The Divine Anime System

Chapter 159. Maid

Chapter 159. Maid

'Holy magic might not work against Lord Rei because of his holy bloodline. The most I can do is brute force this...' Shalltear thought as she narrowed her eyes at Rei. He stood with a grin while his white wings folded behind him.

'I should get a grasp of his current MP and HP first. Mana Essence, Life Essence.' Shalltear thought.

"ARHHH!!!!" She suddenly cried out as her vision was blinded by the sheer amount of mana lying dormant within Rei's body.

"What's wrong Shalltear? Did you use mana essence? One should use it too causally against strong enemies." Rei grinned as Shalltear held her eyes with her hand. Blood could be seen flowing out.

"Maximise magic! Vermilion Nova!!" Shalltear shouted out as she tried to retreat.

A ball of flame shot towards Rei who only smiled as he got hit.

Taking this chance to stop the blood, Shalltear looked towards Rei with her bloodshot eyes.

"Ah Lord Rei, how foolish of you. Even with your strength you should take a spell like that so easily." Shalltear smiled seeing Rei on fire.

"Is that so?" Rei's voice rang out as the fire flowed towards his mouth.

A grin formed on Rei's face seeing Shalltear shocked that her magic didn't work.

"Anything else you want to show? I'll give you another five minutes." Rei grinned as he walked steadily towards her.

Brandishing her lance, Shalltear charged at Rei with gritted teeth.

Rei reinforced her hands as he blocked her strikes. Up, up left, right, faint left, down, up.

It was easy as playing with a child.

Shalltear grew more fearful as time went on.

"Shalltear, five minutes are almost up." Rei narrowed his eyes as he spoke blocking another strike.

"Tch! Maximise Magic: Time Accelerator! Maximise Magic: Time Reverse!" Shalltear called out as she instantly turned and tried to run. She couldn't damage him so she could only choose to run right now. Time Accelerator allowed for her to increase her speed but couldn't attack while Time Reverse allowed her to negate the damage taken from a single attack as long as she's still alive.

"Trying to use time in front of me. Futile." Rei snapped his fingers as Shalltear returned to where she was a moment ago.

"Eh?!" Shalltear widened her eyes seeing her back to where she was.

Gritting her teeth, Shalltear glared at Rei.

"Maximise Magic: Force Explosion! Maximise Magic: Force Sanctuary!"

A shock wave exploded out from Shalltear as she hoped it should give her some distance. Rei only smirked as he reached out with his hand.

He felt something similar to glass blocking him from reaching Shalltear.

Seeing Rei being stopped by her Force Sanctuary, Shalltear sighed slightly in relief. But before it could sink in she heard and ominous sound.


With a single flick of his finger's Rei had shattered her skill which makes her invulnerable.

"Now that I allowed you some play time I think we should end this now." Rei smiled as a seal formed in his palms.

Gripping Shalltear's head, the seal released a blinding light causing Shalltear to scream.

"ARRRGGGG!!!!" She cried out.

"Hush, it'll be over soon." Rei replied as after a few minutes the light dimmed and showed Shalltear in her normal dress.

"Lord Rei... I-"

"Forget it, let's head back. I still have a chat lined up with Ains." Rei smiled as he turned around and spread out his wings.

Shalltear sat as she stared at Rei. Guilt and disappointment surfaced in her heart as she couldn't believe she tried to harm the progenitor. Even though she did nothing, just the action still caused her to be guilty.

Landing lightly above Nazarick, Rei walked towards Ains with a smile. He could already sense that he sent everyone away so that it was just him and Ains.

"It seems Shalltear wasn't a problem for you." Ains spoke as Rei sat down of a sofa and crossed his legs.

"Yeah, I almost feel bad for bullying her." Rei smiled as he replied.

"Mn, who are you really? Your powers defiantly go beyond the boundaries of Yggdrasil. It really makes me wonder if you were a player at all." Ains spoke as he would have narrowed his eyes if he could.

"I was a player, though I arrived in this world long before you did. I had the time to study and evolve my magic. If a level 100 had the chance of increasing his power and magic over the course of a hundred years what do you think would happen? Not to mention I was a vampire as well as an angel so my longevity was also far above a human's." Rei lied with he didn't give it away at all.

