The Divine Anime System

Chapter 188. Lia

Chapter 188. Lia

Walking through the Forsaken Realm, Rei couldn't help but understand the danger the beasts hold.

'If these beasts attacked the city all at once, I doubt I'll be able to drive them off without making some losses.' Rei thought.

There were too many beasts and the city was too huge to be covered all at once. This was one of the main concerns for some of the gods. The city was too big, so the number of gods needed to protect it dramatically increase. Should the number of gods be too little, the defence will be flimsy. Should they bolster the defences in a certain area, the defences will have a gaping weak point.

'Most of them are at True God Realm whilst a few are at True God Emperor. There wasn't this many True God Emperor ranked beast last time I was here.' Rei frowned as he masked his aura so the figureheads won't detect him. He knew he couldn't be too aggressive right now as the possibility of them attacking whilst he talked to his sister was high.

Since he was going to protect the higher realms in place of his father in the time being, he had to take responsibility. He couldn't be wilful like he was when he just needed to worry about himself and a few people. This time, it was the entire higher realms.

It didn't take long as he saw a huge eerie castle in the distance.

Using 5th-dimensional manoeuvre, Rei made sure that no one sensed him. Although he knew Kyra could probably see him coming, he still wanted to stake precautions just in case she didn't.

Landing lightly on the roof, Rei made sure to make his body and aura unperceivable.

Sending in his senses, Rei could see several True God Emperor ranked beasts patrolling.

Frowning at the security, Rei wondered what would actually happen if he retained his original rank of True God Emperor.

'How's the scouting?' He suddenly heard in his mind.

'Several True God Emperor ranked beasts protecting the main base as well as outside roaming around. As for beasts below True God Emperor, I would guess there's around a few hundred million to billions of said beasts.' Rei replied turning his head to the countless beasts roaming around in the Forsaken Realm.

'Billions!? Are you sure? We can't joke about this!' Ophelia panicked slightly as a few billion was a ridiculous number of beasts. Not to mention all of them were at god ranked whilst some were True God Emperors.

'Yes I'm sure. I can say that even if I was there to protect the city, we would still take losses.' Rei replied as Ophelia went silent.

'New plan. Since defence is impossible, we're going with full out attack. Are you able to scout out their entire force? Get some key information on figureheads as well.' Ophelia asked.

'What about the city and the residents.' Rei asked with a frown.

'We'll evacuate them. They should all have spatial rings, so their belongings are no problem. If not, we can provide it to them.' Ophelia said as Rei thought about it and nodded.

'Alright, I'll try to keep my movements silent to the enemy. Try evacuate them as soon as possible.' Rei replied before focusing back onto the castle.

Probing the castle further with his senses, Rei found a few hive mind generals. As for the queen/king, he still haven't found them yet. But he was sure it wasn't Kyra or Lia since the hive mind queen could only be the same race or evolved from the race. The generals were an example. Whilst they looked human, they were essentially beast cultivators like Bai Wu.

Rei frowned slightly when he didn't sense Kyra anywhere in the castle.

'Did she avoid me on purpose? Why....' Rei thought with a frown. He was about to leave but stopped when he found Lia's aura in the castle.


Slipping through the walls of the castle, he approached where Lia is carefully so that no one detects him.

The walls were oddly barriered off as it would have prevented a lot of people from even trying to enter.

Even with Kamui, it would have been extremely hard to enter without letting anyone know.

Entering the 5th dimension, Rei saw the difficulty of navigating pass the barrier.

'What is she doing for there to be such a solid defence.' Rei thought as he continued on.

He paused slightly when he heard a muffled cry of his name.

'Wait does she know I'm here? She shouldn't be able to detect me.' Rei thought with a frown as he entered the room.


On the bed, his sister from his past was lying naked and masturbating to his name.

Her body was in full view as Rei paused in slight shock.

'That's in my head now....' Rei thought as he moved his hand.

The bed sheets moved as it covered Lia up surprising her. She instantly entered combat mode with a serious face.

Before she can speak, the bed sheet covered her mouth causing her to furrow her brows further. She was about to flare out her aura when he suddenly saw Rei appear.

"MMFF!" She cried out in shock seeing Rei appear.

However, she then paused and blushed remembering what she was just doing.

Pulling himself a chair, Rei sat down as he had an awkward face right now.

"Well..." Rei said not knowing how to start the conversation.

"You know what, get dressed first. We'll talk after." Rei said as he turned around releasing the bed sheets from his control.

Grabbing the bed sheets, Lia had a red face as she got dressed.

Sitting on the bed whilst hugging her legs, she looked at Rei.

"You done?" Rei asked not sending out his senses to check due to what he learned back in Douluo Dalu.

"Yeah..." Lia muttered quietly still slightly awkward from being caught masturbating. She even took extra precautions with her barriers as well.

Rei turned around and had a better look at her. Similar to her past life, she had long flowing black hair and scarlet eyes. Her facial features were small and delicate. Her breasts weren't large nor were they small, they were of moderate size. Thin waist and a slightly wider hip, she was definitely a beauty. Currently, she was wearing a slightly revealing no sleeve dress. The dress itself reached to her ankles as the hems held some frills. The dress itself was mostly black as it held some purple patterns near the edges. In addition to this, she was also wearing long black gloves that reached her biceps similar to what one would see the bride wear in her wedding outfit.

