The Divine Anime System

Chapter 155. 42nd Supreme Leader

Chapter 155. 42nd Supreme Leader

"So Rei, how much do you know? Are there anyone else who have made their way to this world?" Ains asked as they were flying through the sky.

"Well... I know more than you can understand, but at the same time less than you can think." Rei smiled while giving a vague answer. He knew more than Ains as he knew the course of this world yet less than Ains thinks as he has no knowledge about Yggdrasil, the skills and the mechanics of the game.

"That's rather vague." Ains replied whilst placing his fleshless fingers on his jaw.

"As for Vex... never mind." Ains dismissed the verbal though as Vex was always like a muscle head back in the game.

"Oi I'm offended." Vex replied with a tick mark on his face.

"Then do you have anything to share kid?" Lucifer grinned as Vex replied by giving Lucifer the middle finger.

Rei gave the two a glare as they instantly settled down.

'Seeing as though Rei is able to restrain those two I'd say it's either he has their respect, or he is stronger than both of them. I'd say the latter seeing as Rei feels much more dangerous than either of the two. If I fought them I'd probably lose.' Ains analysed.

"Well either way I'm thinking of having the floor guardians do some scouting in this world." Ains replied.

"Ah Ains before I forget let me give you a piece of advice. Try to clear up the misunderstood before you become a puppet controlled by one you trusted." Rei gave Ains some advice as later on in the timeline Ains followed the commands of his demon underling due to its intelligence. But this advice was based off ambiguous interpretations of Ains' words thus making Ains a puppet under his loyal servant Demiurge.

'Perhaps... nah it couldn't be.' Ains though thinking about Demiurge. Though there were some misunderstanding Demiurge was loyal to Nazarick and does everything for the benefit of Nazarick and Ains Ooal Gown.

"I'll keep that in mind." Ains replied showing that he took his words into consideration. It was open to interpretation as it wouldn't offend Rei seeing at though he could defeat and possibly kill him. This was the new world, Ains doesn't know if resurrection magic still worked yet so he didn't want to take any chances just yet.

Rei shrugged hearing Ains' reply.

"Oh, well isn't this interesting..." Rei muttered seeing the system display.

[Quest line obtained.

Journey in the animeverse part 1: Overlord.

Stage one: Enter Nazarick and gain the trust of everyone.

Rewards: Passive skill - God Tempered Body Part 1/?

God Tempered Body: Refined through the powers of five gods and the first of its kind, the physical potential of the owner will become unmatched. The body would adjust itself to the owner's cultivation should the cultivation be higher than the body without additional training. In addition to this, there will be no delays for movement as the body would move faster than the owner's thoughts while following their intentions.

The further advantages cannot be recorded as they exceed all data gathered by the system so far.]

"Is there a problem Rei?" Ains asked seeing Rei paused abruptly.

"Nothing, just surprised seeing a welcome party." Rei replied as he directed their attention to the walls of Nazarick.

Atop the great walls that surround the catacombs of Nazarick, A girl who looks to be around 12-14 in body age stood with several people around her. The people around her had mostly black hair, scarlet eyes, pale white skin and a white dress. She, however, wore a fancy noble ball dress with the main colour being a very dark purple adorned with red frills. The upper portion of her dress was also fitted with red ribbons along with a cloth hat with a bow tie holding up a pony tail. Her hair was a light shade of pink, pale skin, red eyes like the lesser vampires around her and her sharp fangs hung out slightly.

"Welcome back Lord Ains. And I Shalltear Bloodfallen greets the Vampire Progenitor."

"We greet the Vampire Progenitor."

Shalltear and the lesser vampires bowed while she herself couldn't help but get wet feeling Rei's bloodline.

"And a Vampire Progenitor on top of that huh?" Ains said looking at Rei.

"What can I say? You can never have enough trump cards." Rei smiled as his angel wings folded together before scattering into light particles. Rei's eyes seemed to glow with a dangerous red as Shalltear didn't dare to lift up her head.

Ains shrugged as he guessed it was some sort of hidden world class item that allowed for multiple races. It was mostly likely the case since they couldn't 'sense' the race of others back in the game but now that this was 'real' world it became possible.

