The Divine Anime System

Chapter 157. Plans in action part 2

Chapter 157. Plans in action part 2

"!!!!!!!!!" The party of Blue Roses were shocked especially Evileye.

The pure white wings shun slightly from the moonlight.

"H-holy bloodline?!" Lakyus said with an obvious stutter in her voice evident of her shock.

"Yes, I believe at one point it was Archangel Bloodline before it was changed to something else." Rei said with a smile.

"Archangel..." Evileye muttered.

"But that can't be! How can the Vampire Progenitor be an angel as well?" Evileye shouted out in agitation. Due to Rei's bloodline, vampires already have an attraction towards him. Yet the fact that he had an angel bloodline shocked Evileye to the core making her bare some hostility towards him.

"How can a Vampire Progenitor be an angel as well you say? Perhaps, but with me there are multiple exceptions. There are no absolutes, only probability and exceptions. An exception that a human became the Vampire Progenitor. An exception that a human possess both dark and holy bloodlines. And a probability that I allowed you to find me above this spire." Rei smiled as Evileye became dazed slightly. She could almost picture Rei's face beneath that scarf and due to her bloodline. She had already wanted to offer everything of her's to him.

Feeling Evileye's weird movements, Lakyus quickly pulled her behind her as she stared at Rei.

Rei could only give her an apologetic stare.

"I've already tried to suppress my bloodlines as much as possible. This is the lowest I can suppress it too but as you see your little friend there is still effected." Rei spoke as Lakyus narrowed her eyes.

'What would happen if he unleashed the full aura? What would happen to Evileye?' Lakyus thought.

"Evileye, how much is his bloodline effecting you right now?" She asked.

"...Even now I still feel attraction towards him." Evileye spoke with some difficulties.

"What do you think would happen if he didn't suppress his bloodline."

"I don't know." Evileye sighed as there were nothing she could do about the bloodline.

"I think it would probably be a larg-no a huge influence as I met a high ranking vampire quite a few days back and she... let's say it was quite shameful." Rei said as he lightly rubbed his nose. He still couldn't believe Shalltear was so wet she left a 'trail'.

'Is she a fucking slug or something Jesus crist.' Rei thought thinking back to the situation before.

"...C-can I try it?" Evileye asked in a weak voice.

"Evileye?!" Lakyus said shocked.

"I want to see the effects so I can prepare myself in case someone like the Progenitor shows up again." She said.

"I highly doubt that is possible." Rei spoke as he looked at Evileye. He could already tell the bloodline was encroaching on her mind as she was already acting differently.

"I... I still want to." Evileye said as she felt desperate. Being exposed to Rei's bloodline it was like she was a step away from ecstasy, yet she was never able to finish the last step.

"Evileye..." Lakyus looked at her with worry.

"Are you sure about that shorty?" Gagaran said with worry in her eyes.

Evileye nodded as her brain was thirsting for it.

Lakyus gave Rei a glance as he could only return with a weary look. While this was a part of his plan, it never involved having Evileye subjected to his bloodline. He only wanted to follow the Blue Rose a little after some negotiation.

"This is the last time I'll ask, are you sure? The effects might be permanent." Rei spoke slowly as Evileye nodded.

Lakyus only sighed showing that she allowed it as well.

"Fine.." Rei spoke as he made a seal to close off the roof of the church.

Releasing the seal he had on his bloodline, the Blue Rose except for Evileye kneeled from the pressure alone.

Evileye on the other hand blush madly as she dashed towards Rei.

Holding out his hand, Rei stopped her from approaching anymore by pushing against her mask,

"Rei sama don't be shy ehehe~" Evileye spoke as she tried to reach out her short hands towards him.

Immediately retracting his bloodline, he saw Evileye clam down a little.

"Are you ok now?" Rei asked slowly.

"...umn." Evileye replied softly while feeling shame from acting that way.

Letting go of her mask, Rei also retracted his wings.

"Miss Lakyus, as you can see it's as I have said."

"Indeed." She replied giving Rei a complicated look.

"Re- I mean Lord Progenitor; can I see what you look like?" Evileye asked almost saying Rei-sama as a result of being exposed to his full bloodline.

Rei nodded as he pulled down his scarf. His face came into view as there were no imperfections. Having cultivated to his standard, his skin was flawless and his features were sharp.

Evileye took a deep breath in as she memorises his looks.

