The Devil who devoured Snow White

Chapter 110 - Madam G

A loud gasp was from the girl on the other side of the call, followed by her cry, "INFERTILE?! WHAT?! WHEN?! HOW?! WHY?!"

"Don't ask me, go ask the doctor!"

Lust ended up sulking instead upon learning that her brother-in-law was infertile. "This is too cruel! Just so cruel! How can he be infertile?!" She sighed exasperatedly? "Oh well, let's look at the bright side. At least you can have as much fun as you can with him without worrying of getting pregnant, right?"

Han Yizhou: "..."

Lu Mengjie: "..."

This girl was too positive! TOO positive!

Han Yizhou parked the car upon arriving at a public parking place before he turned his gaze to Lu Mengjie, his brow raised in amusement. He knew what she was trying to do, she was only being protective of their unborn son.

"Anyway, about Madam G, what were you trying to say about her?" Lu Mengjie asked as she tried to divert the conversation.

"That's…" she trailed off and was reluctant.

"Does she know that Mengjie is here?" Han Yizhou repeated the question he asked earlier.

"I'm not sure… But she did call brother Sloth. I heard their conversation that she's in Japan, she will be delivering food stock from there. I remember that you are there so I stole- I mean, I borrowed brother Sloth's phone earlier to let you know about it.

"Is she someone dangerous?" The man continued to inquire. He was in charge of Lu Mengjie's safety so any information about Gluttony would come in handy for him.

"Ha!" She scoffed. "Dangerous is an understatement when it comes to Madam Red, brother-in-law! She's scary when she's mad! Like seriously! She's an ex-convict you know. But to be honest, I don't think she's someone you can't handle, brother-in-law."

Lu Mengjie subconsciously nodded in agreement. If Han Yizhou can't handle Gluttony then she was sure that Yong Liwei could! Only a devil could face a fellow devil!

"Besides, you have brother Envy's support so you will not-"

"Envy's support?" He interrupted her, his eyes filled with sudden confusion.

"Your brother!" She answered. "When I told brother Envy that you were sister Xue's husband, he was relieved!" 

Just like Han Yizhou, Lu Mengjie had a puzzled look on her face. She still has no memory of who the other members were but based on what she said, if she would think on who Envy could possibly be from the clue she has given, it could either be Han Xukun or his younger brother, Han Yehan. Envy could only be one of them. 

"Brother Xukun is Envy, you must at least remember this sister Xue, after all, he's your best friend, right?"

Best friend… She couldn't remember. She could only remember the part where his father tried to arrange their marriage at such a young age. No wonder Han Yizhou hated his father.

She turned to look at Han Yizhou and from the looks of it, he seemed to be thinking the same thing as her. He also seemed to be a bit startled to learn that his half-brother was a part of her harem, not just a simple member but one of the seven deadly sins that were leading sections of the organization.

Lu Mengjie noticed something about Lust. She was simply… talkative. Her mouth went on, looking as if she could talk nonstop for hours. She wondered if this girl could even keep a secret. Well, it was not like Han Xukun's identity was a secret.

"Madam Red is not a threat. How can she be a threat to you when she is one of us? Besides, even if she is an ex-convict, just like me, she owes you her life. You saved her. Well, I don't know the whole story but brother Pride has always mentioned that if not for you, Madam Red could have been imprisoned again and this time, put on a death sentence. I don't know the whole story but one thing I know, sister Xue, you don't discriminate against people just because of their past. You are always the type of person who tries to see the good in them no matter how bad we were back then."

A subtle smile ended up forming in Han Yizhou's face when he heard the young girl's words. He couldn't agree more to that. Now he understood why Lu Mengjie stubbornly wanted to remain by his side… it was because she saw some goodness in him, no matter how small it was.

Lu Mengjie's cheeks went red. She could feel Han Yizhou's gaze on her and at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a bit of shyness after being complimented by Lust. She has no recollection of what she was saying so it was still feeling a bit strange for her.

"Only Wrath is the threat for sister Xue. Brother Sloth and Pride always remind us to never trust him. 'He is worse than Madam Red'. That's what they would always say."

Again with the Wrath person. Just who was he? What the hell did he do to make them doubt him this way?

"Madam G is only scary to others but to us, she treats us like her own children. She is the mother of the group, do you remember?"

"No, I don't." It was an honest reply coming from Lu Mengjie which caused Lust to sulk.

A pout found its way on the younger girl's lips but soon enough, she bounced back and tried to be positive about it. "You will remember us one day! I'm sure of it!" She exclaimed. Her eyes began to get teary. "You have to, sister Xue. We are your family too you know..."

Lu Mengjie couldn't tell whether she would be able to remember everything but she wanted to even if it was going to be a slow process. 

"Since you are my family, if I remember or not, it doesn't matter, right? At the end of the day, you will still be a family to me." These were the words that entered her mind and flowed out her lips. They were not just simple words to comfort the other girl but somewhere inside, she knew that she meant them.

"Sister Xue!" Lust was trying her best to hold back her tears but failed. She quickly wiped the tears that escaped with her hand. "I-I should end the call now! I still have to work." It was an excuse. She didn't want to be seen crying by Lu Mengjie.

The pregnant woman's eyes softened. She was like a little sister. At least that was how she truly felt towards her. "Alright."

"Oh yeah, before I forget. If you saw Madam G, be sure to give her a hug, okay? You are her favorite among us after all!"

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