The Divine Anime System

Chapter 186. Assisting the war

Chapter 186. Assisting the war

While he was waiting for Eve and Bai Wu to come out, a few gods had come to give him congratulations.

Answering with some politeness, Rei told them to wait as his wives were still cultivating.

They tried to urge him to join the war, but Rei only shook his head. As he was a 'True God Emperor' they didn't want to offend him so they could only wait as well.

Before Eve and Bai Wu could come out, Rei saw what seemed to be high ranking gods coming his way.

"Hello, how can I help?" Rei asked still sitting down.

"I'm Ophelia, Eve's master."

"And I'm Miko or you can just call me the Beast God. Bai Wu's master."

They both introduced themselves.Rei sensed their souls to make sure there were no lies before nodding and stood up.

"Thank you for teaching and looking after them for all this time." Rei said as he bowed slightly whilst cupping his hands.

"Haha, no worries." Miko chuckled as they looked at the newly ascended god in front of them.

His aura was calm yet there was the undercurrent of rage simmering deep beneath. They didn't know why he was angry, but they knew whoever was at the end of that rage wasn't going to have a good time.

"Rei do you know the current situation?" Ophelia asked as Rei nodded slightly.

"I only know a little since the System God told me in his trial." Rei said as Ophelia and Miko looked around.

The surrounding gods understood this as they walked away.

"Then you must know that he died right?" Ophelia asked when she made sure no one else can hear.

The system god was one of the most influential figures in the higher realms so the news of his death would hit the moral of the gods heavily.

"Yeah. He died through the title of True Death." Rei replied his hands tensing ever so slightly.

"Then can you tell us what else he said?" Miko asked as this information would be crucial.

"The opponent was also the goddess of Fate. She can overwrite her own fate of death once per 24hrs."

Ophelia and Miko frowned as being able to overturn one's fate during a high ranked battle would be the decider of two similarity strong gods.

"Let me take care of that battlefield. I'll handle her." Rei said as Ophelia shook her head.

"No, we can't let you go to that battlefield just yet. You have to solidify your foundations as well as get used to using your God Source. If not, you won't even output 50% of your combat prowess." Ophelia said as Rei frowned.

'The longer I leave Kyra out there the more danger she would put others in. Not only that, I need some answers.' Rei thought.

"Fine. Are there any others at the True God Emperor rank?" Rei asked as both females shook their heads.

"We had one left who were on the verge of death. His death lead to this war." Ophelia explained as Rei frowned once more.

'The only one who survived the last battle should have been father, therefore he should have been the only True God Emperor left. Bai Wu's father had self-destructed killing me, Eve and Bai Wu. But I don't know how Kyra survived nor how Lia died. Father soul should have some answers.' Rei thought as his best bet was to seek out the soul of his father.

"Are you able to take me to his soul? I need to ask him something." Rei asked as they shook their heads again.

"When he died, his soul re-entered reincarnation. You won't be able to ask him." Ophelia replied as Rei only sighed.

"Alright, is there anything else you want to ask me?" Rei asked.

"Leave Bai Wu and Eve to us. We need you out in the battlefields since we're getting sieged from every direction. You'll need to head to the ones with the weakest gods so you can get used to controlling your god source. Afterwards, you'll head to the more important battlefields." Ophelia said as Rei looked over.

They stared at each other for a moment before Rei nodded and stood up.

"Tell me where the battlefields are. I'll head there as quickly possible." Rei said as she nodded.

Getting the coordinates, Rei left for the war zones.

Drawing a line in the air in front of him, a portal opened as he left the God Ascension Realm.

As he stood in the familiar yet unfamiliar higher realms, Rei shook his head.

Seeing how organised and peaceful it seemed within the confines of the city away from the battlefield, Rei couldn't help but start to muse to himself.

'It seems like father did a good job in keeping the higher realms in order...' He thought as he could see the buildings where families would live. Those who were low god rank or higher went to war, whilst those below stayed at home. Every god was protecting something here in the higher realms.

'Were you really an evil person mother?' Rei thought seeing the results of his father's rule. If his father was the evil one, then he doubts the higher realms would be this peaceful. But what could his mother have done to doom the higher realms? What could she have done that warranted her death?

