The Devil's Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 197 Take me to my husband

At the end of the day where Xia Meilin asked Li Bingbing to look into Kang Lin, Li Bingbing was able to find out everything about her.

"She’s... Lin Qingge?" Xia Meilin asked in surprise.

"Yes. It looks like she was taken by her uncle and was brought to States. She went under the knife just so people won’t recognize her before she went back to China and continued her work as a model, then, later on, she went and became an actress too." Li Bingbing explained. "She was just there... right under our noses. She became so famous and yet we didn’t have any idea that she was actually Lin Qingge."

Xia Meilin ended up laughing after she heard what she said. "Good, good! Now this time, I can really beat her myself! She was lucky to escape my grandmother’s wrath!"

"So, what are you planning to do now? As much as I want to go with you and help you out, I can’t." She was hiding from Lu Xian Yu so she can’t show herself to him. "You know that I’ve got a crazy stalker."

She chuckled. "Well, I suggest you move into another place from time to time to keep your location unknown. If you continue to stay here, he’ll find you... especially when my husband knows that you are here... One word from him, his brother will come knocking at your door."

Li Bingbing furrowed her brows. Now that she thinks of it, Xia Meilin was right. "Tch, can’t he go get himself his own girl? Such a troublesome man..."

Xia Meilin sighed, Lu Xian Yu was Lu Yifeng brother, of course, there would be some similar traits between the two. For example, their... possessiveness.

"Anyway, I need to start preparing things for my plans. Help me find the real people in the video."


The moment Xia Meilin arrived in the Beijing airport, the exit was flooded by the media mixed with Xia Meilin’s fans since word got out that she was arriving on that day.

Xia Meilin was wearing an elegant white blouse, black high waist pants and white stiletto heels. Her wavy brown hair was flowing smoothly and in sync with her movements. As she walked with her chin high, she gave off an air of a noble.

The reporters immediately approached her before her fans can do but Xia Meilin’s bodyguards and manager blocked them in time.

"Ms. Xia! Ms. Xia! Can we have a word from you?"

"Was it true that you were sexually abused by Lu Yifeng?"

"Ms. Xia, what can you say now that Lu Yifeng is being held by the police?"

Xia Meilin stopped in front of the car. She faced them and because of this the reporters couldn’t help but bombard her with questions.

She calmly took her sunglasses off and when the reporters met her eyes, they felt chills run down their spines, their words were stuck in their mouths.

"It’s Mrs. Lu." Her lips curled up and her eyes curled down as she smiled at them. She may be smiling so beautifully but the air around her was heavy. "Make sure to address me correctly, okay?"

"M-Mrs. Lu, there’s been a video and some photos of how Lu Yifeng treated you. As one of his victims, are you finally happy that he has been caught?"

"Me? His victim? Do I look like I was abused by my husband?" Xia Meilin raised a brow. "How sure are you that the people on the video was me and my husband? Have you seen my husband’s face in the video? Have you seen my face? My husband’s body is perfect, that man has thinner shoulders."

She crossed her arms as she tried her best to keep calm. "Are you trying to insult me by saying that the woman who sounded like a pig was me?"

"..." The woman who sounded like a pig?

The smile on her face deepened, "How sure are you that those photos are real? Are you all idiots? Anyone can edit those photos. Besides, don’t you all wonder on who could possibly have taken that video? Was that video found inside my husband’s phone? His laptop? No, right? So where did that video came from? Just by looking at the video you can tell that someone else was taking it."

"..." The reporters’ mouths were shut because of all the questions she fired at them.

"Please make sure that what you have is legit before you start accusing someone." Her smile disappeared and this time, she was looking coldly at them. "Do you all know that I can sue you all for slander? People guilty of slander can go to jail for two years or more, depending on the severity of it." She wore back her sunglasses and entered her car.

From how Xia Meilin acted, it doesn’t look like she was being sexually abused by Lu Yifeng and because she threatened them, they couldn’t help but feel nervous all of the sudden. If what she said was true then it would be bad for them especially if Xia Meilin decided to take legal actions against them.

The faces on the video weren’t seen so how can they be sure that it was really Lu Yifeng and Xia Meilin? Could it be that someone was trying to frame Lu Yifeng?

Despite wanting to ask more questions to Xia Meilin, the reporters weren’t given a chance.

Xia Meilin sighed heavily before she took off her sunglasses. "Take me to my husband."

"Are you sure?" Shu Yang asked as he looked at her.

"Yes, we need to go get him." Her statement was the only thing that the police needed to have to make sure that Lu Yifeng was really a suspect before they can take him to trial. The videos and photos were about her that’s why her presence was more important despite Kang Lin’s accusation against him.

When they arrived in front of the police station, there were people rallying with posters about putting Lu Yifeng to a death sentence.

Xia Meilin went out of the car and those who saw her quickly recognized her.

"Ms. Xia, be brave and stay strong. That monster will not be able to do anything to you anymore." One of them said with a sympathetic tone in her voice.

Xia Meilin ignored her and walked straight inside the police station. It will just be a waste of time to talk with them. She will be holding a Press Conference soon to clear up Lu Yifeng’s name.

"Hi, I am detective Chang, I am the one leading this case, please come with me. I would like to ask a few questions, would it be alright?"

"Okay." She followed the detective to the interrogation room.

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