"So you arrived long before me. Then why didn't you tell me?" Ains asked.

"Mn, everyone has a few secrets." Rei said as he leaned back on the sofa.

"Enough about that. Let me tell you about my current goal since it's almost time to start the plan." Rei said as he closed his eyes.


"Yes, I suppose it's something similar to world peace. But at the same time it's not that perfect." Rei replied.

"How do you plan to achieve it and why are you telling me?" Ains asked.

"Because I need your help. Well you also have the choice of not helping me but then it means there will only be one person managing this world."

".... go on."

"What do you think about a real heaven and hell? Split this world in two whilst solidifying the notion to the people of the world. I will give the residents of this world a chance. Evildoers will be sent to hell whilst the civilised will stay in heaven." Rei smiled as Ains placed his fingers on his chin.

"How would you determine who's good or not then? Because as I see it, that is a grey boundary that is easily misinterpreted."

"A seal. You've seen my seals. They're what I have cultivated and perfected over the course of my life. I shall place a seal around the entire world. It will be on a scale bigger than World Tier magic. The seal will watch, judge and use the right measures on the resident. It will give them the illusion that god is watching. The seal will also lock onto the people and read their past, their thoughts and actions, their reasons and circumstances before punishing them for their actions. If they were blackmailed and were innocent all along the seal will hunt the real culprit. If they were evil yet still blackmailed, the seal will hunt both parties down." Rei explained.

"And where do I fit into this." Ains asked.

"The overseer of hell. Rather than hell, why not name it Nazarick as the residents of Nazarick will be the wardens of hell. They can torture, destroy, kill to their liking as the seal on hell will make sure they don't die. Their mental states will be refreshed to keep the fear fresh. What do you think?" Rei smiled but that smile chilled Ains to the core as it seemed like human life was just cabbage to Rei.

"Heaven will also have its own overseer. The seal will not judge between ranks. If any future overseer's commit an unforgivable act their power's will be stripped away and people's memories of them will be wiped out making them nothing more than another torture candidate. There will be a report function should anyone escape the scope of the seal but if the person who used the report wanted to frame another the system will know and punish accordingly." Rei continued.

"There are a lot more to this but I have compiled it into a memory seal. As for the whole system that will govern this world let's call it the World Maintenance System. There shall be two main systems. One for each overseer. The system will help the overseer gain what they want depending on their merits. The populace will also get a branch of the system called the World Resident System. This system will also give them merits depending on what they do to help the world."

"In addition to this, there shall be a second chance in hell. Let's call it the redemption games as it will allow those in hell a chance to return back to heaven with enough merit. In these games the overseers will set a few basic rules while the system will generate the activity. It should give you some entertainment for your longevity." Rei finished as Ains honestly couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"So this world will be run similar to a game. Though I won't deny the benefits, isn't this a bit too extreme to pull off?" Ains asked.

"Nope, I have the power to do it and the foundations are being laid out. When the time is right, this new World Maintenance System will spread out through the world." Rei replied.

"What about those freedom fanatics?" Ains asked as some didn't want to be under rule.

"Hm, Then let's create the third plane. Earth. Here people who want to desert Heaven but don't want to go to hell can enter Earth. There shall be a connection between Heaven and Earth such as trade. Future generations of Earth who want to enter heaven can enter. But they will still have to follow the rules of heaven." Rei replied whilst making some changes to the memory seal.

'System, generate new rules of Earth based on my intentions.'

[Understood... complete. Branch system {World Maintenance System} {World Resident System} {Hell Redemption System} are ready to be deployed. Each system has an AI which links back to me should any unforeseen situations occur.]


"I still can't believe this is happening but I'm in. The great tomb of Nazarick which I built with my friends will continue while I don't have to discard my humanity to keep this memory of mine." Ains would have smiled if he could.

"Oh also, spending time as an Overseer without a family or lovers will be bland. Trust me having someone whom you love accompany you makes your life all the more colourful." Rei smiled.

"And who shall spend their time with me? The future overseer of hell hahaha." Ains laughed with slight amounts of self-mockery.

"What about Albedo? While she does have her faults, she is indeed in love with you." Rei answered.

