The Divine Anime System

Chapter 105. Game

Chapter 105. Game

"Fuuu~" Rei breathed out as he raised his sword monarch ring to the 700,000 year threshold. With the addition of his law of time, Rei was able to mature his rings much faster saving him a lot of time.

"Lei!" Seeing that Rei finished cultivating, Bai Wu launched herself onto Rei's back.

"How many years is the ring?" She asked curious as she knew Rei was able to age his rings much faster.

"700,000 years now." Rei said patting Bai Wu's head. To upgrade his ring, Rei and Bai Wu had spent 7,000 years by the lake.

"Hmm, can you teach Bai Wu how to age her rings faster?" She asked with her chin on Rei's shoulders.

"I can but you need to understand the concept of time and then the law of time." Rei said as he confused Bai Wu.

"Hmm, ahhh so confusing." Bai Wu lamented as she didn't understand what Rei was talking about when he talked about concept and law. Rei chuckled as poked her nose.

"Mnn. Stop poking my nose Lei." Bai Wu complained as swatted Rei's hand away.

Rei chuckled as stood up.

"Come on Bai Wu, let's go to the human cities again. It has been 7,000 years, we should see if anything has happened." Rei said as Bai Wu nodded.

Bai Wu had always enjoyed their day outs to the human towns.

"Oh oh oh, can we spend more time there? We can see so much more fun stuff." Bai Wu smiled as she moved around happily.

"Hmm, sure we have got time." Rei smiled as he walked with Bai Wu out of the forest.

Bai Wu walked with a slight skip in her steps while Rei only smiled as he followed her.

Paying for a carriage, Rei and Bai Wu decided to take their time heading to the city.

"So why you two going to the city?" The driver asked curious.

"Just sight seeing I suppose." Rei said looking out of the carriage window.

"Hou~ Going on a date with a beatiful young lass in the city, good on you young man hahahaha." The driver laughed.

"Date?" Bai Wu asked curious on what the driver meant by date.

"Sheltered one huh? Well a date is when two lovers have a day out together and have fun." The driver said glancing backwards.

Bai Wu blushed hearing the truth.

" with Lei..." She muttered continuously as she became more and more red.

"Hey driver sir? What do people do on dates?" Bai Wu said leaning closer to hear every detail.

"Well just call me Old chen, and as for what people do on dates...." Old chen started to tell Bai Wu about dates while Rei only watched in humour at how Bai Wu nodded in seriousness.

" what happens most times is the couple will kiss in their free time to display love." Old chen said as Bai Wu tilted her head in confusion.

"Kiss? What's that?" She asked.

"Young miss don't tell me your this sheltered?!" Old chen said as he only looked in shock.

"Bai Wu didn't learn about these things." She said shaking her head.

"Old chen, watch the road." Rei said snapping Old chen out of it.

"Well young lady, I think it's your lover's job to teach you about it." Old chen said as he got Rei's hint.

"Hmm, but Lei said I have to try hard myself so I can't ask him." Bai Wu whispered while she glanced at Rei.

"Hmm, then young miss it's like this..." Old chen was about to say when Rei spoke up.

"I can still hear you." Rei said causing Bai Wu sit up straight.

"Er...Bai Wu wasn't asking about kissing." Bai Wu said causing Old chen to mentally slap himself in the forehead.

Rei raised an eye brow as he looked at her.

"Since when did I say anything about kissing?" Rei asked. Bai Wu paused as her eyes wondered around.

"Err...ya Old chen what were you saying about couples looking at nice places again?" Bai Wu quickly asked as Rei chuckled before looking away.

It didn't take them long to reach the city.

"Well, this is your stop young miss and I hope you have good luck in your attempts on your partner." Old chen said giving Bai Wu a smile.

"Un bye!" Bai Wu said as she waved him good bye.

"Hn hn hnn~" Bai Wu was humming happily as she managed to get more information about dates and what lovers do together.

"Hey Lei, can we go visit the flower plaza? Old chen said it was very beautiful." Bai Wu suggested.

"Yeah beautiful and fit for couples?" Rei said looking at her, Bai Wu paused her step as Rei easily caught her out.

"You know, you shouldn't make it so obvious. Especially since I heard you and Old chen talk about it on the carriage." Rei remarked as he walked forward leaving a dumbfounded Bai Wu.

"Hm? Come on, didn't you want to go to the flower plaza?" Rei asked turning around. Bai Wu smiled widely as she jogged over and grabbed Rei's arm.

