The Divine Anime System

Chapter 175. Nano series

Chapter 175. Nano series

"Let's see... There are four rooms in this house so you guys can each have one." Rei said as he teleported all four of them back to the house using the Flying Thunder God.

Tatsuya only looked at the kunai with interest.

"I can't store this?" Tatsuya said in shock. Normally he could store all of the sequences he sees instantly and use them after. But somehow, he couldn't store the Flying Thunder God.

"It'll be weirder if you could store it." Rei said showing him the densely packed sequences.

"I suppose the main reason was because of the restrictions I've placed. 'Unless I allow it, no one can duplicate my sequence using any means possible.'" Rei said storing away the sequence.

"I know you're working on flying magic, so I'll leave that discovery for you." Rei said clearing up the table.

"Lay on this, we're fixing you up now." Rei pointed on the table.

"Hold on, isn't this going a little too fast?" Tatsuya said as he felt overwhelmed. He just learnt that not only could his uncle teleport people, a feat more amazing than flying, but could also stop anyone from copying the sequence as well. On top of that he could tell that his uncle was much more skilled in manipulation of the information plane.

His eyes, elemental sight, allows him to see the information plane and effect whatever is written there. His magic decomposition can delete a portion of the Eidos sequence to kill a person instantly. In addition to this, if he were to ever want to use decomposition on Rei, he wouldn't even know where to start. There was just too much information to process from Rei's Eidos code. There were also defences that protected him and from what he could tell, the defences couldn't be turned off unless they were turned off by the user himself.

Tatsuya guessed that even if he took a lifetime to study Rei's code's he wouldn't be able understand them.

"Are you laying on the table or not?" Rei asked tapping the table. Tatsuya nodded as Miyuki stood by the side worried.

"Don't worry Miyuki san, master would be able to help Tatsuya san without failure." Fey smiled giving Miyuki a pat on the shoulder. Miyuki nodded as she continued to watch.

"So do you want to be conscious when I do this or unconscious?" Rei asked.

"Conscious." Tatsuya replied as this was a chance for him to gain new knowledge.

Rei nodded as he pulled up a chair.

His hands lit up with sequences as Rei tapped Tatsuya's body and projected his Eidos sequence above him for Tatsuya to see.

"I'll give you a lesson on Eidos sequences while I work." Rei said as he started to separate the sequences. Leaving a little link in between all of them, Rei started to work.

"This here is the genetic coding. Different clans have a portion specific for them. For example, looking at every Yotsuba clan member you would find this specific sequence." Rei said highlighting a small portion of the sequence.

"Through editing this portion, I would be able to add or take away an ability passed on by blood. I've published a paper on this already. This section over here is the output capacity of your psions, the storage capacity of your psions and the density of your psions. Editing one of these requires the editing of other codes such as the physical code and the mental capacity. Too much and it'll damage your body. Too little and then the effect would be minimal." Rei said as he constantly highlighted several parts of the Eidos code. Tatsuya kept a straight face as he studied everything that Rei told him.

Moving onto the brain section, Miyuki became nervous.

"Here we can see the cut-off point. There are 'gates' to your emotion codes which dampens and reduces them.Right now, your emotions towards Miyuki are dampened whilst the others are reduced. Currently, you might think that your feeling towards Miyuki are the full extent. However, it is still only a small portion." Rei smiled giving Miyuki a glance which caused her to blush.

"What I'm going to do is to remove these gates. But the sudden removal will cause mental shock as they had been repressed for far too long. The best I can do is to allow them to slowly loosen overtime once you've adapted to the settings." Rei said as Tatsuya could see Rei weaving a new string of sequences into his coding.