"Don't remind me. If I hadn't messed around with her settings in my final moments in the game why would she love me? There is only guilt." Ains said with a sigh.

"You cannot change what had already happened. Why not take responsibility for it." Rei asked.

"I want to if I could. Though how would she even react about the truth? I had changed her core personality." Ains sighed.

"Now it's just you fearful of taking the first step. The important fact is that she loves you and can't live without you now. You are the cause and should take responsibility. I can also tell that you love her back. Why else would you put some much care into her compared to the rest of the residents of Nazarick." Rei said as he slowly backed Ains into a corner.

"This... But I can't even fulfil the basic requirements of a man. As a skeleton do you think I have a penis to copulate with?" Ains said grasping at straws.

"I've already offered you a body that is like that of a human's." Rei replied instantly.

"Hais... Ains you should just listen to the woman's thoughts then. Ah don't worry she doesn't know about the change since somethings are better left unsaid." Rei said as he snapped his finger.

Albedo materialised in the room with a blush and teared up eyes.

"A-Albedo!?" Ains cried out.

"Lord Ains... To think you also have feeling for me." Albedo said as she walked closer. Rei only smiled as he decided to enjoy the scene.

"This... " Ains stuttered. However he was wondering why his emotions wasn't being kept in check and realised it probably had something to do with Rei.

"Lord Ains, I love you with my entire being. Just knowing the fact that you have feeling for me as well fills me with immense joy. You were the only one to stay behind, you were the only one who cared, you were the only one who desired to help us. Please Lord Ains." Albedo spoke as she hugged Ains.


"Lord Ains...."

The two looked deeply at each other.

"You know you still don't have a dick right now so I'll have to help you make a new body before you get to fuck her till she can't walk." Rei replied cutting the atmosphere in half.

Albedo blushed deeply as she was grateful to Rei for fulfilling her dreams with Ains.

"You really know how to cut the mood." Ains said wearily.

"Don't worry you have plenty of time later." Rei gave the two a wink and a grin causing them more embarrassment.

"Anyways, Ains. What I'm going to do for you is give you an immortal dragon bloodline. It will give you the chance to regain your penis as the main benefit. I will also send you into a training space with the time dilation of a day out here and a year in there. I want you to break out of this world's and Yggdrasil's magic system before returning. The steps should be written out in the training space. You can enter with Albedo because by the time you enter, you would have gained a body. Also don't worry about causing a mess in there. White stains don't remain, hygiene is good, smells don't stay and I won't look. You might also want her to break out of this world's magic system as well if you want." Rei waved his hand as he said this.

"Just drink this magical blood." Rei said as he cut his finger and a drop of blood floated mid-air.

Ains looked at the blood with mild confusion.

"Don't worry it won't give you STD's." Rei grinned.

"What the fuck." Ains replied.

After another short pause, Ains closed his would be eyes and drank the blood.

Feeling nothing happen, Ains opened his eyes in confusion.

"Rei nothing happened." Ains spoke.

"Give it a second." Rei smiled.

"What doARRGGGG!!!!" Ains cried out as flesh started to grow on his body.

Demiurge charged into the room in shock from hearing Ains scream.

"Demiurge don't move and don't touch Ains. He's growing his new body right now." Rei called out as Demiurge froze in place due to Rei using a higher form of his verbal command.

His screams carried on for almost an hour as both Albedo and Demiurge couldn't believe what they were seeing. First Ains started to grow out his flesh and organs, then more muscle fibres covered his body before skin started to form. Albedo almost drooled as she glance at where Ain's crotch would be.

"Fuck! Rei why didn't tell me it would hurt so fucking much!" Ains shouted out as his body finally stopped hurting.

His new form was that of a handsome man in his early to mid-twenties. With short spiky black hair that contained a few streaks of red and purple, scarlet iris that resembled a dragon's and a toned body that wasn't too muscular.

"Even if I told you it doesn't matter now. Here have a mirror." Rei smiled as he threw a mirror over to Ains.

Catching the mirror,Ains marvelled at his new form.

"The benefits of the new body should be in your [World Maintenance System] that I've already given to you. Just think Status or System in your mind." Rei smiled.

"As for me, I'll be excusing myself for now. Albedo seems to be quite eager about your new body." Rei grinned as Ains turned to Albedo and widen his eyes seeing her pupils glow with lust.

