The Divine Anime System

Chapter 195. Trial and error

Chapter 195. Trial and error

[Welcome Back]


The moment Rei read this, it was like a lock was undone as he closed his eyes.

"So it's time." Rei muttered as the War God climbed back out.

Before the War God could speak, Rei had already grabbed the War God by the face.


Smashing the War God into the ground, a crater was formed from the force.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?" Rei muttered coldly as his eyes were radiating with anger.

The War God reappeared as he punched towards Rei who blocked it easily.

Twisting the arm, Rei kicked his stomach as the force ripped the arm right out of the sockets.


Crashing through the building, Rei looked at the downed War God.

The War God dashed towards him once more not believing Rei can overpower him as he regenerated his arm.

As Rei roundhouse kicked towards the War God. He sneered as he too kicked towards Rei.


The outcome was simple as Rei's kick destroyed his entire lower body.

Regenerating quickly, the War God tried to flee.

Grabbing his legs, Rei smashed him into the ground before stabbing Kyoki through him pinning him down.

"How many times I've had to watch her die. How many times I had to try prevent this. How many times you have won. How many times I made the same mistake. How many times I will loath my choices. How many times I've tried to throw away my compassion but couldn't... How many times I have repeated history but could never win." Rei said as he summoned more swords to lock down the War God through stabbing him in the limbs.

"What are you talking about?!" The War God said as he gritted his teeth.

'These swords are a skill, why can't I cancel them out!' The War God panicked.

"In my first run, you had pinned me down without me being able to retaliate due to your cancelling ability. I watched as my two wives, my daughter and everyone I know die in front of me. My power I was so proud of became null." Rei stabbed another sword into the leg. Each sword contained a mysterious ability that stopped the War God from exerting his strength.

"The outcome was set in stone, I lost. You sneered as you lost interest in a broken man. But I was far from broken. I created and created until I finally found a way to reverse the heavenly fate. To reset history. Not making a new timeline but rather returning everything that happened back to a point that was already recorded in the Akashic Records. I made sure to mask the change completely after much trial and error. When I prayed hard that it would work, I found myself back in time without you knowing anything."

"The second run I tried to change the outcome before it could ever happen. But as fate would have it, it was ended before we could even meet."

"The third run I followed the path. At the crucial moment, I killed my sister. Yet you still won."

"The fourth run I tried to kill you the moment I sensed you in the city but without a way to counter your cancelling ability I still lost."

"In the fifth run I wanted to avoid this as much as I could. I tried to escape my fate but still failed. I watched her die once more."

"The sixth run, I tried to distance myself and not involve her. But in the end, Kyra still killed her."

"In my seventh run I tried to kill you before mother died. But yet you were still there with your love for war and violence. I was once again helpless. But this time, you not only killed mother but everyone else in the most brutal manner in front of me."

"In my eighth run...."

"Ninth run...."

"Forty fifth run..."

"It was during my hundredth run did I discover what was wrong. You being so closely linked to the Akashic Records means cancelling out any ability that was recorded in the Akashic Records. You could stop everything going towards you." Rei said as he glared at the War God.

"With that in mind, I used the runs after to develop a way to counter you. Two hundred runs yet still no solution. I was always so close yet so far."

"My mother had realised something was wrong during my three hundredth and tenth run. We developed the System during this run. Something connected to the Akashic Records yet aimed to be separate. It was far from perfect. But it was a start to fight against you." Rei smiled at the memory.

"It took me three hundred odd attempts to realise your background. Mother's background. From the Akashic Records, it developed sentience. One looked for meaning in life. The other, looked for meaning in death. Due to this connection, you were able to corrupt mother. Corrupt sister. And yet mother used everything in her power to prevent me from being corrupted rather than herself."

"How would you defeat the Akashic Records? The records which contain everything that exists in the world?" Rei asked rhetorically. The War God couldn't do anything as he couldn't use the records at all. He couldn't cancel the skills nor could he use them.

"Taking from the experience in my previous attempts, I slowly created the system it was now. Little by little, it improved with each attempt. When the system becomes perfect, it will replace the Akashic Records allowing me to destroy the original records. Destroying you and destroy mother." Rei said sadly.

"When I finally perfected the System, I worked to find way to defeat you. But fifty runs in and I still couldn't defeat you. I was frustrated. Confused as to why the System still failed." Rei said shaking his head.