"A leader is someone who can make the hard decisions in life. A good leader would choose country, whilst a good father would choose family. I choose to be a good leader as there are too much at stake for me to give it up to be a good father. I cannot build my happiness over the sadness of my country." His father would say to him when he was young. If that was the case, then could father have chosen the country over his mother?

"Your father chooses to be a leader as the families he needs to protect isn't just ours. It's every family within our territory." His mother would console him during their training. If she was this open hearted, then why would she doom the higher realms?

"Don't worry, since your father can't make time for you, I will." Was a sentence she would say often.

His father was caring for the country whilst his mother cared for the family.

Every memory he remembered of his mother were beautiful ones. She was caring, considerate, helpful and put her children's needs before her's.

It was nothing like what his father had described. She wasn't cruel, she wasn't evil nor was she greedy. As for manipulative, Rei wasn't sure no more.

If his father really was in the wrong for killing his mother, then why is the higher realms so peaceful?

Bringing out the fragment of her soul, Rei stared at it with a complicated expression.

"Father's dead and I can't ask him for answers. Mother, who were you really?" Rei muttered. As much as he wanted to stay true to his initial thoughts, he couldn't help but doubt himself.

He was the opposite of his father, he cared more for his family than the country. In this aspect, he took after his mother. Therefore, he sincerely hoped that his mother wasn't in the wrong.

But the more he thought about the situation the more it didn't make sense. As a True God Emperor, his father could have easily sensed the fragmented piece of his mother's soul. Why did he allow him to save it and try nurture it?

If he did, then why did he kill her in the first place?

Shaking his head, Rei stashed away the soul fragment. His main task was to end the army coming from the Forsaken Realm. After putting an end to this, can he finally search for some answers.

"Since the higher realms are so peaceful, I'll protect it in your place until I find answers father." Rei muttered.

Sending out his perception, Rei was able to exert almost a 100% control over his god source just from his memory from his past life.

The situation was dire as the higher realms had lost the high god in that specific war zone. The Forsaken Beasts would break the front lines soon as the gods couldn't hold them back for much longer.

Narrowing his eyes, Rei coated his body with his energy as he entered the 5th dimension. By coating his body with his energy, he's able to travel much faster and recklessly allowing him to travel through several realms in a blink of an eye. As the enemy was about to pierce the front lines, he couldn't wait.


As a god ranked individual, I was neither high up in the hierarchy nor was I the lowest. It was fine though; I didn't have high expectations honestly. At this point, I'm just surprised I even reached god hood.

I married my wife who is the centre of my life. She isn't a peerless beauty, but she isn't ugly either. As cultivators, the more we cultivate the better it was for our body. Therefore, any female cultivators would be beautiful so the term peerless beauty would be reserved for those who truly make one pause in shock.

My life was perfect. Just me, my wife and my son.

But news came that a war broke out. Relics of the old war that happened billions of years ago, they were the Forsaken Beasts.

They didn't hold god titles, but their body cultivation would make even a peak god shiver. Order's came down that all low god or higher ranked individuals were recruited to help protect the higher realms.

It wasn't a requirement, but everyone knew that to protect this home the True God Emperor had created for us, we need to pull our own weights. If one didn't join the war, our peers would have scorned us for it. Heh, one wrong move and some may even develop mental demons.

Although worried, my wife supported me saying that she'll wait no matter how long it took.

Though I can say that I regret everything. These monsters were worse than we thought. Not only are there numerous beasts, they also have god cultivators who hold god titles like us.

The title I hold is a lowly God of Knives. I can control up to 50 knives created from the title that deal a lot of area damage. With this, we were able to somewhat keep the front lines in check. But our commander, the high god with the title - God of Puppets, died in battle. Even though he could control our enemies and use them against one another, he was still overwhelmed in the end.

It is when one stares into the jaws of death, that we realise what we truly wanted. None of the protect the country thoughts surfaced in my head. Only regret. Countless regrets that I can't spend my time with my wife and son.

When the monsters were about to overwhelm the front lines, a crystal-like barrier erected in front of us as if it was the embodiment of our hopes.