"Demiurge, I'll have a chat with you as well. Let's leave these two to their activities." Rei smiled as he exited the room with Demiurge. He was sure he heard the tables being knocked over and only grinned.

Walking in the hallway, Rei smiled as Demiurge could only glance at Rei with both confusion and awe.

"Lord Rei, if I may be as rude to ask but what happened to Lord Ains back there? He felt his mighty power surge even higher." Demiurge asked.

"It's simple, I made him an immortal dragon. He will be needing the lifespan should he be overseeing a part of the world." Rei replied.

"I see. But what does Lord Rei mean by overseeing the world?" Demiurge asked.

Rei went on to explain the basic function of the new system as Demiurge could only marvel at the idea.

'Lord Ains will be recognised as a god of sorts by the masses. Nazarick will rule the underworld or hell and Ains gets to watch heaven should he want to. Not to mention those who don't want the supreme beings blessing in heaven go to earth meaning we're free to use them as we please.' Demiurge thought as this would defiantly prove beneficial for Nazarick.

"However Lord Rei, do you not believe Nazarick can control the world?" Demiurge asked.

"Oh no, I have full belief that it will happen. However, have you thought about what Ains aimed for in secret. Think about it, Ains hold the other supreme beings in high esteem as well. Not to mention, Lord Touch Me loved humans and the joy they bring. Should he rule with a forceful hand they won't dare to displease him. So it means they won't experiment and produce new ideas. Ains wants some entertainment in his long life while fulfilling the desires of the other supreme beings. Through this plan of mine he gets to fulfil everything he had desired whilst also creating three worlds that belong to him, a world that realises the other supreme being's dreams and a third world of those who don't want this." Rei smiled as Demiurge widened his eyes.

"I see my intelligence was too shallow. I had thought that Lord Ains wanted to grasp this world but it turns out that was the most basic of the basic. I had never taken into consideration Lord Ains' deeper thoughts before I planned my course of action." Demiurge lamented.

"It's fine, he will be needing a good right hand man to rule hell. I'm sure you have more than enough options for those lesser beings that reject the supreme beings blessings." Rei gave Demiurge a glance.

"You can rest assured Lord Rei. From now on I will serve Lord Ains with even more fervour whilst thinking about his deepest desires." Demiurge bowed.

"Un, good." Rei smiled as he walked away.

'Lord Rei, a being with intelligence so high it makes me feel ashamed to even plan near him. Not to mention the power he has to carry it out as well. Truly a being who had managed to defeat Nazarick.' Demiurge thought as he glanced at Rei's departing back.

'Fucking finally! I managed to bullshit my way through Demiurge. He is probably the most annoying since he's smart but this should allow Ains to express more of himself without being accidently controlled by Demiurge.' Rei thought in relief.

'Next time I'm not fucking planning shit like this again.' Rei sighed as he would like it much more if he just charged his way through everything.

Walking through the hallways of Nazarick, Rei wondered what else he could do while he waited for Lucifer and Vex finish their tasks.

'I guess I'll pass time with Fey and the girls. I should also tell her about the World Maintenance System.' Rei thought as he increased his speed slightly.

Spreading out his wings, Rei flew through the darkened sky. Deciding to hide his figure, Rei turned his wings black.


[Name: Rei

Age: N/A

Combat Rank: Ascendant Peak

True Rank: Divine Rank 4 (12%) New!

Body rank: Divine Rank 5 (83%->90%) New!

Soul Rank: Divine Rank 6 (18%->28%) New!

Will Rank: Divine Rank (93% -> 94%) New!]

'Mn, I'm almost half way to god ranks. Next rank will let me challenge one of the Trials of God.' Rei thought glancing at the Trials.

The slaughter god trials and berserk war god trials were self-explanatory for Rei as it will include fighting of sorts. Element god, demon god and system god's trials were more abstract as there were a huge variety of options for each trial.

'When I reach rank 5 the only trial available for me is the Element god trials... Could the trial be absorption of elements? Manipulation? Understanding?'

Unable to come to a concrete conclusion, Rei decided to ignore it for now.

Nearing the capital, Rei could sense that Fey was still awake and standing near the silver spire.