"Because you had always played me in your palm. What I knew, you knew as well. Therefore, the solution was for me not to know. I sealed everything I knew until the point of death where father would save me. In this, I release the System into the world. Making a few fail safes should I lose once more, I tempted fate with the system but no knowledge."

"I still lost."

"Trial after trial, I etched out all of the variables that affect the outcome. This is the run I had most hopes with. The system was complete, the memory was sealed and masked. I implanted a fragment of myself in a certain world to give myself an extra boost so I can reach my potential faster as well as develop everything in time."

"And now here I am." Rei said as he could feel the panic from the War God.

Everything he had done, everything he had prepared for was to make the War God helpless during this moment.

Taking out a portion of his mother's soul, Rei looked at it in sadness as his finger tapped the soul. Her figure became visible as she opened her eyes.

-Rei...- Her soul muttered as Rei gave her the memories.

"Mother." Rei said imprinting her image into his mind as vivid as possible.

She smiled lovingly as she nodded. She too knew this was needed.

-Take care son...- She said closing her eyes.

Rei reached out as he silenced the War God. His soul tried to struggle but it was futile as Rei's eyes shifted.

[Inherited Right eye of the heavenly fate insight.]

[Inherited Left eye of the heavenly fate rewrite.]

[Akashic Records Heavenly Fate Insight Branch + Akashic Records Heavenly Fate Rewrite Branch + Akashic Records Skill Branch + Akashic Records Knowledge Branch + Akashic Records Sentient Soul - Life + Akashic Records Sentient Soul - Death = Akashic Records.]

[Akashic Records-

The original book that contains everything that would happen or ever happen in existence. With only half the sentient soul, one can only use 50% of the capabilities. With both souls, the Records are yours to handle but you still cannot control the records.]

A book formed in his hands as the words etched onto the cover showed Akashic Records.

"Goodbye mother." Rei said as the book lit up.

[Activating Protocol - New Age]

[Taking over the role of the Akashic Records 100%]

[Integration Complete]

[Post war actions commencing.]

Rei let the system do its thing as he watched the fires burn away the book.

"Would you like to join her father?" Rei asked suddenly as a figure formed beside him.

"Father, I would like to ask before you go. Why did you turn towards Kyra as well?" Rei asked.

"Because I would rather it be me who takes the burden of killing her for good rather than you. Her records are now permanent and conjoined with the Akashic Records much like your mother. If she lives so does your mother and the Death soul." His father said as Rei nodded.

"Just wanted to make sure." Rei said sadly. Kyra far too corrupted for him to save her. If she lives so will the War God. Given time, the War God could adapt and evolve and when that happens, he would be helpless.

Scattering into particles, Rei watched as his father's soul disappeared from the world to join his mother.

"How is your lock Lia?" Rei asked turning to Lia.

"It's gone." Lia said as Rei nodded. He could only save Lia as she wasn't conjoined to the Records like Kyra was.

"Was what you said true?" She asked hearing about how many times he had to go through the situation.

"It doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that it's over." Rei shook his head. He felt tired from having experienced the same situation over and over again.

Having seen Kyra's death several hundred times on top of everyone's death made him a little numb to it. But the relief of being freed from this fate made him forget about this.

"So it's just me and you left in this family." Lia said as Rei shook his head.

"If we lose family, then we find others to help feel that void." Rei said as he flew towards the main battlefield.

Without the influence of the War God, the realms slowly fixed itself as Rei reappeared on the battlefield.

The people were being returned back to their time as Rei wiped their memories to ensure their timeline and fate had no diversions.

Landing softly, Rei appeared next to Eve and Bai Wu.

"Rei." They both called out as Rei smiled.

They paused seeing Lia land behind her.

"This is Lia. My sister from my past life." Rei said as they nodded. At this point, anything weird that could happen would be normal.

"Is the War God dealt with?" Eve asked as Rei nodded.

"Everything is over now." Rei smiled feeling the most amount of relief in his entire existence.

"I guess we're heading back as well." Yaiba said walking up to them along with Tatsuya and the rest.

"I would ask if you guys want to stay here but you have family back in your world." Rei smiled as they nodded.

Giving them a small wave, Rei sent them off.

Turning over to Tang San and Xiao Wu, Rei smiled at them.

"When you and everyone else reach titled douluo, tell Xiao Wu to give me a message using the seal. I'll bring you guys to this realm if you wish." Rei said as they nodded.