"Shalltear, prepare three rooms for our guests." Ains ordered as Shalltear nodded and left with the lesser vampires.

'Ah~ Between lord Ains and the Progenitor who should I pick? Lord Ains is the supreme overlord while the Progenitor not only managed the legendary feat of defeating Nazarick, but the vampire linage runs through me. Even now it's telling me to offer everything of me to the Progenitor ah~' Shalltear thought unable to resist giving her crotch a slight rub.

She had accidentally looked back only to see the lesser vampires not fairing any better from having met the Progenitor. Their dresses where wet through while their skins seemed more human like due to the blood rush giving the paleness a rare moment of peach in their colour.

"Ah~ we need to vent out our desires having come face to face with the Progenitor or else it would be blasphemy to show our shameful display. Let us complete Lord Ains' task before we head to the chambers." Shalltear ordered as the lesser vampires rushed off to quickly complete the task hoping to get the opportunity to vent out faster.


"....." (Rei)

"....." (Ains)

"....." (Vex)

"....." (Lucifer)

"....." (Albedo)

They stayed silent as they looked at the 'trail' left behind. The liquid glistened under the moonlight as it followed where Shalltear and the lesser vampires had gone.

"They were moist." (Vex)

"Moist they were." (Lucifer)

"Indeed very moist." (Ains)

"Moist were they not?" (Vex)

"Completely drenched." (Lucifer)

"Absolutely flooded." (Ains)

"Flooded they were." (Vex)

"They need to vent." (Lucifer)

"Vent they need." (Ains)

"Shall I give them thy vent?" (Vex)

"..." (Rei)

"..." (Albedo)

"Are you done?" (Rei)

"One more; Bone them I will." (Vex)

"Bone them you shall." (Lucifer)

"And with that, I think it's a cue for us to resume our talk." Rei said having enough of their shenanigans. Snapping his fingers, Rei erased the 'trail'.

"Ah it's gone." (Vex)

"Gone it is." (Lucifer)

"Gone it is indeed." (Ains)

"Lord Ains if you desire a moist from a female body I can moisten on command for you. Would you like to try?" (Albedo)

"Fuck me what did I just listen to." Rei said while face palming.

"Fuck you?" (Lucifer)

"Fuck him?" (Vex)

"Fuck who?" (Ains)

"Ah fuck it." (Rei)

"Fuck this?" (Albedo)

"Fuck her?!" (Ains)

"Fuck YES!" (Albedo)

"Fuck that?!" (Lucifer)

"Fuck no." (Rei)

"Holy Fuck!" (Vex)

"...-" Rei was going to reply before he gave up and sighed out with fatigue instead. Taking the lead, he walking inside the great tomb of Nazarick.

"Did we just capture all of the fucks a person could give?" Vex asked staring at Rei's departing back.

"Except for fuck off and fuck them I'd say yes." Lucifer replied.

"I feel like I just lost my grasp of reality being with you two." Ains faced palmed as it felt like a shameful display being swept away by the momentum of the conversation. Fortunately or unfortunately, Albedo was more focused on other parts of the conversation thus didn't pay attention to him being swept along. Although he can't say it felt bad seen as though he didn't need to be as tensed around Rei, Vex and Lucifer as three out of four were 'players'.

"Lord Ains I'm sure I heard you say you want to fuck me so let me respond in kind." Albedo whispered seductively as she had a deep blush while holding onto Ains.

-H.e.l.p- -M.e-

Ains' eyes seemed to be communicating with Vex and Lucifer who only shrugged and went to catch up to Rei.

It took a while for them to catch up to Rei as they found him sitting on chair with his legs cross. His face looked unfazed as hundreds of Nazarick's residents and a few floor guardians were currently bowing due to bloodline suppression especially Demiurge since he was an Arch Demon. Being higher in the tiers, he could feel how powerful Rei's bloodline truly is.


"Don't say it Ains. I'll fix it in a second." Rei replied as he was making a seal. Due to his decreased cultivation, the energy he could access was drastically reduced. As such making a seal which decreased his bloodline suppression took a bit longer.

