The Divine Anime System

Chapter 102. Bai Wu

Chapter 102. Bai Wu

Rei opened his eyes slowly as he still felt the signs of fatigue from upgrading his spirit ring.

"" Rei said as he saw a girl stare at him.

"Um usagi chan?" Rei said slowly wanting to confirm.

She smiled sweetly as she nodded.

Rei sighed out in relief as he relaxed.

"So usagi chan, do you have a name?" Rei asked as it would be weird for him to call her usagi all of the time.

She shook her head while.

"You make one for me." She said as her voice were soft.

"Are you sure?" Rei asked.

"un." She said as she played around with Rei's hair.

"Err how about lazy rabbit?" Rei said with a grin.

She directly chooped down on Rei's forehead.

"I'm not lazy. Just saving energy." She said as she continued to play with Rei's hair.

"Hahaha, fine how about Bai for white and Wu for dance? Since your fur was white and when you hopped around you looked like you were dancing." Rei suggested as he used the language used on the douluo continent.

"Bai Wu..Bai Wu...Un I like it." She smiled widely as she repeated her name in joy. Rei chuckled at her display.

"I still don't know your name?" Bai Wu said as she looked at Rei.

"I havn't told you my name yet have I? Well it's Rei." Rei said as he looked up to Bai Wu.

"Lightning? (Lei which is lightning in chinese) Weird name." Bai Wu said.

"No not Lei, Rei, R-e-i." Rei said slowly.

"Tired? Why are you called tired?" She asked as Rei felt a twitch surface on his mouth.

"Screw it go with Lightning." Rei said giving up.

"Un Lei. So why do you have red, black and gold ring? Bai Wu only has red." She asked as she was curious.

"So you know how Bai Wu is 100,000 year spirit beast. Well once you pass 1,000,000 year your ring becomes gold and with colours to do with your attribute." Rei explained.

"So Lei is spirit beast who lived 1,000,000 years?" She said looking Rei.

"Well I suppose that it mostly correct." Rei said as he tried to get up. Bai Wu held his head down stopping him from getting up.

"Rest more, your energy low from upgrading ring to 1,000,000 year." Bai Wu said as her tone didn't allow him to say no.

"Hais fine." Rei sighed as he and Bai Wu enjoyed the lake scenery. After a few hours, Rei opened his eyes as he felt refreshed. Looking up, Rei saw Bai Wu drooling on his hair. Rei's eyes twitched as he carefully got up making sure to not wake her.Walking off to the side, Rei took off his jacket and shirt as he washed his hair from Bai Wu's drool.

"Ahh!" Rei sudddenly heard a scream as he quickly ran back to see a startled Bai Wu.

"What was that scream." Rei asked as he looked around and saw no one.

"Er Bai Wu thought Lei disappeared." She said as she tried to hide her face as she had a heavy blush from seeing Rei's bare upper body.

"Oh that's good then, at least there were no danger." Rei said as he sighed and went to retrieve his clothes.

"Say Bai Wu, we might want to go to a city again since it has been a few thousand years." Rei said as he got dressed again. Bai Wu nodded as she stood up. Since her body wasn't as strong as Rei's, Rei took her into his arms as he leaped from tree to tree making their way out from the forest.

"Weeeee hahahaha!" Bai Wu cried out from the thrill as she laughed happily from Rei holding her like a princess.

'So she likes the thrill just like Eve.' Rei though out of no where causing him to frown as he stopped suddenly feeling a throbbing pain in his head. Rei kneeled as Bai Wu crouched near him in worry seeing Rei clutch his head.

"Lei are you ok? Lei?" She asked in worry.

"Yeah it's fine, it's gone now." Rei forced a smile as he stood back up.

'It's been a million years since I had last had a resurface of Eve's thoughts...Is it because of Bai Wu? When can I go find you....' Rei thought as he shook his head and carried Bai Wu once more.

"Let me down, Lei is tired. We'll walk." Bai Wu said as she tried to struggle out of his carry.

"Fine fine." Rei smiled seeing Bai Wu be considerate as he set her down and they walked instead.

Rei only smiled as he saw how Bai Wu was curious about everything since she is in human form. Chuckling slightly, Rei helped her gather things of interest for Bai Wu. From fruits to flowers, Rei and Bai Wu spent their time slowly as they walked out of the forest.

"You think they still remember me from last time?" Rei asked Bai Wu.

She shook her head.

"It's been a few thousand years since it happened. I doubt they would remember such a thing." She said to which Rei only nodded. Entering the village once more, Rei and Bai Wu can see that it was much more developed than the last time they had visited the town. Asking around, they looked for a carriage to Suotou city.

