The Divine Anime System

Chapter 113. Spirit bone

Chapter 113. Spirit bone

Rei carried Bai Wu to the inn as he booked a room for one.

The staff gave him weird stares as he carried a unconscious woman to a room for one.

Rei, ignored them as his main focus was Bai Wu. Laying her onto the bed, Rei looked at her body covered in cuts.

Waving his hand, Rei gathered spiritual qi into his palm. Tracing the wounds on Bai Wu's body, Rei healed them one by one. He didn't heal them all together since he wanted to do a thorough job making sure they didn't leave any scars.

Rei frowned when he saw that the blood had dried on her body.

'It would be uncomfortable if she slept in blood. Her clothes are also damaged...' Rei thought as he gulped slightly.

'Hais...what am I thinking. I swear I'm becoming more like Bai Wu with lecherous thoughts.' Rei thought with a shake of his head.

Getting a wet towel, Rei started to wipe down Bai Wu's body as he cleaned up all of the blood.

Bringing out a new set of clothes, Rei dressed Bai Wu up as he laid her onto the bed with more comfortable wear.

Rei's worry for her comfort was able to override his desire for her as he sat down onto the chair.

He was about to age his spirit ring when he felt the presence of someone near by the room trying to spy on him and Bai Wu.

"Hmph, cannon fodder." Rei muttered as he sent a wisp of qi to decapitate the person. The spy didn't even know he was found out when his head separated from his body.

Sensing the the spy is dead, Rei brought out his ring as he started to age it.

'With my current qi levels I should be able to age it to 1,000,000 with enough qi to protect me and Bai Wu.' Rei thought as he looked at the ring.

'Hmmm, I should use that qi to hide the phenomenon of me getting a million year ring.' Rei thought as the ring passed the 900,000 threshold.

Setting up 6 concealment seals, Rei used his qi to scatter it around the area so that people wouldn't be able to see him reach 1,000,000 years. With a shot of golden light, a gold and silver ring could be seen in front of Rei.

[Might of Atlas (1,000,000)

Haki - User can use all three forms of haki.

Tremor - User can control vibrations to create earthquakes and tremors.

Aegis - Creates a shield of energy around the user. The shield won't go down as long as user provides energy. Shield has a upper limit and will break if an attack surpasses the limit in one strike. User cannot move when using Aegis.

Avatar of Atlas - One if the strongest known avatars for its almost impregnable defence.

Passive :

Blessing of Atlas - Strength, speed, defence and stamina increase 50% at all times.]

Rei inspected his new 1,000,000 year ring and gave off a slight smile.

"The avatar seems pretty good. With my current defence, the avatar will no doubt be unbreakable by anyone in this world from what I can tell."Rei muttered as he prepared his next ring.

Rei gave a grin as he realised with his all energy eater and atlas ring. There will be no one able to do damage onto him in this world.

"Seems like this world was a good one to increase my foundations in qi." Rei muttered making his 4th ring.

A myriad of energy started to appear as it strung together to form his ring. The energy twisted and turned as it started to merge. It only took a few minutes for the new ring to form.

[Sin of Gluttony (10,000)

Gluttony : User is able to eat all forms of energy to replenish one self.

Storage : User is able to store access energy into a separate reservoir.

Discharge : User can release all energy stored in the reservoir in one attack.]

The ring held an assortment of colours as it had the image of world eating serpent.

"Hmm with this I've increased my rank to 43 spirit ancestor with my new ring. From what I know, I should wait till I have all of my rings before combining them into my essence spirit." Rei muttered as the knowledge he gained from the system told him about a metamorphosis with his essence spirit if he integrates all of his million year rings with the spirit at once.

Rei spent the night mostly regaining his used energy.

"*yawn morning Lei..." (-) Bai Wu said as she sat up on the bed.

"Morning." Rei said smiling at her while sitting in his chair besides the window.

"Hm? Lei? Why am in different clothing........Hehehe." Bai Wu grinned as she looked down on her body before back at Rei.

( ) "Hehehe, you took advantage of me~ Take responsibility~" Bai Wu said as she leaned forward for a kiss.

() Chuuu~

Seeing her like this, Rei hesitated for a moment thinking whether or not should he kiss her back. Making up his mind, Rei covered Bai Wu's mouth with his hands.

Bai Wu was about to disappointed when she felt Rei kiss her forehead.

"Next time." Rei said with a gentle smile.

( O _ O )..... Bai Wu blanked out for a moment as she didn't expect Rei to kiss her back for the first time.

'Did Lei just kiss me back?.....' Bai Wu thought as tears started to well up in her eyes.


"Bai Wu?!" Rei asked nervous seeing her cry.

"Uuuuuuu, I'm just so happy..." Bai Wu said wiping away her tears.

Rei's gaze softened as he heard the reason.

"If you cry everytime I kiss you, our lake in Star duo forest will be flooded." Rei said patting her head.

Bai Wu nodded as she was still wiping away her tears.

"So that means you will kiss me more?" She asked.

"Perhaps." Rei said simply with a smile.

"Let's go, I want to understand more about this city since we're going to be staying here for a while." Rei said as Bai Wu jumped off the bed and hugged Rei's arm with a blissful smile.

Rei patted her head as he walked out to the streets.

Rei took his time with Bai Wu as they familiarised themselves with the streets and shop locations.

Bai Wu was smiling so happily as Rei had finally returned her feelings, even if it was only a little. Rei had a small smile as he looked at Bai Wu cuddling his arm.