"I believe I have told you what I want to do in this city. Have fun. Therefore, I shall bid you farewell." Rei said as he smiled slightly. Turning around, he was about to leave when Evileye held onto the hem of his jacket.

"Can you stay?" She asked.

"You realise that by being near me the bloodline is changing you more than you think right?" Rei asked as Evileye nodded. By she didn't want to let go of that feeling.

"Lord Progenitor, how about you stay then. It would be better since you would be able to get higher ranked quests by being with our group." Lakyus said after some thought.

"However, are you able to make yourself look a little more... feminine? This is because our group is primarily a female only group." Lakyus asked with hesitation.

"Making myself look feminine? I'm sorry, I had to deal with enough of that when I was younger, finally looking more masculine how can I make myself look more feminine?" Rei spoke as he was finally able to escape from looking like a girl after Boku no Hero world and he wasn't willing to go through being mistaken as a girl anymore.

"Indeed, such a handsome man like yourself should be more dominating!" Evileye spoke whilst nodding her head happily.

Seeing Lakyus, the rest of the Blue Rose and Rei giving her a weird stare, Evileye realised what she had just done.

"Ahh!!" She cried out whilst holding her head.

'Come on get it together! I haven't even met him for more than an hour! Well it is sort of my fault for telling him to expose me to his bloodline but it couldn't be helped can it?! I just want to see the effects just in case something bad happens right? Right!?' Evileye thought whilst shaking her head.

'Hehhh~ The bloodline is effecting her more than I thought.' Rei thought looking at the fidgeting Evileye.

"Well in that case are you able to wear a mask and a robe that hides your figure?" Lakyus asked.

"That I can do, give me a second." Rei said as he walked over to the spire and pressed his hands on the silver.

Blue circuits glowed slightly as Rei pulled a pure white silver mask out. The mask was simple as it had nothing on the surface. There were two eye holes as the rest of the mask was smooth.

Placing the mask on his face, Rei took off his scarf and enlarged it into a robe hiding his figure. Pulling up the hood, Rei's red eyes glowed slightly from the shadow cast by the hood. His white hair swayed slightly as Rei's current outfit looked mysterious.

"Would this do?" Rei asked as Lakyus nodded.

"Umu! Umu! Perfect!" Evileye cried out happily as it was quite similar to her outfit.

Rei glanced at her with pity as he made a seal and placed it on her head.

The Blue Rose was about to charge when they saw that.

"It should suppress the effects of the bloodline so she won't be effected as much. But it depends on her will power." Rei said as Evileye calmed down. While he couldn't completely reduce the effects since his bloodline was too strong and currently he was only at Ascendant Tier. If it was when he first obtained the Alucard Bloodline then he will defiantly be able to suppress it completely, but after fusing with Blood law and his Divine Rank 3 strength the Bloodline had far surpassed the original.

"Thank you." Evileye said as she walked back to Lakyus' side.

"Lord Progenitor, where will you be resting tonight?" Lakyus asked.

"Just call me Rei and I don't sleep. I haven't slept in several years now." Rei said as they nodded.

"Rei sama, you should still rest every once in a while. It's good for the mental help." Evileye said as Rei thought and nodded.

"Just find me here again in the morning." Rei said as his body faded into the shadows cast by the spire.

"..." Lakyus stared in silence before turning to Evileye.

"Don't say it, I know." Evileye said as she walked away.

"Ha...." Lakyus sighed seeing Evileye's back.


Rei closed his eyes in the shadows a he drifted off to sleep for the first time in a while.


"Father! Why are you banishing them?!"

"The eldest is too dark, and the youngest is too murderous. They can't stay."

"But they're still my sisters!"

"They're both infatuated with you did you know? They want to bare your off spring. They don't mind killing any female god that comes close to you."

"Both Lia and Kyra are just a little dependant that's all! Lia's just a little misguided and Kyra just wants more attention you shouldn't banish them! Did you forget they were your children?!"

"I didn't but did you know Kyra has already killed more than 100 Peak God ranked females that were near you?! And this is just peak god ranked, don't get me started on the other cultivation levels!"

"Fine but what has Lia done? She did nothing why did you banish her as well!"

"How do you think Kyra can kill them for so long without anyone knowing? They both bare sins too great for them!"

"You! You've always tried to tell me about compassion and family ties and who is it that are banishing your daughters now?! You've disappointed me father, you can find someone else to take your mantle!"


"I'm going to find Kyra and Lia; you can forget you ever had a son."

