The Divine Anime System

Chapter 17. Hero training

Chapter 17. Hero training

Within Rei's mindscape, a battle was happening.

6 humanoid robots stood infront of Rei, while thousands laid to waste behind him.

"Eve how long till school."

{You should have 3 minutes left to destroy these guys before you make your way to school. You should be on time.}

"Thanks Ev-

Rei was cut off by the robot blasting towards him trying to stab his heart.

"BASTARD!" He shouted as he parried with Tengoku. Locking the robot's blade with his, Rei brought Kyoki down diagonally cleaving the robot in half. Taking the moment the first robot made, the other 5 simultaneously blasted towards him. Using his observation haki Rei see the path the swords came at. Seeing how the swords came at him without gaps between, he decided to take inspiration from Neiji Hyuuga's Kaiten(rotation) and supply it with the sword energy cultivated with the Twin Dragon's manual. The azure sword energy formed the rotational dome with streaks of gold and red around him as he twisted his body with great speeds deflecting then pushing the robots away. Releasing the dome Rei was unharmed but panting heavily. The robots quickly formed another sword on their spare hand making 10 swords coming for his life. But something snapped in Rei as he was able to use observation haki much clearer as he twisted his body to avoid 5 swords while parrying another 5. Not having time bask in the feeling Rei quickly held Kyoki the a reverse grip dispatching two robots with his last twist and jumped back to create some space. The robots however, had a different though as they relentlessly pursued him.

"Lets try this.." Rei said while thinking of what Ronanoa Zoro used with his three sword, but adapt it to his two sword style.

"Two Sword Style. RYUU NO TATSUMAKI!!!"

Rei shouted as he caused a gale to pick up while his azure sword energy took the forms of a two dragons traveling in the the tornado shredding the three robots that were pick up by the wind.

"Fuuuu~" Rei breathed out as he made his way out of the mindscape.

"Eve What just happened with my haki? I think i've increased it but it also feels blocked some what still."

{Hmmm I think it's because you touched a threshold of somekind but haven't broken through yet. But that's just speculation on my part.}

"Hmmm.... Well in One Piece wasn't Katakuri from Big Moms crew able to peer a bit into the future? I Don't think i'm near that threshold yet but we'll see."

{Un, oh yeah Rei you should get the unbreakable outfit set into the bag now just in case someone manages to see in school since it's a full outfit.}

"Hm? Yeah sure. But I wonder which I'll be playing...Hero or Villain for today's training."

{Hehehe Doesn't matter my Rei's going to kick ass anyways.}

"You got it!" Rei said as he ran to UA.

Walking to the class he greeted Midoria before waiting for All Might. It wasn't long before All Might came sliding in walking about the hero training.

"Well, since we have a odd number Rei shounen shall be by himself since he has much more experience and control with his quirk. Is that ok Rei shounen?"

"Un , i'm fine either way."

"Great now everyone let's get your hero costumes!" All Might shouted.

Getting changed Rei could see how the outfit he had would adjust to his size making it very handy for him.

"So we will have hero and villain teams with everyone pairing up. Where as Rei shounen shall be the hero facing up against me and Eraser Head."

"oh hou~ So i'm against two pro-heroes am I? Interesting..." Rei said with a smile filled with fighting intent. Everyone slowly backed away from Rei as he unconsciously released pressure which had started to suffocate them.

"Mah mah don't be hasty Rei shounen we're going last. So hold it in until then ok?" All Might said making Rei lift up the pressure. His smile still on his face while he walked away to the control centre and sat down. Closing his eyes he though up of ways to defeat All Might and Eraser Head with damaging the building. But he though, fuck the building. If a villain has a bomb is it not better to get rid of the threat first before worrying about casualties? After all... saving a few and give the bomb a chance to blow up, or defeating the villain and stopping the bomb. The second choice would be better since I would save more people reducing the possible casualties when fighting. Thinking to this point Rei had decided to try defeat All Might and Eraser Head while holding back and try not to kill them.

Soon the training was done and it was his turn. His face held absolute battle intent as he smiled widly. He couldn't let an opportunity like this pass.

Everyone stood in the control room watching Rei's confident steps as he approached the building All Might and Eraser Head had hidden in. With every step he increased his conquerors haki while he approached. The windows started to crack and shatter while the lamps bent down from the sheer pressure released by Rei. This served as a warning for All Might and Eraser Head that they better watch out. While Rei was walking closer, All Might and Eraser Head was feeling the pressure increase each second.

"hmmmm I don't think I have the leeway of holding back against Rei shounen anymore...." All Might said to Eraser Head while he too was slowly sweating from the pressure.

Reaching the building Rei looked up and sensed their location. Finding them Rei spread his magic to the building casing neon blue lines to start to encroach the building.

All Might suddenly saw the lines appear in the room. He pupils shrank as he was about to call out, yet it was too late as he heard.

"ENKIDU!!!" Golden chains shot out from all around the room. Each origin point situated where the neon blue circuits ended. Struggling to move All Might could only see Eraser Head being bound too near the bomb.

