The Divine Anime System

Chapter 130. Preparations to meet Xiao Wu

Chapter 130. Preparations to meet Xiao Wu

Bai Wu had a happy expression on her face as she finally vented all of her anger. It had only taken 6 hours of continued kicking for her to do so.

Zao Wuji laid on the floor without injury as he stared at Bai Wu with absolute terror. While his body was fine his mind was not, the continuous kicks that Bai Wu did embedded a deep trauma for both her and Xiao Wu within his mind.

"Fuu~ Right then darling. Xiao Wu might be waking up soon so we should go." Bai Wu said showing a happy expression.


Rei smiled gently as he nodded.

"a-a devil...." Zao Wuji muttered thinking his torture is over.

'Zao Wuji you fucking idiot...' Flanders thought as he face palmed.

"Hoho~ seems like it wasn't enough..."

( Bai Wu slowly turned making Zao Wuji instantly regret his decision to mutter out what he had thought.

"HAAAAA!!!!!" Bai Wu shouted as she gave Zao Wuji another kick launching him in the air.

As a precaution, Rei sent over a wisp of healing energy while Bai Wu stood next to him.

"Senior, may I be rude to ask if Mu Bai's condition was also caused by senior?" Flanders asked ignoring Zao Wuji.

"Hou~Why do you think so?" Rei asked.

"Mu Bai came back with his condition right after having a spar with Tang San at a hotel. Seeing senior's control over spirit energy, I presumed that senior was the one who did it since Tang San was with your daughter at the time." Flanders said cupping his hands.

"Well you're not wrong about that. I was the one who did it." Rei said.

"Darling I think he wants you to fix up that Mu Bai kid." Bai Wu giggled.

"Is that so?" Rei said raising an eyebrow. Flanders nodded as Rei waved his hand sending out a wisp of energy.

"This should fix him. Since he's going to be Xiao Wu's team mate he shouldn't be handicapped." Rei said as Flanders bowed in thanks.

"Flanders, I'll be troubling you to teach my daughter. But remember, I'll always be near by." Rei said entering the separate space with Bai Wu.

"Well same over here Flanders. Take care of my son Tang San." Tang Hao said seeing Zao Wuji already on the verge of crumbling away and decided to spare him some mercy.

"Of course clear sky douluo." Flanders said whilst Tang Hao left the area.

Seeing that both parties left, Flanders quickly jogged over to where Zao Wuji had landed.

"Flanders! What kind of a friend are you?! I was beaten to death while you watched." Zao Wuji shouted out.

"Beaten to death? I don't see a wound, can you see a wound? How are you beaten to death if there is no wound?" Flanders said.

"You!" Zao Wuji felt speechless seeing his friend act this way.

"Well it was your fault that you went serious on those kids. Who knew that two of them were time bombs." Flanders said as Zao Wuji couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Come on, they should be waking up soon." Flanders said giving his friend a hand.

After entering the separate space, Rei and Bai Wu made their way to find Xiao Wu.

"Darling, you know that there was a spy near by right?" Bai Wu said.

"Yes, but from what I learn back in the clear sky clan they're the spies of the seven treasure glazed tower clan. With our appearance they should get the clue that Xiao Wu is off limits. Same with Tang San if Tang Hao didn't make a move." Rei explained as Bai Wu understood.

"Hehe, darling just wants people to know Xiao Wu has such a strong father."

( ) Bai Wu said with a smile while she pulled Xiao Wu's cover up. Xiao Wu and Bai Wu share many similarities, one is kicking the cover away in their sleep.

"Maybe, maybe not." Rei said not agreeing or disagreeing.

"Fufu, darling's so shy when it comes to our baby girl."

(*Bai Wu laughed slightly.

"Alright, come on. We should leave before she wakes up." Rei said as Bai Wu nodded and re-entered the space.

"Ahh I want to cuddle her, pamper her~ I mean look at her. She's so cute~"

^(o)o Bai Wu complained as she wanted to be besides Xiao Wu.

Rei's expression softened as he too wanted to be besides their first child.

"Darling, do you think we can be teachers or something? So that we can look after her." Bai Wu asked.

"Maybe, we'll see how it goes first." Rei said not denying the possibility.

Soon Xiao Wu woke up as she went to look for Tang San straight away.

Not too long after, the duo came across a short fat teen grabbing onto a woman pestering her.

"Such a cute little snack, want to be my girlfriend?" He asked when he saw Xiao Wu.


Rei had a vein bulge when he heard the fatty ask out his daughter and even dared to call her a little snack.

"Darling wait a while. It seems like Tang San is going to make a move for Xiao Wu." Bai Wu said as Rei watched with a heavy expression.

Tang San and the fat teen who, was Ma Hong Jun, fought. Ma Hong Jun demonstrated his Phoenix flame as Rei scoffed in disdain.

"Such a weak flame and he dares to act cocky ah? I'll fucking show him what real flames are." Rei ranted as he watched. Bai Wu chuckled at Rei hearing his remarks because she knows that its all true.

The fight was soon stopped by Mu Bai as they went to find the principle for classes.

