The Devil's Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 90 How many can you give me?

Xia Meilin and Lu Yifeng were later woken up by a knock on the door.

Xia Meilin groaned, not wanting to get up. She felt so tired and she just wanted to sleep more. She was hurting all over, especially down there.

She patted Lu Yifeng’s chest. "Yifeng... you go get it..."

Lu Yifeng was in a terrible mood when he got out of the bed, who dares try and spoil his alone time with his wife?

He wore his clothes before he went to open the door. He glared at whoever was standing there... except, he saw no one. He was about to close the door when he heard a cute roar.

Lu Yifeng lowered his head and saw Little Melon carrying Timmy in his arms. Little Melon was looking up at him in wonder. "Why did dada and momma not pick up Mello?"

Lu Yifeng smiled, he closed the room’s door behind him. "Your mother and I finally made your sister."

Little Melon’s eyes sparkled excitedly, "Can Mello go see baby sister now?!"

"You have to wait for nine months. She needs to grow inside your mother’s tummy."

Little Melon gasped in surprise, "Did momma eat baby sister?!"

Lu Yifeng couldn’t help but laugh at his son’s words. This was the first time he actually laughed like this. Maybe because he was really in a very good mood that day.

Little Melon and Timmy ended up looking at each other as if wondering why Lu Yifeng was laughing.

After calming down, Lu Yifeng bent down and patted his son’s head. "Don’t worry, your baby sister is going to be fine. You just need to wait patiently, okay?"

Little Melon nodded obediently. "Auntie Mo Jing said that dinner is ready."

"Your mother will not join us, she is tired. Let’s go."

Meanwhile, Xia Meilin was already awake and couldn’t go back to sleep even if she wants to.

That Lu Yifeng! He said that he was going to be gentle! What a liar!

She stumbled a few times as she headed to the bathroom. In front of the mirror, she saw her body full of love bites. Seeing this made her face red.

"I really did it with him..." She whispered to herself. A small smile escaped her lips. She held her blushing cheeks with both hands just like a young girl in love.

Was this the feeling of doing something naughty with the person they like? She squealed lightly in delight... but then, she suddenly remembered something which made her hands fall on her stomach. She doesn’t really mind having another child with Lu Yifeng. Besides, she was already planning to retire after her collaboration with Xiong Fan. She wants to be a full-time mother for Little Melon. She doesn’t really need to earn money anymore since her own family is one of the richest in the country.

After taking a bath, she went out of the bathroom in her bathrobe. She changed the bedsheet and blankets into a clean one before she went and wore her pajamas.

Feeling hungry, Xia Meilin was about to leave the room when Lu Yifeng suddenly came in, carrying a tray of food.

He looked at her. "Oh, you’re awake. I’m surprised that you were able to get out of the bed so soon."

Xia Meilin ignored his words. Instead, she looked at the food and her eyes sparkled in delight. Her stomach grumbled when she saw the delicious looking chicken fried rice. She was literally drooling at the sight of it.

Lu Yifeng went and placed the tray on the coffee table, "Come and eat."

Xia Meilin went and sat beside him on the sofa. She took the spoon and started eating her dinner. "Mm~ that hits the spot."

Lu Yifeng watched her eat, he patted her head gently. "Finish it, okay? Eat slowly, the food will not run away."

Xia Meilin obediently followed what he said and decided to eat her food slowly, to savor the taste.

Lu Yifeng was glad to see how obedient his wife was. He patiently watched her eat.

Xia Meilin wasn’t feeling comfortable when he keeps on staring at her. She took a spoonful of rice and turned to him. "Do you want some?"

"No, thanks. That is all yours." He knows that she must be starving after the tiring activity they did so didn’t get some.

She shrugged her shoulders and continued eating. While she was eating, she suddenly remembered something. She paused and looked at him, "Ah... what if we ended up having another son?"

Lu Yifeng blinked a few times. "Then we can just try again."

She blushed lightly as she looked at him, "How many children do you want?"

"How many can you give me?" He smiled as he placed his hand on her waist.

"A whole volleyball team." She giggled as she said this in a joking manner.

Just then, Lu Yifeng realized that if they will have so many children, Xia Meilin’s attention will definitely be divided. He’s already trying to keep Little Melon distracted. One more child will not hurt. But if it’s more than two... that’s where the problem will come.

"Let’s just have Xiao Gua and this coming child. I don’t want another child after this." He hugged her by her waist possessively.

"Even if it’s a boy?"

"Yes. I will handle Xiao Gua. I only need two children." Lu Yifeng buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Xia Meilin gently patted his head this time. "I prefer that too."

She faced her food and continued eating. After she did, Lu Yifeng summoned a maid to take the tray away.

Since Xia Meilin’s body was still aching and her lower half was sore, she went to their bed. She just doesn’t want to go anywhere right now.

Lu Yifeng brought his laptop in his room so that he can start working on the files that Su Lei brought.

A small creak was heard from the door which made Lu Yifeng and Xia Meilin turned their heads toward the door.

Little Melon peeked his small head in and looked at them. "Can Mello sleep with momma and dada tonight?"

Xia Meilin’s eyes softened upon seeing her adorable son. She patted the space beside her. "Come here."

Little Melon grinned happily. He entered the room and closed the door before he started running towards the bed and climb up on top.

Lu Yifeng, who was sitting on the sofa, ended up sighing. He was planning to go for another round with his wife later but it looks like, the next round has to wait.

"Where’s Timmy?" Xia Meilin asked as she hugged Little Melon in her arms.

"Timmy is sleeping. Mello doesn’t want to wake Timmy up. Auntie Mo Jing said that Timmy needs plenty of sleep." Little Melon rested his head on her chest. He yawned softly and closed his eyes, "Goodnight momma."

"Good night, sweetheart." She kissed his forehead.

"Good night, dada. Don’t stay up late."

"Mm, good night." Lu Yifeng said with a smile as he looked at Xia Meilin and Little Melon’s figures on his bed.

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