The silence was very awkward as neither knew what to say at that moment.

"... what happened after I died?" Rei decided to get on with it and ask the main question.

"?! You got your memories back!" Lia said surprised. After what had happened to Rei after the fight, she wasn't sure if he would ever get his memories back.

"Yeah, I got it back when I ascended back to god hood." Rei replied with a smile.

"What do you want to know? I died not too long after so I'm not too sure either." Lia replied with a shake of her head.

"Everything starting from when Kyra tried to attack Eve and Bai Wu with her dagger of true death."

"Eve and Bai Wu? Oh, you mean those girls." Lia said after some thought.

"Well after the True God Emperor self-destructed, those two girls died instantly as they were the closest. You had barely survived as your body was bloody and wounded. But because you shielded most of the impact, Kyra was relatively safe." Lia said as Rei nodded.

"But because of the impact launched you back, the dagger stabbed into you as you crashed into Kyra. You were barely conscious as you were already weakened from fighting ten True God Emperor. To add to that, you took the full brunt of the self-destruction of one too. Due to the dagger's unique properties, if nothing were to be done, you would have been dead forever. Father... Father split his soul into fragments to save yours. he even turned his back to Kyra even though he knew she could have killed him." Lia said as Rei gripped his hands tightly.

His father split his soul into pieces to save him? Splitting his own soul into pieces would have been very risky and the pain his father felt would have been insane. Not only that, it would lead to an incomplete reincarnation. Or worse, no reincarnating at all.

If he went that far to save him then why did he want his mother and sister's dead? It didn't make sense.

"What happened after that?" Rei asked as Lia waited for him to digest the information.

"I didn't know what went over Kyra's mind, but she immediately sought to kill father. Since I knew that if father were to stop you would die, I took the attack for him. After that, I don't know." Lia said as she shook her head.

Rei frowned as he understood what could have happened.

'The corruption I detected might be the cause...' Rei thought.

"Lia do you want to come with me?" Rei asked looking back at her.

She shook her head surprising him.

"It's not that I don't want to but rather I can't. My soul is being locked down. Since Kyra forcefully awakened my memories, my soul was weakened even further. Not only that, the ability she used to lock my soul down is an annoying one. You won't be able to remove the lock without damaging my soul further. If it does damage my soul further, I would be dead forever." Lia shook her head sadly.

Rei only smiled wearily.

"Let me examine the lock. I might be able to remove it." Rei said as Lia nodded.

Laying her body onto the bed, she closed her eyes.

Rei stood up as he walked towards her.

As if reaching out for something, a wispy figure emerged from her body. Rei frowned further when he saw how hollow the soul was including the surface damage.

Around the neck, there was a lock of sorts as Rei could see it slowly corroding the soul.

'Not only does it link closely to the soul and is hard to remove, but it also corrupts her soul slowly. This is like what happened to Kyra. Someone must have given her this lock.' Rei thought as he tapped the lock lightly. Whilst doing this, he made sure to be delicate with her soul as to not damage it further.

Lia suddenly flinched feeling the touch. Since he was touching her bare soul, it felt like he was slowly caressing her skin but with much more sensitivity.

Rei's eyes shifted as he examined the lock. Furrowing his brows, Rei began to feel worried. The lock was impossible for him to see through. Using every method he could, he still couldn't peer into the inner workings.

He couldn't destroy it either as it would harm Lia should he not separate the connection. For the first time in a while, Rei felt helpless.

'I can't see through it?! Didn't I reach Transcendent Empyrean God realm! So why can't I see through this?!' Rei thought as he could only watch as the lock corroded his little sister like what it did to Kyra.

Gritting his teeth, Rei could only choose to give up.

Gathering some energy into his hand, Rei gently placed his hand on the centre of Lia's soul.

"Ah~" Lia moaned feeling the touch.

"Bear with it for now. I'm going to nurture your soul a little." Rei said gently as his energy started to repair some of the surface damage. This was as far as he can go as any deeper into her soul would be dangerous with the lock still in place.

After a while, Rei removed his hand as her soul looked much healthier now. Ignoring the damages inside for now, Rei healed most of the light injuries.

"I'll head back now. I'll try find a way to help you as soon as possible ok?" Rei said as Lia nodded still panting slightly.

Taking a second look at her, Rei only paused slightly before leaving the castle without anyone noticing.

'System, what the hell was that lock!' Rei asked with some urgency.

[I don't know. There are clearly records in both the Akashic Records and me, but I cannot determine its origin nor what it is. There are two reasons for this. Either someone is masking the records or that it's another Akashic Record Branch holder that's interfering.]

Rei frowned seeing the message.

"Someone was in possession of the Akashic Records Branch from my past life. He/she is still alive, so before I can free both Lia and Kyra. I must find the holder." Rei thought as he clenched his fists. His killing intent surged further from just the thought of someone controlling his sister.

"The Branch is most likely the Heavenly Fate Rewrite branch." Rei muttered.

The Akashic Records - Heavenly Fate Rewrite branch, the part of the records that can change someone's record. However, without the Heavenly Fate Insight branch, the effects are much weaker.

Even so. Unless he too possesses the Heavenly Fate Rewrite branch, it would be hard to save his sisters.

"To save them, I need the entire Akashic Record." Rei muttered as his eyes narrowed.

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