The Divine Anime System

Chapter 142. Departure part 1

Chapter 142. Departure part 1

Rei teleported everyone back to the inn. He got Xiao Wu to enter his room so that he and Bai Wu can talk to her about the situation.

"Dad what's up?" Xiao Wu asked unsure of why Rei would ask to talk to her alone with her mum.

"Me and your mum will be leaving in 3 days. We... We don't know when we can come back." Rei said with some slight hesitation in his voice.

"Eh? Why? Where are you guys going? With how strong you are dad, I'm sure you can just teleport back right?" Xiao Wu asked in worry.

"Xiao Wu, you see... Where we are going is not in this world. We're going to a different place far from here." Rei continued to explain about how he wasn't apart of this world, how the berserk war god is basically forcing him to leave.

Xiao Wu could only listen patiently as she was exposed to the knowledge of different worlds, gods and powerful beings.

"So mum is following you.." Xiao Wu said as Rei looked over at Bai Wu for a bit of help.

"Darling..." Bai Wu was about to explain when Xiao Wu cut her off.

"Don't worry mum, dad, I understand. Dad, just promise me you'll look after mum." Xiao Wu said looking at Rei.

Rei smiled warmly.

"Of course." Rei said as Xiao Wu hugged him and Bai Wu.

"I'll miss you." Xiao Wu said thoughtfully as she knew that it was out of Rei's control.

"Un, me too." Rei replied as he hugged her back.

"Darling, you have to make sure that you stay safe ok? Don't forget to train hard so that no one can bully you." Bai Wu started to ramble on about her worries causing Xiao Wu to laugh slightly.

"Mum don't worry, I'm the daughter of you and dad. Obviously I won't be weak." Xiao Wu grinned back.

"That's unquestionable. But you must remember to not let it get to your head and cloud your judgement. Just like how the war god can force me to leave, the world in a huge place and there will always be abnormalities that can even make the strongest people fall." Rei said not forgetting to warm his daughter.

He wanted her to be strong, to be independent and to be self reliant. As much as he wanted to dote on her, protect her, pamper her. He knew he could continue forever just like now so she must be strong.

"Un." Xiao Wu agreed as they talked for a while longer. Eventually she fell asleep while Rei and Bai Wu watched.

"We have such a good daughter." Bai Wu said as she stroked Xiao Wu's cheek with warmth in her eyes.

"Un, I don't have words for how proud I am to have her as my daughter." Rei replied as he felt a burning desire to grow stronger in him so that he can return faster.

Rei thought for a moment before he started to make a seal.

"Hubby what are you making?" Bai Wu asked.

"This should protect Xiao Wu from life threatening danger's as long as I have energy in me. It doesn't matter if a Divine ranked enemy wanted to attack, as long as I have energy, they would have to drain through all of it before they can even think of taking my daughter's life." Rei replied as a highly condensed seal was slowly being formed in Rei's hand.

"Hubby, let me help too." Bai Wu said wishing to offer her energy as a link as well.

Rei shook his head.

"The drain will be too much on your body. Don't worry, I have two separate reserves each around the levels of divine rank 2." Rei replied as Bai Wu could only nod her head sadly from her helplessness.

It took the entire night for Rei to finish the seal as he had to link it to him so that even if he is in another universe, he can still provide the energy to help her.

"Fuuu...." Rei sighed out as he implanted the seal into Xiao Wu's soul so that it'll never leave her.

"Hubby you should rest for a while. You've worked all night long after all." Bai Wu said as looked at Rei in worry.

Rei smiled as he looked at her.

"You should know that I can go on for years without sleep." Rei kindly reminded with a smile.

"I know but you should still rest once in a while." She said not relenting.

Rei sighed with a smiled.

"Fine, I'll sleep in my space." Rei said as Bai Wu nodded.

Giving him a kiss on the lips, Bai Wu watched as Rei entered his separate space.

Closing his eyes, Rei let his body float in zero gravity.





"Hahahaha! Look at them big brother!" A girl said with a smile as they watched an army fight below them.

"Do you think the old geezer's will be coming out now?" She asked with a wide smile holding two daggers.

"Sis, each of those old geezer's can be troublesome don't underestimate them."

Looking to the left of him, he could see another girl warning them whilst she held a scythe.

"But big brother's the strongest. Those geezer's can't compare to him at all." The first girl replied with a wide smile.

- Is she talking about me? -

"Hais you two... go help them out. I'll save some energy for those geezer's."

- Is that my voice...? -

"Got it big brother."


They replied in sync.

The first girl, crouched down before leaping high into the air. A trail of dark purple energy trailed behind her as she tore through the crowd of enemies.

The girl holding the scythe didn't waste time either as a mist of black surrounded her forming a huge figure similar to that of the reaper.

As the two of them charged into the crowd of enemies, two huge bursts of energy exploded out charging towards them.

One was silver with hint's of blue, the other was pink with hints of purple.

The two new addition were both females as they clashed.

His gaze couldn't leave the two of them as he watched their every move.

The girl with the silver energy made her own avatar as she fought the grim reaper avatar 1 on 1.

On the other hand, the girl with the pink energy fought the girl with the two daggers. In her hands, she held a whips sword separated into 9 segments.

However, he didn't take their fighting style in mind as he focused on their faces.

- Eve? Bai Wu? -

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