The Divine Anime System

Chapter 190. Invasion

Chapter 190. Invasion

The more Rei read, the more he understood. The vastness of the higher realms and its connections to every single realm that will be created and has already created was hard to replicate, though not impossible.

'I need the system to help me scour the entire multiverse for every single realm in existence. This way I'll be able to form connections for them to ascend into the new higher realms instead of the current one.' Rei thought as he simultaneously manipulated the system and the Akashic Records to assist him in replicating the entire Realm laws for the higher realms. However, he could not just copy and paste as that would change nothing and the Forsaken Beasts would still be able to get to the new realm.

Not to mention, he also needed to split the connection of the current higher realm or else with both realms trying to drag the newly ascended cultivator into the realms will no doubt kill them.

Screens after screens of text and laws scrolled past as Rei read them all. To assist him in reading faster, he even created a skill of his eyes.

Eyes of the Seeker

You yearn for knowledge but lament the fact that you cannot read fast enough. When used to read, it can allow you to memorise everything you see even if he just scanne the text over. When used in battle, it allows you to see attacks much easier and even counter the attack. The Eyes of the Seeker is a catalyst that can be combined with multiple powers.>

Having created the Eyes of the Seeker, Rei activated it as his eyes shifted. Six golden rings appeared in his iris circling his pupil.

The scrolling text almost became still text as his perception was boosted by such an amount. Lifting his hand up, Rei could see his hand move slowly as if in slow motion.

Frowning slightly, Rei used more of his physical prowess as his body started to move 'normally' in the state. To outsiders, it was like Rei was in fast forward.

Increasing the speed of the scrolling text, Rei started to read it faster and faster.

Whilst Rei was reading the laws, the council of gods slowly came to an agreement.

"If Rei can really succeed in creating a new higher realm, the attack faction will help protect him whilst it happens."

"Same with the survival faction. We'll pull our own weight in making a new home for everyone."

Seeing both factions come to an agreement, both Ophelia and Miko smiled happily. This allowed the higher realms to have a higher chance of survival whilst they were still able to kill off the threat.

They looked at each other before nodding.

"We'll go inform Rei. We also need to make preparations as the enemy may attack whilst we create the new realms." Ophelia said as the gods nodded.

"Give us a day, we should have it done by then." One of them said.

"Got it." Ophelia replied before leaving with Miko.

When they teleported to Rei, they were surprised at the sheer speed Rei was moving his head and hands as he read the laws.

"Er is that normal?" Ophelia asked.

"I don't think so?"

Feeling their presence, Rei stopped as he deactivated the eyes.

"I'm guessing they agreed seen as though you two are so happy inside." Rei said as they nodded.

"How far are you in recreating the higher realms?" Ophelia asked.

"Haa.... I'm still reading the Realm Laws. I'd say I'm only 34% of the way done." Rei shook his head. Even at the speed he was going in, he barely read a third of the overall Realm laws.

Ophelia frowned slightly hearing the progress.

"How long do you think it'll take for you to complete the whole process?" She asked.

"After studying the laws, I'll be creating the dimension, the world and finally reapplying the laws. Not only that I'll have to sever the connection this realm has with every other realm. Or else all who ascend shall meet a quick death." Rei said with a shrug.

"And that is how long?" Miko asked.

"Give me a few hours to a day. I should have it done by the- never mind..." Rei said but suddenly pause when he felt the space elements shift.

Ophelia and Miko were confused until they looked in the same direction Rei did.


The sky split as a void tore open near the city.

'They somehow managed to bypass the city's defences.' Rei thought with a frown.


A thunderous roar was heard as the head of a giant Forsaken Beast Dragon was seen.

Ophelia and Miko paled as they felt the aura. It was most definitely at the True God Emperor Rank.

"Take the gods and try to hold off as quickly as you can! I'll make the second realm now!" Rei commanded with a serious face as his aura flared.

He needed to take care of this dragon first before it fires a shot towards the city.

A golden bow formed in his hand as Rei strung a spiral sword onto the string of the bow.

The spiral sword was initially the Caladbolg two but with Rei's interference, the sword had changed and empowered greatly.

A sword fused with the god titles of Destruction and Chaos capable of killing even the most powerful gods or so they say. But with great power comes with a greater price. Should one not be at the Peak of True God Emperor Realm, they would die with a single use of this sword.>

But due to the fact that Rei was above the True God Emperor Realm and ascended to the Transcendent Empyrean God Realm, he could use it no problem.

'Decapitate the gods with the might of heaven itself.' Rei activated the newly created noble phantasm in his mind as his aura flared visibly around him.

Both Ophelia and Miko paled as blood dripped down from their lips from just being in the presence of the bow and sword arrow.


As the arrow flew off the bow, the bow itself exploded from just having to launch the arrow itself.

As the arrow hit the dragon's head, the head exploded into particles that started to crumble. The body followed soon after as it collapsed on the ground.

"Haaa...." Rei breathed out he killed the first True God Emperor out of the multitude of Beasts around the entire city.

"What are you waiting for! Quickly go assist and evacuated the people!" Rei bellowed seeing both Ophelia and Miko frozen.

"R-right!" Ophelia stuttered as both she and Miko quickly teleported to away to assist other people.