"He hee~ Lei treats Bai Wu so well." She said as they walked to the plaza.

"Hm, since Bai Wu wanted to show what she learned with Old chen. I'll let you take me where you want to go. Try to impress me." Rei said as Bai Wu took it as a challenge.

"You see this flower, when two people who love each other see it, it's suppose to increase their love for each other." Bai Wu said pointing at a flower.

"Bai Wu, that's a normal rose. The flower you're on about it over there." Rei said pointing towards the centre of the plaza. Bai Wu who was about to touch the rose paused as she looked over to where Rei was pointing.

"Ahahah, they look simular so Bai Wu got it wrong." Bai Wu laughed nervously.

"One's pale pink and one's deep red. Not to mention, they're different shapes. Sure they look totally simular." Rei said looking between the two flowers.

"Um, never mind that let's go somewhere else." Bai Wu said as she dragged Rei along. Rei only smiled as he allowed her to show him around.

Bai Wu took Rei to the lake, the restaurants, the chapel and finally they reached the lover's balcony which Old chen had told Bai Wu was one of the best couples location. From here they could see over 80% of the city.

"Hmmm, Old chen said lovers kiss here but Bai Wu doesn't know what's a kiss...." Bai Wu muttered quietly.

"Bai Wu." Rei said catching her attention.

"Hm yeah?" She said looking back at Rei.

"Let's play a game. You teleport around the city to find out from different people what kissing means and I have to find you. When I grab your shoulder, it means you lose and you're not allowed to ask around for hints on kissing ok? To make this easier, I'll only use physical power." Rei said.

'This should help her learn sense danger when people are approaching.' Rei thought.

"Really? So Lei is allowing Bai Wu to ask about kissing?" She asked eyes glowing in anticipation.

"Yes. The game starts in 3 seconds and ends when the sun sets." Rei said as he held up 3 fingers.

"3....2....1" Rei counted down as the moment he said one, Bai Wu teleported away.

"Hmm, she doesn't realise that she leaves spacial signs when she teleports." Rei muttered as he leaped from building to building at blistering speeds. Rei didn't take long to see Bai Wu being cautious around a building corner looking out for Rei. Landing quietly behind her Rei stood there with a smile.

Bai Wu, couldn't see Rei as she sighed out in relief before turning around.

"KYAAAA!!" She shouted out in shocked teleporting to the roof on instinct.

"Hahaha, Bai Wu. You should use other senses and not just your eyes. Use your qi to prod your surroundings and act like a radar." Rei said as he jumped towards Bai Wu who teleported away.

This game of cat and mouse continued as Bai Wu slowly was able to spread out her senses so that she is able to tell when Rei was near. Finding out the trick, Bai Wu was finally able to spend some time asking about kissing.

"Excuse me but I'm in a rush what is kissing?" Bai Wu asked quickly.

"Ahhhh!!!" The girl Bai Wu asked, screamed out seeing a person appear out of nowhere.

"Damn!" Bai Wu said as she quickly teleported again. She could feel that scream only drew Rei to her position faster.

Learning her lesson, Bai Wu teleported further away and walked up to a couple.

"Um do you know what kissing is?" Bai Wu asked quickly.

The guy paused in shock seeing how beautiful Bai Wu was while the girl frowned at guys reaction.

Bai Wu frowned slightly at the guy's pause before quickly teleporting away.

Rei appeared on a nearby roof not long after.

"So her detection range is increasing. This is good." Rei said with a smile as he leaped towards her next location.

Bai Wu became more and more proficient in using her senses as she was able to determine how long it would roughly take for Rei to approach and teleport away at the last second. This had allowed her to use more time to asked about kissing but she only got two answers. 1, pause and blush. 2, are you serious?! This had frustrated Bai Wu as she wasn't able to find out what she wanted.

Rei on the other hand was happy that Bai Wu was able to sense people better so that she can protect herself.

"Let's change it up a little." Rei muttered as he fluctuated his speed when he would dash towards Bai Wu. He would go slow to give her a false sense before accelerating quickly making her flustered.

"Arrrggg!" Bai Wu shouted in frustration as she still didn't know what kissing was.

"Why won't anyone tell Bai Wu what's kissing." She said with a deep sigh.

"Hey I'll show you what's kissing." A good looking person said walking up to Bai Wu.

"Really?!" Bai Wu said looking at him.

