The Devil's Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 258 - Pregnant?!

Chapter 258 - Pregnant?!

The weekend came and Lu Xingyan, together with her sister, went to see Nian Jiezhen at the local police department that was located in the city. They sent her a message in advance so that she wouldn’t be surprised when they came.

Since their presence was expected, they were brought directly to Nian Jiezhen’s office.

"Xiao Chun, Xiao Xing, it’s good to see you two again." Nian Jiezhen had her short hair tied into a low ponytail. A few strands loose at the side of her face, shaping it. She stood up and approached them, giving them, a hug as she greeted them.

"It’s good to see you too, Aunt Jiezhen," replied Lu Weichun as she hugged her back.

Nian Jiezhen leaned back, pulling away from the hug as she took a closer look at the twins. "When was the last time I saw you both? You’ve grown beautifully." She grinned.

"Thank you, Auntie." Lu Xingyan replied this time with a small smile.

"Anyway, what brought you two here?" She asked as she went back to sit at her swivel chair.

Meanwhile, the twins took a seat on chairs in front of her desk.

Lu Weichun took a glance at her sister before turning her eyes back at the woman sitting before them. "We found out something and... we want your help about it."

"Alright. Let’s hear it out then."

Lu Xingyan began telling Nian Jiezhen the information they found out about Qin Bai. She even told him about the suicide case that was happening yearly. She even showed her the notes she took considering the information of the students that died.

"If you look at the classes the students belonged, they all came from classes who had a History teacher as an advisor. They are all in the same year too... Graduating class. I’m pretty sure that before this year will end, another ’suicide’ case will happen." Lu Xingyan continued.

Nian Jiezhen was lightly tapping the desk while listening patiently at what she said. "It can be possible that it might be a murder but it can also be just a coincidence. As you can see, their grades are low and they could have been pressured which pushed them to commit suicide. If all these suicides happened in the same month, then it may be a murder."

"But look at this..." Lu Xingyan turned the page and showed her parts of a news article and it was all about the death of the students. She pointed at a picture. "They all died the same. Poisoned. It stated in all these articles that they all poisoned themselves. All consumed a poisonous herb. If not for the ’suicide note’ that backed up the ’reason’ of their deaths then this can be a complete murder case."

Nian Jiezhen narrowed her eyes at the facts her niece was giving and pointing at.

"Another ’suicide’ case may happen again and this time it might be the consumption of berries of Deadly Nightshade." She saw Qin Bai with the berries back then at the greenhouse.

"Could it be... you have a suspicion on someone?" Their auntie asked, raising a brow.

"Yes. It’s one of the teachers." She turned the page again and showed more of her notes. "His name is Qin Bai. The year he entered school was the same year where it all started. I think he has something to do with this and this is just not a mere coincidence. I think he’s the killer."

Nian Jiezhen couldn’t brush off the thought of what if she was correct? "Alright. I will look into it. I will visit your town’s local PD1 and investigate the matter myself."

The twins sighed in relief. Lu Weichun smiled and looked at her, "Thank you, Aunt Jiezhen. We just noticed that Mr. Qin’s been acting weirdly lately that’s why we can’t help but look into it."

"You better stop going on further and let me handle it. If what you’re saying is right then it is dangerous. If he found out that you are into him, your lives could be in danger so I advise you to stand down and leave it all to me."


"We’ll do what you say." Lu Xingyan interrupted her sister. "It’s better if we play safe for now. We don’t know who’s the next target so we should be careful."

Even if she wanted to look into it, Lu Xingyan couldn’t let her sister or Han Yehan be in danger. Besides, their auntie was not going to look into it so it should be fine. She was the person their brother admired and this was Nian Jiezhen’s area of expertise.


Since they were in the city, the twins decided to pass by their parents’ house just to give them a surprise visit. Although they ended up being surprised instead when they saw their pregnant mother.

"I’m so happy that you can come and visit us today!" Xia Meilin happily exclaimed after being surprised by her daughters’ arrival.

"Mom! We’re going to have another sibling?" Lu Weichun asked, looking at her mother’s baby bump.

Xia Meilin chuckled, "Yes." She gently stroked her tummy. "Your father and I were planning to tell you and your brother next week but I guess that doesn’t have to happen now. Mello called, he said that he will be coming home tonight. Monday is a holiday so you’ll be able to stay here for two days."

Lu Weichun grinned, "That’s great! Then we’ll stay here until Monday!"

They were planning to further investigate things but it looked like it has to wait. Lu Xingyan sighed, "By the way, where’s dad?"

"He’s still at work. He had an emergency meeting at the company earlier but he should be back before dinner." Xia Meilin answered. "By the way, I just finished baking some desserts. Do you want to try it out?"

"Of course! Mom’s sweets are always the best!" Lu Weichun happily exclaimed, brimming brightly.

"I’ll... just go and put my things down in my room first." Lu Xingyan said, smiling a bit. "Jiejie, give me your bag."

"Oh! Okay!" Lu Weichun took her shoulder bag off and gave it to her sister before she headed to the kitchen with their mother. Police Department

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