"Excuse me, are we able to tag along to Suotou city. I can help protect the carriage." Rei called out to a merchant.

"Are you even strong enough to protect my carriage?" The merchant said with a questioning look.

"If it helps, you can just tell me how to get to Suotou city instead." Rei said as he doesn't want to deal with humans too much as they will easily betray as long as a more powerful being wills it.

"Hmm, the route is confusing for first timers. All you need to do is prove to me you can protect the carriage and I'll take you there for free how's that?" The merchant asked as he wanted a free body guard using this excuse of he has another meat shield if anything goes wrong.

Rei frowned inwardly as he could see the evil thoughts radiate from the Merchant thanks to the additional benefits that his Samsara eyes gave him.

"Sure, with just my physical strength I should be able to defeat a spirit elder(rank 31-40) easily." Rei said.

"Is that so, then you'll guard the carriage. Is this young lady guarding with you?" The merchant asked.

"No if it is ok, can she rest in the carriage, you don't need to pay me at all as long as she can rest." Rei suggested.

'Hmm, I suppose it's fine it she just sits with the cargo. And maybe half way there we can.....' The merchant thought is evil thoughts.

"Sure we're leaving in a few minutes." The merchant said as he turned away.

"Lei, that guy seem's to be pretty nice." Bai Wu said as she looked at Rei. Rei only shook his head.

"Bai Wu, human's are fickle people. They can change their mind with a snap of a finger. I would suggest that you always be careful when dealing with people." Rei said as Bai Wu only nodded while she sat on the carriage and watched Rei walk with the carriage. There had been several beasts that approached the carriage on the journey but the other body guards dealt with them before Rei could be bothered to move.

'Hehehe, seems like he was all talk. If he could really beat a spirit elder he would have killed the beats to show off.' The merchant thought while he made a small sign to the other body guards. This sign didn't leave Rei's sight as he only sighed in disappointment for human nature.

'They won't change no matter the world. While there maybe exceptions, how could be easy to truly meet a nice person.' Rei thought as he shook his head. Walking closer to Bai Wu, Rei kept an eye out for the other guards. Soon, night fell as they stopped and made a campfire.

"Young lad! Why don't you and that lass join us for food." A smiling guard said as he waved to Rei and Bai Wu.

"Lei they said we can join for food." Bai Wu said looking at Rei.

"Let's take a look then." Rei said as he held out his hand for Bai Wu to help herself down from the carriage. Bai Wu was about to hold it when she used it as a launch pad and made a 10 point landing instead. Rei only chuckled as he followed her.

"Here try this out." A guard said handing her a some meat.

"Thank you." Bai Wu said politly as she was about to eat. Rei stopped her before she could.

"Bai Wu, don't trust everything blindly. Especially food from strangers." Rei said as his face was cold.

"You can stop acting now. Don't think I don't know about what you did to the food." Rei said throwing the food back confusing Bai Wu.

"Kekeke, if you know already then why did you follow. You're truly strong or too idiotic to think you can take us all on." The head guard said with a grin as he drew his weapon spirit with the other guards.

"Haaaa, Bai Wu this is what I mean by you should be careful of humans." Rei said as he shook his head.

Bai Wu only had an angry expression on her face as she saw how the people she though was good being hostile instead.

"With these guys they don't need a second chance." Rei said as he summoned his War God domain." A heavy suppression force attack the group of guards as they kneeled heavily causing loud cracks from their knees showing that it was broken.

"Normally, if a person says they can beat a spirit elder with pure physical strength alone, they're bragging. But unlucky for you, I wasn't." Rei said as he punched the ground causing it to crack and form a deep ravine.

"AAAHHHHRRRRRGGGGG!!!!" They all shouted as they fell into the ravine life and death unknown. Even if they were alive they won't live for long.

Releasing the domain, Rei took a map he saw in the carriage and some gold in the bag.

"Come on Bai Wu, we'll head to Soutou city now." Rei said as Bai Wu followed.

They walked while Bai Wu was curious on Rei's domain so she looked around his body to see where it had come from.

"Bai wu, are you not going to ask about what I did to them?" Rei said glancing at Bai Wu from the corner of his eyes.

She shook her head.

"Strong beasts eat weak beasts. It's the same everywhere." She said as she understood the law of the jungle.

"Well at least you know." Rei said as he continued to walk with Bai Wu. At the speed they were travelling, it didn't take long for them to reach the city as Rei looked for a inn to stay for the night.

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