The Demon's Soul

Chapter 66 Vampire wedding- Part 4

"Good. I’ll be leaving now for you to get ready," he said heading towards the door.

"Where are you going now?" I asked him curiously.

"As I said before, I have something to do. Be careful until the time I meet you again," he opened the door.

"Yeah, you too," I replied back and saw him give me the Cheshire like grin before he disappeared behind the door.

Once Luke left the room, I went back to take a dip in the tub followed with a warm shower.

I was now in the room drying my hair when my mother entered the room with Julie trailing behind her. She looked worried and a frown adorning her face. Julie was already ready, wearing a deep red dress with a small corset like bow at her neck in the side.

"What’s the matter, mom?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Ah, Elise had your wedding gown in her room but someone must have broken into her room. Who ever it was has torn the dress more like ripped it and it doesn’t look like it can be worn," she said making my eyes go wide, "Elise has gone to the store you guys visited to buy the one’s you tried out yesterday," she looked really worried. Gwen rushed into my room and spoke,

"All the black ones have been sold out," my mother sighed tiredly hearing this.

"That’s alright mom, Elise will find a replacement. I’ll get my hair and makeup done until then, yes? We do have time after all," I assured her. There were two more hours before I got married.

"Alright, I’ll go find Heather," she said reluctantly as she left the room.

"I really don’t get why anyone would rip a wedding gown especially when they know whose wife you’re going to be," Gwen said taking a comb in her hand, "You made enemies here?" she asked me and I shook my head.

"I cant’ think of anyone. I hardly spoke to anyone. May be its someone who likes Luke," I said to which she hummed in response.

"Yeah, that may be one of the reason," she said untangling my hair slowly. There was a knock on the door and Julie went to get it without needing to say it.

"Who is it?" she sang.

"It’s Jamien," I heard him say behind the door.

"Jamien who," she questioned playfully and I couldn’t stop myself from chuckling.

"Damn open the door kid!" I heard him snap and could imagine the little vein popping out of his forehead. Julie moved the lock and opened the door, making way for Jamien who was holding a large rectangular box in his arms.

"What is that?" I asked him and he shrugged in response as he placed it on the small table.

"I wasn’t given details on what’s in it, just playing delivery boy," he said turning on his heel and left.

We looked at the box before Julie began jumping in excitement to open it. Taking hold of the box I tore the fancy wrapping around it and opened the lid of the box, my breath almost getting caught in my throat.

Pulling the fabric out of the box, I felt my heart beat do a flip. It was a gown.

"It’s beautiful," I heard Julie whisper next to me looking at it star struck.

"Let me call Elise and let her know we got the gown," I heard Gwen’s voice in the background as I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it.

It was a black gown but underneath it was a dull light peach color fabric. The edges below exposed the dull colored material, giving the gown a better definition. There was a little dazzle to the peach cloth as it went down the beautiful gown. It was an off shoulder with a side zip.

When I looked at the box I found a small note. I knew who the package was from before I even opened the note.

Because your happiness matters the most to me in this whole world.

PS: Something along with black should do.

Gwen came with a blow drier in her hand and set it down. She took an hour with my hair and makeup with Julie who played the assistant to her. My hair was done up with the help of only five pins which was beyond me as to how it sat well.

"I think you need to put a few more," I commented looking at my hair in the mirror and went to touch it to only get my hand swatted away.

"It’s fine. Trust me your hair is going to be fine, that is if you stop touching it every few seconds," she said looking at me while gently turning my face sideways, "It’s going to stay perfectly still, now go on wear your gown."

"I’m still not sure," I muttered as I stood up taking the gown with me.

Once I wore the gown zipping the sides, I flattened the gown for any creases. It was a perfect fit and it made me wonder if that is why Luke said he had something to do. He had personally gone to pick the dress for me.

"Is she ready?" I heard my future mother-in-law, Heather’s voice outside.