"Are you really going to give up on the higher realms?! What would your mother think about this!"

"Don't you fucking dare bring her up, did you forget it was you who killed her in the first place!"


Rei snapped his eyes open as his head started to ache.

"Tch, what the hell was that..." Rei muttered as every time he slept he always had a dream of some sorts. But rather than dreams they felt more like memories.

As time passed on the dreams started to feel more real as if he was reliving that moment.

Shaking his head, Rei stepped out the shadows as he looked up.

The sun was just peaking up as it signalled the start of a new day.

"Rei sama, it seems like we were just in time." Evileye called out behind him. She sounded calmer than yesterday which was a good thing.

"Mn, what are your plans for today?" Rei asked turning around to the full Blue Rose party.

"We're going to be raiding a drug trade route by the underground organisation Eight Fingers. Our goal is to first stop the spreading of a drug called the Black Dust." Lakyus said as Rei nodded.

"Shouldn't we be doing this at night then?" He asked.

"The travel time needed should take us until night time so there's no worry about that." Lakyus replied.

"Mn, do you know how many trade routes there are?"

"So far we only know that there are at least 80." Lakyus frowned at the number.

"Quite a bit, right then how about I help you take care of them today?" Rei asked smiling under his mask.

"What do you mean?" Evileye asked curiously.

"Mn I'll tell you later, I want you to first give me a map and where the locations for the trade routes are." Rei said mysteriously as he followed them.

Walking into a tavern, Rei received countless stares as they felt weird that the Blue Rose party has a new member.

Sitting in a more secluded area, Rei saw Evileye make it so that no one could listen in on them.

"Pretty good, but the requirements to do this take a lot of mana for you does it not?" Rei said seeing the spell.

"Ah! It does, but I can handle it." Evileye replied.

"Mn." Rei only nodded as they sat down.

"Anyways, for the plan of taking down the Eight Fingers we're already half way through. The current step is for us to cut off the trade routes of the drug first, stopping the supplies going around. Next would be taking out the sources of the drugs. The trade routes spread out across the whole kingdom but mostly gather towards the south-east as that's closer to the mainland since anything to the west goes closer out to sea. That's not to say there aren't any there either since each one is dangerous and needs to be taken care of." Lakyus explained rolling out the map.

"Our main priority is to first end the ones closest to the west since they're more spread out and information between them will be slower to be shared. There might be possibilities of having a magic communication device but the chances are lower." She continued.

"That's good but I have a question." Rei said narrowing his eyes.

"Go on."

"Why are you telling this to me? You don't know if I'm working with this Eight Fingers or not." Rei said as Lakyus only smiled.

"If so then it's my mistake, but I trust my intuition and that you have no hostilities against us. You said that you wanted entertainment so what better entertainment than to end a nation-wide underground organisation? That and also you were worried about the effects of your bloodline due to Evileye." Lakyus said with a smile.

"Mn, alright." Rei nodded as even if they did plan something against him, he was more than strong enough to foil their plans.

"I'll take you all to the 20 odd trade routes near the sea first. After we deal with them we'll go to the ones near the south east. But tell me how are you going to stop the trade routes?" Rei asked.

"Since these routes are all hidden and not on any main road, we're free to bury them. Not to mention we can't use the option of soldiers since there are some 'moles' in the upper echelon that belong to the Eight Fingers." Lakyus said as she leaned back a little.

"Bury them? Do you know how much mana would be needed?" Rei raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, but we're going to make 'checkpoints' in the middle to make the routes unusable." she replied.

"Mn, I suppose that would buy enough time for you to finish off the sources. Not to mention these routes might be of benefit later." Rei smiled with a nod.

"Now with the briefing done are there any more questions?"

"None evil boss." (Tia and Tina)

"I don't really strategize so I have no problems." (Gagaran)

"None from me." (Evileye)

"Right then let's set off." Lakyus stood up as she lead everyone outside of the city.

They had their own carriage as Tia and Tina sat at the front ready to drive it.

"..." Rei stared blankly.

"Is there any problem Rei sama?" Evileye asked seeing Rei pause.

"Are we going to be taking the carriage?"

"Obviously or else it'll take too long." Lakyus said as Rei sighed.

"Leave the carriage and follow me, I have a way to get us to the routes quickly." Rei said as the members looked at each other before nodded.

Making sure that everyone was gathered and no one was around to watch, Rei spread out his wings as he made a seal.

"A-are you going to be taking us there?" Lakyus asked.

