails. Oh dear God.

I remembered the gun I had and pulled it out aiming it towards the creatures. Pulling the trigger, the bullet went right through its body and not affecting it. I picked a big wooden log knowing the gun wasn’t going to work right now. Once they had grown their teeth and nails long enough to scare us they came forward going for the kill and I swung the log of wood when one of its head came near me.

Marc was having his own fun by getting chased by other two of them. He had transformed in the process his eyes gold in color again while his teeth grew. His facial texture changed to a wolf-like. The fourth one went to smell the corpses that were lying on the ground. The one I hit didn’t get up and I wondered if it was out for the time being. The one that was smelling the corpses rose up angry and bared its teeth at me. I dodged as it tried to get hold of me, its nail colliding with the nearest wooden table leaving long angry scratch marks on it.

With difficulty I knocked it down, huffing for air. Marc was fighting with the last one that was standing its ground but with all that was happening neither did Marc nor I noticed the extra company we had in the room. It was not until Marc finished fighting and turned towards me with wide eyes.

"Lilly behind you!!" he screamed but it was already too late.

I felt someone’s hand going around me and realized it was one of the corpse’s body that had risen from dead. I felt it bare its teeth out wide open ready to take a bite of me and I cringed. I felt something swoosh across my head due to which the creature let me go and staggered back losing its stance.

"Don’t even think of biting her," I heard Luke’s voice behind me and a gunshot following it, "Only I hold that privilege."

Luke was here and I couldn’t say how much I was relieved to see him standing in front of me. With the little stress, I went through I hugged Luke for the briefest seconds and pulled back.

"Thank you for coming on time," I thanked him with all my heart.

"Anytime darling," he responded with a smile and then looked at Marc who had turned back to normal again. Luke’s gaze moved to the corpses and he raised his gun, pouring the bullets into the other corpses bodies, "Don’t want to take a chance," he muttered once he was done.

"Did you find Charlie? What about Emma?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Charlie and the king are talking with our sweet cute culprit," he said with a wide smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

"The physician?" I asked him and he nodded.

"And one of our guests," he added bending down to turn the creatures face from left to right, " interesting," he muttered.

"Emma is dead," he said getting up to face towards me and I felt my stomach drop, "David was helping the physician in getting people and Emma happened to fall prey to it. She was dead two hours prior to when Charlie and Meredith found her dead."

"Why?" I asked in a state of shock.

She hadn’t done anything and had only accompanied me all this while but she didn’t deserve death. Indirectly I responsible for her death. My hands began trembling with fear and anger. Killing people for their own selfish reasons was not acceptable no matter what world the action was committed.

Slowly the wind around us began to move, picking up dust and little particles in the air, making it twirl around.

"What the heck is going on?" I heard Marc’s voice but my eyesight was turning darker with every passing second.

The speed of the wind intensified as if it was ready to cut through space.

I felt two strong arms go around me, holding me tightly.

"Lillian," the voice whispered next to my ear, "Let it go, darling," the calm and soothing voice said to me. The room got silent with less swooshing of the wind but my head felt heavy and I closed my eyes letting everything go.

Luke’s POV:

I felt her body go limp in my arms as she lost consciousness. Lifting her up, I carried her looking at her sleeping face.

"What happened?" Marc asked coming behind me.

"Demon soul happened," I replied looking at Lilian who looked peaceful in sleep, "Let’s head out. The stench of blood is assaulting," I said walking towards the exit while Marc followed me.

"We’ll talk about it later," I said before he could ask me any more questions. I was quite aware of the phrase ’Walls have ear’ and talking about it now was like asking for more trouble.

"Oh okay," he replied.

I thought this passage was closed with the amount of dust covering it. I looked at him with the corner of my eyes and noticed he had his brows furrowed.

My eyes narrowed when he yawned showing me four perfect sharp teeth. Lovely, I thought dryly.

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