The Divine Anime System

Chapter 180. Journey back to Earth part 1

Chapter 180. Journey back to Earth part 1

Floating around in space, Rei checked the worlds he should travel to.

"System, can you tell me some worlds to go skill hunting in?"

[Currently, some worlds are seals as they are included within the System God Trials therefore options are limited. However, skill hunting might not be as effective right now.]

"Eh? Why?" Rei asked as wasn't more skills beneficial.

[Host has Instant Cast and a myriad of abilities already. You can already breakdown and combine skills to get the desired effect. As ridiculous as it sounds, if host wanted to make an Unlimited Oven Works you can.]

Rei thought for a little while and realised the system was right. He had over 1000+ skills plus the fact that his Instant Cast allowed for him to make anything he wanted from these 1000+ skills.

"Wait hold on. System, are you able to combine every skill I have into one?" Rei asked

[Skills merging.... complete.

Skill [Akashic Records-Skill Branch] Gained

Akashic Records-Skill Branch: The compendium of all your skills and knowledge. It is said that the Akashic Records contain the events of all that happened in the past present and future. However, the merging of your skills have created the second Akashic Records which is only accessed by you. You are able to record, reorganise and recreate any skills you so happen to need or want in an instant. However, this is only limited by the information you know/recorded. Therefore, it cannot make anything you don't know about.

Unique Celestial Title Gained - The Librarian.

Celestial Title - The Librarian.

Whilst not as powerful as God Titles, The Librarian is what many have desired. The one perquisite is for the title holder to gain a moderate link to the Akashic Records. As The Librarian, you have access to the Akashic Records/the books of the universe which records every event that had or would happen. However, understand that peering into the past is easy but peering into the future has a cost.]


Rei was flabbergasted at what he had just gained from an off handed thought of his.

"Are you ok master?" Fey asked seeing Rei suddenly go wide eyed.

"Yeah... I think I am... I just need a moment." Rei replied as understood how amazing the skill was.

The Akashic Records was a concept he knew even back when he was a human. It records everything and it is said that one may even change the course of events if they edit the records. For him to gain this skill, even though it is only the skill branch, was amazing. Not to mention the Celestial Title.

By definition, Celestial means related to heaven whilst God is well... god.

Therefore, Rei knew the Celestial Title didn't allow him to enter God hood. But the singular fact that allowed him to access the Akashic Records was something he knew many Gods would abandon their current God Titles for.

"System, how do I access the Akashic Records?" Rei asked as Fey suddenly shook when she heard the term Akashic Records. As a mage, she also knew the importance of said Record.

[Host current authority and power isn't enough to open the gates of the Akashic Records. Once host reaches God Ranks can host enter the Akashic Records.]

"I see." Rei nodded. It would be weird if he could access the Akashic Records right now as he is only at the late stages of the Divine Ranks.

"Welp, since I can't make everything I don't know I might as well increase the range of my findings. If I limit myself to anime, I might miss out things such as the Douluo Dalu world." Rei muttered as he placed his hands on his chin.

"Fey, I'm going to take a trip to the mortal world. It was where I was before I was reborn into Boku no Hero. There are no magic there. Hell, I don't even know if there is mana actually." Rei said but then realised something.

"You're a Vampire right." Rei said as Fey nodded.

"And Vampires are technically magical entities formed of mana right?"

"Yes." She replied.

"So won't you be in danger if you came with me?" Rei asked as Fey also paled slightly.

"But isn't master a magical entity as well?" She said as Rei nodded.

"But due to God Tempered Body and the God Title . I'm safe from a lack of mana since I generate it inside my own body so it can sustain me." Rei replied.

"Then I just need to be connected to master right? My body and mind is ready!" Fey said as she inched closer.

"Now that you said that... I might as well use the Akashic Records now." Rei said as he ignored the excited Fey.

'My expectations have been misplaced...' She thought as she knew she should get used to it.

"How do I use this." Rei muttered as the System rang out.

[There are three options for host to use the Akashic Records-Skill Branch.

Option one - Book.

Option two - System Interface.