"Yes. Evileye you should hold on as well since I'll be flying at a much faster rate." Rei said as Evileye nodded shyly and held onto the robe.

Placing a seal on everyone, they felt their bodies lighten as Rei made sure they won't let go.

His wings spread out as it looked like they were preparing to explode out with power.

"Make sure to close your eyes and not open your mouth." Rei gave them a reminder.

"What do you meaAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Lakyus screamed out as Rei shot off into the air.

The landscape flashed by them as Rei flew quickly over to the first trade route.

"AHHHHHH!!!!! TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE FLYING!!!" Lakyus shouted out as she gripped onto Rei's robes harder.

Tia and Tina didn't scream but the way they closed their eyes showed their fear.

Gagaran only clenched her teeth as she held on tighter.

Evileye was the only one not effected as she had a mask and was used to flying. However, she couldn't help but glance at Rei and his pure white wings with a perplexed expression.

'Mn, Rei sama has two opposite bloodlines. Holy which vampires hate and at the same time the Vampire Progenitor bloodline.' She thought as it could potentially be harmful to Rei since two opposing powers in him body could kill him from inside out.

However, just as she finished her thought she realised they were above the trade route.

"We're here ladies. Do what you need quickly and we'll move to the next route." Rei said as he had a small smile beneath his mask.

"Oh ah yeah..." Evileye muttered snapping out of it.

Looking down, a magic circle appeared in her hands as the routes started to change.

"Urg, I don't feel so good...." Lakyus muttered weakly as her face was pale.

"How about I send you back? Me and Evileye will deal with it all." Rei suggested.

"...take either Tia or Tina with you." Lakyus said after some thought.

"Sure, I'll send you, Gagaran, and Tina back to the tavern. Me, Evileye and Tia will take care of the routes. If we're fast we should be finished by tonight." Rei spoke as he made a seal and teleported them away.

'Uwaa finally me and Rei sama alone! I wonder what's he going to do?! If he asked me to offer myself should I agree? ahhh~!!!' Evileye thought whilst disregarding Tia's existences.


'HE DID NOTHING!!! REI SAMA DIDN'T ASK ME TO DO ANYTHING APART FROM THE TASK!!!!' Evileye thought as they returned back to the tavern after 12 hrs.

"Lakyus, we've managed to seal off every trade route you showed us and some extras we found whilst we were doing it." Rei said as he said down.

Lakyus, Gagaran and Tina's collective pupils shrank hearing about Rei just said.

"What?! You know you have to cover the entire kingdom and past several mountain ranges right?!" Lakyus cried out. Evileye didn't forget to make a barrier even though she felt regret that Rei didn't ask anything of her.

"Yeah, for the last few I just had to pick up the speed a little." Rei said nonchalantly.

"By picking up the speed he means three times as fast evil boss..." Tia muttered weakly as her face was dangerously pale.

"T-three times as fast?!" Gagaran cried out unable to contain herself.


Slamming her head against the desk, Gagaran decided to exit the conversation.

Raising an eyebrow at Gagaran's reaction, Rei shrugged before turning back to Lakyus.

"So what now?" He asked.

"This... I'll have to talk to the princess since our plans went faster than I had predicted." Lakyus sighed.

"In that case I'll head back to the spire. Get me if you need anything." Rei said as Lakyus nodded.

"Ah- Rei sama let me take you there-"

'He can fly! Why are you asking him if you wanted to take him there?!' Evileye thought as she cut off what she was saying.

"...Thanks? But I can get there myself." Rei said with a perplexed expression.

Leaving the tavern and walking into the shadows, Rei appeared above the spire once more.

'Lucifer, Vex how is the plans coming along?'

'Bro! I'm a Mithril ranked adventurer in the empire right now. The emperor has his eye on me and is thinking about recruiting me.' Vex's voice rang out in Rei's mind.

"Mn, not bad. Don't join just yet, wait till you're Adamantite rank first.'

'Got it bro!'

'I'm fine here as well, but I have to tread a bit more carefully if I want this to be convert. Sunlight Scripture and the likes are easy as piss to get past but the Black Scripture are a bit more annoying. They have access to items called World Items and to avoid their detection I have to take more precautions. But don't worry they haven't found out what I'm doing yet.' Lucifer reported.

'Mn, be more careful. They have items and gear from the six gods or six players that came to this world before Ains. While they pose no threat, if I want my plans to work I can't have them finding out too early or the plan would collapse on itself.' Rei replied with a nod.