"Oi Lucifer, don't you want a seal too? Since you know you're a demon too." Rei asked giving Lucifer a glance.

"Sure." Lucifer nodded.

Rei gave the seal in his hands a twist as it separated into two. Sending one over to Lucifer, the residents of Nazarick barely stood up while still feeling slight suppression from both Rei and Lucifer.

'To think one of the only people to have beaten Nazarick would have such frightening power in his bloodstreams not to mention his companion. As expected of Lord Ains, to take over the world he needs to gain control of both sides. By having adventure Momon gain the faith of the people, he can have Rei take over the religious side of humanity seeing as though Rei has a holy bloodline in the mix as well....' Demiurge thought as he stared as Rei.

'However, this man is an anomaly. Too dangerous and too powerful. While we may be able to attempt to control him with Lord Ains' supreme intelligence this man would perhaps try to wipe us out the moment he catches wind of the plans.' Demiurge narrowed his eyes behind his glasses. Rei was too much of a variable to control or involve in plans since he couldn't see through what he thinks in a short amount of time.

'By appearing before us and not restraining his bloodline like he clearly could, he wants to show us the difference in power he wants to have a clear sense of advantage when it comes to any type of negotiation. What a terrifying man and yet I believe this is not the end of his plans merely the surface seeing as how calm he looks. The smile he gave me make it seem like he's seen through me.' Demiurge thought before retreating besides Ains without saying anything.

'Fuu, that was awkward. The conversation was so stupid I forgot about my bloodline.' Rei though back to what had happened just before he entered Nazarick.

"Anyways, let's continue on." Ains said whilst gesturing for Albedo and Demiurge to leave.

"But Lord Ains, we can't let you be alone with such a dangerous individual!" Demiurge kneeled as it was too dangerous for Ains' safety to be alone with those three seeing that the surface of their plans was to get advantage of any negotiations to come, and that of which Rei has already achieved.

Rei smirked slightly as he thought that if he wanted to kill Ains it would be easy as snapping his fingers.

"Don't worry so much, I'm feeling a little evil so this negotiation is for me to either join or be allied with Nazarick right Ains?" Rei smiled towards Ains.

"I-Indeed, as such Rei I would appreciate it should you not oppress the residents so much." Ains followed up Rei's act seeing his intentions.

"I see, I apologise for my misconduct." Demiurge apologised while he brain worked to decipher Ains' plan.

'As expected of Lord Ains, while it may seem like Rei has the advantage. It doesn't change the fact that he came to us first, thus with Lord Ains being the merciful leader. Took advantage of such a strong chess piece and slowly bring it under his banner while the chess piece itself still thinks everything is under his control! Without the subtle hint's Lord Ains revealed I believe he is trying to warn me not to interfere seen as though my weak deciphering had almost foiled Lord Ains' plans! And this is merely the first stages of his plan. To think is was already 5 moves ahead of me while I thought I knew what was happening.' Demiurge thought to himself before looking at Ains with worship.

'Please don't look at me like that, I don't know what the hell is happening right now! Want to join? Sure but what do you mean by feeling a little evil?!' Ains thought while faking composure.

During this, Vex had a perplex expression.

'You seemed to have some concerns?' Rei sent over a seal without anyone looking so that they could have telepathic communication.

'Some yes, I do know that most of the humans in this world are mostly trash so I have no problems with killing them and helping out Nazarick, but I don't know why there are so much trash in this world. There are good people we meet later but....'

'So you're confused about that. Ok do you know about Newtons third law? For every action there is an opposite reaction. This world is such when I was rewriting the world laws for our inclusion. I discovered that the worlds near this one had so little evil, as such the opposite reaction was the formation of this world. The evil that would have gathered in the other worlds were filtered into this one, as such the residents of Nazarick are more than fitting to do a little cleaning.'

'I see, well I suppose even if I didn't know I wouldn't have minded to help kill a few people since they were some major trash.' Vex shrugged.

