The Divine Anime System

Chapter 172. God of

Chapter 172. God of

'How long has it been?' Rei asked himself as he didn't know how long he had been burning in the flames.

The pain had become slightly numb as Rei felt his perception become hazy.

However, his will power continued to burn brightly as he was determined to survive.

'I can't use my skills... But I must survive." Rei chanted to himself constantly.

Seeing the flames flicker, Rei suddenly had a moment of epiphany.

'So can't I just become blank canvas? A blank canvas that will be able to absorb all kinds of colours. A cultivator that can absorb all kinds of elements. This isn't a skill.... This is my body. Moulded by the elements around me, I can absorb all and control all. This is a god. An element god.' Rei thought as the fire started to be absorbed into his body.

Instead of searing pain, it brought him warmth.

As the purifying flames were absorbed, Rei felt the changes to his body. Every one of his senses were enhances as he felt the power to be able to summon flames even in a location like this which stopped skills. His body was its own catalyse to house the elements he can wield.

"To think there were flames more powerful than mine. Flames that can burn even the light which allows us to recognise the fire." Rei muttered summoning the purifying flames to his palms.

[Purifying Flame Physic Gained-

The strongest flames of gods that can purify all had been absorbed into your body. You are the catalysed to these powerful flames which every gods fear should they be used with the power of a god. This is the first time in history that a person can freely wield the purifying flames. A feat not even the element god could succeed in but instead gain a lesser flame.

When someone attacks you with any form of fire, you will absorb 90% of the damaged and convert it into health, energy and stamina.]

'Not bad.' Rei smiled at the notification.

'Gods aren't people who use their skill, they're people who are deeply connected to the area they became a god in. In which case, what kind of god will I become?' Rei thought as he remembered the countless skills he had gained and could copy.

Shaking his head, he walked out of the fire trials and looked at the other doors available.

Stepping into the trial next to fire, Rei saw that it was water.

Rei saw that he was in a situation similar to the fire trials.

The water changed constantly from raging whirlpools, razor sharp blades, over lapping tides to calming currents.

'This is a lot easier than the fire trials.' Rei thought as he slowly re-entered his mental state of absorbing everything around him.

[Heavenly Water physic gained.-

Holding all the powers related to water, even the Greek 'god' Poseidon will bow to you. Whilst this achievement had been gained before, it was never this fast.

When someone attacks you with any form of water, you will absorb 90% of the damaged and convert it into health, energy and stamina.]

Continuing to all the other trials, Rei completed them in breakneck speeds having gained his epiphany in the fire trials.

[Heavenly Earth physic gained-

Wielding the mighty power of everything to do with the Earth below one's feet. You now hold the defence and power of Earth.

When someone attacks you with any form of earth/rock, you will absorb 90% of the damaged and convert it into health, energy and stamina.

Heavenly Wind physic gained.

Containing the power of the wind, you are free and forever moving. You have the speed, the cutting power and the adaptability of wind.

When someone attacks you with any form of wind, you will absorb 90% of the damaged and convert it into health, energy and stamina.

Heaven Piercing Lightning physic gained-

Amassing the power of the Heaven Piercing Lighting. You wield unmatched attacking potential with this element. Whilst the Heavenly tribulation lighting allows for you to destroy a person's soul, there is also the change for you to help them increase their cultivation. The Heaven Piercing Lightning is pure attack no defence. It's all or nothing.

When someone attacks you with any form of lightning, you will absorb 90% of the damaged and convert it into health, energy and stamina.]

'Holy shit! I could have helped someone increase their cultivation?!' Rei thought seeing the description.

Walking out of the lightning trials, Rei found himself in front of the last door. The blank.

There were no hints of any kind of element so Rei could only guess it was the conceptual elements.

Stepping inside, Rei could definitely feel the influence of time and space due to his comprehended laws.

Sitting down Rei closed his eyes and entered his blank canvas state once more.

Countless notifications rang out but Rei somehow didn't feel like it was finished.

It was like being in a room but then there were still one more door that could be opened.

[Conceptual Element Physic gained.

Wielding the conceptual elements such as time and space, you have surpassed the conventional elements.

When someone attacks you with any form of conceptual element, you will absorb 90% of the damaged and convert it into health, energy and stamina.]

Rei ignored the notification as he knew there were something more to be gained. Diving deeper into the state, Rei slowly felt himself enter a brand-new deeper state.

'It was said that god created the world from nothing. This includes the elements. Conceptual or conventional. Everything is from nothing. As the blank catalyst that absorbs everything am I the opposite of nothing, or am I the nothing which retrieves everything?' Rei thought as he slowly comprehended his state.

[God Titles gained.

Element God- As the future god of the elements, you wield and absorb every element that is aimed towards you. Lesser forms of elements are subservient to you.

God of [ ]- As the future god of [ ], you are nothing yet something. Everything came from nothing thus it must eventually return to nothing.]


"Ok this is bad!" The element god called out once more.

"Che, shut up. Did Rei do the trials in the wrong order again?" Ophelia asked sarcastically as the element god caused a ruckus last time.

"No. Listen carefully..." The element god said seriously. The other four god looked over at him as they knew this was important.