'Do you need any seals to help you out?' Rei asked.

'Nah I'm fine. Doing this shit without seals is harder but a good challenge after not doing anything for a few million years.'

'Just make sure the plan isn't found out. Use the ones I've sent you if the situation is urgent.'

'Got it, if nothing else I'll be going now.'

'Mn, contact me if anything happens.' Rei said before cutting off the link.

"Miss Evileye is there anything you need from me?" Rei called out suddenly.

Evileye appeared as her camouflage wore off.

"Um not really..." She replied quietly.


"I guess the bloodline is having more of an effect on you now..." Rei smiled apologetically as he took off his mask.

Evileye shook her head.

"Rei sama it's not your bloodline." Evileye muttered.

"Oh? Then I'm guessing you have something urgent for you to find me even though the bloodline effects your mind the longer you stay near me." Rei spoke slowly. Evileye nodded as she prepared herself.

"Can you help me become stronger? After watching you I've realised that there are people much stronger than me." Evileye said staring at Rei.

'This way we can be alone~ eheheh~' She thought secretly.

'Well they barely beat Entoma back in the anime, I can probably integrate her to a small portion of my plan so having her be stronger is also ok.'

"How to you want to become stronger? Stronger body? Stronger mind? Magic? Bloodline? Choose one and we can probably do it in a short time, or do you want to improve on everything which might take a little longer." Rei replied as he placed his hand on his chin.

"C-can I improve on everything?" Evileye asked hesitantly.

"Sure, though it would probably take a few years. Ask Lakyus if you can leave for ten to thirteen days."

"T-ten to thirteen days?! I thought it should take a few years?" Evileye replied in shock.

"Yes it should, but do you know about time dilation? What we experience in a few years will be a few days to the rest of the world." Rei smiled giving Evileye a shock.

"...." Her brain stopped working as she had to try take everything in.

Waving his hand in from of her mask, Rei waited for Evileye to snap out of it.

"Ah! I'll go tell Lakyus now!" She said quickly as she disappeared.

Shrugging slightly, Rei turned back around.

{Ah~ testing 123~ can the most handsome man hear us?}

"Eve!!" Rei shouted out in surprise. A huge smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

{Hubby I'm here too!!!}

"Bai Wu!" Rei got another shock as he felt his spirit's raise.

{You know you can talk to us in your mind right? Wouldn't it be strange if you started to talk to yourself out loud?} Eve said as Rei realised what just happened.

'How are you guys? And how come you're together? I thought the beast god took you Bai Wu.' Rei asked.

{Uuu... Don't remind me, master is so harsh with etiquette. How to stand, how to walk, how to sit.} Rei could hear Bai Wu's cry in the background and couldn't help smile.

'What about you Eve?'

{Me? Nothing much, I'm just raising my cultivation now that Master has pretty much taught me everything. Oh any ways Rei we got a question for you.}

'What's the question?'

{Between me and rabbit over here who is the first wife?}

'First wife? Wouldn't that be you?' Rei tilted his head slightly.


{Shut it! Still doesn't change the fact that I gave him a child!}

'You know it's only a title right? I mean I met Eve first so technically she would still be the first wife.'

{Technically? Rei so are you saying that I shouldn't be the first wife?} Eve said as her voice was dipping dangerously.

'Nope! What I mean is that strictly time frame wise. Even without it you'll still be first wife.'


{But what about me Hubby?} Bai Wu pouted.

'Just because Eve is first wife doesn't mean I don't love you any less.' Rei said trying to pacify her.

{..Fine I'll take it for now.}

{So Rei what have you been doing so far?} Eve asked.

'I'm in the Overlord world. Your dad gave me a quest while I'm here to give me something called the God Tempered body. Seems pretty good so I'm doing the quest.'

{Ah~ I want to join too~ I haven't adventured with you in so long.} Eve muttered in regret.

'Don't worry I'm sure we can go on more adventures soon.' Rei replied.

{Speaking of adventures.. Hey bunny come here a second.}

{What's up?}

{Let's go to a private room first before we do this.}

{Do what?}

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#Slight NSFW warning#

#Slight NSFW warning#

Eve cut off the link for a second to make sure Rei's not listening.

'What are you two planning now?' Rei asked as his face held a smile.

[Hehe~ It'll be a surprise.} Rei could picture Eve grinning right now.

{Ok are you ready Rei?] Eve asked after a while.

