The Divine Anime System

Chapter 163. White demon

Chapter 163. White demon

It was like thunder striking his mind when Kazuo heard Rei.

"Ahaha excuse me, but I must be having some hearing problems. Did you say Hosuba Rei? Not too common of a surname." Kazuo said as he turned to look forward.

"No, you heard me right. Yotsuba Rei. I'm a part of the Yotsuba family, though I can't say I'm here on their behalf." Rei smiled as he revealed his identity easily. Since he needed to make a name for himself, the best way would be to reveal his identity sooner. This would drive back any pesky insects that would become greedy for his knowledge.

Kazuo stumbled slightly as Rei helped stabilise him.

"How come you're at our humble high school? Wouldn't the Third High School be better for you." Kazuo asked as he looked at Rei. For someone of Rei's stature to join the First High which couldn't even get more than one teacher applying was inconceivable for him. Not to mention the only teacher who came was him!

"I live nearby so I thought it would be easier for me to come here. Also, for me the High School doesn't matter as long as I can pass on my knowledge." Rei replied with a smile.

This, however, was complete BULLSHIT. One of his requirements to complete the task was to become a teacher at First High School. He could only come to First High School to complete his requirements to obtain the second part to the God Tempered Body

"Is there another lecture today?" Rei asked as they walked to the office to get everything registered.

"No more theory lectures for today. After this is practical experiments and then clubs. Do you want to help out the practical experiments?" Kazuo asked filling out some information to register Rei as an official teacher at First High School.

"Sure." Rei nodded as they walked to the canteen to have some food.

"So before we go to the practical experiments, is there a staff room or a room designated to me?" Rei asked trying some of the food.

"Yes there is, but for your room do you want it to show your full name or just Rei.Y?" Kazuo asked.

"Full name is fine." Rei replied finishing his food. It wasn't the best nor was it the worse.

"Alright I'll get it done, but first take this. This device should stay with you for most of the school year. Think of it like a portable laptop. Students can message you through this, there are time tables for different activities and lectures as well as times for when the labs are available." Kazuo said handing Rei a tablet like device.

"Thanks." Rei said as he took the tablet.

Looking at it, Rei could see that the school had placed some data tracking in it. Shrugging slightly, Rei decided to modify the tablet when he went home.

Looking for the practical experiments, Rei walked over to the lab.

"Hello~ I'm just here to help out." Rei called out entering the room.

As he looked at some of the students, Rei could see some familiar faces of those who took part in his lecture as well as future figures. Those who took part in his lecture couldn't help but shift their gaze away quickly as if they saw a monster whilst those who didn't take part looked at him with curiosity.

"Don't mind me carry on." Rei waved slightly as he looked around for the teacher.

'Where's the teacher?' Rei thought seeing that there are only students.

"Er excuse me, if you're looking for a teacher the practical lessons are run by students." A quite voice called out behind him.

Turning around Rei saw that is was one of the people who took part in his lecture.

"I see, I'll be helping out in this school whenever I can so are you able to tell me what you're practising this lesson?" Rei asked with a smile. The female student nodded.

"We're practising on improving our casting time, activation time and effectiveness." She said as Rei nodded.

Looking at the people practising Rei couldn't help but frown as how bad it was. It was fast but ineffective, inefficient and most of all some of them can't even bring out the full power due to fast casting and bad coding.

"Alright everyone stop." Rei said as he was about to clap his hands. However, when the students who took part in his lecture saw the gesture they immediately forced the student around them to stop quickly in fear. Losing control of their bodies were a horrible experience after all.

Seeing their reactions Rei felt the urge to laugh slightly.

"Alright, so to help all of you I want each of you to demonstrate the test to me and I'll grade you." Rei said as he pulled up a chair and crossed his legs.

"We'll go with the people who think they're the fastest ones first." Rei said bringing up the class panel and prepared to mark their demonstrations.

"Furiha Tetsuo, First Year Bloom. Watch carefully." A student said as he demonstrated his powers.

"Ha?! Watch carefully my ass. First off to decrease the casting time you shortened the code which then weakened it. Next to activated it quickly, you removed the safety features and accelerated the object too quickly without a care. Then to bring it back, you made a semi soft wall for it to bounce back." Rei retorted as he watched.

"If you were in a car and you controlled it like which you have then, you would have died eight out of ten. The other two will leave you paralysed for life." Rei continued as he saw the student grit his teeth.

"What you have a problem? Then do the code correctly. Foundations are important so don't cut corners. Scram!" Rei said telling the next person to come up.

Rei was harsh so that he could try break the wall between Blooms and Weeds. Everyone has something they're good at but as long as foundations are good then the future is also good. People who focus of short casting time but weak foundations are the real trash in Rei's eyes.

"Same problem, shortened code, no safety. Scram!"

"Same problem..."

"Worse problem! It's not even the same spell anymore. Scram!"

Rei demolished the entire class as a third of the class fell below his expectations. However, when Rei saw the quite girl who called out to him stand up, he realised the contempt when looking at her. She seemed nervous as Rei opened his mouth.

"Every one is on the same playing ground. Just do what you can, I'll help if it is up to standards." Rei said as she nodded nervously.

Seeing her perform, the students couldn't help but giggle seeing her abysmally slow performance.

"Shut up. Student continue please." Rei said as he shut the surroundings up. The female student nodded as she continued.

Finishing the experiment, she gripped the hem of her dress nervously.

Rei only smiled as he took out the panel.

"Not bad, the code was secure and hard to be effected by outside interference. Safety was guaranteed. Cushioning when returning the object was good. It is was a car it would be equal to a relaxing cruise. Good job. Improve on fast you can write the code without cutting corners and you'll be good to go." Rei smiled as praised her. On the more practical side, she has the perfect foundations to be a tanker. Strong sturdy albeit a little slow.