"Yeah, almost. She’s gone to change into her gown," I heard Gwen reply.

Turning the knob I stepped out carefully, holding the front of my gown with both my hands. Heather was holding a bouquet of red roses in her hand and she smiled at me warmly. Mom had a pool of tears in her eyes while she looked at me.

"It seems like it was just yesterday we found you when you were a little baby. Time sure flies quickly," mom said as she held both her hands together. Everyone wore deep dark colors and it seemed like it was a vampire wedding thing.

"You look beautiful, Lilly. My boy sure knows to pick a wife, dress and break rules," she chuckled handing me the bouquet, "God bless you, sweetheart."

"Thank you, Heather," I thanked her.

Right now my father and I stood behind the castle exit while everyone was at the graveyard. A lot of people had come to attend the wedding, men and women from different kingdoms. The black veil I wore hindered my sight a little. As I stood looking at the direction we were supposed to go, I took deep breaths to calm my wrecked nerves.

"So how do you feel?" I asked my dad and he cracked a smile at my question.

"Technically I’m supposed to ask you that," he replied with a smile, "I can’t believe you’re going to get married in a matter of few minutes and that too to him," he said shaking his head.

"But he’s the one for you," he added quickly making me smile.

"I’m worried dad," he gave me a questioning look, "What if I don’t tell my vows right?" I asked him anxiously.

"Oh honey, you’ll get it right and if you don’t well you have the paper you wrote your vows on right?" he asked me.

"I didn’t write one," I said as the music began.

"Well, let’s hope you get it right, yeah," he said patting my back encouragingly and giving me his arm to hold as we walked down the graveyard lane. Oh God, I’m seriously doing this, I thought to myself. I was freaking walking between dead bodies that were buried deep in the ground.

So sorry for disturbing your sleep, I apologized under my breath to the people who resided underground.

I saw Luke standing there tall and handsome as ever. His hair was neatly combed back and he looked like a classic vampire with his black suite and crisp red shirt. Two buttons were left open at the top and my eyes traveled down at his toned chest that was in view. When my eyes met his forest green ones, a small smile crept up his lips even though his whole demeanor was emitting an intimidating presence.

My movements slowed down when I looked at the number of eyes that were on me but my dad made sure to walk at the same pace. It made me wonder if this is why the father walks a bride down the aisle, just to make sure the girl doesn’t sprint away on her heels.

The good thing was that there were many tombstones once we reached Luke and the priest. There was a good amount of distance between the graves and where I stood. Kissing my cheek, my father left me so that I stood right in front of Luke.

The priest began the ceremony while I focused on every word he said, there wasn’t much difference from the normal wedding as he spoke. And then came the part to say our vows and I was the first one to go,

"I Lillian Griffin, take you, Lucian Knight, to be my husband, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know," I said and saw his lips twitch up at the choice of my words. My thought flow got distracted in between as I looked at his expression, "I haven’t met anyone like you. Devilishly handsome and with charm, someone I have learned to put my faith in. I..will always be there for you be it for better or worse, from this day forward until my last breath," and I slipped the ring on his finger.

"I Lucian Knight, take you, Lillian Griffin, to be my wife," Luke began as he held both my hands, "I swear to love and protect you at every step of our lives. You’re my anchor and the light. I will hold you and comfort you, shower you with love and take away your pain as mine. It would be an honor to marry you, someone I have waited so long knowing it was all worth it and I will wait again if the situation ever rose," he said seriously as he pushed the ring gently on my ring finger.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the priest said as everyone began clapping or whistling at us, "You may now bite the bride."

Wait. What?!

Luke took a step forward not wasting any time, his arm going around my waist. He pressed his lips gently on my neck as I felt myself clutch his shoulders. I felt a small prick on my neck for a second and it was gone after three seconds as Luke pulled back to see me while he licked his teeth.

He then bent down to peck my lips and spoke just above a whisper, "Finally, you are mine."

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