Option three - Skill Branch Library.

Each option gives the host different benefits. The book is more powerful than the system interface. But the system interface is quicker and is easier to use in the heat of battle. The library allows for the host to obtain the most powerful versions of the skills but takes a lot longer than the book.]

"Hmm, use the book for now then." Rei said as a golden book materialised into his hand.

"Master is that?.."

"Yeah, it's the Akashic Records. But it's mine which contains only skills." Rei said as Fey nodded.

Flipping through the book a few times, Rei could see quite a dense amount of question marks meaning the skills he hasn't gained yet. Rei decided to experiment.

The book was quite easy to use as the moment he thinks of a skill, it would flip to that page.

'Hmm, how about death note?' Rei thought.

Records not obtained.

Make Record?>


"So as long as I know the effect, I can make a replica." Rei thought as he held the death note in his hands before dismissing it. The skill only targeted mortals or those who don't have resistances. Pass the Ascendant Level, all cultivators gain a minor resistance against death so this was a useless skill for now.

'Am I able to think of the result and the Akashic Records make the skill for me?' Rei thought as he decided to think about how sustain Fey in the mortal world.

Mana Link + Share Mana + Inner Circulation + Blood Mana Infusion + Rejuvenating Flow + Mana Body Reinforcement + Distance Link + Internal Mana Container = Transfuse Mana Source

Record - Transfuse Mana Source

Share your mana source as it would allow for a mana dependent entity to survive in the mortal world without mana. Distance doesn't matter as long as the connection is kept intact.>

Seeing that the skill was made without a problem, Rei aimed his palm at Fey.

Activating the skill, a rainbow coloured magic seal, which contained all elements, appeared on his palm. the same seal appeared on Fey's body as it soon faded.

"What that? I feel... hot." Fey said with a blush as she could feel the energy flowing through her. It was a warm current that made her feel relaxed.

"It's my new skill. It allows me to share a small portion of my mana source. This should keep you alive in the mortal world." Rei said as he put the book away. The Akashic Record Skill Branch was broken if he had to give it a term. However, obtaining this wasn't an easy affair either. Not only does one need to have the myriad of skill required but also the body and mind to house these skills. In addition to this, if he didn't have 'The End' it wouldn't have been possible either.

Little did Rei know that 'The End' was the strongest skill available in the higher realms. Only a few people in the entire history had ever possessed this skill. Even the 'original' owner, Medaka, had an extremely watered-down version of this. Should he present himself in front of her and use any of his weak to medium power skills, she would die from the physical and mental strain of housing these skills.

If The End was given to someone without the capacity to hold this skill, the person would have collapsed internally due to the full strain. The only reason the system god even allow Rei to gain access to this skill, even though the consequences were dire, was due to the system displaying an astonishing 100% compatibility with this skill. However, even if the system god didn't give Rei this power, the system itself would have given it to Rei at one point or another. Just that the skills he would have gained would be reduced due to lost opportunities.

Opening a portal, Rei gestured Fey to follow.

She nodded and walked with him.

Their visions blurred as Rei made sure they were away from public sight.

"Oh my god!" Rei cried out feeling the sudden drop to Uncommon and Rare combat rank. It felt life his entire body was submerged in lead as it was hard to move around. His mana could barely flow outwards as it felt slightly suffocating. Punching out a few times, Rei lamented about how slow it was.

However, to outsiders, he was moving extremely fast.

"I forgot to choose the year so it should automatically set it to when I was last in this world." Rei muttered.


Rei face palmed as he realised he forgot to change into more suitable clothes. Right now, if he were to walk out wearing what he's wearing right now he would look like a cosplayer.

'I should be able to make some with basic material conversion.' Rei thought.

"Wait, if it set to when I was last here shouldn't it be after I got killed by that bloody train? I might be able to sell some stuff at the anime convention for some money." Rei said as he looked into his space for some materials or money. It then he realised he had no money to support him in this world.

"..." Money is but physical temptation, unneeded on the path of cultivation. However, it is god damn needed when you travel to different worlds!

"I should use basic material conversion." Rei muttered as he looked around for something suitable.