"While we're at it, I'll also help you sort out your regrowth ability. It's good but the backlash is unnecessary. What I just need to do, is to re-code your ability. When a person is healed, you read all of their damage took as well and take the pain for yourself. But that can be avoided through either transmitting the resultant force took from the injuries around you. This could be the ground or a wall. Another option is to store the force in a separate 'container'. Think of this 'container' as a bullet. You'll be able to direct a condensed form of all the damage you restored onto the enemy. Due to the bullet being further condensed, the damage done would destroy their mental coding as it would be far above their mental capacity. Naturally this included yours as well. The compression rate would be 1:10,000. Let's say you experienced 150x the damage a person took, the bullet would discharge 1,500,000x the damage." Rei said as he fiddled around with the coding.

"During the time of conversion. Any damage you receive would also be added to the bullet." Rei finished as he slotted the sequence back into Tatsuya's Eidos code.

"Anything else you want me to do?" Rei asked as Tatsuya shook his head.

"I'm grateful for everything you have done. Anymore and I'll be imposing on the kindness you've shown." Tatsuya said as Rei only shrugged.

"If you say so." Rei said as he reconnected all of the codes.

"Done, you can get up now." Rei said as he stood up.

"You two should be sixteen soon right?" Rei asked as Miyuki nodded.

"Why don't join First High? I'm currently teaching there." Rei smiled.

"It would be a pleasure." Miyuki replied with a light bow.

"Fey go help the two set up their rooms. I'll go visit Yaiba and Harumi." Rei smiled as Fey nodded. The moment she nodded Rei disappeared.

"Miss Fey, who is this Yaiba and Harumi?" Miyuki asked.

"They're master's personal students. He invests most of his time with them." Fey smiled as Tatsuya became curious.

'I wonder what kind of knowledge uncle had taught them?'


Teleporting in the middle of the arena, Rei realised that a spar was happening and two punches were coming his way.


The two punches fazed through his body as it hit both contestants. Or rather both Yakumo and Yaiba.

Due to Rei's sudden appearance, both Yaiba and Yakumo couldn't stop in time so they hit each other in the face.

"Owowow, sensei why did you appear out of nowhere." Yaiba said as he rubbed his cheek. There was a slightly red fist mark as Harumi walked over to help him.

"I didn't know you were sparring." Rei rubbed the tip of his nose as he looked over at Yakumo.

"You alright?" Rei asked even though Yakumo was relatively unharmed.

"Yeah, but what the hell was that?" Yakumo asked walking over to Rei and tapped his shoulder to make sure he didn't go through him.

"Eh? I can touch you?" Yakumo said in surprise as he thought it was just a hologram.

Suddenly punching out, Yakumo fazed through Rei's body.

"Ai, so violent." Rei smiled seeing Yakumo almost trip from hitting nothing.

"Ok what the hell!" Yakumo cried out as he didn't know it Rei was a hologram or not.

"Don't waste your stamina Mr Kokonoe. It's sensei's specialised magic Kamui." Yaiba said as he stood up.

"Kamui?" Yakumo tilted his head.

"If I don't want you to touch me then you can't. If I want to then you can." Rei said simplifying it down.

"How is that even possible?!" Yakumo said as it was too unbelievable.

"It's possible when you understand the information plane." Rei shrugged.

"Oh yeah, why don't I see Little miss moe around?" Yakumo asked.

"She's at home helping my guests settle down." Rei replied.

"Guests?" Yaiba asked as he walked over with Harumi.

"Yeah, they'll be entering First High next year. They're my nephew and niece." Rei smiled as he could see the curiosity rise in both Yaiba and Harumi.

"Next year.. so I'll be their senpai." Yaiba said as he had a grin.

"Hehe, sensei don't worry I'll look after them!" Yaiba said flexing his biceps.

"Ya little turd. Did you forget I teach there?" Rei asked knocking Yaiba's head with a chop.

"Just a question but what's their name?" Harumi asked.

"Tatsuya and Miyuki. They're a pair of brother and sister." Rei replied not forgetting to observe Yakumo's expression.

'So he's their uncle.' Yakumo thought hearing the names.

Rei smiled meaning fully at Yakumo as he turned around.