'Hmm, I have a good plan for this world. I'll most likely need to cooperation of you, Lucifer and Ains. As for Ains he can continue to do what he wants since it'll be a part of my plan. Lucifer he will be needed later and as for you........' Rei explained his plan as Vex smiled.

'Sure I don't mind; we can filter out people this way so it won't just be a mass slaughter.' Vex replied.

While they were discussing their plans, they reached the conference room where Ains sat with his guild mate before he transmigrated to this world.

Seeing at there were only four people felt, Ains relaxed.

"So, do you know if there are anyone beside you?" Ains asked with hope. While Rei ad Vex were fellow players with him in this unknown world, his heart still desires his guild mates and friends.

"No it was just me and Vex with Lucifer being near us." Rei shook his head.

"So Ains what are you planning to do with this world? Rule it? If so would it be through fear? Would you cause massacres to cause that fear?" Rei asked with a smile.

Ains paused hearing this.

"If possible not through fear and death... Even if I did want to rule the world, no point ruling an empty world or one which takes away the points of life that make it interesting, resulting in a boring world." Ains replied before giving himself a mocking laugh.

"Though looking at me now I can't exactly say that the residents of this world would take to my appearance kindly would they?" Ains replied looking at his hands adorned with jewels but had no flesh of its own.

"Then do you want to become human again or at least look human?" Rei smiled.

"Of course I do, but it is mere wishful thinking." Ains laughed.

"But theoretically how would you rule the world? Since you have the residents of Nazarick to take into consideration. Especially since quite a few of them wouldn't mind skinning a few humans just to find some toilet paper."

"How would I rule... " Ains thought before shrugging.

"You don't know about what actions you can take; some may say they wouldn't mind sacrificing themselves to save a kid but in the end their own desire of self-conservation overwrite all thus leaving the kid to die. So there is no point in me guessing how I would act right now." Ains gave Rei a reply as Rei crossed his legs and tapped his fingers in deep thought.

"Alright, I'll join Nazarick as either a supreme leader role like you or I can go as a friend. Either one is fine BUT, I won't be an underling." Rei gestured with his hand.

"Before we get into that I want to ask, why? Why are you joining me since you know better than anyone how evil some residents of Nazarick can be."

"Interest I guess, I just take it as a whim of mine." Rei smiled as he stood up.

"I see." Ains muttered since it was Rei's nature to be like that. When he 'defeated' Nazarick it was a whim to see if two players could defeat one of the strongest guilds.

"Then would you join Nazarick under the banner of the 42nd Supreme Leader with equal authority to me." Ains called out as he also stood up.

"Yes I will but let's keep it a secret and only let the floor guardians know for now. We can't think of them as mere NPC anymore, therefore we can't just say a person is now a supreme leader. We need to ease them into it." Rei replied since his quests was to gain their trust.

"Hmm, indeed. I'll tell this to Albedo, Demiurge, Fiora siblings, Shalltear and Cocytus. Victim will know about this later and the 4th floor guardian doesn't think for itself, so he doesn't need to know." Ains replied as he lead the way to the

"Lucifer." Rei called out.


"You understand what you have to do right?" Rei asked as he had told him of his plans.

"I know, I'll go do some 'Scouting'. If I see some trash I can clean it up right?" Lucifer smiled with a menacing gleam.

"Feel free to." Rei replied as he left with Ains.

"So how do you plan on gaining their approval?" Ains asked unsure of what Rei was planning.

"Defeat anyone of them in combat or help you out. Either one of those would work." Rei replied.

"Yo bro... are you forgetting about me?" Vex faked some tears while following.

"Yes I did." Rei replied instantly.

"So mean! At least lie about it!" Vex retorted but got over it instantly.

"I'll go to the human cities first and register myself as an adventurer." Vex said as it was his role for now.

"I got it see you later." Rei bid Vex farewell as Vex walked away.

"Seems like you got those two completing different tasks." Ains said giving Rei a glance.

"Lucifer to scout out enemies and potential allies. Vex to gain a foothold in human cities with his influence." Rei replied as they arrived on the 6th floor of Nazarick. Entering the amphitheatre, they were greeted by the figures of six floor guardians.