"RHO AIAS!!" He heard again as several 7 petal flowers made from neon pink energy guarded the the bomb. Whist watching All Might and Eraser Head felt a pull from the chains as they were flung out of the room causing the room to collapse. As they landed they looked up to see the bomb suspended by the 7 petal flowers and connected by chains. Looking back over they saw Rei in a black ankle lengh jacket, black boots, pants and a dark red armoured shirt with white lines. With golden chains in each hand.

"I don't want to kill you so I won't take out Kyoki and Tengoku. After all this is training so Enkidu should be fine." Rei said while he shook the golden chains.

"Oi ki-"

"Aizawa sensei I know that this means I won but...I also really want to fight you guys." Rei interrupted with a battle thirsty smile.

Feeling the pressure they knew they had to fight. All Might signalled Eraser Head to support while he took vanguard.

Seeing this Rei swung the chain at where they stood. A crack was heard as the ground shattered at the force. Eraser Head was on a building with the cloth unwrapped and ready to fight whilst All Might was already nearing Rei. Bending backwards Rei evaded All Might's lariat as he twisted to retract Enkidu back towards All Might. Eraser Head took this moment to use his cloth to enter a tug of war with Enkidu. Rei feeling the tug quickly untraced the chain as he elbowed the ground quickly with haki causing All Might to be pushed back. A cloud to dust rose while suddenly two golden chains shot out of the cloud in a zig-zag motion. All Might quickly punched both chains just behind the tip which caused them to divert and plunged into the ground.

"RISE!!" Rei shouted as Enkidu shot out of the ground near Eraser Head and hit him into the distance.

"I thought Aizawa sensei would be tougher but I guess he can't erase real weapons that I create nor the energy I use... What a bore..." Rei said without a smile looking at All Might.

"Now it's just me and you All Might, show me what you can do." He shouted while springing a trap near All Might feet as several Enkidu's rose up.

"DETROIT SMASH!!!" All Might shouted disrupting it and jumped away. Not letting him get away Rei jumped infront of All Might and launched a round house kick. Making All Might crash into a building. Getting up All Might wipes some dust from his face as he stood up.

While they were fighting the class watching with wide eyes as Rei beat back Eraser Head and fought All Might to a stand still.

"No way.."

"Damn thats All Might you know!?! How is Rei fighting to a standstill?!?"

"No you're wrong All Might is losing...Rei has managed to push him back while All Might couldn't land a hit on him yet." Momo suddenly said.

"WHAT!!!" The rest of the class collectively shouted.

Back to the fight. Rei watched as All Might shrugged off his hit.

"Ahhh I really am getting weak. I can't even keep up with you Rei shounen." All Might said while stretched his right shoulder. "Now I can't be losing to my student can I. So Rei shounen i'll tell you now, for here on out i'm going to give more than 200% Plus Ultra no?" All Might warned as his iris glowed with an intimidation sheen.

Rei nodded as he suddenly saw All Might disappear from his sight.

"KUAH-!" Rei suddenly shouted as All Might punched him in the stomach forcing him to fly back. Throwing Enkidu to the surrounding buildings Rei stabilised him self before. he looked up to see All Might Already charging to him. Rei grinned widely as he shouted.

"RHO AIAS!!!!" The flower sprang to life as it protected Rei from the punch. But before he could celebrate a shattering sound out be heard.


As the first two layers fell in succession Rei knew his Rho Aias couldn't hold. He knew it wasn't as strong as it could be but he didn't know what was missing. Quickly Rei jumped away as a massive cloud of dust rose with All Might at the centre. Rei flung Enkidu at All Might but All Might quickly caught it as he swung Rei into a building. Getting up from the rubble Rei was bleeding from his head dying a portion of his hair red.

"Haa haaa~" Rei chuckled.

"God damn you really arn't the symbol of peace for nothing." Rei said while he crouched and held his hand to the gound. All Might feeling a rumble quickly jumped away while a pillar of gold chains shot up. The chains suddenly bent towards All Might as he jumped to another building. The chains relentlessly pursued while All Might ran. Thinking that it had gone on long enough All Might turned and punched the air while the force caused the air to collapse pushing All Might towards Rei.

Rei quickly reacted by pushing his magic to trace God of Thunder Thor's Gauntlets. Jrngreipr. Materialising on his hands, Rei pushed Armament haki around the guantlets giving it a dark purple sheen. Rei punched out as hard as he could and his fist collided with All Might's causing the air to collapse and rupture. A mushroom cloud appeared with the last punch as the epicentre. The classmates watched in a daze as they saw Rei who is not older than them fight All Might to such an extent. Bakugou watched in anger as he saw how someone his age was able to fight All Might, his idol, with such power. He felt weak.

While Shouto Todoroki watched in fear and curiosity as Rei looked too simular to his mum if she was a guy. His hand traced his scar as he though deeply on what the relationship Rei could have with his mother.

Meanwhile the dust settled showing a passed out Rei with several buildings collapsed infront of him. All Might was kneeling with one leg while his right arm was bloody.

"Houly shiet, Rei shounen....." All Might said tired as he tried to stand up.

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