"Eh? Hey brother, was there always a path of carnage here?" Xiao Wu asked seeing the destruction caused by Rei's punch.

"No, it happened yesterday during our test. Someone punched teacher Zao when you got hurt by the backlash." Tang San said.

"Hmph! The person who did this is such a brute! What if we didn't pass because of them! Hmph hmph! This mess is so ugly I'll beat up whoever caused this." Xiao Wu said with each one causing more damage to Rei.

"No I can't let her study with this here." Rei panicked slightly making an excuse as he clasped his hands together. Strings of energy appeared in the world as it started to fix up the damage caused by his punch.

Flanders watched with a humorous smile as he knew who was behind all of this.

"Darling, if you didn't want Xiao Wu to be unhappy because of this just say so. If you're so shy now, how will you be when we meet our baby girl face to face?" Bai Wu asked while Rei was fixing everything.

"What do you mean? I'm just making sure the facilities aren't damaged for Xiao Wu." Rei said finishing the repairs.

Xiao Wu watched in curiosity as she saw the area repaired the moment she spoke about it.

"Hey brother, do you think I have a hidden ability? Otherwise why else would the damage be fixed after I called it ugly?" Xiao Wu said causing Bai Wu to laugh.

'Xiao Wu, your father is your hidden ability.' Bai Wu thought with a giggle.

The rest of the day mainly consisted of watching Tang San and Xiao Wu train in their spare time.

"Wait they're going to Suotuo city?!?!" Bai Wu said shocked when she heard.

"Darling this could be bad. There could be spirit hall elders there and not to mention the thousand year dream you made. Xiao Wu looks alot like the statue it could be worrying." Bai Wu said as Rei nodded in understanding.

"Bai Wu, you look after Xiao Wu. I'll head to the city first to check if anything is off." Rei said as Bai Wu nodded.

Teleporting to the city, Rei saw how busy it was. Much busier than years ago.

Spreading out his senses, Rei made sure that no one higher than spirit saint was in the city.

Rei stopped as he saw the thousand year dream he made years ago. His gaze softened remembering about his times with Bai Wu.

*Flashback no jutsu*

"Lei! Lei! Can you make a sculpture of Bai Wu?" Bai Wu asked holding the sculpture that Rei made.

*End of flashback no jutsu*

"Darling?" Bai Wu asked as she tapped his shoulder.

"Hm? Oh they're here already." Rei said seeing the students.

"Yeah what were you thinking about?" Bai Wu asked.

"Just how time flies. It felt like only yesterday when you were asking for that statue." Rei said as Bai Wu smiled in nostalgia.

"Yep, maybe you should make a family statue for when we see our baby girl face to face."

(* >

"That's a fantastic idea." Rei replied while they watched the student's reaction to the statue.

"Xiao Wu, doesn't this statue look alot like you?" Tang San said looking at the thousand year dream.

"Yeah, your right! Xiao Wu is it your relative or something?" Mu Bai asked.

"Um, I don't know. I only know I have a mother, father, 2 brothers and thats it." Xiao Wu said nervously.

"? Bai Wu did I give you triplets? When did she have 2 brothers?" Rei asked in confusion.

"Darling do I look like I can give birth to three of them?!"

( ) Bai Wu said with a twitch in her eye. Giving birth to Xiao Wu was hard as it is and she didn't want to imagine what 3 of them would feel like.

"And it was two spirit beasts above 100,000 years that she took as 'brothers'. After the beast monarch died he forced his titled onto you and these two were protecting me since I'm their apparent queen." Bai Wu said as Rei nodded.

"Hmm that beast monarch forcing his title onto me. What else did he say?" Rei asked.

"Well except for the fact that he shouted out to the world, 'The true Beast Monarch is a 1,000,000 year Heavenly Demon!!!'" Bai Wu said causing Rei to frown.

"Scheming little shit...." Rei muttered as this would deter humans from attacking too much due to the whole 1,000,000 year title.

Rei eventually shrugged as he didn't care to be honest.

"Alright, we are going to the spirit arena for you guys to get some combat experience." Flanders said as he led the student to the arena thriving with activity.

Rei and Bai Wu watched as Xiao Wu signed up to the 2 v 2 matches with Tang San.

"Here you go, the 3 5 combo team is registered."(San is 3 in Chinese and Wu is 5 in Chinese but Xiao Wu's Wu is dance.) The receptionist said causing Xiao Wu to frown.

"Wu as in dance not five! Carve it again!"Xiao Wu said as she held out the badge. She was about to continue when the receptionist directly sent them up to the next match. Tang San could only bring Xiao Wu away as it would count as a forfeit if they were late.

Rei walked out of the space as he looked at the receptionist with his aura directed towards him.

"S-senior how m-may I h-help." The receptionist stuttered in fear seeing Rei's eyes.

"Change it." Rei spoke simply.

"C-Change what?"

"The team name 3 5 combo. Change the 5 in to Wu as in dance." Rei said as he looked at the receptionist.

