The Divine Anime System

Chapter 78. Diane

Chapter 78. Diane

Rei woke up early in the morning as usual.

"Fuck..." Rei said as he had a huge head ache from last night. He could only shake his head as he walked down to make him self some soup to clear his a little. The sent of him making food woke up the rest of the guys as they walked down stairs.

"Morning." Rei said as he had some of his soup.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Rei asked as they sat down.

"The usual." Both Meliodas and Hawk said.

"Same as Meliodas sama." Elizabeth said.

Rei nodded as he brought out a pan and started to make three portions of an omelette breakfast.

"So dad how far away are we from Diane nee san?" Rei asked as he finished the dish and took his apron off.

"Oh we'll be there in a few hours." Meliodas said taking a bit from the omelette.

"Got it, just leave the dishes in the sink I'll clean them up after my morning routine." Rei said as he walked out.

Rei then applied restraining seals on his body as he started to do body training under heavy pressure. It took Rei a full hour as he had finished his routine causing his body to ache but his regeneration healed it up quickly.

Rei could see a huge gathering of mist off into the distance as he knew that was where they were going.

Walking back in, Rei started to clean up dishes.

"So can you tell me a little about Diane?" Elizabeth asked sitting on the counter while she watched Rei clean the dishes.

"Well, you she is from the giant clan. She doesn't like fighting too much and is very caring to friends and family. She is also like my big sister in the group." Rei said with a smile as he finished washing up the dishes.

"I see, you sound like you see everyone in the sins as family." Elizabeth said as her gaze followed Rei.

"I don't see them as my family. They are my family. Meliodas is my dad, Merlin is like a mother to me and everyone else is like my siblings that look after me. If it wasn't for Dad picking me up, I won't ever experience the feeling of having a real family." Rei said as he smiled in nostalgia as he hadn't seen them in 12 years.

"Then you must be excited to see them again then." Elizabeth smiled seeing Rei's care for the 7 sins.

"Of course. If I could I would want to teleport Hawk mama to the locations but my mana won't allow for it." Rei said as he shrugged, he then went to find Meliodas for more spars as they waited for Hawk mama to arrive at the forest white dreams.

Hawk mama came to a stop as she reached the destination. Digging a hole in the earth, Hawk mama rested once more.

"Oh yeah dad, let me deal with the illusions ok?" Rei asked as he, Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk walked near the forest entrance. Rei carried a huge bag easily as it held the ingredients to make a meal when Diane wakes up.

"Sure go for it." Meliodas said as Rei would be more efficient in dispelling the illusions.

Hearing Meliodas' approval, Rei crafted a seal in each hand as he passed the seals to each of them.

"This is the clear mind seal that can dispel any low tier and some mid tier illusions." Rei said as he put a seal onto himself.

Soon they could see prankster imps trying to use illusions but failed. Rei sent a small zap of lightning causing them to run away frantically.

"Tada~ See any low tier illusions are dispelled." Rei said with a grin as he turned to the group.

"Amazing." Elizabeth said with an amazed expression.

"All right Rei we got it. Now we need to hurry to find Diane." Meliodas said with a straight face.

"Che party pooper." Rei said as he continued to walk.

It wasn't long until they saw a sleeping Diane.

"Hou~ Diane nee san hasn't changed a bit." Rei said looking at Diane.

"Giant's age slower after all." Meliodas said as he sat down.

Rei put down his bag as he started to bring out different equipment for cooking. He suddenly brought up a log of wood blocking a lightning strike as he used it to light up the fire.

"Dad deal with Gil chan, I'm cooking right now." Rei said without even looking at Gilthunder.

"Sure just make sure to make me a portion too." Meliodas said jumping off the rock.

"No problem." Rei said as he finished setting up and started to cook.

Every so often there would be a flash of lightning coming towards Rei. Rei would bring up a tool which got heated and helped him cook.

"Thanks, needed that." Rei would call out everytime it happened making Gilthunder's frown twitch.

And every time lightning went to Elizabeth, Rei would throw a knife or fork making the lightning bend.

Soon, an intoxicating aroma filled the area as Rei finished the dish. Placing it in front of Diane, Rei waited for her to wake up.

Her eyelids fluttered open as she saw Rei sitting there looking at her with food ready.

"Rei chan?....." She muttered unsure.

"Hey Diane nee san, long time no see." Rei smiled. Diane quickly grabbed Rei and huggedhim by her cheeks.

"Hahaha Rei chan!! You're safe! Why did it take so long for you to visit." She said with a smile.

"Hahaha Diane nee san we can talk later but dad is fighting Gil chan over there. Shall we send him back so that we can catch up?" Rei said pointing at Gilthunder."

Diane nodded as she stood up and kicked Gilthunder causing him to be launched away.

"....." Rei sweat dropped at this as he didn't think Diane would do it like this.

"Diane nee san, I've made some food so you should eat up before it gets cold." Rei said smiling.

Diane sat down with Rei as she started to eat.

"DELICIOUS!!! Rei chan I didn't think you were this good at cooking!!!" She praised as she ate the food.

Rei chuckled.

"Thanks Diane nee san, me and dad had been running a tavern these few years and I improved in my cooking to make more money." Rei said as Meliodas came over.

"Captain!" Diane shouted as she hugged Meliodas too.

Rei sat down on a rock as he watched Meliodas introduce Elizabeth to Diane causing her to frown in jealousy before ignoring her and continued to eat.

Once she had finished, Rei started to use magic to clean up the dishes.

"Rei!" Meliodas called out.

"Yeah what's up dad." Rei said turning around.

"I managed to get the location of Ban and King from Gilthunder before he was kicked away." Meliodas said causing Diane to giggle at the thought.

"Hou~ so where is Ban nii san and King?" Rei asked.

"Ban is in Baste prison so we'll get him first." Meliodas said.

"Hey Rei chan, are you going to nibble on your Ban nii chans neck?? Hahahahaha!" Diane teased Rei as she laughed.

This caused Rei to have a slight twitch in his smile as he flipped Diane off with a middle finger.

"I'm 16 and you want me to nibble on Ban nii sans neck?! Are you serious." Rei said while he packed up the tools.

"Che, Rei chan isn't as cute as he was when he was a kid." Diane said as she stood up.

"Of course not. Yours truly here is now handsome." Rei said.

"More like beautiful and feminine." Meliodas chipped in with a grin.

"Shut it dad." Rei said carrying the bag in his back.

The group walked back to Hawk mama as they prepared for Baste prison.

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