{Hubby prepare yourself ok?}

'Sure, what do you want to show me?' Rei asked.

{In your peripherals can you see two flashing signs?}

'Mn? Yeah I can, GPN? And, what the fuck?! Face cam?!' Rei cried out in his mind as he didn't think there were a face cam function.

{Yet just added it in, first turn on GPN or Godly Private Network.}

'Isn't that just basically VPN?' Rei raised an eyebrow but still turned it on.

{Now turn on face cam. Make sure you have GPN turned on since I don't want dad and the other geezers watching. Don't worry system is almighty even dad won't see us.}

'Ok...?' Rei muttered not sure why they would even tell him it.

Turning on the face cam, Rei felt his mind blank out as in his view (Which no one else can see) were two beautiful women laying nude on the bed. Eve had long white gloves that reached her bicep, pure white thigh length stockings with the rest of her body exposed to Rei's view. Her long white hair with hints of blue framed her body making her look even more attractive.

Next to her was Bai Wu who didn't lose out at all. She didn't look like a woman who gave birth at all as her body still resembled that of a late teen's. Her long brown hair draped behind her as she hugged Eve. Wearing nothing but white stockings, both Eve and her were showing their bare body to Rei whilst spreading their pussy towards him.

{Like what you see?} Eve said with a lustful grin.


Eve and Bai Wu only giggled slightly as they saw his stunned face.

{Heheh~ Hubby come back soon to 'eat' us up ok?} Bai Wu smiled as she nudged closer to Eve. Eve turned to her before grinning.

{AH!} Bai Wu cried out suddenly as Eve fingered her pussy.

{Mn!} Bai Wu moaned as her legs tried to close in response.

Eve only grinned more as she opened up Bai Wu's legs while using her tongue to lick her pussy. Sticking out her ass, she made sure Rei got full view of her posterior.

Bai Wu was panting as she tried not to cum. Not wanting to lose, she maneuvered her body to try eat out Eve as well.

{Hehe~ thanks for making this easier on me.} Eve grinned as she controlled Bai Wu so that she was on her back with her lower body over her making it hard for her to move.

It only served to make it easier for Eve to eat her out.

Still not willing to give up, Bai Wu reached out her hand as she also fingered Eve causing her to cry out.

{You god damn bunny. I'll show you who's boss in bed!}

With that cry Eve and Bai Wu started their battle in bed while Rei watched feeling heat rise up and his litt- no huge brother throb with pain.

After watching for 2 hours did Eve and Bai Wu lay panting on the bed. Their bodies shuddered several times yet they still felt like they were missing something.

{Come back sooner Rei, or else a cucumber might take your place.} Eve grinned as she joked.

{Why would a cucumber take Hubby's place?} Bai Wu asked not sure why Eve would say such a thing.

Eve only grinned like a bully whilst Bai Wu was like a helpless lamb.

'I'll finish up soon.' Was all Rei could say as he tried to suppress his crotch.

{Heheh~ maybe you'll get another 'show' next time.} Eve said as she narrowed her eyes on Rei's crotch.

'Mn, stay safe and I'll talk to you next time. You too Bai Wu.' Rei said as he closed the face cam.

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#End of NSFW#

Wanting to calm down his brother Rei closed his eyes as he tried to get a piece of mind.

However, because he was too focused of Eve's and Bai Wu's show. He didn't realise Evileye had been back for a long time now.

'Oh my word! I-is that his crotch!!!' Evileye continued to fantasise for the two hours as the heat started to raise up in her as well.

"Tch, I'll make sure to punish that vampire and bunny real good when I get back." Rei muttered shocking Evileye.

'Punish! Is Rei sama wanting to punish me?! Why is his crotch throbbing even more!!!! Oh my god is he wanting to turn me into an M? Not that I mind but- WHAT AM I THINKING!!!!!' Evileye cut her thought off as Rei managed to calm himself down.

"Ah oh, Evileye you're here. Are you ready? It'll be a tough few years." Rei said as he noticed her. Wanting to redirect her attention in case she saw his bulge, Rei spoke about the training.

"Yes! Both my mind and body is ready for 'training'!!!" She replied a little too enthusiastically.

'Mind and Body?! Well... she's not wrong.' Rei thought she phrased the sentence a little too weirdly but it fits with what he said.

"Just step into this seal and we'll start the training straight away." Rei said as she nodded and walked in with the wrong kind of anticipation.

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