"I wo-would have to refresh their battle inf-!!" The receptionist buckled in fear as Rei's aura reached rank 95 douluo causing him to lose his ability to speak.

"Are you testing my patience ah?" Rei said as the receptionist was on the verge of fainting.

"E-esteemed douluo, I-I can change it n-no problem." The manager ran over to the counter as he bowed in fear.

"Hmph, should have done it straight away without any fuss." Rei said as he disappeared.

"Hais...Darling, we should just stay next to her if we are going to interfere like this. At least she'll know if we're besides her." Bai Wu said as Rei thought about it and nodded.

"Fine since I trust our daughter to still try hard in cultivation." Rei said causing Bai Wu's eyes to light up.


o(o) She shouted out and pounced onto Rei.

"Yes but not just yet. I want to observe the team a little more before they know Xiao Wu has two powerful spirit master's protecting her." Rei said as Bai Wu nodded in eagerness.

The next morning, Rei and Bai Wu found out that they were going to the star dou forest since Oscar had reached rank 30 and needed a new spirit ring.

"Hmm this is a good chance to test their bond as a team. Bai Wu, I'll go back to the forest and get some spirit beasts to attack them and see what they do in the face of a formidable opponent. If they leave their friends behind then they're not worthy to be my daughter's team mates." Rei said.

"Hey darling, don't take it too far ok? I hope it doesn't cause any deaths to her potential teammates. Otherwise she might be angry if she found out the truth." Bai Wu said worried. Rei nodded as he too didn't want his daughter to hate him.

Rei teleported to the lake as he stepped out of the space. Rei breathed in deeply as he inhaled the fresh air.

"Home sweet home I two can come out." Rei said as Da Ming and Er Ming revealed themselves.

"This little one greet's Beast Monarch." Da Ming said as he bowed his head.

"Hmm I'm guessing you're Da Ming? You look just like your father." Rei said as Da Ming nodded.

"Anyway's I got a task for you two. My daughter Xiao Wu is coming here with her human teammates. I want you to send a few formidable beasts to test them out. But make sure that no one dies." Rei said as Da Ming closed his eyes to think.

"What if Er Ming goes instead since he is familiar with Xiao Wu." Da Ming said as Er Ming grew excited at being able to see Xiao Wu again.

"Fine, just make sure to show them how futile it is for them to fight you. This will test if Xiao Wu's team mates are worthy of her." Rei said as he turned around.

"Oh also thank you for keeping Xiao Wu company when I was away." Rei said as Da Ming felt guilty.

"Beast Monarch...about the queen...." Da Ming said as Rei waved his hand.

"She's still alive. How can I let my wife die before my eyes." Rei said causing Da Ming to sigh in relief that Xiao Wu's mother was still alive.

Rei looked around for a good vantage point to witness what the student do as he eventually settled on to a small mountain as he is able to see quite a bit of the outer area.

"Shreks Seven guy's have better pass my test since Xiao Wu is quite fond of you." Rei muttered.

'Darling, they're coming soon. You should have seen Zao Wuji hahaha, he quivered when he saw Xiao Wu and made sure that no one even lays a finger on her less displease her.' Rei could hear Bai Wu's voice in his head as she communicated with the seal he made years ago.

'Got it, I got Er Ming to test the group when they come.' Rei said as he jumped off the mountain.

Teleporting next to Bai Wu, Rei smiled as he saw Zao Wuji treating Xiao Wu like royalty.

"This is how it should be to begin with." Rei said as Bai Wu smiled.

"Darling dotes on Xiao Wu so much you might forget about me." Bai Wu joked around.

Rei chuckled seeing Bai Wu play around. He could tell that she was excited to show herself to Xiao Wu.

"Bai Wu, shall I show you just how I dote on my wife?" Rei smiled as he wrapped his hand around her waist.

"Hehehe, darling you know we can't be like this too often anymore since we're going to be with Xiao Wu. You might have to suffer a dry spell after today."(dry spell means to not have sex for a while) Bai Wu smiled as she kissed Rei on the lips.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure I get my fill tonight then." Rei whispered back.

Bai Wu giggled as they rested the night together.

The next morning, Bai Wu walked strangely in the separate space as she still had a blush on her face.

"Darling, how can I move properly for what you done. I can still feel it inside me." Bai Wu said as she licked her lips.

"Well I must have my fill since I'm going dry for a while." Rei smiled as he kissed her.

"Alright that's enough, we still have to make sure that Er Ming doesn't go too far with the test." Bai Wu said as she tried to stop.

"Fine they're heading off anyways." Rei said as the students left for the forest.

"Hmm do you think I should wear anything else? A better dress?" Bai Wu spoke excitedly as Rei listened.

"I think Xiao Wu will be happy to know that you're alive." Rei said,

"Yes but that's not enough darling." Bai Wu said as she would take out different clothes from the storage before switching them out.

Rei compromised as he would give his opinion on the choices of clothing. Soon it was time for Er Ming to make an appearance.

"I got a good place for us to see everything from." Rei said as he teleported her to the vantage point. They sat down as they looked at the scene.

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