Albedo; She wore a dress this time unlike her previous appearance of wearing heavy armour. The dress revealed her peerless skin while it hugged her figure emphasising it. On her back the dress allowed for her raven black wings to be spread out. Her eyes were of a beautiful golden colour as her long hair reached her waist. On her head were also two horns showing that he was not human. Her posture was reserved as it showed off her demeanour of being the head of the floor guardians.

Demiurge; Wearing his usual red suit adorned with little amounts of accessories, Demiurge stood straight as he had a smile on his face. A tail which seemed to have its own natural carapace armour waved gently behind him. His facial features were mostly sharp including his ears while his eyes couldn't be seen due to his glasses making it so that it's hard to tell what he's thinking. His black hair was swept back as it looked both rough and tidy in a weird way.

The Flora siblings; These two dark elves were like twins around the age of 10-12. Aura Bella Flora, the twin sister of Mare Bella Flora, had short spiky golden hair which looked masculine and hetero-chromatic eyes. Her right iris was jade green while her right was sea blue. She wore a red shirt which looked like it had scales, a sleeveless white jacket and white suit pants. Mare Bella Flora on the other hand looked more effeminate than his twin sister. He had short golden hair which was combed straight down and had bangs covering his forehead. Like her twin sister, he had hetero-chromatic eyes which instead was blue on the right side and green on the left. He wore a blue shirt of similar design and white sleeveless jacket paired with a short white skirt.

Cocytus; The hulking figure of an insect stood proud as his crystal blue carapace shun with might. He had four arms along with a tail which was entirely covered with his natural armour. Hardly any soft points could be seen on his body. He had three pairs of eyes which were a deep royal blue compared to his light blue armour. Scattered all over his back and tail were chunks of crystal which were semi-transparent making it look like shards of ice.

And finally Shalltear... she hugged her body as it shivered with excitement. Her initial lust having finally been vented came back the moment she saw Rei. Flushed face and panting hard, Ains' couldn't help but question her creator, Peroroncino, of why he made her so... kinky?

"As I have told you through telepathy, Rei being the only other player to have come to this world will join us as the 42nd supreme leader. Are there any objections? If there are any be verbal about them. I allow it." Ains spoke while the guardians got onto their knees.

"I have none." (Demiurge)

"I have none." (Albedo)

"I have none." (Aura)

"I have none." (Mare)

"I have none." (Shalltear)

"I have one." (Cocytus)

"Hou? That what objection may that be?" Ains spoke with slight interest.

"As a being created by the supreme leaders, I see that they must have a certain degree of power to become one. While I understand that Rei and the warrior Vex had... overcome us once, Rei did nothing therefore I wish to see his prowess for myself." Cocytus spoke while hesitating slightly on speaking about their defeat.

"Indeed, Rei would you mind having a one on one combat with Cocytus?" Ains asked Rei.

"Sure go ahead." Rei smiled as he understood Cocytus since he was a warrior in heart.

"Ah before I forget, I want you to use everything you've got." Rei smiled but that smile made the guardians shiver slightly from the pressure.

They made space in the arena as Rei and Cocytus stood face to face.

Cocytus had four weapons in hand and accessories to help boost his battle prowess. For the weapons, he had a katana, a halberd and two towering shields by his side.

Rei on the other hand seemed relaxed, he had one hand in his pockets while the other didn't hold a weapon.

"Are you not going to use a weapon?" Cocytus asked.

"No need, depending on how you fight I'll use one later should I see fit." Rei smiled confidently.


"As expected Lord Ains! By having the warrior Cocytus and Rei fight each other we can scout out the abilities Rei has and eliminate the unstable variable straight away or at least get a glimpse of his powers!" Demiurge praised Ains who felt awkward as he didn't even think about that.

"Ahem, you may start!" Ains called out as Cocytus took the initiative and charged at Rei.

Rei kept his smile.

"Frost Aura!" Cold mist shot out from Cocytus as he drastically decreased the temperature hoping to slow Rei's movements down.