"When the time comes, I'll be sure to notify master." Tang San bowed slightly.

Xiao Wu hugged both Rei and Bai Wu before she stared at Lia and Fey.

"Dad, are they going to be my step mums?" She asked looking at him.

Rei - "No."

Eve - "Yes."

Bai Wu - "Yes."

Fey - "Yes."

Lia - "Yes."

Rei - "...."

'Isn't the female supposed to be the one rejecting?'

"Hm, just don't forget about me or mum ok dad?" Xiao Wu said staring him in the eye.

"Of course. After all you are my first child." Rei smiled lovingly.

Seeing the douluo dalu world group off, Rei saw who was left. It was only the Boku no hero crew left.

"Mum." Rei said as Yumi walked closer.

"Do you want to stay in the higher realms with me and my family?" Rei asked as she shook her head.

"As much as I want to, I a mortal shouldn't be here in the higher realms. Just visit from time to time ok?" She smiled as Rei nodded.

Sending them off, Rei sighed slightly as he came to a lost at what he should do next. His life goal was to kill the War God and replace the Akashic Records. Now that he completed it, what next?

"Feeling a little lost?" Lucifer said as Rei turned over and nodded.

"A little." He admitted.

"Well don't be. You need to stabilise the higher realms and you owe Eve a kid." Lucifer smiled.

"Ah yes. I did promise her, didn't I?" Rei muttered as Lucifer shrugged before re-entering his body.

Turning over to the girls, he saw that they were huddled up together.

"What are you all talking about?" Rei asked walking closer.

"The rankings." Eve said as they nodded.

"I'm first wife, Bai Wu is second. Fey is third and Lia is fourth." Eve said pointing in order.

"...You know what? Sure go for it. I'll go repair the higher realms first." Rei said shaking his head with a smile.

"Ah but don't go too crazy ok? Don't start pulling every girl you see. I was content with just you and Bai Wu." Rei reminded them as they nodded.

"Got it. Take care Rei." Eve said as they gave him a light wave.

Flying into the sky, Rei looked at the destruction around the realms and shook his head.

"System. Help me integrate some new features." Rei said as a panel appeared.

[Would you like me to apply the features from certain worlds for entertainment?]


[Dungeon Conquest Feature added.]

[Dungeon Creation Feature added.]

[.... Feature added]

[Feature added]

[Feature added]


[Integration of the Utopia protocol complete.]

Rei smiled as he looked around. The city was nothing like it was before. High towers and repaired buildings. People were surprised at the change but welcomed it. When they saw Rei creating more buildings, they knew it was him who did all this.

"Ah right. System, create more system branches and scatter them out into the world. Let more people ascend and experience having the system." Rei said as he looked at the panels.

[Distributing systems into the lower world...]

[The Strongest System]

[The doctor system]

[The book travel system]

[The lucky system]

[The ultimate scheming system]




-A few years later-

"Hey sis, the new mansion has just been finished next to ours. I think the family that's moving in will be giving us a visit." Rei Todoroki said looking at the letter.

"Hm? Do they say when they'll be visiting?" Yumi asked.

"They said sometime today." She replied showing her the letter.

*Bing~ Bing~

The doorbell rang out as Yumi walked over and over the door.

"Grandma!" five kids shouted out as they hugged Yumi.

"Huh?" Yumi was surprised. She didn't have any grandkids except for Xiao Wu unless...

"Hey mum."


-Author's notes because it was too long to fit in the actual thing-

And finished. Damn never thought I would actually finish my story not going to lie. Writing something totalling up to 195 chapters was not something I believed I could have done. With 4.5 million views and roughly a 372 thousand word count. This is the end of my first book. After stories will come depending on what suggestions I get.

But all in all, I say this was a pretty good success from a noob author. I still can't believe I've failed my English tests yet write this story. In your face English teacher. You can compensate for grammer but not creativity.

But this story is definitely far from perfect. I've made bad choices, rushed parts but that's all part of the learning experience. Trial and error much like this chap's title. Like Rei who had to trial and error through his life to gain his victory, this book was a trial and error to see how I can write certain situations.

As for my next book, I think I'm going to take a short break first. Get ideas generated and new worlds created. Maybe in the same universe as this book maybe not. But as a final word of thanks.

Thank you for reading my book.

Reili out.

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