"Rei sama you're back!" Fey called out in joy seeing Rei fly towards her. She was slightly confused at the black wings but decided to ignore it.

"Are you done with the Eight Finger's?" Rei asked as this would mean they won't work for Ains in the future. Not that they even mattered due to his plans for the future.

"Umu! They were weaker than I had thought." Fey replied with a nod.

"It's just that you're too strong for them right now." Rei replied as his wings folded away.

"Also, I haven't told you about my plans yet have I?" Rei asked as Fey nodded.

"Ok it's like this...."

Rei proceeded to explain his plan as Fey nodded as she listened.

"..So Fey, what do you think about being the Overseer of Heaven?" Rei asked.

"Um, Rei sama can't I follow you instead? Having a vampire act as the overseer of heaven might not be the best option. I feel like Lakyus would fit the role better than me. She's a respected individual as well." Fey replied hoping to follow Rei instead of staying behind alone.

"Hmm, I suppose it is also easier to give her a holy bloodline. Since you've already got your vampire bloodline it would be bad to make you an angel." Rei muttered with some thought. He understands that she wants to follow him and he was the main cause of that.

"Mn, I'll go talk to Lakyus about it. Since the last few bits of preparation have almost been completed, it doesn't matter if she knew now. If she doesn't want the role then I suppose I can make an artificial Overseer for now." Rei muttered as he leaned on the silver spire.

"Then Fey what role do you want to have?" Rei asked as he glanced at her.

"Oh no, I don't want any role!" Fey waved her hands quickly.

"If it isn't too much to ask can I follow you instead?" Fey asked.

"..." Rei stared at her for a moment in deep thought.

Fey started to fidget under Rei's gaze.

"No." Rei replied after a while. Without even listening to Fey's answer he faded from his spot.

"Wha? Rei sama!" Fey called out seeing Rei disappear.

Looking around frantically, Fey felt her heart break remembering his replied. Sitting down weakly, Fey gazed blankly at Rei's spot. Her eyes seemed dead and without purpose as she sat in silence.

Standing above the castle, Rei looked towards Fey's direction.

'.....' He only looked in silence as he sighed.

[What's this? Our powerful husband is sighing? What's wrong?] Eve asked out of nowhere.

Turning his gaze over, Rei could see Eve and Bai Wu sitting next to each other through a screen provided by the system.

'Nothing much.' Rei replied.

[For you to sigh like that it can't be nothing much.] Bai Wu pouted slightly as it caused Rei to smile.

[Look Rei, I've already accepted you bringing Bai Wu back, what CAN'T I handle?] Eve said with a grin.

'Alright if you say so.' Rei shrugged.

'You know Evileye from Overlord yeah?'

[Yeah, what about her?]

'I may have accidentally be the cause of her becoming a masochist and now she essentially can't live without me.' Rei said quickly.

[PFFFFTTTTT!!!! YOU WHAT?] Eve spat out whatever she was drinking as the moment and pulled the 'are you serious' face.

[How the fuck did you make her a masochist?!] Eve asked.

'That's what your worried about?! Not that she can't live without me?' Rei retorted.

[Yeah? What about it? I mean look at both me and Bai Wu. Do you think that will faze us?] Eve retorted.

[Umu umu!] Bai Wu nodded in agreement.

'Your both just weird.' Rei smiled wearily.

[And your weirder for liking us right Bai Wu?] Eve asked turning to Bai Wu who nodded whilst eating some deserts.

'Where the hell are you getting these things?' Rei asked seeing Bai Wu's ice cream.

[We're at shokugeki no soma, I just got soma to make us an ice cream.] Eve replied.

'Ha? You're in shokugeki no soma?!' Rei asked surprised.

[Yeah, if you could go into anime worlds why can't I? I mean I was from your system to being with.] Eve replied.

'Then can't we go to worlds together then?' Rei asked.

[Yes and no. Yes we can go to anime worlds but no we can't go together. Dad had some restrictions placed saying I can go with Bai Wu whilst you go with your friend. Only after we reach rank 10 can we meet again.] Eve replied as she waved a spoon.

'Tsk.' Rei clicked his tongue.

[Anyways, I'm more interested about how the fuck you converted her into a masochist.] Eve said eating some ice cream as well.