"Ice Pillar! Piercing Icicle!" Cocytus shot out a pillar of ice from the ground which shot towards Rei along with ice javelins that formed around Rei and stabbed at him.


Rei clicked his fingers as a white flame lit up on the tip of his index finger. Waving his finger slightly, Rei blew on the flame as it grew in size and evaporated everything around him.

'Razor Edge! Decapitation Strike!'

Cocytus used the cover of the steam while his katana and halberd glowed with a red and gold light respectively.

Rei only put out the flame on his finger before pinching the katana with his thumb and index finger. Tilting his head, Rei purposefully exposed a portion of his neck as a black metallic substance washed over it giving the skin a purple shine.


The halberd bounced off from Rei's skin as the rebound caused Cocytus to expose a portion of his body to Rei.

Twisting his body and using his right leg as a pivot, Rei round house kicked towards Cocytus' opening.


Cocytus brought the two shields in front of him as it tried to block Rei's kick.

The sound of metal being forcefully bending could be heard as Rei let go of Cocytus' katana letting his body fly off into the distance.

"Is that all? I expected more from a weapons master." Rei replied as Cocytus struggle to stand up slightly. The shield was completely bent out of shape as Cocytus dropped it onto the ground.

"To think he could use Cocytus as a plaything, I've underestimated Lord Rei whilst trying to overestimate him..." Demiurge replied as he accepted Rei to be on the same or even above the level of the supreme leaders.

"That man is unfathomable." Ains said while he was shocked underneath.

'Uwahh~ he's more powerful than I thought. Like isn't he a bug?! A glitch?'

"Forgive me for even thinking of defending. Against a man like you one has to forget any chance of survival if they wish to even put a dent on you. That being said, please allow this one to indulge myself in selfish desires as I wish to fight even more!" Cocytus shouted out as he replaced his shields with two swords.

"Sure, I'll indulge your little wish of wanting to fight a little more." Rei said as he removed his hand from his pocket.

"I am grateful!"

With that Cocytus shot towards Rei once more as his four weapons attack from different directions.

Jumping slightly, Rei used his left hand to pinch the halberd, his right to pinch the katana and both his legs to kick away the two swords. Using the downwards momentum of the halberd, Rei swung his body as he kneed Cocytus in the torso lifting his heavy body off the ground.

Stumbling back a little, Cocytus swung his tail at Rei hoping to create an opening.

Placing both hands on the tail, Rei did a handstand while giving Cocytus a kick to the side of the face sending his body back.

"Do you wish to see more?" Rei asked the downed Cocytus.

"I wish to see what I couldn't force you to bring out." Cocytus replied sounding very fatigued.

"Look up." Rei smiled while pointing his finger up.

Everyone was confused until they did what Rei said and looked up. Above them was an array of weapons ready to drop at a moment's notice. Some felt more threatening depending on their attribute which is the reason Demiurge shivered feeling the powerful holy element coming off the blade Excalibur.

"Holy shit...."

They didn't know who said the two words, but the floor guardians agreed.

"I see, so I never had a chance. No it was foolish to even consider the possibilities." Cocytus sighed.

"I Cocytus greets the 42nd Supreme Leader."

"I Demiurge greets the 42nd Supreme Leader and the Demon Progenitor."

"I Albedo greets the 42nd Supreme Leader."

"I Aura greets the 42nd Supreme Leader."

"I Mare greets the 42nd Supreme Leader."

"I Shalltear greets the 42nd Supreme Leader and the Vampire Progenitor."

The floor guardians bowed towards Rei as they accepted his role as the 42nd Supreme Leader. As for trusting him, that was another question all together.

'That's step 1 done. With the seeds I've sowed now I just need to water them every so often and wait for the flower called trust to sprout.' Rei thought as he was closer to completing his quest.

"Now then with that sorted. Let us discuss the next step of Nazarick. Namely the fortress city near us, E-rantel." Ains spoke as the guardians had serious expressions. Rei kept a smile on his face as the timeline hadn't deviated too much yet, though he couldn't say for sure what the butterfly effect would change to the timeline.

The change could be small.

Likewise, the change could destroy the very foundations of the world only time will tell.

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