"Gather the injured to one place."

A voice called out behind me. Turning around, I saw a handsome youth with white hair and the tips coloured with a slight mix of red and black. He had monochromatic eyes that made me shiver from the pressure of his gaze.

"I'll repeat myself. Gather the injured to one place whilst I sort this horde out." The youth said.

Wasn't he a little arrogant? Sure he may have power above me but dealing with a horde like this was no easy task.

His movements were fast but to the eyes it seemed slow. Before we realised, he was already in the air space above the horde.

I was going to warn him when a sudden crash of energy suppressed any kind of thought I had.

Grey clouds formed around his hands as they had red streaks of lightning pulse within.

Without saying anything, the youth sent the cloud over the beasts causing their bodies to crumble almost instantly from just a touch.

If I was a mortal, I would see this man as a god of destruction. With unmatched power, he saved the lives of everyone here.


Ignoring the gazes he received, Rei sealed the portal the Forsaken Beasts used to enter this war zone.

Flying back, he frowned at the sheer amount of injured.

"Is this everyone?" Rei asked.

"Yes, anyone else who isn't here is dead on the battlefield." The vice leader said as clenched his hands.

Rei sighed as he looked at the almost destroyed base.

Shaking his head, Rei gathered white energy into his palms. Turning it into a white mist, Rei controlled it to encompass the entire base. Some were fearful remembering the damage the grey cloud did. But to their delight, the mist healed everyone it touched in an instant.

"Either assist other battlefields or head home. It's your choice." Rei said as he floated upwards.

Without even waiting for their response, he entered the 5th dimension and rushed to the other battlefields.

Reappearing once more, Rei saw that the enemy was a Peak God Ranked cultivator.

"What's the situation?" Rei asked as he looked at the god protecting this base.

"Who are you?!" They said on guard. The war has taken its toll on them so they had to treat everything with caution.

"I'm reinforcement. Are you able to brief me on the situation?" Rei asked. This base was slightly better off than the last base, therefore, he had some time to see the general situation.

"The enemy is a god who controls people like puppets. Some of our allies had already been turned against us." The god said as Rei turned towards the battle.

Their movements seemed natural, but Rei could see slight hints of awkwardness.

"It's not the Puppet God Title since he already died." Rei said narrowing his eyes. Patterns emerged in his eyes as it started to see every dimension there were on the battlefield to check for any hidden enemies.

"What do you mean?"

"He's the god of wires. He uses the wires to control the bodies and corpses." Rei replied as he stepped out.

Grey mist on the left whilst white mist on the right. Rei both killed and healed at the same time.

Controlling the mist skilfully, he made sure not to kill or heal the wrong people.

"When did we have such a powerful god on our side?" The base leader muttered as looked at Rei's back.

As he and the enemy god approached one another, Rei narrowed his eyes.

He could see the wire god laying down traps as he went making sure that he couldn't even teleport there.

'He's cautious. But he met the wrong match.' Rei thought as his body instantly went into the 5th dimension and exited next to the god.

Shocked, the wire god sent wires to cut Rei up but to his disbelief, the wires fazed through him.

Rei was like the eerie silent hand of death as he said nothing before ripping the head off of the torso of the wire god.

Blood splattered across his face as the wire god's body collapsed on itself.

"Pui." Rei spat out some blood that got into his mouth before throwing up the head for all to see.

Repeating what he did on the previous battlefield, Rei made sure that the portals were sealed.

He was about to leave for another battlefield when he felt someone 'strong' approach.

'Che, just a true god.' Rei thought before he gathered his energy into his eyes. Red rings formed as activated a new skill he created using the Akashic Records.

Pseudo-Omniscient Eyes of Death

You control the lives of everything you see or sense. However, it had not yet reached the potential of true omniscience as you do not sense anything and everything in the universe.>

Making a cutting motion, Rei ended the life of the approaching True God before anyone even noticed.

Turning off the eyes, Rei felt his vision shift slightly as it made his disorientated.

Holding his head, Rei waited for the effects to fade.

Taking a deep breath, Rei head towards another battlefield.

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