Right now, it seems like they were in a construction site. The sky was bright so Rei knew it should only be a few hours after his death.

Picking up some metal beams at the side, Rei decided to run his mana through the metal and convert them into fabric.

It took a while as the conversion was abnormally slow. Rei also decided to go with some contact lenses to hide his eyes as they were both grey after wearing contacts.

Jeans, white shirt and a jacket. Simple.

As for Fey, she had short jeans that exposed her legs, black stockings that reach the middle of her thighs and a white hoodie.

"This should look modern enough for this era." Rei said looking at their outfit overall.

"I want you to understand that we're only back in this world for research. So no causing a commotion ok?" Rei said as Fey nodded.

Looking down from the top of the construction site, Rei saw that it was lunch break.

Quickly making their way down, Rei did his best to avoid some camera's that were placed for safety.

Sighing slightly in relief, Rei walked the familiar path to the train station with Fey.

When they came closer, they realised it was packed.

'Oh right, this is right after I died.' Rei thought seeing the train standing erect not killing everyone else.

'I really wonder how the fuck that happened.' Rei mused himself in slight humour.

"Um- hello?" A voice called out as Rei turned around. He saw two average looking schoolgirls and wondered why they called out.

"Yes? How may I help?" Rei asked with a smile causing them to blush.

"C-can we take a picture together?" They asked holding their phones.

Rei understood and nodded.

"What are these master? They're bricks?" Fey said at the same moment as they looked over.

"Did she just say master? Is she a maid? A real loli maid?! Also doesn't she look like Evileye a lot?"

"Maybe she's just very into her act? And you're right! Is she a cosplayer?"

They mused as they took a few selfies with Rei included.

"Do you know what happened here?" Rei asked after they finished.

"Yeah, something about the train having some faults and it derailed. Miraculously it only killed one guy. I also heard the guy saved a girl. No one were injured but he died." The girl said with a shrug. Fey frowned as she heard how nonchalant they were with Rei's death.

Rei patted her should as she looked over and nodded.

"Oh sorry to bother you again but do you know another way to the anime convention? I think it was in the next city." Rei asked as they nodded.

"We were just about to change stations so we can go there. Why don't we go together?" They offered as Rei nodded.

He secretly made a few fake coins as it should deal minimum damage to the economy.

Rei and Fey walked together with the two girls as they attracted a few stares. Especially since Fey was very close to Rei and she had the body constitution of a young teen. A few officers were on standby.

Rei on the other hand, gather the stares of a lot of woman since he was handsome and stood around 1.85 meters or 6ft tall. His physic was good and his facial features were sharp.

"So what do you do for a hobby?" They asked.

"Hobby? Well I cook, research, teach, craft some accessories and crystal statues when I have time." Rei replied as they were curious.

"Are you able to show us them?" They asked as Rei nodded and pretended to reach for his phone.

"Huh?" Rei acted as he patted around his body and searched.

"I think I lost my phone." Rei smiled apologetically as they waved their hand telling him not to worry.

"Give me a moment." Rei smiled as he walked into the store and secretly made a fake card with a few thousand yen in the balance.

'You get fake money every day so it shouldn't be too bad." Rei thought as he made use of a few skills to edit a nearby bank history to fit his means.

He walked out after buying two Samsungs. One for him and one for Fey. Making use of his skills once more, Rei implanted a few pictures of his crafts on a google account to make it more believable.

'All of this just to make my identity believable. I am way too bored to be doing this much to convince two people I'm probably never going to talk to again.' Rei thought with slight mockery.

Fey started to play around with her phone as Rei let her read some manga and watch some anime for fun. Her face was precious when he saw her reaction to seeing herself in the manga and anime.

"Huh?! Why would I fall in love with him? Wait isn't that the person master made into a dragon?" She would mutter quietly so only Rei could hear her.

As they arrived, Rei looked at the busy convention filled with people and cosplayers.

'Ha... the convention I never went to.' Rei thought as it was weird visiting the convention after his initial death. He couldn't come when he was a mortal but instead came when he was almost a God.

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