"Yes, here it's simple." He said approaching Bai Wu.

Bai Wu focused seriously as she wanted to know. The guy almost reached Bai Wu when she suddenly teleported away.

"Eh?" The guy said seeing his "prey" disappear.

Rei appeared where Bai Wu stood with a slight frown.

"So you wanted to demonstrate what kissing was to her huh?" Rei said voice a slightly frosty.

"What's that to do with you?" The guy said annoyed at the fact that one of the most beautiful people he saw disappear.

"None of your business." Rei said kicking the guy in the stomach as he leaped away.

"Kuah! Motherfucker!!" The guy shouted as he was kicked away and crashed against a wall.

Rei had ignored the guy as he continued to where he could sense Bai Wu. During his chase, Rei saw something that caught his attention. There was a bracelet on display that had a carving of a white rabbit.

"Hmm, this would look good for Bai Wu as it is like her rabbit form." Rei thought as he landed near the stall.

"Excuse me, how much is this bracelet." Rei asked.

"Ah sir, you have a good eye. This rabbit bracelet was made from an exquisi-"

"Spare me the details just tell me the price." Rei said as he didn't want to waste too much time.

"Er sure it'll be 30gold." The person said clearly asking for more but Rei didn't mind.

"Here 30 gold." Rei said as he passed the person 30 gold and took the bracelet and left.

The shop keeper slapped his forhead as he realised that he should have quoted a higher price since Rei seemed like the price didn't matter.


"Hey aunty, can you tell me what is kissing?" Bai Wu asked as she walked up to a woman.

'Hmm Lei isn't approaching...' Bai Wu thought.

"Young lady, you don't know what kissing is?" The aunty said looking at Bai Wu. Bai Wu shook her head as the aunty seemed surprised.

"Well you see the boys and girls holding hands?" The aunty said as Bai Wu looked where she was pointing.

Bai Wu saw a couple kissing each other whilst sitting on a bench.

"That's kissing." The aunty said as she walked away.

'I should have time to asked them too.' Bai Wu thought as she walked near them. Tapping their shoulder's Bai Wu brought them out of their kiss as they looked at her.

"Excuse me, but can you tell me why do people kiss who they love." Bai Wu asked.

"Young sister, I'm guessing you haven't kissed anyone." The woman said looking at Bai Wu who nodded at the question.

"Do you have anyone you like/love?" The woman asked. Bai Wu nodded once more.

"Well, it's better if you try it out for yourself. When you get time with them alone, kiss him lip to lip like this and it'll feel good for you." The woman said demonstrating by kissing her lover.

"Hmmm..." Bai Wu watched curious as she walked away.

"If I do this it'll make Bai Wu feel good? Would Lei feel good though?" She muttered.

"Hmm, Bai Wu will know when she tries. Un." She said as she teleported to the lover's balcony.

Rei appeared not too long after as he could see that the sun is setting.

"Bai Wu, seems like I won." Rei said as he turned to her and paused slightly. He could see her long brown hair sway with the wind as her dress fluttered.

"Yeah Bai Wu didn't find out what a kiss was." She said but a miniscule smile formed it self as she walked towards Rei and tried to kiss him on the lips with her eyes closed. Feeling a different sensation on her lips, Bai Wu opened her eyes as she saw that she was kissing a rabbit bracelet Rei held in front of his face.

"If you hid your smile properly I might have been caught off guard." Rei said handing her the bracelet.

"Here that's your prize." Rei said as he chuckled at her surprised expression.

"Ehh??? But I thought Bai Wu will be allowed to kiss Lei if she knew what kissing was?" She said looking at him.

"I said you can find out what it was. Not you can find out then kiss me." Rei said poking her nose.

"Come on, we'll be gathering some information tomorrow. It's getting late." Rei said as he walked away with Bai Wu following behind him pouting.

She looked down at the bracelet as she saw that something was written underneath it.

[Bai Wu] Was carved behind the carving of the bunny in fine words as she understood that Rei got the bracelet for her and had her name carved it.

She smiled as she wore the bracelet.

"Lei! Does it look good?" Bai Wu asked with a smile as she showed off what she looked like wearing the bracelet.

"Yes it does." Rei said whilst he patted her head. Making their way to the inn, Bai Wu went to sleep while Rei started to cultivate his ring again. Rei felt like there should be an event tomorrow as the city seemed to be way more crowded than normal.

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