'System! Make me the strongest skill I can use to read all the rules!' Rei thought.

Without even reading the description, Rei activated the skill as veins were pressured around his eyes. Rei gritted his teeth from the mass of information that suddenly flowed through his head as he registered everything that happened around him. His eyes became bloodshot but Rei ignored it.

Summoning up the panel, Rei started to read through the Laws at a much much faster pace than before.

Blood started to drip from the rims of his eyes as he continued to read. He had to complete the second world as soon as possible.

If not, the casualties would be huge and multiple True God Emperors ranked beasts were not something the gods can handle without him.


Vex was disturbed suddenly when he heard a booming roar.

"What the hell..." He muttered as he jumped onto the roof.

He paused seeing the huge dragon head that was about to descend near the city.

Frowning, he summoned his spear staff as he was about to attack it but stopped when he saw the head get destroyed with one arrow.

Smiling to himself, Vex knew it was Rei.

"You do you buddy. I'll help the city." He muttered before turning around.

When he ascended to god hood, he gained two titles not including the one he created. The titles were Nine Dragons Staff god and Assassin God.

He could see beasts enter the city as a lot of them were also at the True God rank.

Quickly running towards the horde, he summoned his Nine Dragon's Staff as elemental dragons coiled around the tip of the staff.

"Nine Dragons Staff - Blade Dragon Form."

The staff shifted as the silver dragon wrapped its body around the tip as the staff itself transformed into a glaive.

Activating his stealth, Vex killed the horde as a trail of silver light followed behind him.

"Quickly run to the centre of the city!" Vex shouted as he protected a family from a beast's attack.

They nodded frantically as they scrambled on their feet.

Vex suddenly frowned feeling a blast of energy shooting towards the family.

Flashing his body in front of them, he deflected the shot back to the source.

"Run! I'll cover you!" He shouted as they nodded once more.

However, no more shots were fired as Vex saw a True God walk towards him.

Vex narrowed his eyes as he was probably one of the Hive Generals that Rei was talking about.

As the general came closer, Vex saw his face and flinched slightly.

"Oh god, you are one UGLY motherfucker. Hell, I don't even think that's a face a mother will love." Vex quipped as the general narrowed his eyes.

The general fazed thought the ground as he appeared behind Vex instantly and stabbed him through the chest with his bare hands.

Feeling no resistance, the general frowned when a blade stabbed him through the chest.

"Sorry buddy, but I don't let myself be defenceless on the battlefield." Vex said as he twisted his blade.

"Nine Dragons Staff - Soul Eater Dragon Form." He muttered as the general's body crumbled.

Since he was the god of misdirection, he's also able to make the opponent mistake his position on the battlefield. When the general tried to backstab Vex, he actually teleported in front of him with his back exposed.

Flicking the blood off of his blade, Vex frowned as the beasts didn't slow down even though the general was dead.

"Come, I'll kill every single fucking one of you." Vex said as he charged into the horde.


Eve and Bai Wu had just finished their ascendance as they smiled happily.

"Hey Eve, let's go find hubby straight away." Bai Wu said excitedly as Eve nodded.

They teleported with excitement but was greeted with destruction.

Their happy mood was instantly dulled when they saw everything.

Gods were frantically flying around helping out civilians whilst beasts were trying to kill everything on sight.

"Master!" They both cried out seeing Ophelia and Miko.

"Eve, Bai Wu! Even though you girls have ascended, we've no time to congratulate you. We need to go help the people out." Ophelia said straight away as Eve nodded. Bai Wu did the same as she followed Miko.

"Miko, you take your successor to the East. I'll take the West. Rei's friend Vex is locking down the South so send him some manpower as well since he's the only True God in that direction." Ophelia said quickly as Miko nodded.

"Come on Eve." Ophelia said as armour appeared on her body.

Eve and Bai Wu turned to each other as their aura flared.

"Bankai!" Eve said as her aura expanded.

Her hair became a silver blue whilst her eyes were gold. Celestial apparel draped around her body was it made her seem ethereal. The outfit was made from a silk like material as the outfit itself was coloured a light turquoise with blue and yellow floral patterns.

She had her wire gloves as well as a translucent blade on her hip. The blade itself had no corporeal form as it could only cut energy as well as sap away at the strength of her enemies before applying it to herself.

Bai Wu said nothing as she also underwent her own transformation.

Her hair became a pink silver shade as her eyes became blood red.

She wore a mix of plated armour and light armour as it was like a battle dress. She had a silver crown with red gems, a torso plate, hip armour and armoured boots. Sleeveless qipao coloured white with the dress itself exposing one of her legs from the thigh down and black stockings with some patterns inside. She had gloves on as she held both fans in her hand.

These fans could be morphed into different weapons as they allowed for versatility.

"Y-you both reached True God Emperor rank!?" Ophelia said surprised as there were three True God Emperors now including Rei, who was actually at the Transcendent Empyrean God Rank.

"No we haven't. It's just our current form allows us to perform on the same standard for a while. We're still at the peak of True God rank." Eve and Bai Wu shook their heads.

"I suppose it should be called Pseudo God Empress Rank then." Miko smiled as she examined the two.

"Either way, this will be a huge help to the situation. Come, we got no time to waste." Ophelia said as the four of them nodded before departing in their respective directions.

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