The Divine Anime System

Chapter 5. Awakening part 2

Chapter 5. Awakening part 2

Toshinori or All Might was walking around with his one of his teachers Grand Torino/Sorahiko after his fight with All for One. He needed to find a successor as his powers were weakening. Absent minded, All Might walked around looking at the people passing him.

"OI TOSHINORI!" Gran Torino shouted while he punched All Might on the head. "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!!"

"Ahh, sorry sensei I got distracted for a moment." All Might replied while rubbing the spot where he got punched.

"Hmph, it good that your distracted. You need to take your mind off finding your successor for a bit and relax." Gran Torino said while he looked at All Might from the corner of his eye.

"Now then Toshinori....."


All Might swallowed hard as he saw his teacher build up pressure. The silence was suffocating, they stared at each other until.

"Ah. I Forgot to buy Taiyaki." Gran Torino said while he hit his hand onto his palm.

The fuck sensei? All might thought in his head, which he will never say out loud unless he wanted to be half killed by his teacher. He isn't a masochist to bring hell to himself.

While they went to buy Taiyaki they were startled when a pillar of fire in the distence shot up towards the sky. All Might were shocked as he couldn't think who could produce this much fire. Even Endeaver could only manage half of that in one go. A slient conversation took place as All Might and Gran Torino looked at each other. They took advantage of the current distraction to quickly blast off into the air. All Might had quickly activated his muscle form in which he flinched as his wound on his stomach started to open. He had to limit him self unless he wanted to lose his powers even faster.

Half way there a psychotic laughter rang out as they saw the fire bare a conscience. Seeing the destruction spreading in the epicentre Gran Torino decided to push himself further as he could see a nun and some children close to the source. Nodding at each other, All Might took hold of the children while Gran Torino took the nun and another child in her arms.

Landing further away, they saw a Colossal Ice dragon and a cyclone of swords appear in the same area with roughly the same scale of power.

"Please help him! Rei-chan's not himself, he's not in control. I don't know why but he has three quirks that just awakened and is killing him!" The nun begged in tears while in Gran Torino's arms.

Gran Torino's thoughts where in panic as his knew what the information of 3 quirks ment. Quickly looking over he could be All Mights face darker than the void seething in rage as he quickly set the children down.


Cut off by the blast of wind in his face he saw All might dashing to the source.

"SHIT" he though while quickly following after him.

"ALL FOR ONE!!!!!" All Might shouted with all that he could muster. Before he saw the source of it. Crying out in pain, he saw a young boy with the features delicate like a females, white hair and red eyes, black markings ran across his body paired with neon blue circuit like lines, inferno claws and icicles that protruded from his body. Suddenly the fire demon spoke.

"Oya~ the boy's still awake such a shame I couldn't wait to devour his body, but it's fine I can still control a part of him."

All Might stood in a daze as he saw the twisted face of the fire demon, it's echoing voice and blood thirsty smile brought fear which originated from his soul.


"FIRE DEMONS BLISTERING CLAW!" A massive fire claw shot towards him as where ever it passed every thing melted. All Might's pupil shrank quickly as it was about to hit him.Tackled put the way by Gran Torino, All might managed to survive. Looking at the Evaporated claw marks in the skyscraper he knew that if Gran Torino didn't save him he would have died.

"Houly shiet" All Might whispered in his bad English accent, sweat dripping from his face.

"SNAP OUT OF IT TOSHINORI AND FOCUS OR YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!" Gran Torino shouted getting into a defensive stance.

"Hou hou~ another maggot's joined the party well let fry you both. FIRE DEMONS G---

"FLASH FREEZE!" The Ice dragon shouted in his majestic voice as a torrent of ice shot towards the demon freezing every thing in his way. As the colossal titans fought All Might Watched in fear as he knew even in his top shape he wouldn't be able to beat them. Buy time maybe at the cost of his life but nothing more. He didn't even know such a quirk can exist and the source is only four, FOUR! years in age. Imagine what would happen when he gains full control of such power.

The titans fought while throwing their extreme elements towards each other. They didn't notice the boy has stopped screaming as he looked with his cold dead eyes in a daze.

Curiosity plagued All Might as he wonder why the boy was in a daze. Until the illusory figure of a tanned man with white hair and a outfit of red and black with white highlights.The figure opened his mouth while the boy copied. A faint voice echoed with a deep rumble across the battle field, as a youthful voice copied.

>I am the bone of my sword

"I am the bone of my sword"

The neon blue lines hummed to life.

>Steel is my body and fire is my blood

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood"

The wind started to rotate around him.

>Unknown to life

"Unknown to life"

Sparks of blue flame ignited in a circle around his body.

>Nor known to death

"Nor known to death"

The blue fire danced in a circle as if protecting the boy.

>Have withstood pain to create many weapons

" Have withstood pain to create many weapons"

This aura and pressure crushed the battlefield halting the titans in their fight as they watched the boy.

>Yet those hands will never hold anything

"Yet those hands will never hold anything"

"Oh shit!" The demon had lost the playfulness in his voice as he rushed to stop the incantation. Seeing this the ice dragon knew that this could potentially keep his host alive thus charged to protect. "HALT FOUL DEMON!!"

>So as I pray.....

"So as i pray....."

The demon panicked as he saw the boys aura reach a peak. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!! FIRE DEMONS MAJESTIC PURGATORY!!" He shouted in a rush unleashing a flood of hell in attempt to kill the dragon to reach the boy. In retaliation the Ice dragon cried out in authority. "ICE SHIELD MATRIX!!!"


Time seemed none-existent as the sound muted. It was only at the clanking of gears that All Might and Gran Torino snapped out of their daze from watching the titans fight.

Eyes wide Gran Torino asked,

"Toshinori.....where are we?"

"I don't know sensei." All Might said while looking around him seeing a infinite expanse of swords each feeling more dangerous than the last.

They observation was cut short when they saw the boy suddenly subduing the demon.

>" Trace on - Seal of Solomon "

A golden ring appeared and suddenly constricted around the demon.

His fiery skin burned and smoked as the ring shrank smaller and smaller. Trying to resist he could only cry out in pain.


>" HMPH, demon don't try. The seal of Solomon is a ring owned by king Solomon that and bind, banish and seal all demons. Your attempts are foolish. Do not resist and let your self be sealed till the time of need."

Eyes bloodshot the demon looked into the cold soulless eyes of the boy.

"Fine ill go, but remember ill be back."His smile reaching from one end of the face to the other. Keeping eye contact even when golden chains spawned from below and dragged him down a shadow like portal. Tension stayed until the demon was completely out of sight. Only then did the boy breath heavily. Seeing this the ice dragon determined that his job was done and thus it bowed his head. "Host of mine I shall enter a deep slumber till the fire demon escapes his binding and lend you my aid. You will be able to harness my powers with practice and thus I bid thee farewell." Nodding slightly in acknowledgement the boy watched as the dragon faded out of sight turning his head to the teointruders the illusory figure spoke. "Oi you two, I have a troublesome host and I can't do much without him getting him killed for his overuse in power. So I want you to help him out. And don't refuse because well...I'll kill you before he dies." The figure spoke with a cynical smile with an array of sword pointing at the duo.

Nodding weakly, the duo looked at the man fading while keeping his eye on them.

Blinking they realised they where back in the real world surrounded by the masses in a circle as All Might Quickly grabbed the boy before he fell. Looking at each other, All might took the boy to hospital while Gran Torino followed.

Laying his battered body onto the hospital bed, All Might looked at Gran Torino before saying.

"So what shall we do now sensei........."

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