The Divine Anime System

Chapter 1. Prologue

Chapter 1. Prologue

Seig opened his eyes as a new day dawned. Checking the time he dressed up in casual clothing consisting of a stripped white T-shirt, jeans and a black jacket, he checked in the mirror. Standing at 5ft 10, rough black hair, a soft face which could be quite feminine but still with a hint of masculinity. A 16 year old boy stood in the mirror. The only thing off about this, is he dead black soulless eyes which would put anyone off staring into them. This isn't the case it's just that Seig can hide his emotions so deeply due to his child hood its natural to him as everything is boring and monochomatic. The only thing that brought life to him was anime. Like every other day he tried to add emotion to his face. The result... His eyes twitched remarkably fast as his attempted to demonstrate any emotion.


He gave up his tempted at basic human functions and went to the bathroom.

After he went through his morning routine he went downstairs only to be greeted by eyes which saw him as trash. Ignoring the stares, he left the house. He had no time to spend with a family which ignored him like garbage. But he didn't care anymore, WHAT he did care about was the anime convention he was going too. Even when his soul was jumping in joy, his face was emotionless.

Arriving at the train station, he waited patiently for his train until he saw a flash of lighting, which the first thing he thought was how odd lighting in a sunny day, and the next WHAT THE FUCK! As the lighting cleaved the train upwards off the track and towards him. Time seemed to stop as he stared at the train scared shitless but still carried a blank face. His eyes darted around quickly as his took every bit of information he could see. Homing in onto a small boy, which was in the trains flight path, he saw his fear and his dread. Looking at the middle aged woman which seemed to be the boys mother. He saw her failing to move in hopes of saving him, he saw fear, concern and hopelessness. Seeing this he knew what he had to do but the air felt solid as his body refused to move.

"COME ON!!!!" He screamed into his mind. Exerting as much pressure as he could, his body started to move albeit very slowly.


He forced more strengh into his body as he saw the train coming closer in his peripherals.

With out noticing his eyes glowed a pale red as he exerted inhuman strength into his legs catapulting his body towards the boy and pushing him out of harms way. For the first time in his life a smile decorated his face. His eyes glowed with satisfaction as he had achieved a part of his dream before his death. His dream to be like the anime characters that he sees, to be a hero, an inspiration, to be so god damn cool and to save someone.


What greeted him was an expanse of darkness, but oddly he knew what had happened after his death. He had managed to push the boy away saving him and some how with unbelievable strength stop the train in place causing no deaths except for some minor injuries for the pedestrians. In return for this strength, his body had broken down within mere micro seconds that it seemed like there were no one there to begin with. But he didn't mind. He felt good to save someone like his anime heroes. While he was basking in his satisfactory in saving someone, golden lights seemed to accumulate in his soul.


[Congratulating the host in bonding with the Divine Anime system]


Seig was startled when a feminine voice rang out in his head.

"Who? Where? Come out!"

[Host please calm down as I run you through the current situation.]

"How in the hell do you expected me to calm down after having a voice call out to you, in the silent void?!?!" His heart rate increased as he felt fear for the unknown. His face might be blank but his mind in absolute chaos.


[Affirmative, host is correct. Forcing status effect calm: level-high in 5...4...1]


[Done. Host may we speak now.]

Oi you missed 2 and 3.

Strangely I felt incredibly calm as my heart rate dropped to normal levels.


[I have determined to miss number 2 and 3 as proven by dentists in your world. It makes the patient unprepared and less fear is built up.]

"Errr... Point taken, so what do you mean my world? Are there other worlds?"

[Host is correct in his assumption. Now, host please be silent while I finish explaining the current situation to you. First off the reason that I have bonded with the host is due to the fact that you, the host, was robbed of your emotions as an accident by the higher beings. Unfortunately, the effect was irreversible which even the higher beings can undo. HOWEVER, by some miracle you broke through it. Although only in soul while your outward appearance was frozen in a dead like state it was still amazing as host managed to undo that even the higher beings can't. So while being shocked they had decided to see the cause and finding it to be what you term as "Anime" the higher beings decided to create a alternate universe containing some of these "Anime" worlds using a divine item. And as compensation and gratitude in your contribution, the higher being have decided to present you with me, the system, to help you on a path to becoming a higher being.]

"Ok I understand the essentials but can't you call the higher beings gods though?"


[Host brings up a good point as gods do exist but the higher beings are very powerful but not yet to the standard of god. This is not in the skills such as creation but in overall power. But one can still become a god in the aspect of healing. The terms differ for each aspect.]

"Alright since higher being are a mouthful are you able to label them as ascendant?"


[If that is what hosts desires then it shall be done.]

"So what shall I call you? It'll be awkward to call you with hey or oi."


[I don't possess a name would host like to designate a name?]

"Sure so can I call you Eve?"


[System name designated to: Eve]

"Also can you stop the dinging sound it rings in my ears and makes me so god dam uncomfortable."


"So where to first or can I choose where to go?"

[Host has a choice of 5 worlds for you to build up your foundation and strength I shall make the list with 1 being most recommended.

1:Naruto world

Reason- Good world for building foundations in the 5 basic element, and basic body training and reinforcement.

2:Boku no Hero Academia world

Reason- Good for ability training, body training and moral build up training.

3:Danmachii world

Reason- Good for steady growth, blessings and steady increase in monster levels.

4:Bleach World

Reason- Good for spiritual training, swordsman ship and ability training.

5:One piece World

Reason- Medium to high level body training and reinforcement, medium to high level will power development and combat practise with people having abilities that make them invulnerable to most aspects.

So what is your choice host?]

"For the first world it shall be........"

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