"You two should spar when you get the chance. It'll be a good opportunity for both of you." Rei smiled as Yaiba nodded.

After chatting to Yaiba and Harumi for a little longer, Rei teleported back home as he could see Fey and Tatsuya sparring. Looking around, he realised they're at the large dojo he built behind the house so he could test his spells.

"Ohya what's this about?" Rei asked Miyuki who sat by the side with a smile.

"Onii sama was curious about Fey due to the coding she possesses resembling ancient magic. So they proposed to have a little spar." Miyuki replied.

"Ancient magic huh?" Rei muttered as he realised he meant the natural way of using magic through manipulation of elements. She was currently using a custom CAD which allows her to use her crystal series magic.

Watching the spar, Rei realised that Tatsuya had a limited arsenal of skills he could use.

'I've already created the God Series, so it feels kinda cheap if I just give that to Tatsuya. Not to mention, I've already gave the Nine Blades to Yaiba. What kind of spell can I make...' Rei thought as he observed Tatsuya's fighting style.

He mainly relied on his gunslinger style of cancelling the opponents magic whilst attack simultaneously with his own. His accuracy was almost pinpoint as he hardly missed.

Furrowing his brows, Rei started to formulate a myriad of spells in his mind. Some weren't as effective, so Rei forgot them.

However, an idea appeared in Rei's mind that in his opinion suited Tatsuya a lot. Nano Tech.

Due to Tatsuya's flash cast, he could memorise all the sequences he saw, but what if he could memories the blueprints of every weapon he thought of and could create? What if he could build that of which is hard to build by hand? The adaptability of Nano Tech which allowed Tatsuya to create any weapon or create any object needed for that moment was perfect for him as his mental capacity was top tier.

Miyuki saw Rei's smile and realised that something big was going to happen.

Pulling out his tablet and pen, Rei started to write down the equations. When he said Nano Tech, it was half right and half wrong. The reality of the situation was material conversion and energy conversion. The result of conversion would be tiny materials that is able to be controlled and moulded by the user's will. Those who doesn't have a clear visualisation of the target object would only make defective produces which is why the spell was perfect for Tatsuya. The people who could visualise better or on par with Tatsuya could be counted on one hand as this would give him that extra edge.

When the tiny materials are converted, the Sequence Casting code would read the visualisation of the user and form the said weapon or object.

Miyuki happened to glance over at Rei when she saw how fast he was writing codes. She knew Tatsuya was fast, but the speed of Rei was many folds quicker than Tatsuya.

Only a few minutes passed before Rei smiled.

"Tatsuya!" Rei called out grabbing his attention.

"What is it uncle?" Tatsuya asked.

"I have a present for you. I call it the Nano Series. It's a group of sequences that allow power and diversity." Rei smiled as he showed Tatsuya the entire sequence with some restrictions so only he could learn it. The sequence would automatically imprint itself in his genetic code so his future offspring would also gain the code but wouldn't activate unless certain requirements are met.

"This.." Tatsuya muttered showing some shock in his eyes as he understood the power of this sequence.

"Do you think you can use it?" Rei asked as he put away the sequence.

"...Yes. I just need to practice more and it would be usable in battle." Tatsuya replied as the spell was almost tailored perfectly to him.

"Uncle you made this just now through observing me?" Tatsuya asked with perplex feelings.

"Yes, I realised you didn't have a wide arsenal expect for a few spells you could actually use. So this should help make the most of your talents." Rei smiled as he decided against publicising this sequence. This sequence was his gift to Tatsuya and his promise to Miya on looking after Tatsuya.

Should the Psion count be insufficient to create the desired object, the spell would take from the surrounding energy to supply his needs. Therefore, even if they were against a nuclear impact, he could protect Miyuki through constant shielding using the energy from the nuke to supply the spell.

In addition to this, as long as he had a usable blueprint and formula, he could even create objects that shouldn't even be possible in this era.

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