The scene was so peaceful that people would stop to take a second look.

"Wow look at those two..."

"Are they the heirs to a clan..."

"Oh my god they look so beautiful..."

People muttered while Rei and Bai Wu ignored them.

They walked through the streets of Suotuo city as Rei started to memorize the different shops. From entertainment, clothes and food to blacksmiths, fighting schools and army barracks.

While Rei and Bai Wu was exploring the city, the head of the spirit arena held a gloomy expression.

"So you're saying a rank 73 spirit sage/saint died before he could even get information?" He asked looking at the rank 78 spirit sage in front of him.

The spirit sage was shaking as the leader in front of him pressured him with the power of a peak rank 90 spirit douluo.

"Yes, we...found him headless outside of the room." The spirit sage said not daring to look up.

"Hmmm....he must have a hidden expert near him...It's impossible for a spirit elder (31-40) to kill a spirit sage (71-80) before he can react." The leader said as he sat down on the chair with a frown.

"Put a spirit bone as a prize for a solo tournament. Try bait those two to take the tournament and when they're separated, get that girl. We'll use her to get the information we need." The leader said as took out a case and opened it. Inside, the spirit sage could see a head spirit bone.

"This is the 2,000 year skull spirit bone. It was left by a crimson scale serpent. The most likely ability that this spirit bone gives would be flame control that the crimson scale serpent is known for." The leader said.

"Are we really going to give this away?" The spirit sage asked not understanding why the leader would put it as a prize.

"Of course not. This is bait, once we have the girl we can make up some reason to disqualify that guy. And as for the winner who gets this....just kill them when they're out of sight." The leader said with a smile.

"And don't fuck this one up too." He continued as he dismissed the spirit sage.

"Now Rei...give me that chance to take your secret..." The leader said looking out of the window.

Rei and Bai Wu on the other hand was about to enter the spirit arena when they saw a poster.

"Solo match tournament. Free entry, winner gets the 2000 year skull spirit bone dropped by a crimson scale serpent....The hell is a spirit bone?" Rei said reading the poster.

"Lei, the spirit bone is a bone that a spirit beat leaves behind when they have an intense surge of regret before they die, dies willingly or grateful for their death. But most of the time humans would take the child of the spirit beast and kill it in front of their eyes before killing them. It's a cruel way since it increases the chances of getting the bone, I saw this happen a few times when I was still a rabbit." Bai Wu whispered to Rei as she felt anger and sadness for the existence of spirit bones.

"Seems like the spirit bone is highly sought after if they go as far as to kill the child before the parent just for a higher chance to get the bone." Rei said when something clicked in his mind.

"Could it be that the leader is trying to bait us into applying for the tournament? He knows the spirit bone is highly sought after by spirit masters so he wants to try bait us. Because it seems like it was just set up since so many people are surprised by it." Rei said looking around.

"Say Lei, this means that there are a lot of strong spirit masters to practice on right?" Bai Wu said as she understood that this was a great opportunity for her.

"Hmmm, yeah this is a good opportunity for you. But, it is also dangerous. So don't take the blindfold and make sure to be careful at all times. I'll be there to help you at all times." Rei said giving her a smile.

Bai Wu grinned as she hopped up and gave Rei a kiss on the cheeks. She quickly jogged away to sign up giggling while she did.

Rei chuckled seeing her jog away after kissing him on the cheeks.

'System, since I'm cultivating a mix of spirit beast and human. Am I able to create a spirit bone my self?' Rei asked mentally.

[Yes, a spirit bone is essentially a body part which the beast decides to integrate a part of his/her ability for easier use. For example, a scorpion might have a spirit bone on its tail and stinger. The system would suggest host to cultivate a external tail spirit bone from the heavenly demon. This tail would be able to help host achieve an attack area simular to a domain without using as much qi.]

Rei read the system message as his interest was peaked.

"Hou~ So I can cultivate the 10 tails into a external tail spirit bone. Interesting..." Rei thought as he suddenly realised something.

'Is the bone going to be 1,000,000 year old bone since the ring it's based on is 1,000,000 years old?' Rei thought.

[Host is correct, once host completely forms the spirit bone the bone it self will be 1,000,000 years in age. However, as host makes the bone, it would take time to fully construct a full 10 tailed heavenly demon external spirit bone. Thus when host first makes the bone, host will only have access to one tail.]

'One tail is more than enough for now. I can probably also use these tails to help me control more qi.' Rei thought as he watched Bai Wu sign up.

It didn't take long as she jogged back to Rei quickly.

She was about to hug Rei when he flicked her on the forehead.

"You think I would forget about the kiss on the cheek?" Rei said with a smile.


"Eheheheh...I thought you forgot." Bai Wu said giving a nervous laugh.

"Hmph, if I forgot that easily I might as well jump off a cliff. Come on, the tournament should be starting soon. From what I overheard, the first round might be a battle royal." Rei said as he gestured Bai Wu to lead the way.

"Sure sure, if I win then you better reward me ok?" Bai Wu said as she stood up walking towards the arena.

"Sure, don't forget to use haki with your fighting. It can save you from a lot of situations." Rei smiled as he followed her.

The leader who was watching them as he frowned.

"Only one took the bait...send more of our people to distract him while we take the girl." The leader said as the figure behind him nodded and walked out of the room.

"The secret to 100,000 year rings are within my grasp...." The leader said looking at the arena with a greedy grin.

"Power is right within my reach........"

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