"Rei finished my trials. BUT, within these trials he gained more than we could ever imagine." The element god spoke as the system god looked over at his panel before widening his eyes with shock.

"He-he-he!" The system god said unable to fully formulate his sentence.

"What's wrong?" Ophelia asked seeing the reactions of both gods. The beast god and war god had the same reaction as they looked over.

Both the system god and element god looked at each other as they took a deep breath.

"In the trials, he comprehended the state of nothingness and became the future [God of Nothingness]!" The element god said as they three other gods received a shock.

"GOD OF NOTHINGNESS?!" They all shouted.

This was the god title everyone wanted. Even the current true god emperor was never able to reach the state required to succeed this title. The only reason they knew about it was because of the information released by the true god emperor.

"How is he still alive! Being the God of Nothingness is equivalent to ten conceptual god titles. It should theoretically be too much for him to handle!" Ophelia asked with a frown.

"I think I might know." The system god said with a frown.

"Whilst our trials aim to hand over our power to him, he comprehended the state himself. Nothingness was special to begin with. Everything came from nothing. I don't understand it fully but it may be the fact that it is the state of nothing which allows him to become the god of nothingness. The state of nothing gives him the power to absorb everything that comes his way. Including the backlash of god titles. I'm guessing, that even if he inherited every god title there is he would still be fine." The system god said with a frown but inside he was ecstatic. If Rei was strong, it also means that the war would be won much easier.

"In that case then can't he just go for the other trials already?" The war god asked.

"No not yet. He still hasn't become the god of nothingness yet. Right now there are still restrictions placed on him. But when he enters god hood, I'm sure there is a large chance for him to become the next True God Emperor." The system god said as everyone nodded.

"Then if he can ascend quickly then there is a bigger chance to win the war with less causalities." The beast god said as everyone nodded.

"However, we cannot bet everything on a single individual. The problem is that if the war broke out before he became a god then the causalities would still be sky high. And even if he did become the god of nothingness, he could only overlook one battlefield. The other battlefields are still under our jurisdiction." The system god said bursting the thought.

"True. At most, we can only assume one battlefield being fully secure with him around." The beast god nodded.

"Right now, we can assume there to be at least several tens of battlefields and hundreds if not thousands of generals. We don't know how many of them are in the god realm, but I can say for sure that there would definitely be come conceptual god enemies. An example being the God of Perception. We don't know his power for sure, but he is able to affect how one looks at him. We speculate that he could probably enter a different realm of perception or even block one's perception to their powers." The beast god frowned as this was a troublesome enemy.

"So we have to locate him and kill him with one shot if we can." The war god said as they nodded.

"If not, then I'm thinking only Rei can take him on." Ophelia said as the atmosphere became heavy again.


Exiting the blank trials, Rei had a smile on his face as he looked at his status.


[Name: Rei (Yotsuba)

Age: N/A

Bloodlines: Heavenly Demon, Alucard, Divine Dragon (New), ???????


God Titles: Element God, God of [ ]

Divine Essence - Space, Time, Seals, Blood, Energy, Sound, Atoms

Law - Darkness, Holy, Slaughter, Shadows, Conversion, Healing, (20+)

Combat Rank: Divine Rank 5 (15% -> 52%) New!

Current Combat Rank: World (High Tier)

Body rank: Divine Rank 6->7 (75%) New!

Soul Rank: Divine Rank 6->7 (36%) New!

Will Rank: Low God -> God (31%) New!

Skills: (1000+)

Passives: (1000+)]

Looking at his status, Rei felt happy as it meant he was a step closer to surviving his death.

However, what truly surprised him was that he gained another God title. The God of [ ]. If he guessed correctly, to become a god, one needed to evolve the Divine Essence into a God Title. The god title can either be one that's inherited or one that wasn't occupied. The Element God title was the former while the God of [ ] was most likely the latter.

[Congratulations host for succeeding the Trials of the element god. You will be returned to your room... now.]

Rei suddenly felt his vision shift as he was back in his room.

Opening the door, Rei could sense Fey quickly approaching as Rei looked over.

"Master!" She cried out as Rei used Kamui. She fazed through his body crashing into the walls.

"How long has it been?" Rei asked.

"There's still a week left till the school starts again. Ah! Master your eyes!" She cried out seeing Rei's face.

'My eyes?' Rei was confused as he walked to the nearby toilet and looked in the mirror.

Instead of the 'normal' red gold and red silver iris he had, it was now akin to a galaxy. The red and gold formed a galaxy spiral with the red in the centre and the gold on the rims. The same was for the other iris as it was red in the centre and silver on the rims.

"Hmm... could it be because I gained a god title?" Rei muttered to himself.

"God title?" Fey asked.

"Yeah. In the time I was locked up in my room, I was able to gain the titles of two gods. Element god and the god of nothingness I think it would be called. So when I'm strong enough I will become the god of both these titles." Rei said as Fey nodded as this was way above her understanding.

"So basically, master would become a true god?" She asked as Rei nodded.

"I still have four more titles to inherit when the time comes." Rei said as Fey realised her master could be stronger than six gods combines. Not that she understands the power that comes with becoming a god. She just knows her master was someone amazing.

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