"WHAT?! How is this trash better than me?!" Furiha Tetsuo cried out. As the 'number one' he could accept if everyone failed and just blamed it on the teach. But a weed beat him. Not only that it was the trash amongst the weakest weeds. The lowest of the low.

"If she is trash then you aren't even worthy to be mentioned. Shut it and scram." Rei replied.

Furiha's chest heaved in slightly anger.

"I get it now; you're lusting after her isn't it. I get it, get everyone's moral down then you can trap her. Good, good. I didn't think of you like that." He sneered hoping to get everyone against Rei.

"Hou hou~ lusting after her you say?" Rei said slowly as his pressure leaked out.

The walls cracked as Furiha, the target of the pressure, kneeled heavily and broke his kneecaps on the tiles.

"Listen here now you little shit." Rei said as he gripped at his head and lifted him up. His cold aura radiated around him making some students shiver.

"Furiha Tetsuo. Son of Aki Tetsuo and Hideki Tetsuo. A sister called Ami Tetsuo. Let's see, oh wow. The shit you committed when you were nine, ten, fourteen and fifteenth were the worse. Shall I recite them out for you?" Rei said narrowing his eyes. Furiha widened his eyes in fear as his body shook.

"Piss off from my class." Rei said as he threw him to the door.

Furiha cried out as he scrambled to his feet as fast as possible and ran away from Rei with all his might. Even though his knee caps were broken he endured just to get away from this demon.

"Slander me like him and you know the results. However, just so you know I already have a wife(wives) and a daughter who's a little older than you. I give praise when it is due understand?" Rei narrowed his eyes as he sat back down.

The student's nodded frantically.

"Also, in my lectures drop this Bloom and Weed bullshit. If you're good, I'll tell you. If you're trash, I'll also tell you." Rei said as they nodded once more.

"Good next." Rei said as the rest of the students stood up one by one.

"Same problem..."

"Pretty good, focus more in the latter half of the spell..."

"Are you even trying to activate a spell? You didn't even construct the code right. Scram!"

"Same problem..."



By the end of it, Rei sat with his hands against his face as he sighed.

"Six of you passed and 3 barely passing out of a class of 60. Are you fucking kidding me?" Rei said out loud as no one spoke. Out of the six, four were course two students/weeds and two were course one/ blooms.

"The six of you who passed stand aside. Everyone else listen the fuck up." Rei said standing up.

"First step of casting as everyone knows is writing the code. However, in order to pursue speed all of you chose to shorten it unlike the six of them. If you wanted faster casting, then cutting corners is not right. For people who cast faster, they would modify their own CAD's or get a personalised one by a professional. You know why? Because rather than inputting numbers one by one, they have an array of number combinations for them to use when activating a spell. These combinations can be from just one digit or up to fifteen digits. Next problem is that most of you forgotten the safety functions. Sure you can say you'll remember it in the future and that a little object like this is harmless. But that is wrong. Fuck up the code and this object can be a bomb. How and Why you ask? Watch this." Rei said as he made a barrier around the students.

"First I cut corners in the code like all of you fuck nuts." Rei said as he demonstrated.

"Fuck the safety."

"And set off."


An explosion rang out as the students paled slightly.

"Reverse." Rei said as they could see everything mending together again.

"As to why the object blew up, it's because of the code combination that is the result of cutting corners and safety options. For example, if the code for forward movement is E0143C947T. And you cut it into E143C947T, then you don't know if that code is still forward movement. It might be backwards movement or as I demonstrated, explosion. It may be a low chance but some of you fuckers very nearly blew us up." Rei said narrowing his eyes.

"Some of you may be wondering why the other teachers aren't coming after that explosion or how I reversed it to how it was, then I'll tell you. For those who entered my lecture, you should know about my Sequence Casting. So here's an extra lesson for you. In this area of control, no vibrations shall be passed outside. This means noise, explosions or anything which involves vibrating atoms won't be transferred outside this room. As for how I turned back the wall to how it was. I 'recorded' the Eidos coding for the state of the room before I started my demonstration and replaced the code after the damage was done. Thus the room reversed into its previous state." Rei explained as the students nodded.

"I can definitely say I'm a violent teacher, but it is necessary to correct all of you into semi decent mages worthy to be meat shields rather than free kills." Rei said exposing the harsh truth.

Some of the students felt uncomfortable but Rei ignored them.

Looking at the time, Rei saw that the period was about to end.

"Just in time. I won't force you into my lectures but for those who attend my lectures and use my teachings well I can guarantee you that you'll at least become a state magician. Who knows maybe some of you might become a world class mage." Rei smiled as some students didn't believe Rei.

"Alright lessons over, scram." Rei dismissed them as he sat down and started to write some notes on the class.

"That was a rather harsh lesson Professor Yotsuba." A woman said behind Rei as he turned around. It was Haruka Ono, the counsellor for First High School. She has short orange hair, a jumper that covers her neck, black trousers and a white lab jacket.

"I need it to be harsh. I must change their mentalities early on so it doesn't encroach on them later. They didn't have a proper teacher so their magic is screwed, if I don't be harsh they won't take the lessons to heart." Rei replied as he stood up.

"Yes, but being too violent isn't good either." She said following Rei trying to persuade him.

"They're sixteen. After they leave, they might have to join the army and fight wars we don't know. But by exposing them we can prepare them. Also, it's because they don't have a sense of threat that they become lazy. Trust me. Even if I break them, I can guarantee I'll fix up their mental states real good." Rei smiled as Haruka shivered.

"I'll have to go supervise some clubs, so I'll bid you farewell." Rei smiled as he left her behind.

It was also this lesson that started Rei's new nickname. White demon.

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