'Just a series of misunderstanding. And somehow when I was training her, she made use of every moment to slowly become a masochist.' Rei replied.

[Still doesn't exp-]

'For six years I've trained her. She became a masochist in those six years.' Rei cut her off.

[Then how the hell did you not realise?!] Eve retorted.

'I thought she was smiling in bliss feeling herself get stronger!' Rei replied.

[Fucking idiot!] Eve slammed her head on the table.

[Except for a few very minute exceptions who the fuck smiles from getting hit?!] Eve asked as Rei paused before face palming.

[Say, you guys are talking about this masochist. What does it mean?] Bai Wu asked.

'Bai Wu, you remember back in the clear sky clan the senior disciples had ropes, bondage and were weird right?' Rei asked as Bai Wu shivered slightly remembering them.

[Yeah?] She asked slightly fearful.

'That's a masochist. They are people who like to get hurt by the one they love. Or just in general.' Rei explained.

[I mean Bai Wu, if you think about it we are slightly masochist no? Because it could also just be submissive towards the person they love.] Eve said as Bai Wu realised what she meant.

[Eh? We're masochist as well? Then I don't see the problem with this Evileye then.] Bai Wu replied.

'The fuck?'

[Well hubby, if me and Eve are also slightly masochist then what's the difference between two masochist and three masochists?] Bai Wu asked as he rested her cheek on her left hand whilst eating more ice cream.

'There is a huge difference ok?' Rei said feeling slightly speechless at Bai Wu's thought process.

[Just take her as a maid or something. It's not like she can fight can she? She is not strong enough.] Eve replied.

'Holy shit, do you two hear yourself? Don't most girls not want other girls near their man?' Rei asked.

[If I minded I would have kicked Bai Wu's ass when I first saw her.]

[If I minded I would have kicked Eve's ass when I first saw her.]

The two replied at the same time before turning and staring at each other.

[I'm sorry, I might have been a bit distracted but did you just say you'll kick my ass?] Eve narrowed her eyes.

[Same here, I think we both know who went easy.] Bai Wu didn't back down.

'Girls, stop.' Rei said seeing the two about to fight.

[I see we're thinking of the same thing.] Eve said as Bai Wu nodded.

Rei frowned as he was about to shout.

[We'll settle this in bed!]

[We'll settle this in bed!]

'What the fuck?!' Rei cried out. He though they were gonna fight but who knew they decided to see who lasted longer in sex instead.

[Rei just take her as a maid or something. Me and Bai Wu have a fight to settle.] Eve replied.

[Ah hubby, feel free to watch by the way.] Bai Wu replied as they both cut off the link.


"What. In. The. Fuck." Rei spoke out as he couldn't believe the conversation they just had.

"System God if you're listening. Don't blame me, you heard what your daughter just said." Rei spoke out as he knows the system god would keep an eye on him every so often.

Materialising his body silently behind Fey's, Rei sighed.

"Fey." Rei called out.

"Eh? Ah?! Rei sama!" Fey turned around instantly. Life seemed to flow back into her as she shot towards him.

"You can follow me but you have to follow some rules ok?" Rei said as he stopped her hugging him by blocking her mask.

"Un un! As long as I can follow you!" She replied quickly.

"Number 1, no hugging. Number 2, no skin contact. Number 3, no fighting with people you meet in the future unless I say so. Number 4, follow my instructions when I tell you and finally number 5. You'll be following me as a servant/maid is that clear?" Rei spoke slowly and clearly as eh made sure Fey understood everything.

'Rei sama wants me to follow him as a maid? YES! Master servant play is also good!' Fey thought.

"Un ok! I'm fine with it!" Fey replied as Rei sighed.

"I'll show you my wives at a later date since they're... 'busy' right now. Just know that they were the main reason to why I'm allowing you to stay with me ok?" Rei said as she nodded. She was just happy that she could be with him.

"Un ok so what are we doing now?" She asked as she was smiling under her mask.

"We're going to talk to Lakyus when she wakes up." Rei replied sitting down on the roof. Fey sat down next to him making sure that they weren't touching since Rei said so.

Little did he know his choice had caused the system god to curse the entire day since he couldn't blame Rei. He did seek Eve's opinion on the matter after all.

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